Trying to pack??? any tips


Nov 7, 2001
I am trying not to over pack or underpack. We leave in 8 days and I need to get this going. I have to pack myself and most of hubby since he works 80 hours or so this next week before we leave. I also have to pack the DOG to go to my parents for the week and my kids to go to my inlaws for the week! PHEW!

I did my run through walmart bought everything I needed to buy then got hoem and saw the list on Debs site and found 8 more things I NEED! SO I need another trip out. Unfortunatly I am a bit under the weather and wont be oging today.....

ANyways its been around 30-35 degrees in NY so I need to know what the wetaher has been liek days and nights down there lately. I've heard its been hot by day and we will need shorts mostly for day. How about sweatshirts and such? I am also trying to figure out wht the heck to wear down!

Any packing tips or advice to make sure I have enough but not TOO MUCH!

Today will spent burninga few cds so we dont bring too much as cvarryon. We each only like 1 o2 songs of each of our cds so I am working on that.... and hubby took all of our confirmations to work today to make copies so we have multiple sets.

I am so nervous that we are going to forget soemthing stupid liek our drivers licenses or soemthings crucial!
Wow? A vacation without kids? I'm jealous ;)

Well, sounds like you've got alot to do, packing can be very stressful I know. The only advice I can give is to make a list of the crucial things like air tics, travelers checks, cash, I.D, credit/debit cards and confirmations and pack them the night before you leave in whatever kind of bag/waistpack you'll be using.

I'd wear a pair of jeans and a pullover for your flight, since I hear the air in the plane can get chilly.

Did you give you in-laws all your travel info and where you can be reached, etc....also, maybe a written permission letter in the unlikely event of an emergency? I've heard of people running into this problem.

Sounds like you have everything else covered. Take one thing at a time to completion and you'll be fine - now relax and enjoy your time with your hubby!

Have a great trip!

Wow? A vacation without kids? I'm jealous ;)

Well, sounds like you've got alot to do, packing can be very stressful I know. The only advice I can give is to make a list of the crucial things like air tics, travelers checks, cash, I.D, credit/debit cards and confirmations and pack them the night before you leave in whatever kind of bag/waistpack you'll be using.

I'd wear a pair of jeans and a pullover for your flight, since I hear the air in the plane can get chilly.

Did you give you in-laws all your travel info and where you can be reached, etc....also, maybe a written permission letter in the unlikely event of an emergency? I've heard of people running into this problem.

Sounds like you have everything else covered. Take one thing at a time to completion and you'll be fine - now relax and enjoy your time with your hubby!

Have a great trip!

Wow? A vacation without kids? I'm jealous ;)

Well, sounds like you've got alot to do, packing can be very stressful I know. The only advice I can give is to make a list of the crucial things like air tics, travelers checks, cash, I.D, credit/debit cards and confirmations and pack them the night before you leave in whatever kind of bag/waistpack you'll be using.

I'd wear a pair of jeans and a pullover for your flight, since I hear the air in the plane can get chilly.

Did you give you in-laws all your travel info and where you can be reached, etc....also, maybe a written permission letter in the unlikely event of an emergency? I've heard of people running into this problem.

Sounds like you have everything else covered. Take one thing at a time to completion and you'll be fine - now relax and enjoy your time with your hubby!

Have a great trip!

geeesh! everytime I tried to post the above, it would say page unavailable and didn't think the post went thru...sorry!
LOL Lori!

We did write up our medical thing for my inlaws about the kids. They take them several times a year for long periods luckily we've only needed the permission once and that was basically ONLY because my inlaws were SCARED! If it was at home we would have not gone to the ER. LOL!

I started a last minute checklist LOL! Including everything you mentioned good idea. We havent been on a vacation this far from home EVER! My last real travel was high school when the chaperones had to worry about all of this.

I managed to drag to walmart this morning and get the LAST of my list except I wanted at leats one britta water bottle which they were out of *sigh* I walked through the bag section and found a bag I think will work perfect for my carry on and for at the parks so I'm really happy about that. I am anti fanny pack LOL! They never sit right on me! And I didnt want the bulk of a backpack so I found a good compromise that can go over my shoulder and across my chest or back or under my arm without being in the way or causing too much bulk.

NOW the waiting!
Hi Have you tried rolling your clothes carefully. You can get alot more stuff in the suitcase if you do.
LOL! I do usually roll my stuff I learned that form friends a long time ago. My friends dad wasnt into checking luggage he gave them all a backpack and said go back everything in t here thats ALL you get to take for a 9 day trip!

I am having issues though I dont actually HAVE suitcases they are at my parents (we are borrowing theirs) and we wont have them till the night before we leave so I have to GUESS what will fit or pack get there and repack and HOPE I can fit everything.
have you seen those air bags on tv... they have ones for travel that you just roll the air out of them. -Cris
I've seen them cris but havent tried em.

My mom suggested we bring her nesting luggage anyways for suvenier room. OR she has the ones that open an extra 4 inches when you unzip a panel.

Anyone been and know the recent weather day and nights? We are getting snow here so its totally weird to be gettingt he shorts out! LOL!

The clock is ticking and what do I do I started a quilt project yesterday! LOL!
Becuase I needed a distraction! As if I have extra time HAHAHAH!


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