using EBay?


Earning My Ears
Feb 8, 2001
Has anyone ever bid on any of the hotels with EBay? They seem to good to be true so that's why I thought I would check on here. Seems like if there is any kind of question about Disney this is the place to go. Thanks in advance for any help on this question. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
I think most of the Disney Vacation Deals smell like timeshare come ons which I would avoid like the plague!! There are some DVC members "auctioning" their points. I would rather just rent points thru the DVC rental board here on the DIS!
No personal experince, but in my opinion I haven't seen any good Disney deals on ebay. Prices for tickets are more than you should be able to get, not only is it illegal... As for hotel packages, I haven't seen any good ones go by... (not into timeshare)I do look though as I am always hopeful : )



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