The Baker/Hamilton Iraq Study Group strongly recommended that the US negotiate with and hold talks with Iran and Syria. Bush did not listen to this recommendation and instead made a not so veil threat against Iran and Syria. In effect, bush rejected his daddy's top man's advice and wants to escalate the conflict.
We are losing the war in Iraq now. Instead of dealing with this, bush wants to escalate the war by bringing Syria and Iran into the conflict. Bush is only sending 21,000 troops to Iraq because that is all the US has available and we want to attack two other countries? Where are we going to get the forces to take on Iran and Syria?
Iran has an active missle program and have some shore to ship missiles that could probably shut down all oil shipments through the Straits of Hormutz I guess that oil prices were too low and bush needed to get the prices higher.
We are losing the war in Iraq now. Instead of dealing with this, bush wants to escalate the war by bringing Syria and Iran into the conflict. Bush is only sending 21,000 troops to Iraq because that is all the US has available and we want to attack two other countries? Where are we going to get the forces to take on Iran and Syria?
Iran has an active missle program and have some shore to ship missiles that could probably shut down all oil shipments through the Straits of Hormutz I guess that oil prices were too low and bush needed to get the prices higher.