unequally yoked - Can this marriage be saved??

When my DH and I first got married I thought I was the Disney Addict in our "family" He proved me wrong :) Ha, ha- Don't get me wrong, I love Disney (I even worked for the Disney Store when I was in college) but I have to say, I would love a trip that didn't take me to WDW (Gasp, I know) I mean, since I was a kid I have dreamed of going around the world (England, Ireland) and I am trying to convince DH that once in a blue moon we should go somewhere other than Disney. I know, I am crazy :D Anyway, his compromise was this- we go to Ireland on our 10 year anniversary and also "swing" by England. But before that time (We have been married 3 years) we go to Disney Every year :D Honestly, I am fine with that since I do love Disney, but I like knowing that we will also go somewhere else too from time to time :)

Maybe you just need to "compromise" a little with your DW and things will get better :)
irishone1979 said:
I mean, since I was a kid I have dreamed of going around the world (England, Ireland) and I am trying to convince DH that once in a blue moon we should go somewhere other than Disney.

Maybe you just need to "compromise" a little with your DW and things will get better :)
Have you NOT been to EPCOT? There's England for you!!

Seriously, though, I can compromise. DW and I have been to Grove Park Inn a couple times on points (great place to go and unwind if you've never tried it! Highly Recommended!!) and to Charleston - both of which were great trips...so there is a 'little' compromise.

Maybe she started to worry when I began planning DD(15) and DD(13) weddings at the Grand Floridian...or maybe it was the TiVO full of shows about disney...or maybe the multiple planning DVDs and CDs and books for the resorts and the cruiseline...


or it could be that I taught DS (not quite 2) to say "Mickey" and "Minnie" already.... :cool1:
AreWeThereYet said:
Have you NOT been to EPCOT? There's England for you!!

Seriously, though, I can compromise. DW and I have been to Grove Park Inn a couple times on points (great place to go and unwind if you've never tried it! Highly Recommended!!) and to Charleston - both of which were great trips...so there is a 'little' compromise.

Maybe she started to worry when I began planning DD(15) and DD(13) weddings at the Grand Floridian...or maybe it was the TiVO full of shows about disney...or maybe the multiple planning DVDs and CDs and books for the resorts and the cruiseline...


or it could be that I taught DS (not quite 2) to say "Mickey" and "Minnie" already.... :cool1:

A few questions:

How far out have you made your Disney vacation plans, at least through 2008?

Do you use the Disney Vacation Planning video as your 2 yo child's tape to watch for quite/nap time?

When friends of a friend are planning a trip, do you get a call because you're "the Disney nut"?

Do you have a Disney bag always partially packed in your closet (Pal Mickey, rain poncho, Mickey walkie talkies, etc.), just in case an excuse for a trip comes up?

Are you appalled when you mention to DH/DW that their friend at work planning a trip should check out the Dis for DVC rental points and they reply "Oh, I don't know the web address" :earseek: How could the person to whom I am married not even know the address for the Dis?

I'm just asking 'cause I think we might be separated at birth..... :rotfl: :rotfl:
CarolMN said:
Maybe the DIS should expand the scope of the Rent/Trade Forum to help people like the OP. Think about it - he probably doesn't need/want a whole new parntership, just a temporary DIS - one. :p :blush: ;) :teeth:

Best wishes -

P.S. There are some days when I might want to take advantage of that myself! :teeth: :p (JUST KIDDING!! - Or am I, LOL)? :scared1: :laughing:
I can see the ads now!

"Need soulmate with banked BCV points, fine Hanname, and pickup truck. Send photo of pickup truck."
Maybe you could have her hypnotized. When she hears the secret signal, like "good morning," she will have an instant, insatiable craving for Disney World only relieved by purchase of an annual pass and staying on-site for at least a week.

If it works let me know. We're at 18 years, too, and DW couldn't care less about WDW.
JimMIA said:
I can see the ads now!

"Need soulmate with banked BCV points, fine Hanname, and pickup truck. Send photo of pickup truck."

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
My hubby grumbles about "again to Disney" but he is a lazy at heart and would probably never plan an alternative trip. I do a lot of work planning our DVC trips and we always have a good time. I am also good at budgeting and stretching the points so we get to travel twice a year (the minimum I can stand being apart from Mickey) for very little money. I keep reminding him that his job is the "Disney Chauffeur!" I have a couple of Disney-crazed girlfriends and we have vowed to travel together if our husbands ever poop out!
For us WDW is secondary to the resorts.... We bought DVC becasue of the 2 bedroom villas. It makes vacationing with kids a vacation for us too!

DH likes coasters... that is it.. all the rest he puts up with becasue of the kids and I.

The girls (6 and 4) and I are taking our first trip without the boys (ds2 is staying with daddy) and when all the kids are older, I will take them to WDW without him... and stay a lonnnnnnnnnng time, since no vacation time would be used.
mom2alix said:
A few questions:

How far out have you made your Disney vacation plans, at least through 2008?

Do you use the Disney Vacation Planning video as your 2 yo child's tape to watch for quite/nap time?

When friends of a friend are planning a trip, do you get a call because you're "the Disney nut"?

Do you have a Disney bag always partially packed in your closet (Pal Mickey, rain poncho, Mickey walkie talkies, etc.), just in case an excuse for a trip comes up?

Are you appalled when you mention to DH/DW that their friend at work planning a trip should check out the Dis for DVC rental points and they reply "Oh, I don't know the web address" :earseek: How could the person to whom I am married not even know the address for the Dis?

I'm just asking 'cause I think we might be separated at birth..... :rotfl: :rotfl:

ummm....guilty on all charges.

I actually took the new DVC DVD to work with me today to get a preview of it because DW had me doing chores all weekend....unfortunately I didn't get a chance to look at it yet, but it is on my list.

DS definitely knows who Mickey is and I think his second trip to WDW (first trip last spring at 11 months...still a little too young to comprehend) will be a blast. DDs get into it once we're there.

and yes - I actually just played the newest planning DVD and the latest cruise DVD for DS and I - got to get him ready to take over the planning some day.

DW gets a kick out of my devotion to all things disney....she just doesn't understand me :confused3

As for excuses - Yes. All my conventions magically happen to be in Orlando - go figure. And I DO plan on returning next spring for another convention.

OOOh - and get this. I planned a trip this year at Christmas to do MVMCP, and didn't even realize that my birthday falls during our trip. Maybe it was subliminal :earboy2:

possibly separated at birth...mom was a child of the 60's...she may have only noticed one of us in there.... :p
I only need to say two words to persuade DH to go with me to WDW:

You know you're a lime green neck if...

mom2alix said:
A few questions:

How far out have you made your Disney vacation plans, at least through 2008?

Do you use the Disney Vacation Planning video as your 2 yo child's tape to watch for quite/nap time?

When friends of a friend are planning a trip, do you get a call because you're "the Disney nut"?

Do you have a Disney bag always partially packed in your closet (Pal Mickey, rain poncho, Mickey walkie talkies, etc.), just in case an excuse for a trip comes up?

Are you appalled when you mention to DH/DW that their friend at work planning a trip should check out the Dis for DVC rental points and they reply "Oh, I don't know the web address" :earseek: How could the person to whom I am married not even know the address for the Dis?

I'm just asking 'cause I think we might be separated at birth..... :rotfl: :rotfl:
chimera said:
You know you're a lime green neck if...

ok, so I got up early this morning with all intentions of going to the gym. I went past my computer on the way out the door and was drawn in by the tractor beam of The DIS. I had to check and ended up not going to the gym, and not getting to work early like I had intended.

When I went upstairs to shower, DW says "How was the gym". I say "I never made it - I was downstairs on the computer"...and so the conversation went.

Can anyone say "Intervention".

JimMIA said:
I can see the ads now!

"Need soulmate with banked BCV points, fine Hanname, and pickup truck. Send photo of pickup truck."

:rotfl2: yep I can relate to this.... Have points, need companion - anytime!!!! Good thing DS#1 is getting older - he and I are going for the first time this fall just the two of us. He has the PSs all worked out too!! (This Momma is raising her kids right..)
Don't give up hope! My dh dragged me kicking and screaming the first time I went to Disney World. I tried everything to get out of it! In the end, I went along, grudgingly. When it was time to go home, I had my fingers embedded in Daisy Duck's school house and was ready to move to Orlando! Eight trips and two cruises later...we're DVC folks. We were down during spring break with my folks, we're going on a tiny little Wonder cruise in August, will be celebrating dh's birthday at BCV in October, and sneaking down in December for MVMCP!
It was DH who suggested buying DVC but I think that his enthusiasm is dwindling. He actually suggested that we wait 2 YEARS!!! before our next trip. If he's not kidding, I'm going without him. I wrote down the incident since this might be grounds for divorce in MA.

I like the idea of the rental board! Instead of smoking preference we would probalby need resort preference though as you probably can't match a BWV person to a VWL...
zillow said:
I like the idea of the rental board! Instead of smoking preference we would probalby need resort preference though as you probably can't match a BWV person to a VWL...

I've been yoked by my DW! She was the one who always wanted to go to WDW,and my feeling was the crowds,the heat, the crowds,the cost,the crowds. As you can see i'm not very patient and hate lines,waiting etc... Something happened to me on the last two trips watching the smiles on my kids faces. Maybe i'm more patient as I get older---no that's not it----. Whatever it is, my DW was surprised when I suggested talking to a DVC cm. Did the tour, "started" with 175 pts. in 4/05 and plan at least one trip a year. And now i'm the pathetic one posting on these forums. :) The marriage is safe until we need more points for her family to join us :) .
Sorry, I can't even relate. My DH is as psycho over DVC & DCL as I am. It's a family-shared addiction. :yo-yo:
Sorry, I can't even relate. My DH is as psycho over DVC & DCL as I am. It's a family-shared addiction. :yo-yo:

my only hope is to brainwash DS (not quite 2) and we can carry the vote over the three women in the house.

ZILLOW: preferences: non-smoking, top floor, BCV, annual pass preferred but not mandatory.
:rotfl: :rockband: :crazy2:

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