waitlist for Jan 2 &3 came through


DIS cast member/DIS vet/DVC member
May 15, 2001
got studio to addon jan 2&3 at BWV already have 1 room, needed 2 nights added to 2nd room so happy
Got our upgrade from 1b to 2b at OKW from 12-26 thru 12-30. They called me this morning :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Great for both of you, I have never not had a wait list come through, even durning the holiday time periods.
Mary Anne said:
Great for both of you, I have never not had a wait list come through, even durning the holiday time periods.

Yeah, we are waiting for a GV at OKW for the 17th. Hopefully, there are more families falling out of favor with each other over Thanksgiving and are going to cancel too. Just kidding... maybe.... :D
That's great! Our waitlist from SSR over to VWL came through for Jan. 4 - 8th. Waitlists are a GOOD thing! :cool1:

The waitlist is Great!! Mine came through too! We added Dec. 31st at SSR studio, so we wont have to be on the road that night. Batting 1000 with the waitlist!
Let me just say that now I am so incredibly happy! Last week DH asked if we could switch from VWL to BWV because he has yet to stay there (I stayed there with Mom last year). Well, I called last week and we were put on waitlist. I just called today (this thread reminded me of it) to see if it came through yet and IT DID! That is the second waitlist that came through for this trip!!!

We now have a preferred view studio at the BWV! He's going to be so excited! I can't wait to tell him! :cheer2:
You're giving me hope! I'm on the waitlist for BCV for Martin L King weekend. We're booked at OKW but find ourselves longing for a little bit of Beach Club. :boat:
wendydarling826 said:
You're giving me hope! I'm on the waitlist for BCV for Martin L King weekend. We're booked at OKW but find ourselves longing for a little bit of Beach Club. :boat:
I hope it comes through for you!!!

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