valid discount code for hotel


Earning My Ears
Feb 16, 2001
I just got confirmation for Aug 9 & 10 at Allstar Sports for $49/a night using code ###. I really can't beleive it actually worked!!!! I am so excited!!! :eek:

[This message was edited by BethR on 03-29-01 at 02:57 PM.]
Do you know if there are any requirements to be able to use the code. I read on another board that there may be some requirements needed to use the code & that you may end up paying a higher rate if you don't meet those requirements at checkin? Another place it said there were no requirements? Just wondering if you know of any? Supposed to be able to get AllStars for $65 a night between 4/22/01 & 8/8/01 but I have not check it out yet. Thanks. :) Also what number did you call to make your reservations? :rolleyes:

[This message was edited by BethR on 03-29-01 at 03:31 PM.]
...that the DIS does NOT permit the posting of codes on its boards. Instead, we are suggest that people visit Mary Warings WDW Discount site to get the information. The DIS will not be responsible for any errors or problems that people have from using codes.
To find the link to Mary's site: go to the RESORT BOARD and click on the link that is within the information at the top of the page.
I hope that this has helped.

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget Board and
Disney for Families BoardCo-Host</font>
I got the code off of It looks to be open to everyone and no additional requirements needed. I received a confiration # and requested a confirmation letter as well. Looks like my reservations are on track. However, I am having trouble with my trip 6/23-6/27. If anyone has any code info for those dates please let me know. You can call disney at 1-407-WDISNEY and give it a shot (dates and space are limited)
E-mail me at about your problems with your June dates. What is the problem and what have you tried? I don't know that I can help you, but I got my travel dates (6-29 to 7-5) with a code, I'll try and help any way that I can.

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