Trail's End Buffet


DIS Veteran
Mar 23, 2000
For the next potential trip in March, we will be staying off-site. We would like to check out Fort Wilderness' Trail's End Buffet and maybe the campfire at night. Could we do this if staying off-site? What about parking? Thanks for the info. :D



off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00
DXL 200?
I have stayed at FW three times, but the last time I was there we flew in to Orlando, rented a car, and stayed at the Coranodo Springs. While the Coranodo Springs is a Disney Resort, I guess the way we ate at the Trails End Buffet would be just as accessable to people staying off site.
We drove our rental car to the office at Ft. Wilderness and took the bus to Pioneer Hall, ate at Trails End, relaxed in the rockers, and took the bus back to the car. No problem. If you are in the Magic Kingdom, I guess you could take the boat to Ft. Wilderness, eat at Trails End, and take the boat bact to the MK.
Good Luck, I will be there in June.
Coranodo Springs 99
FW June 2-9 2000
You can either park in the Fort Wilderness parking lot and take an internal bus to the Trails End or take the boat from the MK. The boat is actually a very nice ride, my daughter enjoys it as much as some of the attractions. The campfire is supposed to be for WDW guests only I think but I have never seen anyone asked for ID. It's lots of fun. A singalong with Chip and Dale and then a movie (or two depending on the season). If you time it right and the boats or busses are running, you can also view the Electrical Water Pageant from the FW beach. It's really nice and the kids have a great time playing in the sand while they wait.


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