wdw bus transportation


Earning My Ears
Mar 31, 2001
We just returned from WDW on March 27. On Sunday,March 25 and Monday, March 26 the new bus on demand schedule began. It was a disaster!!! We were at PO-Riverside and waited for 1 hour for a bus to MK. We had ressies at Crystal Palace for character breaskfast. Others waited 2 hours and longer. The Palm Pilots were not working in the main computer. At one point there were over 150 of us waiting. Bus trans. even took the radios away from the drivers. Even the people riding around in the trans. vans couldn't get the busses to us. Monday was only slightly better, still huge crowds and long waits. WDW had bus people at each resort Mon. evening and there were many complaints!! On Tues. they were back to the old schedule. Bus trans. did say that the long range plan is to have computer terminals at each bus stop. Guests would swipe their card and put in destination and number of people and you would get a printout of bus number and time of arrival. :(
This is grim.

Was this just one day in the life of initiating a new system?

Anyone gone after that or had a similar expirience or was it only that day?

the whole system was a disaster....the transportation was horrible....by the 29th it was back to the old way.....pretty consistant with the busses :D

I'm beginning to think it was a good thing to reshedule my trip to August instead of May. This way they can work out all the bugs before I get down there.

TTFN-Ta TA For Now

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