Unbalanced Resort Ressies

That's exactly what disney wants.. Somebody to fill the parks, buy food and drinks and mickey shaped products during LOW crowd times. They go out of their way to make those times appealing with holiday decorations, MVMCP, MNSSHP, F&W fest, Flower and garden, free dining, marathon weekend, super soap weekend, etc.

Why would they change the point values that's working exactly the way they want it to work just to suit you?

Raising the points for October to early-December wouldn't have the slightest impact on DVC occupancy. The resorts would still be at maximum capacity by check-in day.

This has nothing to do with what suits me anymore than it does those who would be selfishly protective of the cheap rooms in early-December. It's simple economics--the highest demand periods SHOULD have the highest prices.
.....The problem is that we have 24 eggs trying to fit in a dozen egg carton. We can't change the carton size, but I really don't think any reallocation of points is going to be sufficient to do anything more than try and fit 18 eggs in that carton - and those 18 eggs are still going to learn that they have to call day by day at 11 months. .....

Don't we have 24 eggs who have TWO one-dozen cartons to choose from, but they all want into the SAME one? If the incentive for the unpopular carton increases, the demand for the popular one is likely to decrease.

It seems DVC already puts forth quite a bit of effort to provide benefits to existing members. At least to make a show of it. Why would they dis point reallocation without any consideration at all?

I think they are just being cautious. They don't want to count their chickens before they're hatched:lmao: .
Don't we have 24 eggs who have TWO one-dozen cartons to choose from, but they all want into the SAME one? If the incentive for the unpopular carton increases, the demand for the popular one is likely to decrease.

It seems DVC already puts forth quite a bit of effort to provide benefits to existing members. At least to make a show of it. Why would they dis point reallocation without any consideration at all?

I think they are just being cautious. They don't want to count their chickens before they're hatched:lmao: .

If the incentive is good enough or the disincentive (i.e. raised point allocation) for the in demand carton is good enough, yep. But if they can catch their flies with honey (i.e. incentivize the unpopular time) they don't risk making their flies angry.

Apparently, and I'm only repeating what I've heard here, the reallocation of points at OKW created a lot of member dissatisfaction.
but why does DVC care whether you book the room or some other DVC member books it?
What DVC does care about is sellling new units. One of the biggest selling points for DVC is the ability to use your points at non-home DVC resorts. If that becomes difficult to impossible - and if we assume DVC guides will be honest about it - DVC is going to care a lot and do what it can to aid non-home availability.
What DVC does care about is sellling new units. One of the biggest selling points for DVC is the ability to use your points at non-home DVC resorts. If that becomes difficult to impossible - and if we assume DVC guides will be honest about it - DVC is going to care a lot and do what it can to aid non-home availability.

They are honest about it "subject to availability."

As to being completely honest - we have enough reports that they either aren't or don't have enough information to be able to say anything concretely. I'd like to think the second, that they are honest to the extent of their abilities, but really have no idea how popular the first two weeks of December are.
Raising the points for October to early-December wouldn't have the slightest impact on DVC occupancy. The resorts would still be at maximum capacity by check-in day.


The occupancy isn't the problem. It's those who CAN'T get a room. If that weren't affected, they would need to raise points again until balance in the force was restored. :yoda: Ie. It WOULD have an effect if they raised it high enough. For example, that's why we're not staying in a 2BR the nights of Dec 28-30 this year.

Perfectly "balanced" would mean that the opposing forces of popularity and points are adjusted so that every time of year is equally difficult to get .

Ideally, the DVC inventory should be equally occupied all the time. Everyone should be able to get a room that best suits them when they take into account WHEN they most want to go versus HOW MANY POINTS they are willing to pay per night.
....Apparently, and I'm only repeating what I've heard here, the reallocation of points at OKW created a lot of member dissatisfaction.

But if some people are ticked about raised points in December, others will be happy about reduced points another time of year. The latter are most likely to be the families with kids that can't take time off to go to WDW during the school year. Like me.
They are honest about it "subject to availability."

As to being completely honest - we have enough reports that they either aren't or don't have enough information to be able to say anything concretely. I'd like to think the second, that they are honest to the extent of their abilities, but really have no idea how popular the first two weeks of December are.

DVC guides really can only quote what they are told to say....even if they know availability at certain times of the year are issues at certain resorts, they still can only generalize it, not officially make a statement, unless it rolls down from the top. So to make a sale, they are still going to promote the opportunity to reserve at other resorts other than their home resort at the 7 mos. timeframe. This may have to eventually be addressed at the sales end if this is truely a big issue.
Why would AKV owners be more likely to book before the 7 month window than BWV or BCV owners (once the newness of the resort wears off)? I guess we'll see over time.

I think when it comes down to it, the opportunity will always be there for those that are willing to dial a phone at 9am as soon as a window opens, whether it's 11 or 7 months.

Isn't the point structure a significant part of the reason for early December's popularity in the first place? Raising the point requirement there would almost certainly change that. I don't think a major redo would be needed. Just a tweak to make another time of year slightly more popular.

That brings up the question: If the points WERE increased in December, where would they come from? Ie. is there a time of year when the points are too high? OR What time of year needs to be made more popular?
It's not that one group is more likely to book at 7 month window between BCV, BWV or AKV. It is that any of those plus VWL are more likely to do so because the rest know they can get their home resort most times at or after 7 months out.

IF points were rebalanced, I'd think they'd come in at Dream season most likely but possibly Magic. And yes Crisi, DVC should consider rebalancing every time there is a major sustained trend, IMO.
But are you the exception?

I'm in IT and I coordinate a lot of change that hits our users. Most of it is eventually positive change - upgrades to Microsoft Office for instance. Sometimes it isn't good change. But it doesn't make any difference - people howl and complain over every piddling little change we make - even if the change is invisible to them. Most people don't like change - its one of the things human beings are surprisingly very uncomfortable with.

The problem is that we have 24 eggs trying to fit in a dozen egg carton. We can't change the carton size, but I really don't think any reallocation of points is going to be sufficient to do anything more than try and fit 18 eggs in that carton - and those 18 eggs are still going to learn that they have to call day by day at 11 months. Yes, six eggs are no longer disappointed when they call, but they are also pissed off that you changed it to make it too expensive to use their points and even have a chance.
Does it matter what the members want. Not only does DVC have the right to rebalance, they have the responsibility to even out usage by doing so.
Raising the points for October to early-December wouldn't have the slightest impact on DVC occupancy. The resorts would still be at maximum capacity by check-in day.

This has nothing to do with what suits me anymore than it does those who would be selfishly protective of the cheap rooms in early-December. It's simple economics--the highest demand periods SHOULD have the highest prices.
Maybe, maybe not. But it would very likely affect usage by many people. If all of December were say Premier points do you not think it would affect usage, it certainly appears to for Easter now, one of the two highest weeks for Orlando in general and actually higher than Xmas in many circles.
And is it really dishonest to say that you can't use your points at non-home resorts? There are many people on these boards who have stated that most of the year you can book most of the room types at most of the resorts at the 7 month window.

-- Suzanne
Does it matter what the members want. Not only does DVC have the right to rebalance, they have the responsibility to even out usage by doing so.

No they don't. If they felt they had that responsibility, they wouldn't have built some resorts five times smaller than others.
When we had our first all-family, DMom's 85th birthday trip, in December '04, there were guests who couldn't stay the entire 4-5 nights because of holiday commitments at home. The holiday happenings at home works against that time of the year (December before Christmas week) being lots more points, imho.

We are people who use DVC a little bit in all seasons. I know that when I read trip reports and read about plans to come, there are lots of others like us.

The only times that I HAVE to have a resort for a particular trip is when we're bringing the whole family. I'm buying points at the resorts we like best for those times, for the largest, most required room(s)...other times, we would be flexible and happy to stay at DVC, generic.

No they don't. If they felt they had that responsibility, they wouldn't have built some resorts five times smaller than others.
More specifically they have the obligation to balance usage when they can and the main way they have to do so is to rebalance. They have the legal responsibility to act in the members best interest.
But there is a LOT of give in the statement "member's best interest." Far more than there is in the statement "commercial renting." After their experience at OKW, from all I've ever heard about the reallocation, they are going to be shy of claiming its in the member's best interest to reallocate points because there is certainly a body of members - and not insignificant - who it ISN'T in their best interest to reallocate points.
I think it's unlikely demand will change policy. If it does, it will be to lengthen the home resort priority. Overall members are very spoiled when it comes to reservations. With very few exceptions , anyone reserving a points or floating time has to reserve the first day reservations are available. Even then , many systems require one to move up the ladder to be successful . Certainly with Marriott , Blue Green and Fairfield ; one needs to be in a preferred status and or own more points or more weeks so that you can reserve ahead of other members. I can easily envision Disney Vacation Club the future where most times have to be reserve day-by-day at 11 months out.

Dean, I respect your knowlwdge of timeshares, but No way on the last comment.
Dean, I respect your knowlwdge of timeshares, but No way on the last comment.

I actually do have to agree with Dean because there is no GUARANTEED reservation period, even at 11 mos. So to better ones chances of getting their desired ressie times, the only thing left is to call at 9 am at the 11 mos. home resort timeframe. Even then, at any month, at any time, it is still left to CHANCE.
crisi, what do you think DVC should do? I'm interested in your opinion.
Newbie question:

I've been reading this discussion about "rebalancing" and I have some question as to what is meant by "rebalancing".

Would this mean taking the smaller the DVCs (like VWL and BCV) multiply out the points chart (lets just pretend the just double the whole points chart) and then correspondingly multiply out the owners points?

Is that what is meant by rebalancing?

What type of rebalancing was done back in the beginning with OKW?


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