Vegan/Vegetarian Restaurant/Dining Help Thread

I did a platinum plan last November as a solo (and vegetarian) and had a great time. V & A was excellent! They have their own vegetarian menu and the food was sooo good. I love the signature dining and the sit down restaurants.

When the CM came to make recommendations I just told them that I was vegetarian and they made recommendations. Artist Point only had gnocchi as a choice so I ordered that. I had never had gnocchi before and on my next trip
I think I'm going back there and getting it again. Oh that was good!

If you go to Jiko or Flying Fish you can ask to be seated at the chef's table. Since you are solo you might like to be up close to the action and be able to watch them do some cooking.

I had no problems being solo and vegetarian. The CMs were all very nice. Go and have a great time!

thanks :thumbsup2
anyone have any experience with this?

I am planning to splurge and do platinum or premium plan for three days to celebrate. If I did this I would be eating at places like V and A, Jiko, Brown Derby, Tusker House etc.

Is it weird to eat solo at these places and to be seeking out vegetarian food?

Thanks for any tips!
I ate solo at both Jiko and Tusker House. Jiko I ate vegetarian, Tusker House I ate vegan. (I keep on switching between the two, vegan is just so hard for me to do 100%.)

Jiko has a separate vegetarian menu, which I didn't even realize until after I got home and saw it online, but it's very easy to order off the regular menu and eat vegetarian. The only change I had to make was for them to leave bacon off my salad, and they were very nice and added pomegranate seeds to it to make up for the bacon. (Which I thought was very nice. I was still paying full price for the salad, and it's always annoyed me at places like Applebees when I order a salad without the chicken, but still end up paying full price.) All the food I had there was really good, I'll have to dig up my review, but it was the salad, then my entree was a trio with a chickpea cake, something like ratatouille, and a crepe like thing with spinach and mushroom filling. Dessert was good too, but they're all almost always vegetarian anyway. (Though I really hate this new trend of adding bacon to desserts.)

Tusker House was very good as well. I was taken through the buffet with a chef, and told what was and wasn't vegan. My biggest issue here was there were no dessert options for me. I'm eating at Tusker House again this year, but since I'm back to eating just vegetarian now, (actually it's vegan at home, pescetarian when I eat out, (I feel like such a hypocrite for it though,) but you're only vegetarian too, so desserts won't be an issue, I just wish they had some vegan ones. But the food here was really good, and aside from desserts there was a ton I could eat. I especially loved the pita bread with the chutneys.
I ate solo at both Jiko and Tusker House. Jiko I ate vegetarian, Tusker House I ate vegan. (I keep on switching between the two, vegan is just so hard for me to do 100%.)

Jiko has a separate vegetarian menu, which I didn't even realize until after I got home and saw it online, but it's very easy to order off the regular menu and eat vegetarian. The only change I had to make was for them to leave bacon off my salad, and they were very nice and added pomegranate seeds to it to make up for the bacon. (Which I thought was very nice. I was still paying full price for the salad, and it's always annoyed me at places like Applebees when I order a salad without the chicken, but still end up paying full price.) All the food I had there was really good, I'll have to dig up my review, but it was the salad, then my entree was a trio with a chickpea cake, something like ratatouille, and a crepe like thing with spinach and mushroom filling. Dessert was good too, but they're all almost always vegetarian anyway. (Though I really hate this new trend of adding bacon to desserts.)

Tusker House was very good as well. I was taken through the buffet with a chef, and told what was and wasn't vegan. My biggest issue here was there were no dessert options for me. I'm eating at Tusker House again this year, but since I'm back to eating just vegetarian now, (actually it's vegan at home, pescetarian when I eat out, (I feel like such a hypocrite for it though,) but you're only vegetarian too, so desserts won't be an issue, I just wish they had some vegan ones. But the food here was really good, and aside from desserts there was a ton I could eat. I especially loved the pita bread with the chutneys.

thanks...those places sound yummy!
I was still paying full price for the salad, and it's always annoyed me at places like Applebees when I order a salad without the chicken, but still end up paying full price.
There is a local restaurant DH and I go to often. They have a wonderful salad with roasted veggies and for a few dollars more they will add chicken. Well they changed the menu so that the only option is the more expensive salad with chicken and you cannot order the original salad anymore. Like you I was annoyed at paying extra for nothing so I asked if they could add more of the roasted veggies and they did. At least I got something for the extra money! Next time you go to either Jiko or Applebees, maybe there is something you can ask for in place of the bacon/chicken.
Apparently, he is now working at 1900 Park Fare at the Grand Floridian.. Here's a link to someone's blog - they did a great review on 1900 Park Fare and Chef TJ.

Does anyone know when he moved there? When we went to 1900 Park Fare in 2010, the chef met with us when we told them we were vegetarians and, after asking us what kinds of food we liked, he made us 4 large plates that were actually vegan, even better!, (for two adults and a 2 year old at the time) because he wanted to make sure we had a lot of variety and they were soooo yummy! Since it was also my bday celebration and DS and I were just generally excited, I honestly don't remember what the chef looked like at the time. In hindsight, I totally wouldn't be surprised if it was Chef TJ because that was probably the best meal we had all week...soooo good!!

Bummer though, when I booked at Ohana this trip I was excited to have some of his meals. Oh well!
Hi all-- I originally posted this as its own thread, thinking it wasn't really a vegetarian-specific question, but I've gotten no replies, so maybe y'all can help me decide:

My family has been to WDW many, many, many times, but there are still restaurants we haven't tried. Our next trip is in September, and I'm having trouble deciding what WS restaurants to try. We usually split our Epcot visit into two days-- one for FW with Canada, UK, and sometimes France thrown in, and the rest of the WS for the other day.

Right now, we have reservations for a late lunch at Le Cellier on our FW day, and dinner at Akershus on our WS day (which happens to be my birthday). My daughter and I are vegetarians, and we have eaten a very good vegetarian meal at Le Cellier before. Based on online menus I've seen, I'm pretty confident we can eat well at Akershus too, although with a 14 year old daughter and 8 and 12 year old sons, we're not in it for the princesses-- just the food and atmosphere, since we've never eaten there.

That was the original plan, but now I'm second guessing myself... We've never been to Bistro de Paris, and now that it's on the dining plan, I'm wondering if we might want to eat there instead of one of the other choices. I've done some research, and it sounds like they'll probably be able to accommodate us with vegetarian meals with some notice, and my husband and sons like the looks of the regular menu. I know it's two credits-- we'd just have to drop our DHS TS ('50sPTC, which I'm "eh" about, anyway).

Also, we always eat our way around the WS, and on past trips when we've done a table service meal after eating all day, it's just SO much food. Then again, our WS day is my birthday (because that's my favorite park/part of the park), and I kinda sorta want a nice meal on my birthday.

So now my dilemma: Do we keep things as-is and do Bistro another time, or do we book Bistro and drop two of the others ('50sPTC and something)? And if we do Bistro, which one do we drop-- Akershus, where we've never been and would like to try, but will be full of little princesses; or Le Cellier, where we've been and enjoyed?

Suggestions are very welcome! Thanks!

You didn't kill the thread- it just tends to go dormant now & then...;)

Like you, my daughter and I are vegetarians, and my husband is not. None of us are really into the princesses, but we all LOVE Akershus! However, like most WDW dining, I think it's definitely a personal preference- I've actually enjoyed my veg entree at Akershus more than I enjoyed the veg entree at Le Cellier! Since it seems like you all enjoy trying new places... I'd say you should book Bistro, keep Akershus, and cancel someplace you've already been. Good luck with your planning! (And now I'm hungry, thinking about all these great places ::yes::)
I am so excited about this thread!!! Eating is my big worry at WDW. I am a vegetarian and I don't eat corn syrup. I have been really worried about my choices. Does anyone know if there is a place that lists corn syrup free items at WDW? It would make me feel so much better if I knew of a few things I could eat without the worry/guilt. Thank you so much! This is really great, I am so happy I found you all on here!! :)
Also, does WDW ever have any organic food options?
My mom, boyfriend, and I are planning to head to Disney World for 5 nights this August. It's my first time going since 2006, amazingly, because although I've wanted to go so many times, I just haven't been able to get anyone to go with me. :worried: The last two times I went in high school, I was vegan, and while I knew about some vegan options and was helped by rather accommodating chefs (Boma, Jiko pre-vegan menu, Mama Melrose's), I still didn't know about a lot of other things. I think the only restaurant I wasn't impressed by was Cinderella's Royal Table, ironically the most expensive one, because although the chef was eager to please me, a simple entree of penne with marinara was quite bland.

This year I've done a lot more research. Right now I'm planning on making reservations for Sanaa, Boma, Jiko, Liberty Tree Tavern (interested in their quinoa burger—also Magic Kingdom's vegan options don't look that great), and Brown Derby. I REALLY wanted to go to 'Ohana, but there are absolutely no reservations available during my stay, regardless of how many guests I put down (1-4). What a bummer. I might call, though. I'll definitely post reviews and pics of my experience, because I find it immensely helpful to see other vegans' pictures and findings.

I'm also disappointed to hear that Chef TJ went elsewhere, although I may consider 1900 Park Fare based off that blog post someone shared. I'll probably stick with Boma, though, because there are more available options at the actual buffet.

Oh, and I will definitely be hittin' up Babycakes. ::yes:: I did once try a vanilla cupcake from their NYC bakery and disliked it to the point of throwing it away, but I think it was the spelt flour that threw me off.

ETA: Is anyone familiar with Brown Derby's vegan options other than the coconut tofu dish and some Tofutti/sorbet for dessert? I was just curious to hear if they'll whip up something new for vegan diners.
Update! I've made reservations for Ohana, Sanaa, Jiko, Liberty Tree Tavern, and Brown Derby. Back-up reservations for 50s Prime Time Cafe and Boma that I'll decide about when my flights are ready.

So, if Chef TJ is no longer at Ohana, will I still be able to have a great meal there or will the new chefs be confused with me?
I have hit or miss meals at Ohana but I also keep gluten free as well as vegan when I eat at disney.
I've noticed that a couple of my favorite restaurants have gotten rid of my favorite vegetarian dishes, and the replacements sounds pretty unappealing. I'm wondering if the chef will still come out and offer to make you something different if your only reason for not ordering the vegetarian option on the menu is that you just don't like it.

Especially sad about the loss of the veggie pot pie at Liberty Tree Tavern. Quinoa just doesn't agree with me.
Question about ADR's - who do I call about being vegan - so they have a little time to know that I am coming? I emailed Disney and they said just let the chef know when I get there. I am eating at Jiko and Liberty Tree (lunch) and I know those two are covered with my vegan options - I just wanted to give the other two chefs a little more of a heads up. Thanks!
hey guys! Though I have celiac disease, I'm also a vegan and just finished my trip reports. If you are vegan DEFINITELY eat at Citricos (among others which I describe). But that is one of the best vegan dishes I have had by a chef who really knows what he is doing. It is on their menu naturally.

Here is the full report! Please let me know if you have questions.
Anyone eaten as a vegan at Via?

I ate there, but totally ate vegetarian most of my trip b/c I just cannot stand worrying about this stuff on vacation...and tend to indulge. BUT (b/c I'm sure you are wondering why I bothered to reply!) the crust/sauce/veggies are so good that I would think they could make you a pizza without cheese. You would have to ask about dairy in the crust, but I had the veggie pizza and it was spectacular.

Oh, and I will definitely be hittin' up Babycakes. ::yes:: I did once try a vanilla cupcake from their NYC bakery and disliked it to the point of throwing it away, but I think it was the spelt flour that threw me off.

ETA: Is anyone familiar with Brown Derby's vegan options other than the coconut tofu dish and some Tofutti/sorbet for dessert? I was just curious to hear if they'll whip up something new for vegan diners.

TOTALLY forgot to come back to this thread after my trip in January and post! I spent nearly all my snack credits at Babycakes and LOVED IT! I had the blondie cupcakes and donuts, and thought both were spectacular, never would have known they were vegan. I will say that if you are looking for HUGE-DISNEY-MONSTER-CUPCAKES, then I guess Babycakes would be a letdown (and probably why I have seen bad reviews) but as someone who rarely ever gets a treat like this, I thought they were delicious. Here's a pic I took...


hey guys! Though I have celiac disease, I'm also a vegan and just finished my trip reports. If you are vegan DEFINITELY eat at Citricos (among others which I describe). But that is one of the best vegan dishes I have had by a chef who really knows what he is doing. It is on their menu naturally.

Here is the full report! Please let me know if you have questions.

Oh no, don't go making me rethink my ADRs for November!!! :laughing:

Anyone eat at Raglan Road lately? DH and I want to go there for the atmosphere and I'm unsure of what they have that I can eat. I think they had some sort of portobella burger or something? :confused3

I'm vegan at home, but throw caution (and my ethics) to the wind at WDW b/c I find it REALLY frustrating to find good vegan food. TS is usually great, but CS not so much. AND, I don't normally eat bread either, even vegan bread, so it makes it more difficult. I have some reviews of what I ate in my TR from January (in my siggie) if anyone is interested. Had a fabulous vegan meal at Kouzinna and quite a few other vegetarian meals as well.
I see that the Rose & Crown has changed their menu. The curried vegetable dish is gone, replaced by:
Vegetable Pie 'n' Mash - with seasonal vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, and cheddar cheese $14.99
Has anyone tried this and if so, what was it exactly and how was it?
If the chef makes something off menu for you is it still included on the dining plan?

For those who choose not to do the dining plan how is the price decided?

Do you feel the dining plan is worth it for vegetarians/vegans?
Hello everyone, just thought I'd post a link to my October 2011 dining review - my boyfriend is vegetarian and we ate at lots of Disney restaurants as well as a few I-Drive and Universal places. Stand out meals for him were California Grill and Narcoosee's and he also loved his lunch at 50's Prime Time. Can't wait to go back next October! Hope the reviews help :)

“Les poissons, les poissons!” A vegetarian and a carnivore EAT!"
If the chef makes something off menu for you is it still included on the dining plan?

For those who choose not to do the dining plan how is the price decided?

Do you feel the dining plan is worth it for vegetarians/vegans?

Yes, if the chef makes you a special veggie meal, it is included in the dining plan.

In my experience, I have been charged the price for the vegan/vegetarian dish on the menu, even if the chef makes me something different. This is usually the least or one of the least expensive meals, so it is a great deal! I think it makes sense to them because meat is usually the most expensive ingredient, so a dish without meat will be cheaper. For example, at Kouzzina, where we had a wonderful meal with several different foods on one platter, we were charged $19.99 - the price of the roasted vegetables dish on the menu.

I personally don't feel the dining plan is worth it for vegans at least (I'm vegan). There are almost never any vegan desserts available (although some places will get you some tofutti ice cream, but I certainly don't want to eat that every day), so right away you are not getting the full value of the plan, and since the vegan/vegetarian meals tend to be the least expensive on the menu, I don't think it is good value for me. For a sit-down meal, I usually have an appetizer salad and the entree, and don't have dessert, but the dining plan doesn't work well for people who eat that way.

Maybe we can persuade Disney to offer a vegan/vegetarian dining plan where you would get a salad plus a vegetarian entree, no dessert, at a lower rate than the standard plan?



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