TTC thread take 2

I don't post on this thread much so I am not a regular. I occasionally offer up some advice. First, find a doctor you are comfortable with. But I will say this, if I had to do it all over again I would have gone straight to IVF. It likely would have saved us tons of heartbreak and lots of money. We had unexplained infertility. We did many months of clomid alone and months of clomid and IUI. Injectables were off my radar (and my RE's as well) due to the higher risk of higher multiple births. Every month that something failed got harder and harder and for me, deepened the feelings on inadequacy about myself and increased my depression. Just something to think about. Good luck in your journey. It took us 3.5 long years to get pregnant but it was worth every painful procedure to get there.

Popping in to say I have to agree with the sentiment here. The months when we were undergoing treatment were some of the most difficult times in my life - Progestin, Clomid, ultrasound after ultrasound, failed cycles, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, chemical pregnancy after chemical pregnancy. We were finally able to figure out what was wrong with me (PCOS) and treat it (with Metformin), but all those months were some of the darkest times I can remember. I cried on the way home from work more times than I care to recount.

Of course finances were an issue for us. IVF was not something we could afford, and my medical insurance was paying for a portion of my treatment, so we were not ready for IVF. I was also fairly young (late 20s). But if I had been older, had the funds and had a reasonably good chance of succes, knowing what I know now, I might have jumped right to IVF back then.

Some food for thought. And some hugs to all. :grouphug:
I agree with Mickeyboat. Find a doctor who will work with you and listen to your concerns. Develop a plan and stick to it. I wish we would have done more after the diagnosis, but we needed time to absorb it. Now, we're playing catch up.

I wish you all the best of luck and that miracles come this way!
Hugs to you. This road is so hard.

Thank you. It is...

I just want to be pregnant and give my DH a child (and make my mom a grandmother...I'm an only child, so she shares my "one chance" as well). I guess I have to stop looking back at last month, thinking how we were so close and wondering what I did wrong.
Thank you. It is...

I just want to be pregnant and give my DH a child (and make my mom a grandmother...I'm an only child, so she shares my "one chance" as well). I guess I have to stop looking back at last month, thinking how we were so close and wondering what I did wrong.

I know how you feel. I'm an only here too. :grouphug:
:grouphug: for all

Okay, so it's a new day, I'm going to try to be optimistic's cycle day 5, no more bleeding, basal temp is nice and low at 96.1, I pick up my next round of Crinone tomorrow...*fingers crossed...again*

Really thought this was going to be the month..had cramps similar to what I sometimes get with my period but w/o bleeding. But BFN this morning and starting to spot. So will be having my ovarian reserve test in a few days.
:hug: to all!



to you too!

It's been pretty quiet here. We have our patient ed class next week and AF is due soon I hope just to get her out of the way so we can get on with things.

I have my neuro to see tomorrow but I don't mind seeing him; he's my favorite doctor.

Anyone have any plans for Valentines day? We are thinking of going out to a nice dinner and a movie.

Looks like I'm about to have another week of depression, anger, and lots of crying. My temperature spiked 2 days after ovulation and has stayed up - by a full 2 degrees - and I felt a weird fluttering in my abdomen on Saturday night. But this morning when I used my daily Crinone, there was blood on the applicator. Once again, I didn't even get to go through the entire prescription like the doctor said I would...

DH and I talked and I think we've made the decision to leave it up to the Lord (I'm not trying to get religious, that's just the way we said it). We go to the best facility in the area; we drive an hour one way to get there, and frankly, we don't feel it's worth it for what amounts to a 14% chance (with IVF). We've spoken to many people who have tried IUI and NONE of them had any success. One couple - my mother's coworker's son and DIL - tried it twice. They didn't want to waste their third and final insurance try, so they tried on their own - and got pregnant naturally the first time. Maybe the difference there was that it was the man, and he got himself fixed up :confused3

Just feeling sad. I feel like our time is running out - stupid reason; our lucky number is 13 and we only have a short time left for a baby to be born in 2013. How silly is that? I guess it doesn't matter in the end. I know of many women who got pregnant naturally after 40 and everything was fine (and I still have a year and a half before that milestone).

ETA: if anyone can explain the whole temp thing, I'd appreciate it. Every single month, I'm keeping track and it's going up significantly after ovulation, but then I get my period and it goes down afterward. My doctor and nurse can't seem to explain it either - they both say that if it stays up, it's a good indication that "something is happening." I can't possibly be conceiving and losing it every month...

Looks like I'm about to have another week of depression, anger, and lots of crying. My temperature spiked 2 days after ovulation and has stayed up - by a full 2 degrees - and I felt a weird fluttering in my abdomen on Saturday night. But this morning when I used my daily Crinone, there was blood on the applicator. Once again, I didn't even get to go through the entire prescription like the doctor said I would...

DH and I talked and I think we've made the decision to leave it up to the Lord (I'm not trying to get religious, that's just the way we said it). We go to the best facility in the area; we drive an hour one way to get there, and frankly, we don't feel it's worth it for what amounts to a 14% chance (with IVF). We've spoken to many people who have tried IUI and NONE of them had any success. One couple - my mother's coworker's son and DIL - tried it twice. They didn't want to waste their third and final insurance try, so they tried on their own - and got pregnant naturally the first time. Maybe the difference there was that it was the man, and he got himself fixed up :confused3

Just feeling sad. I feel like our time is running out - stupid reason; our lucky number is 13 and we only have a short time left for a baby to be born in 2013. How silly is that? I guess it doesn't matter in the end. I know of many women who got pregnant naturally after 40 and everything was fine (and I still have a year and a half before that milestone).

ETA: if anyone can explain the whole temp thing, I'd appreciate it. Every single month, I'm keeping track and it's going up significantly after ovulation, but then I get my period and it goes down afterward. My doctor and nurse can't seem to explain it either - they both say that if it stays up, it's a good indication that "something is happening." I can't possibly be conceiving and losing it every month...

Forgive me if you have said this already - I have been lax in keeping up with this thread - but have you had your progesterone checked? And how long is your luteal phase? That was my issue when luteal phase was only 9 or so days.

Clomid and progesterone did wonders for me....I have my 2 boys thanks to them!

And your temp is supposed to go up after ovulation. And stay up until you get your period - whether you have conceived or not. You can (usually) tell if you are NOT pregnant when your temp starts to dip before you get your period. So if your normal temp is 98.6, and it goes up to 99.1 and stays there for 14+ days...good indication you are pregnant. If it goes up to 99.1 and then starts to slide down around day 9=10, it's a good indication you are not pregnant...
Forgive me if you have said this already - I have been lax in keeping up with this thread - but have you had your progesterone checked? And how long is your luteal phase? That was my issue when luteal phase was only 9 or so days.

Clomid and progesterone did wonders for me....I have my 2 boys thanks to them!

And your temp is supposed to go up after ovulation. And stay up until you get your period - whether you have conceived or not. You can (usually) tell if you are NOT pregnant when your temp starts to dip before you get your period. So if your normal temp is 98.6, and it goes up to 99.1 and stays there for 14+ days...good indication you are pregnant. If it goes up to 99.1 and then starts to slide down around day 9=10, it's a good indication you are not pregnant...
I'm low on natural progesterone, hence the Crinone - 8% progesterone gel that I have to put in every morning starting on the 3rd day after ovulation. My luteal phase is probably all over the board, but looking's been 16 days, 14 days, and as of today, 12 days (I'm not totally bleeding cramping, not even spotting). The Crinone is a 15-day supply and supposedly, my period won't show up until after I'm done with it, but last month, I only got through 12 days and my period showed up right on its typical schedule.

Clomid...I spoke to the doctor about it and even she's on the fence. I've had ultrasounds at ovulation and every single time, I've had one, sometimes two follicles, so she doesn't really feel that I need it. Not to mention that they won't use it unless we agree to do IUI (DH has some personal issues with that procedure), and the health psychologist on staff is pushing them to stop using it, as she feels that it's horrible.

And temperature...the timing of the "dip" is what's confusing me. It goes up and stays up until AFTER my period is over. I'm normally cold, in the low 96s, and it goes up to the high 97s/low 98s until the day after my period ends, which is about 3 weeks after ovulation :confused3 I told our nurse about that and she just said, "Yeah...that's good..."

I do appreciate any help from anyone...I think I'm just sad about having my proverbial heart ripped out every month. All of the doctors have said that we do have a chance..."not a great chance, but decent. Typical for patients your age with your problems" (they won't give us a number, though).
So today is day one. I had cramps for a week with no bleeding which has never happened before, but AF started today. I was going to have the FSH test tomorrow or the next day at a cost of almost $200.

Then I checked into another doctor and they offer that test as well as a SA test for my SH and an estradiol test for me all for $99 AND the doctor was recommended to me as being wonderful for laying out the options AND I can get in to seem him in two weeks.

Looks like I'm about to have another week of depression, anger, and lots of crying. My temperature spiked 2 days after ovulation and has stayed up - by a full 2 degrees - and I felt a weird fluttering in my abdomen on Saturday night. But this morning when I used my daily Crinone, there was blood on the applicator. Once again, I didn't even get to go through the entire prescription like the doctor said I would...

DH and I talked and I think we've made the decision to leave it up to the Lord (I'm not trying to get religious, that's just the way we said it). We go to the best facility in the area; we drive an hour one way to get there, and frankly, we don't feel it's worth it for what amounts to a 14% chance (with IVF). We've spoken to many people who have tried IUI and NONE of them had any success. One couple - my mother's coworker's son and DIL - tried it twice. They didn't want to waste their third and final insurance try, so they tried on their own - and got pregnant naturally the first time. Maybe the difference there was that it was the man, and he got himself fixed up :confused3

Just feeling sad. I feel like our time is running out - stupid reason; our lucky number is 13 and we only have a short time left for a baby to be born in 2013. How silly is that? I guess it doesn't matter in the end. I know of many women who got pregnant naturally after 40 and everything was fine (and I still have a year and a half before that milestone).

ETA: if anyone can explain the whole temp thing, I'd appreciate it. Every single month, I'm keeping track and it's going up significantly after ovulation, but then I get my period and it goes down afterward. My doctor and nurse can't seem to explain it either - they both say that if it stays up, it's a good indication that "something is happening." I can't possibly be conceiving and losing it every month...


Sorry sweetie.
I'm low on natural progesterone, hence the Crinone - 8% progesterone gel that I have to put in every morning starting on the 3rd day after ovulation. My luteal phase is probably all over the board, but looking's been 16 days, 14 days, and as of today, 12 days (I'm not totally bleeding cramping, not even spotting). The Crinone is a 15-day supply and supposedly, my period won't show up until after I'm done with it, but last month, I only got through 12 days and my period showed up right on its typical schedule.

Clomid...I spoke to the doctor about it and even she's on the fence. I've had ultrasounds at ovulation and every single time, I've had one, sometimes two follicles, so she doesn't really feel that I need it. Not to mention that they won't use it unless we agree to do IUI (DH has some personal issues with that procedure), and the health psychologist on staff is pushing them to stop using it, as she feels that it's horrible.

And temperature...the timing of the "dip" is what's confusing me. It goes up and stays up until AFTER my period is over. I'm normally cold, in the low 96s, and it goes up to the high 97s/low 98s until the day after my period ends, which is about 3 weeks after ovulation :confused3 I told our nurse about that and she just said, "Yeah...that's good..."

I do appreciate any help from anyone...I think I'm just sad about having my proverbial heart ripped out every month. All of the doctors have said that we do have a chance..."not a great chance, but decent. Typical for patients your age with your problems" (they won't give us a number, though).

(((((hugs)))))) It just flat out sucks. We TTC for 3 years before our first son came along. Each month was agony when AF would show up.

I wouldn't put much stock into "age issues". They are trained to say that, but a good % of people can and do get pregnant at a later age. I would try and "forget the number" and just push on. My cousin gave birth to twins at the age of 51....I always look to her for "inspiration"!!

It reallllllllly sucks. Each month is a new heartbreak. I had good follicles, too, but my luteal phase and prog. were crappy, so that's why I got Clomid - increases both. And boy, did it!!

I don't know if you frequent any other boards, but the forums at are really good...wider cross section of women going through the same stuff. They were my saving grace when I was sure TTC was going to put me in the nut house, lol!!

Prayers for you!
A pirate's life- I think they cover that kind of temperature situation in the "Taking charge of your fertility" book. I will look for you when I get home.
Thank you all! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the sounding board here (and I'll check out the other board, too) :grouphug:

I did a little more googling this morning and hopefully, the crinone is just irritating my cervix. There's no actual bleeding or even spotting. My temperature is still at 98 this morning and I'm having no other period symptoms - no cramping (which always starts a week prior), no fatigue, no acne, nothing. So I will sit tight and continue to pray.

The RE who did my surgery just put the fear into me...(strong Italian accent) "Now, you're 38 years old, and you have a lot of problems. You can't afford to take the time to try on your own. The endometriosis will return. The fibroids will return. The hyperplasia will return. You need to have a baby as soon as possible. You would have had a hysterectomy if you'd already had one." He didn't buy my argument that it took 12 years (I had a cyst removed in 2000) for all of this to develop...and he waved me off when I pointed out that my FSH, LH, and estradiol had NO change in level since they were tested completely within normal range in 2008...
Ok Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome would cause that kind of thermal shift, which is the egg maturing all the way but ovulation not actually taking place; ovulation can be induced with drugs, and anti inflammatories like Advil and aleve have been suspected of negatively affecting the release of eggs;

That kind of thermal shift could also be a rare condition called persistent corpus luteum cyst, which means the CL is developing but continues to live after 16 days instead of degenerating.

Please know that I am just reading this from the book and have no actual expertise. I really do hope you can get some answers.
Thank you for that info :hug: I wouldn't be surprised if one of those is the case. They do believe that the 2 10cm cysts I've had on my left ovary (one in 2000, one this past time) were unruptured follicles :confused3

Funny how it also mentions Advil and Aleve...I have a male friend who was diagnosed as completely infertile, and he was told it was due to his use of those drugs (he has a bum knee and has taken those 2 drugs for YEARS). Unfortunately, I, too, spent many years taking Aleve for my cramps. It was the only thing that helped. I now take only 2 ibuprofen per day (400 mg).

Is this the "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" book? I am waiting for a coupon from Barnes & Noble; I've heard a lot of good press about it and I'd like to buy it.

I am starting to bleed today, so I called DH and told him that if he wants to talk to the doctor, make the appointment. I'm a terrible wife; I put it on him because he's so limited to time off and it's easier for him to negotiate with the receptionist ;) In the meantime, I think I will throw myself into designing my mom's future me something to keep busy...just hope she likes what I'm throwing out there :goodvibes


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