VWL for Thanksgiving? on BWV points?


DIS Veteran
Aug 23, 1999
Just wondering if anyone has an idea of how full VWL is for this Thanksgiving (2002)....

Full story...
We have ressies for May at BWV that I'm going to cancel....48 BWV points. I have to use those points in my 2002 use year (I think) because these points were banked from 2001. We have ressies at BWV for Nov. 30-Dec. 7in a 2br with my parents.....and now I think I'd like to spend Thanksgiving and the next night at VWL before my parents arrive. The studio would be 46 points. I have VWL points I could use, but I'd have to borrow some and I'd still be left with the 48 BWV points.

Any thoughts? What would you do?
You are correct - the points that were banked from your 2001 use year must be used by the end of your 2002 use year.

I'd book the dates at BWV right now (assuming there is space available) to be sure of having a place to stay. Since the 7 month window isn't open yet, you should have a good chance of getting the nights you need. Use the waitlist if necessary.

Then at 7 months, I'd try to switch to the VWL, again using the waitlist if necessary.

You might also consider using those points in one of the non-DVC resort hotels. Even though many consider this use of points to be less than the best value, it sure beats losing them altogether. Any WDW resort you've always wanted to try? If you decide to do this, be sure to do it at least 61 days before the end of your use year.

You might also look into using the points at one of the concierge collection hotels.

Renting the points is also an option.

Good luck!
I booked VWL using OKW points at 7 months for Thanksgiving 2001 - no problem getting what I wanted at all.

This year we're booked at OKW, but will switch to VWL at the 7 month point. This is the one time of year I'll stay at VWL, because the holiday decor is pretty, and it's a short stay (2-3 nights) so I don't mind being at that location briefly.
Wow...I hadn't even thought of the holiday decorations or maybe using the points at a hotel.

I had originally wondered if they could free up current points by applying the banked points to my Dec. ressie...then I could bank the current points? I don't know if they can juggle the points that way or not.

I looked at the points for a hotel night and they really are a bit too high....I'd rather pay cash at a hotel and use my points at a DVC resort. After juggling the points my dh and I decided to use our VWL points at VWL for the first 2 nights because we love it there so much and it would be a great place to spend Thanksgiving and use the extra BWV points at BWV at the end of our stay....so we'll have 2 nights in a studio at VWL with just us and the kids, 7 nights in a preferred 2br at BWV with my parents, and then 2 more nights in a standard (hopefully...) 1br at BWV after my parents leave...I'm going to try to get 4123 again, I think! We'll be room hopping for our 4th trip in a row....but at least we've got 7 days straight in one place this time!

I realize that I may have to waitlist for a standard view at this point (and possibly for Thanksgiving)...but we still have the alternative of another DVC resort at 7 mo or going with a Disney hotel last minute...this trip falls more than 60 days from the end of our use year.

Ok, better get on the phone with MS! I hope their computer problems are worked out!
Not sure if this helps, but MS can 'reallocate' points in order to use previously banked/borrowed points and free up current use year points
Here's our scenario - we had a 2 bedroom and a studio reserved for a week last November. We cancelled the studio with the intention of banking those points. Unfortunately some of those points were ones we had banked from the previous year. Since we couldn't bank them again, the CM at MS simply 'reallocated' those points into the 2 bedroom reservation. Thus freeing up current year points which we could then bank into next year. Hope that made sense.

Also, we're waitlisted for a standard view 2 bedroom at Boardwalk for Nov. 27th and 28th. Mid-way thru booking the following week (at the 11 month mark) we decided to add on those nights but weren't able to get the std view. Not sure about the availability of preferred view rooms. Good luck. :)
Well, if they can reallocate the points then I may skip on the 8th and 9th at BWV after all......we can always try to get an AP rate somewhere if we want to stay longer since this trip is virtually free so far (just points and the AP's we already used for 14 days this year) and save the points. I could bank them even if I have borrowed points, correct?

I haven't call MS yet because dh has the phone line tied up with a download....

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