Warning: Castaway Cay Stingray Experience, skin ripped off

I took it as a public service announcement. I appreciate it. I'd hate for my child to lose skin or a finger.

Yea, really.......good gracious does everyone have to have a 'motive' these days to post helpful information? I'm glad the OP took the time to post this!
Who cares? If it's a warning (which I believe it is), great. If it's a complaint and you don't like it, don't read it. I am grateful for the PSA.

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Ooh, there goes that idea of doing the stingray encounter. I think I'll be sitting on the beach instead with a drink in my hand.
This is one of the activities that my kids are looking forward to the most on our upcoming cruise!

Thanks so much for posting about this! I will now be sure to have a safety conversation with my kids, be prepared with my own first aid stuff, and be fully informed as we participate in the excursion.

Thankfully your injury (and the others people have posted about) sounds very mild and no big deal! I'm sure it will not deter my kiddos, lol!
Too many times I've heard people complain that they didn't get compensated because of "x". All I want to know is that was your post a Warning or a Complaint?

Can't it be both and still be ok? Personally I appreciate the knowledge (aka warning) so if any member of my group should decide to do this we can be better informed. Thank you OP for the warning. We would probably still opt to do this and be less likely to become injured because of your warning.

Now because I'm a human being I can also sympathize with the OP. I have not had this happen to me, but I imagine is it shocking when it does happen. I also imagine not being provided what they feel was proper and immediate aid for an injury caused on a Disney sponsored excursion is frustrating. Doesn't mean the OP felt Disney lied to them or intentionally sent them into the water to be harmed. I feel like the OP is simply frustrated by how the ordeal was handled and maybe a simple we're sorry and we are aware this can be something that does happen during this excursion, therefore we are doing x,y and z to make people more aware and prevent others from being injured from Disney probably would have went a long way with the OP. I really didn't get the feeling the OP was seeking compensation for the injury vs. a simple acknowledgment from Disney that there is an issue. Which has led us full circle back to the OP giving a warning with a little bit of owed complaining.

Sorry this happened OP. As someone who works in the animal field any interaction with any animal wild or "domesticated" can cause injury and you should always do your own research to ensure you make yourself aware of any problems associated with the known animals in the excursion beforehand. Most people like myself would do it anyway but with more knowledge due to my own personal research and from reading warnings from people such as the OP. So once again thank you. I'm sorry it wasn't the fun experience it was meant to be.
If this happened to me, someone who DOES follow directions, how about a child.......a child is less likely to follow directions than an adult?

I appreciate your post. I seriously don't understand why threads get so nasty and lecture-y all the time around here now. It's so sad.

Anyway, I was actually talking my family into doing the stingray excursion for our upcoming trip and I will give them a "disclaimer" before we finalize our plans.

Had no idea that getting hurt was EVEN a possibility. Thanks.
Thanks for the warning. Was it able to be handled with just a band aid. While painful and uncomfortable, it doesn't seem too bad. But, I am an active person that has been banged myself up a numerous amount of times. I understand that everyone doesn't see it that way though.

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I do recall when we fed them that it hurt a little bit if you didn't hold the food just right. With the larger pieces it was much easier to stick up through the fingers and then keep your hand flat to avoid the suction.

At any rate, I wouldn't discourage anyone from doing this. Yes accidents can happen but that's true about most anything and certainly they are not a common thing. You can fall when riding a bike, yet people still bike on CC. You can step on a sharp rock/shell walking into the water and cut your foot, but people still go into the water at CC.

Thanks for sharing your experience and sorry it happened to you.

Anyone care to comment if the excursion is worth it if you skip the feeding part?
Thank you for posting this information. Someone else posted this same thing a few months ago, I think it happened to their child. Those folks were upset because the CM acted shocked like it NEVER happens. Well, it obviously does happen, and I appreciate you posting your experience. Sorry it happened.
Anyone care to comment if the excursion is worth it if you skip the feeding part?

I was the only one out of our group that got a "bite". No blood, just a little scare and and pinchy moment. My DD and DS were 13 and 11 at the time. I don't think I would encourage younger ones (my DS 3 was at the club), and I really enjoyed the snorkeling afterward. If you realize it is not a truly controlled environment, but for the most part you are safe, you will be good:) We are people in their sea, and sometimes things happen but they are minor. But they do happen unfortunately:( I am happy I did it, but I probably wouldn't feed again.
We did this excursion a couple of years ago and my dd was 6 at the time and my ds was 9 and they both fed them and really enjoyed it with no incident. But I on the other hand wasn't paying attention one of the times and stuck one of my fingers up too soon and I got my middle finger chomped on. It felt like being bit by a baby with no teeth. It wasn't sharp at all it left my finger a little bruised. I didn't say anything when it happened because I didn't want to freak my kids out and because they were having a good time. I also felt kind of stupid myself for not paying attention it was truly my fault not the animals. So as long as you pay attention and follow directions you will be fine.
We did this excursion a couple of years ago and my dd was 6 at the time and my ds was 9 and they both fed them and really enjoyed it with no incident. But I on the other hand wasn't paying attention one of the times and stuck one of my fingers up too soon and I got my middle finger chomped on. It felt like being bit by a baby with no teeth. It wasn't sharp at all it left my finger a little bruised. I didn't say anything when it happened because I didn't want to freak my kids out and because they were having a good time. I also felt kind of stupid myself for not paying attention it was truly my fault not the animals. So as long as you pay attention and follow directions you will be fine.


thanks OP for the heads up...if we do this we will for sure stay alert and pay very close attention....would have not thought about that if you did not post the warning.
Last time I did the excursion, me & DD14 & DD15. Our feeding started with a lady screaming, but no injury. Sadly I don't think she understood the instruction because I only heard her speaking french. So the DD14 didn't do the feeding after that. We all had fun snorkling with them. We had better luck find the rays in the deeper water.
I think your warning is a good reminder that, when we plan to do these wildlife encounters, we are still dealing with wild animals. It can be thrilling to be in the water with dolphins, feed stingrays, or observe bears in the wild... but these animals are not domesticated nor domesticable, for the most part. It's important that we use common sense and consider the situations we put ourselves in, respective to the animals.
I took it as a public service announcement. I appreciate it. I'd hate for my child to lose skin or a finger.[/QUOTE

Sometimes people attempt to turn info that is shared around and make it something it isn't . Thank you for understanding why the post is here. :hug:

as a mother of 3 small children, I greatly appreciate you sharing your experience. I hope you feel better!!!:flower3:
My DD10 and DH did this in Jan 2010. DD got a bite no blood, DH got his finger sucked into the stingray's mouth and it drew blood. They both said despite this they would do the encounter again.
OP- i am sorry to hear this happened to you. But i think it is a shame that so many people are now reconsidering their excursion and thinking about skipping what is a GREAT experience. My DH, DS7, and I did this excursion (I actually did this one prior time too) and we had no problems, nor did anyone else who was with us. In fact, of all the people i have known, I have never heard of anything like this happening before. If you are interested in doing this excursion- I still HIGHLY recommend it. Thousands and thousands of people do this every year and there are only a few fluke injuries- i dont think it is enough to avoid this excursion!!


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