trip insurance, do you get it?


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DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Feb 13, 2001
do you get the trip insurance offered when your confirmation comes in the mail? we never have, but i have often wondered if we should. has anyone ever used it? and if you did have to cancel due to a death etc in the family is dvc ever flexible? thanks
I never purchase trip insurance of any type. However, a friend of mine was planning a cross country trip and he did purchase the insurance. There was a death in his family and it was fortunate he had the insurance. I guess it it is the individual risk tolerance for each of us which will govern whether we will purchase this product. Hopefully, if you purchase it you don't have to use it. I don't know how flexible Disney is in these circumstances. I have not had that experience. Good luck!
We normally go to WDW in February. Since we live in Minnesota and we have been known to have snow storms once in a while, we decided to purchase the travel insurance. I believe it was $ 29 for the three of us.

We ended up missing our connecting flight in Chicago due to an air traffic controller delay (fancy words for too many airplanes flying). We were forced to stay overnight in Chicago and lost our first nights points.

The insurance did reimburse us for the hotel and meal in Chicago but did not pay for our missed points. The only reason we even got anything was our delay was over 12 hours in Chicago.

Even though it worked out for us this time, in the future I don't think I would purchase it. I am not sure how often you would have a 12 hour delay and the fact that you have to have an illness for your points to be reimbursed sucks.

I did feel that the insurance did handle the claim quickly and correctly, although I find the lanuage of the insurance very confusing.

Hope this helps!
The only time we have ever purchased trip insurance was for a cruise we paid a lot of money for.
We assume we will make all of our vacations. Maybe that is stupid, I don't know. We drive, so we don't have to worry about plane tickets and the motels we book for our drive down and back can be cancelled by 6 PM the day of arrival. The only real thing we would lose are the points.
When we went to WDW on cash last spring, our TA asked if we wanted trip insurance. We told her no, and then I said "If we cancel this trip we'll need LIFE insurance because our girls will kill us!" ;)

Fortunately, the trip went off without a hitch. We have also just assumed that we will not need to cancel, and have never purchased trip insurance.
The insurance only reimburses you for a cash amount for your points and you have to call the insurance company for the $ amount per point. I was told I would get $5 per point. I was only using 76 points so I didn't bother with the insurance. As long as you undestand the point system and cancel more than 31 days ahead you are covered pretty well anyway. I feel you are insuring yourself against something that happens in the last 30 days before you are scheduled to arrive. I skipped the insurance.

I have had friends who had to cancel or return early for deaths in the family and Disney has reinstated them their points. You can't count on this however. It is totally up to DVC.

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