Trying to keep cool during the summer at WDW.


<font color=blue>Remembers "Gee Your Hair Smells T
Mar 20, 2001
I am going to WDW in August for 7 days. I know it will be HOT and I've read lots of tips on staying cool. I am trying to find the personal mister fans that I keep reading about. Anyone know where I can get one? I checked Walmart and couldn't find them. Maybe I didn't look in the right section of the store. Does anyone know where I can get one? I want to get them now so I have them before summer. Thanks :cool:

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I think it's to early. But for shure their are some at K-Mart. And Canadien Tire, and Dollorama.
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One reminder about these mister fans. Be aware where you are spraying these. While most people really enjoy them, those of us in power wheelchair prefer that you DO NOT spray us or near us. Our controllers are sensitive to dampness and damage to the controller may well end our vacation. Result will be one angry wheelchair user and one dead or out of control wheelchair.

Pooh Bear
Yep. Got ours at Target.


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<font color="#FF0000" face="Comic Sans MS">Boardwalk DVC Member Since 2000</
I Looked all over also to find them at Walmart one day. Then I went back a few days later and WOOHOO! there they were right across the aisle from the camping stuff near the larger fans. I was sooo glad:) Also, I picked up a thermus with the wrap but what was special to me was it had a built in Freezer thingy lol:) What ever you call the Blue icy thing:) GL!
I bought one at Walmart for the adults and the little spray bottles (the .99 kind) for the kids. I did this before we went because I had read here how expensive the bottles were in Disney. Well, I wound up buying a bottle at Disney because the "mouth" of the bottle was big enough to fill with ice cubes before filling them with water. We were there towards the end of July last year and there were days you couldn't breathe outside it was so bad (but not too bad since were going again for 2 weeks this July ;) ) But having ice water was very refreshing.

The one I just bought last week at K-mart has a large opening for ice cubes as well. I paid $8.99 for it. I'm hoping this will keep me so much cooler than the regular one I bought last year.
which also had a large opening for ice. A definite MUST for a 8 month pregnant woman dealing with a South Carolina summer! ;)

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Thanks for all the replies! Looks like I'll have to get out and start the hunt now that I know of a few more places to look. Thanks for the info on making sure the bottles will fit ice cubes in them. I never would have thought of that! I love these boards!!! :D

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When we were at WDW last June (returning THIS June! -but I digress :D ), the Wal*Mart on Sand Lake Rd. had TONS of the mister bottles in 'cages' in front of the check-outs. They were $6.97 and I thought that was a good deal. Now, the bottles also had a little advertising on them. A great deal if you don't mind walking around with a mister fan that says "Hawaiian Tropic Lotion" on it. :)

I would think that they would have them again this year.

Have a good trip!


Thanks William41. I don't mind a little advertising as long as I am cool! :cool:

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next rip 8/01 at Beach Club
The bottle/fans with the large hole for ice are made by Circulair, out of Chicago. Their website at gives lists of retailers, and you can even buy them direct from their website if you prefer (they can't sell you the WDW logo ones, though), just send email. They have these with and without shoulder straps, plus several other models you seldom see in stores.

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