Vanessa- figmentfan814 ~ Happily Ever Wedding & 10th Anniversary VR Brunch #1 Added 8-10

Vanessa what fabulous stories you have told!! Can you believe your trip report is over 60 pages?? Your bouquet looked beautiful in that picture you put up there. I don't think I had seen any real close ups of it before.
It's true, Vanessa, your TR is awesome. I love checking in for updates. Glad your grandma is feeling better!!!

Glad to meet another Figment fan :figment:... did you hear that they stopped doing character meet and greets with him now in the park. We saw him in March, but I heard he's gone now :sad2:

You're kidding! We looked for him when we were down in August, but we thought we were just unlucky. I hope they bring him back, I love Figment!
Around this time, my matron of honor’s husband pulled up around front in the convertible he had picked up the day before. He offered to give me a ride over to the room, so I wouldn’t have to drag my dress along. As he was driving me over he joked how people might think that we had gotten married that day.


Hey! That's my car! :) I've been a lurker on your TR since the start, I love reading all of your details... but I had to say something when I saw you guys in my car's twin! :)
Pretty much, we had a lot more freedom there than at MK. After getting the standard shots with the ToT and the Sorcerer's hat and Great Movie Ride, he asked what things we wanted :thumbsup2

Glad to meet another Figment fan :figment:... did you hear that they stopped doing character meet and greets with him now in the park. We saw him in March, but I heard he's gone now :sad2:

Unfortunately I haven't gotten to a meet and greet with Figment. I looked for him in our Aug PS trip and a CM said there were talks about bringing him back this fall. I haven't heard anything else about this though. I fell in Love with Figment in the 80's. I still have my Figment stuffed animal that is dated 1982. I wanna meet and greet...:sad2:

I have thought about adding a Figment theme to our DP as well but we are over budget as is.:scared:

Great TR, I have throughly enjoyed it...:thumbsup2
Unfortunately I haven't gotten to a meet and greet with Figment. I looked for him in our Aug PS trip and a CM said there were talks about bringing him back this fall. I haven't heard anything else about this though. I fell in Love with Figment in the 80's. I still have my Figment stuffed animal that is dated 1982. I wanna meet and greet...:sad2:

I have thought about adding a Figment theme to our DP as well but we are over budget as is.:scared:

Great TR, I have throughly enjoyed it...:thumbsup2

Well, that's good to hear that they might be bringing him back. I guess that means we all need to contact guest services whenever we're at the park to demand his return! I know it worked a couple years ago when they removed him from the ride. In just a few short months he was back!

Actually, the Figment theme for our DP was one of the cheapest things of our budget!

We spent a total of $240 which included the glow centerpieces, colored purple and orange napkins centered in the tables to place the centerpieces on and the personalized napkins. If we hadn't gotten the napkins (they were $95) it would have been only around $140. We had 10 tables at the DP too, so that included 10 centerpieces :banana:
Vanessa what fabulous stories you have told!! Can you believe your trip report is over 60 pages?? Your bouquet looked beautiful in that picture you put up there. I don't think I had seen any real close ups of it before.
I know I've been surprised how long its getting. I wanted to get it printed off like Caryn did, but I can't imagine adding in my PJ which was also quite long :rotfl:

I was really happy with the bouquet; they made it exactly how I wanted with all the beautiful spring flowers :lovestruc
It's true, Vanessa, your TR is awesome. I love checking in for updates. Glad your grandma is feeling better!!!

You're kidding! We looked for him when we were down in August, but we thought we were just unlucky. I hope they bring him back, I love Figment!
Thank you so much for following along and keeping up on the report and for the get well wishes for grandma!

As I said above, I guess that means we all need to contact guest services whenever we're at the park to demand his return! It worked a couple years ago to bring him back to the ride!
Hey! That's my car! :) I've been a lurker on your TR since the start, I love reading all of your details... but I had to say something when I saw you guys in my car's twin! :)
Thanks for keeping up on my report! How funny about the car, it was definitely a nice ride :cool1:

Just finally got caught up on your TR!! I have been out of the loop lately. It looks like you guys are having so much fun on your honeymoon. I enjoy reading all of the details!! :goodvibes Keep it coming!! :)
Bring back Figment! Bring back Figment! Everyone together now, BRING BACK FIGMENT! I totally agree. Vanessa, do you know part of the story that I don't? I knew Figment was taken out of the ride and then brought back, but I didn't know any of the details...fill us in girl!

I'm so sorry I missed the part about your grandmother being in the hospital the last time I caught up on your report. I feel like a jerky disfriend. :sad2: I hope that she is doing well now and she will be in my prayers. :hug:

Anna Marie
Great MK and DHS pictures Vanessa!!! You looked lovely!!! I just wanted to let you know that I have absolutely loved your TR. I really appreciate all the work and detail you have put into it so that we could all experience your special day. Thank you so much!! :hug:

Just finally got caught up on your TR!! I have been out of the loop lately. It looks like you guys are having so much fun on your honeymoon. I enjoy reading all of the details!! :goodvibes Keep it coming!! :)
I definitely have more to come, I'm hoping to upload the next day worth of pictures to Photobucket tonight. Thank you so much for following along with my report. You have all been so patient with me :goodvibes

Bring back Figment! Bring back Figment! Everyone together now, BRING BACK FIGMENT! I totally agree. Vanessa, do you know part of the story that I don't? I knew Figment was taken out of the ride and then brought back, but I didn't know any of the details...fill us in girl!

I'm so sorry I missed the part about your grandmother being in the hospital the last time I caught up on your report. I feel like a jerky disfriend. :sad2: I hope that she is doing well now and she will be in my prayers. :hug:

Anna Marie
He was taken out of the ride, but there were so many complaints from guests they decided to add him back into it. From what I heard it was kind of like when everyone got upset over Mr. Toad, but at least Figment came back. I know though they kept Mr. Toad at DL.

Grandma is doing much better now, so thank you for your thoughts. She is officially back in her own apartment after spending a week at my aunt's house after leaving the hospital :thumbsup2

Great MK and DHS pictures Vanessa!!! You looked lovely!!! I just wanted to let you know that I have absolutely loved your TR. I really appreciate all the work and detail you have put into it so that we could all experience your special day. Thank you so much!! :hug:
Thanks for all of your kind words, I'm so glad everyone is enjoying it. I have to admit it really has been something for myself too because I don't want to forget any of the little details ;) Definitely stay tuned there are still a couple days that I have written up. I just keep forgetting to upload to Photobucket :guilty:
I totally forgot to mention that I got a massage at the Grand Floridian the day before after our MK shoot right before we checked out. As part of my therapy from the car accident I get 2 massages per week after my therapy sessions, so after not having one in over a week I was ready for it. The GF spa was really great!

The next morning we had group reservations for Chef Mickey’s at 10 am. Kris and I headed towards my parents’ room to meet up with them and my cousins before heading to the bus stop. When we got to the front depot, there were a ton of people waiting around. I had read that Disney was experimenting with some changes in their bus system that week and this was the result. Instead of continuously running them, they had them on 15 minute increments which meant that there was actually less buses running.

We decided that instead of waiting we would just pile into the rental car. Now, we had a group of 7 people and the car only seats 5, so this turned out to be quite an adventure. After piling 5 of us in the back seat we headed towards the Contemporary. I was worried that the guard at the gate would say something about all of us being piled inside, but thankfully he just laughed and ushered us through.

Once inside we headed upstairs where we met up with 6 more people which brought our group up to 13. I was so happy that I had made the group reservations in advance to the wedding. It was a great way for us to periodically catch up with our guests throughout the week and it helped some of our guests who weren’t familiar with the parks hit some of our favorite restaurants. For those of you who weren’t around during my planning, I made so many reservations throughout the week and let people know where they were each at and the prices for the meals. I then had people let me know on a first come, first serve basis which ones they wanted to attend. Most of them filled up that week which was great!

Chef Mickey’s was a lot of fun. Kris and I were given special placemats and at the end of the meal, they brought out a special cupcake for our wedding celebration.

You can see the cupcake in the corner of this shot:

I loved some of the character shots we got with everyone. Plus, we got a great group shot where they have you take a picture before you’re seated.
Some of my cousins:

Mom and dad:


Donald checking out my ring:


After breakfast everyone went their own ways with the majority of us heading over to Epcot. The same group of 7 that had written over with us piled into the rental car again and we went over to the park. Inside we got some shots in front of Spaceship Earth.

Once we had looked up our three panels we jumped on Spaceship Earth. This was the second time I had ridden it on this trip and I really love the new changes. We also took some time to play in the area after the ride with all the interactive exhibits which were a blast! Our faces on the big screen; Kris and I along with my two cousins:

By that time we decided to head towards Living Seas. I offered to take everyone’s tickets to get fastpasses for Soarin’ and my cousin decided to tag along. The rest of the family decided to wait for us near Innoventions. We ran over to grab the fastpasses then headed straight back. By that time the group wanted to head to Living Seas, so we all went to ride the Nemo ride. We were all talking about how we were just there for the wedding and it was amazing to think that the last time I had walked up to that ride we were getting pictures taken in our wedding attire! I honestly am not that thrilled with the changes, but I know some people really love it.

Afterwards they all decided to wait to watch Turtle Talk with Crush and Kris and I decided to head out for a little while on our own. I wanted to take him over to Innoventions to check out the Segways. I had originally wanted to book the Epcot Segway tour or the one at Fort Wilderness, but since our week was so busy we decided to wait until our 1st anniversary trip. Anyway, we wanted to check out the demonstrations anyway. We sat through the presentation and then got our 2 minute rides on the Segways. I had done this the year before and knew Kris would love it.


Afterwards we went to get my Disney Visa cardholders picture with the characters before we headed over to the Land. Mickey checking out my ring:

Minnie “asking” about our wedding:


We rode Living with the Land since they had just redone it where you don’t have a captain on the boat anymore. Mickey pumpkins!

We saw some people on the Behind the Seeds tour which I really want to take on a future trip.

When we were getting off we noticed my family was in the food court getting a snack, so we decided to join them plus it was getting close to our fastpasses for Soarin’ anyway. Kris and I went up to buy two pops and he was getting a cookie. The girl at the counter told us to take two cookies as a special gift. It was just one more little extra perk that we got that week. The picture of me with the cookie turned out really blurry, but I’ll post it anyway.

Finally, it was time for Soarin’. Everyone had a great time on that ride as expected and then we headed out to hit up my favorite- Figment!


As we headed towards the pavilion he was outside taking pictures with guests. Usually he is back in his little area up above Honey I Shrunk the Audience which is really cute, but is so out of the way most people don’t even know it is there. Anyway, it was exciting to see him outside and we had to get our picture. My cousin told him that he was at our DP earlier in the week and I think the character was totally confused on what he was talking about!

I later learned that this might be my last picture ever with Figment because they stopped character greetings with him in the middle of that month. I am so upset about this change; it’s almost as bad as when they took him out of the ride!

After riding Journey into Your Imagination we played around in the Kodak area sending emails.

Then we headed out to Ice Station Cool so my dad could check out the Coca-Cola stuff since he’s an avid collector. We tricked my cousins into trying Beverly from Italy (which I later learned several people did that week since I had mentioned it as our favorite in the tips sheet in the Welcome Packets, I guess people really did read them!)

By this time we decided to split up since we had reservations with my parents in Mexico and my cousins were going to head to DTD. We actually took the boat across to Morocco and then walked back to Mexico. Kris and I got a quick shot in front of the rotunda which I need to get from my mom. It was actually closed for a private event that evening, so we couldn't go back to the scene of our wedding!
We had made this reservation when we were originally heading out to Hawaii the next morning kind of as a thank you to my parents for everything they had done that week. We ended up with a pretty good table and the food was fantastic. I love the atmosphere in there, I also used up the last of our Disney Visa Rewards for dinner that night; I had been using the card all year to get Disney dollars for our trip.



We just ordered the nacho appetizer to split and it was yummy!

After dinner, we rode the ride with the new additions of Donald and the three caballeros which are cute, but not super exciting.

We decided to run up to Norway to hit up their ride before we headed back towards the front of the park stopping to get some night shots with Spaceship Earth. Checking out a Figment hat along the way:



Notice the Epcot anniversary logo here; I didn’t realize they had an exhibit in honor of the anniversary near the Character Connection; I’m so upset that we missed it!

We wanted to hit up Test Track and Mission Space before we left that night. We didn’t have to wait too long for Test Track and on Mission Space Kris rode the regular version while my parents and I opted for the mild one. I normally ride the regular one, but it didn’t sound fun after eating a big dinner.

At this point we went over to Mouse Gears for a little bit of shopping before heading out of the park for the evening. We also went over to the kiosk inside the camera shop to look up our blocks in front. We had ordered them the year before right before they finished selling them. Kris and I got two and my parents got one in honor of their 30th anniversary.

We drove back to the resort while my parents headed to DTD. Kris and I were leaving for Sarasota the next day, so we had to get everything packed up that night. Plus, we were meeting up with his one groomsman that night to say goodbye before they headed home. I do wish we would have stuck around for Illuminations since I really didn’t get to see it at all that trip since we were too busy with taking pictures at our DP to really enjoy it. Although, Stan did a great job filming Illuminations so we can really watch it anytime at home.

Once we got to POR we met his groomsman and his wife in the lobby area for a short visit. They had been doing Sea World and some of the other parks that week since they had been to Disney in December, so we really hadn’t seen them since the DP. It was nice to visit with them for a little while since they were flying home the next morning. They live in MI, but are almost 2 hours away so we don’t get to see them very often. We also had a few packages to pick up at the General Store and then we headed back to our room to do our packing for our weekend in Sarasota or so we thought :confused:
Where is the Disney Visa cardholders picture with the characters located? I didn't even know they had this opportunity available for card members! :wizard:
Where is the Disney Visa cardholders picture with the characters located? I didn't even know they had this opportunity available for card members! :wizard:

It's located inside Innoventions (I can't remember if it's East or West). If you're facing the World Showcase with Spaceship Earth behind you, it's in the one on the right.

The room is towards the back near the video games and where the Segways were located. It's behind a curtain and is only open in the early afternoon for like a 2 or 3 hour time span. I think you can see the times on the Disney Visa web site. You have to show your Visa card to get in and they have rotating characters. At the camera shop you can redeem a voucher they give you for a free 5x7. It has to be done the same day inside the park though in order for it to be valid.
We have never been to chief mickey's and were going to plan a breakfast with everyone when we were down there... recommend???
What is the other pin you guys are wearing as well ?
:scared1: Wow, I just realized that your 1st anniversary is in less than 6 months!!! Holy cow; where has the time gone???

I too am a big Figment fan; Journey Into Imagination (boy, I hope I got that right; the name has changed way too many times over the years!) is one of the rides I remember the best from my first Disney trip in 1990 when I was 8. I remember Dreamfinder riding his bike/flying contraption up in the sky above the clouds, and that he had really curly hair and rosy cheeks and a top hat..."One little spark"...ahhh how I miss the good old days!:cloud9:


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