Tower of Terror 10 Miler 2014

I'd be nervous running a marathon if your longest training run was 13. I have come to learn though that running is more mental than anything, provided you don't have some major injury, obviously. So I guess if you felt you could do it with your longest run being 13 miles that is 1/2 the battle.

I would love to hear more about the Dopey. I think I may try to do that in the next few years, once I have money that is. Seems pretty crazy but going home with all those medals must be pretty cool.

Here's the thing about the Disney marathon. I listen to the Mickey Miles podcast (thanks to RickFreeze turning me on to it). They basically say that running a Disney race for a PR or a good time is not the best choice. They are so crowded and you won't be able to stop for the characters and stuff so it is tough to get a good time at them.

I live in MA and even when I was at my heaviest and laziest I always wanted to run the Boston Marathon. This race I wanted to run counts as a qualifying race for it. I doubt I could get fast enough this year to qualify for 2015 but if I run it this year and get used to it, it will only help me next year. I just think having a medal from the Boston Marathon in any collection would be pretty awesome.

I am about 90% sure I will do the marathon over the 1/2 though. I looked at some training plans and even beginners can be ready in 18 weeks according to some of these plans. I am ahead of schedule according to the beginners plans.

Then maybe my first Disney marathon will be part of the Dopey Challenge. :thumbsup2

Oh definitely. I don't think everyone could or would want to run a marathon with only one 13 mile run to their credit. But for some odd reason, it's just come easier than for others. Can pretty much lay off for 6 month and then go out and run 5 miles. That's why I really want to start training hard to see what's possible.

They are right. Unless you're in the first corral and at the very front, it's going to be hard to set a PR. First, if you want to enjoy and take pics, that's more time and if you're not a front runner, then there are spots on the marathon course that is only sidewalk wide, literally so it slows down quite a bit. Not much room to pass on the side either.

The Dopey was an experience. I'd say the large majority that ran stated afterwards on these boards, etc that they would do again or would wait until an anniversary. I didn't think the races were hard. Even the getting up at 3:30 every morning wasn't that bad, but 4 mornings in a row start to wear on you. I've learned that you do not have to catch the bus by the time they state. But for us, we don't get to WDW often so it was a vacation as well. So, we hit the parks everyday, all day and if you throw in the races it was tough. But then again, I said numerous times I was happy with doing it once, but just writing this is making me seriously reconsider that statement! But then again, my wallet is leaning towards the one is enough scenario.

But it's so cool to receive all those medals and all the congratulations you get. You have to wear you medals afterwards, it makes you feel like royalty. They give you wrist bands after each race if you're in the Dopey so they know you completed the each one and even that is cool, cause other runners know what it means, the Dopey.

It's definitely a must do thing!
Hi everyone, this is my second race ever (I did the jingle jungle 5k last year) and so my first real distance race as well. I live in Cleveland so I just started training really in May when the weather warmed up (it is still 60 degrees today :rolleyes2 and it's June!). So I still have a long way to go! All this POT talk is really making me nervous because there are very few 10k's around here and the only one late enough this month that I could maybe be ready for is a hill run. Plus, I just kind of think my first distance race being the TOT would make it that more special! So hopefully I am not shooting myself in the foot with that.
Here's the thing: you only need to worry about starting from the back if you can't maintain a 16:00/mile pace. So long as you can do that, it doesn't matter where you start - you'll finish without being swept. :thumbsup2 That assumes non-stop running/walking with no breaks. If you want to pull over for pics, take a restroom stop, etc., best train for and plan on a faster pace.

For some perspective, I ran my first TOT injured and had to walk most of the race - my final average pace was over 16:00/mile, though I covered the first few miles faster than that. I never saw the sweepers. Never! Now, I also didn't stop for pics, though I did pull over for some Biofreeze and to use a porta-potty. But I finished, and from pretty far back. I can also tell you that there are only a few little spots where it's literally impossible to pass - sections where the course narrows to the width of a sidewalk and/or makes a sharp turn. Otherwise, I always had plenty of room to pass and for others to pass me.

They basically say that running a Disney race for a PR or a good time is not the best choice. They are so crowded and you won't be able to stop for the characters and stuff so it is tough to get a good time at them.
Yep, ITA with that! What makes rD races so special is the entertainment on course... I ran my first few rD races without stopping to enjoy all of that and, frankly, felt like I'd wasted my money, when I could have done the same thing for a lot less money. I made sure to pull over, take pics, engage with volunteers, enjoy the Disney part of the races this year and had such an amazing time! Save the PR attempts for fast, cheap races and make the most of your registration fee at Disney, I say. :thumbsup2

The Dopey was an experience. I'd say the large majority that ran stated afterwards on these boards, etc that they would do again or would wait until an anniversary. I didn't think the races were hard. Even the getting up at 3:30 every morning wasn't that bad, but 4 mornings in a row start to wear on you.
::yes:: I did all 3 races for Princess this year, so a day short of Dopey, and that 3rd morning was ROUGH! I can't imagine adding a 4th to it, let alone an extra 13.1 miles. :faint:
Sorry if this has already been asked, but I'm behind on the thread. This is my first Disney race and I'm so excited! Hubby will be traveling with me and I've purchased a Villains Bash ticket for him. Is there anywhere along the course that he could see me, perhaps near the end in HS? Also, is it possible for him to see me at the finish or not? Thanks! Can't wait for October!
That's why I really want to start training hard to see what's possible.

They are right. Unless you're in the first corral and at the very front, it's going to be hard to set a PR. First, if you want to enjoy and take pics, that's more time and if you're not a front runner, then there are spots on the marathon course that is only sidewalk wide, literally so it slows down quite a bit. Not much room to pass on the side either.

The Dopey was an experience. I'd say the large majority that ran stated afterwards on these boards, etc that they would do again or would wait until an anniversary. I didn't think the races were hard. Even the getting up at 3:30 every morning wasn't that bad, but 4 mornings in a row start to wear on you. I've learned that you do not have to catch the bus by the time they state. But for us, we don't get to WDW often so it was a vacation as well. So, we hit the parks everyday, all day and if you throw in the races it was tough. But then again, I said numerous times I was happy with doing it once, but just writing this is making me seriously reconsider that statement! But then again, my wallet is leaning towards the one is enough scenario.

But it's so cool to receive all those medals and all the congratulations you get. You have to wear you medals afterwards, it makes you feel like royalty. They give you wrist bands after each race if you're in the Dopey so they know you completed the each one and even that is cool, cause other runners know what it means, the Dopey.

It's definitely a must do thing!

What is your current pace and what do you hope to get to if you train "hard" as you said, if you don't mind me asking?

When I first signed up for this race I was going to run it as hard as I could. I think now that I will probably sign up for that marathon, which is on 10/19, it changes everything. Now I will be using this race as a warm-up run just to keep the muscles used to running as the training plans I have seen would want me to dial down the mileage at this point. This will allow me to enjoy it more, especially now that I have appeared to jump up a few corrals now.

I read the first few pages of the Dopey thread for next year. A lot of people said they swore they'd never do it again, like you said. Then the soreness wore off and they changed their mind. I think I might have to try it in the next few years. I bet the early mornings would be a killer but the medals are so cool. That's awesome.

What PrincessV did was awesome too. Even the Goofey would be cool if that is all I could ever do.

I think I will sign up for the marathon this weekend and then I really need to start pushing myself to get ready as the training programs barely fit into the amount of time I have.
I ran my first 10k last saturday in 1:01:34 (started training in january after 15 years of couch). Sent the proof of time and yesterday I received the answer where my final time was change from 2.15 to 1.40.

I will come from Italy to run TOT 2014 my first RunDisney event. I'm so excited... can't wait
I ran my first 10k last saturday in 1:01:34 (started training in january after 15 years of couch). Sent the proof of time and yesterday I received the answer where my final time was change from 2.15 to 1.40. I will come from Italy to run TOT 2014 my first RunDisney event. I'm so excited... can't wait

That's awesome! Congrats!
Sorry if this has already been asked, but I'm behind on the thread. This is my first Disney race and I'm so excited! Hubby will be traveling with me and I've purchased a Villains Bash ticket for him. Is there anywhere along the course that he could see me, perhaps near the end in HS? Also, is it possible for him to see me at the finish or not? Thanks! Can't wait for October!

There are a few spots in the last mile or so in HS that spectators can watch. He won't be able to be at the finish line (I don't think)....but I know my dad was able to get a video last year of me running through HS before we made the final turns for the finish.
There are a few spots in the last mile or so in HS that spectators can watch. He won't be able to be at the finish line (I don't think)....but I know my dad was able to get a video last year of me running through HS before we made the final turns for the finish.

There is a spot at the finish line,I was running the race so I can't really tell you how big it is but it didn't look very big but I definitely saw my mom there when I finished.You get to this area by the back/side of RnRc.After finishing the race however you have what seems like a half mile walk which let's you out by the stroller rentals at the front of the park,so don't expect to reunite with family right after finishing.They actually have a family reunion area located in the center of the park.
I ran my first 10k last saturday in 1:01:34 (started training in january after 15 years of couch). Sent the proof of time and yesterday I received the answer where my final time was change from 2.15 to 1.40.

I will come from Italy to run TOT 2014 my first RunDisney event. I'm so excited... can't wait

Very similar story to mine. It looks like we will be in the same corral as well. Congrats on the run, the time, and getting healthy. Its a lot of work but we worth it.
Welcome fellow runDisney rookie. I don't think FW is a host resort so the only option if to have a car of your own or get to a host resort and take the buses from there. WL is a host resort I am just not sure how close they are. From what I have heard, FW is a huge resort so walking that and then walking to WL might be a lot, especially on the way back AFTER running 10 miles. Never experienced it myself, this is all from things I have heard. If you can't bring your car maybe you could rent one just for the day of the race to get to and from. All the other days you are there Disney transportation will probably do just fine.

One thing to remember is that park buses will not be running late at night. So you can't rely on going to a host resort via the RD buses and then "transfer". Doing this for the expo would work just fine or even if you were to say go early to a host resort to travel from it to the race. It would just be getting "home" that you would need a taxi.

My wife and I ran in the WDW this year. Luckily we were staying at a host resort. But the buses didn't start running until like a half hour before the Expo and we wanted to get there early to be in line for the shoes. A friend who is a Disney veteran told me to catch a bus to a park, then hop on over to this resort that had early buses to WWOS (Expo). But after asking the front desk clerk, they said it would be much much easier just to hop a taxi. We walked outside our resort, one pulled up and we were there. The price wasn't bad at all and save time and trouble. So I'd say taxis may be an option as well.

I have found that taxis are a GREAT option when traveling in the world. They are easily flagged down from in front of your resort and really do not cost all that much for a single ride. Now... would I want to use them heavily? No, that would still add up. But for a single ride to the expo or from the race? Yeah, I think it would work nicely.

Sorry if this has already been asked, but I'm behind on the thread. This is my first Disney race and I'm so excited! Hubby will be traveling with me and I've purchased a Villains Bash ticket for him. Is there anywhere along the course that he could see me, perhaps near the end in HS? Also, is it possible for him to see me at the finish or not? Thanks! Can't wait for October!

Per the booklet last year it lists three spots.

Option one is at the start. It is accessible only by foot from the Hollywood Studios Parking lot. Basically, you will take event transportation bus to the start and then walk around to the starting line.

Option two is at about mile 6. You would take the event bus from Hollywood studios to the ESPN complex (I imagine driving might work but since roads are going to be closed I personally would consider that challenging). Once at the complex you will make your way on foot to Champion Stadium.

Option three is near the finish line in Hollywood Studios. Last year... I had friends cheering for me just as I rounded the hat. So that seemed to be a great area. Later once we were all together we watch runners as they went by near TSM.
Since we are talking transportation, if I go to the race early and then my husband meets me there later how will he know where to go? I know I have to be there early, but we are thinking of leaving the kids in the room while I run so it would be best for him to hang with them a little later. How late do the buses run from the host resort? I'm assuming he still has to go to WWOS and transfer like I do. I just can't see the point in him waiting forever since it will likely take me 2.5 hours anyway. Sorry if I'm rambling. I'm ready for bed. lol
Here's the thing: you only need to worry about starting from the back if you can't maintain a 16:00/mile pace. So long as you can do that, it doesn't matter where you start - you'll finish without being swept. :thumbsup2 That assumes non-stop running/walking with no breaks. If you want to pull over for pics, take a restroom stop, etc., best train for and plan on a faster pace.

For some perspective, I ran my first TOT injured and had to walk most of the race - my final average pace was over 16:00/mile, though I covered the first few miles faster than that. I never saw the sweepers. Never! Now, I also didn't stop for pics, though I did pull over for some Biofreeze and to use a porta-potty. But I finished, and from pretty far back. I can also tell you that there are only a few little spots where it's literally impossible to pass - sections where the course narrows to the width of a sidewalk and/or makes a sharp turn. Otherwise, I always had plenty of room to pass and for others to pass me.

Always so helpful! Thanks! I am at a 14 min average pace so far, and 12 when not using the run/walk. I am seeing my Dr. this week because it is looking like I may have some blood sugar issues that are manifesting the more I run and push myself, so hopefully that helps!

I also just noticed that they don't have a % full banner for the villains after party. I thought that they did last year? I was going to wait until August when I pay off my hotel balance to add tickets but now I am wondering if I should just bite the bullet? I am still cementing who is coming with me, so I don't want extra tickets if they can't make it, but I'd be heart broken if they couldn't watch me run past!
Always so helpful! Thanks! I am at a 14 min average pace so far, and 12 when not using the run/walk. I am seeing my Dr. this week because it is looking like I may have some blood sugar issues that are manifesting the more I run and push myself, so hopefully that helps! I also just noticed that they don't have a % full banner for the villains after party. I thought that they did last year? I was going to wait until August when I pay off my hotel balance to add tickets but now I am wondering if I should just bite the bullet? I am still cementing who is coming with me, so I don't want extra tickets if they can't make it, but I'd be heart broken if they couldn't watch me run past!

I've heard they only show the % after it hits 50%full. Not sure if that's the same for the bash.
What is your current pace and what do you .

I actually don't have any good times to speak of, my wife, who swore she wasn't a runner now runs too so all of the races I've been staying with her, encouraging her. The only one I've run since the Fall solo was a 5K this Spring in 23:41. I would really like to get down in the sub 22:00 area.

The time I submitted for the ToT was for a half (2:07) but one that fell outside of the window was 1:56 but I would like to get into the 1:40s.

I've run a ton of races this past Fall and this Spring but with the exception of the 5K none were for a PR. I've got a half and another 5K in the Fall coming up that I'll be running solo, so we'll see!
I actually don't have any good times to speak of, my wife, who swore she wasn't a runner now runs too so all of the races I've been staying with her, encouraging her. The only one I've run since the Fall solo was a 5K this Spring in 23:41. I would really like to get down in the sub 22:00 area.

The time I submitted for the ToT was for a half (2:07) but one that fell outside of the window was 1:56 but I would like to get into the 1:40s.

I've run a ton of races this past Fall and this Spring but with the exception of the 5K none were for a PR. I've got a half and another 5K in the Fall coming up that I'll be running solo, so we'll see!

Those seem like pretty good times to me for someone that says he has yet to really push himself. Have you ever thought of running the Boston Marathon?

I officially signed up for my first marathon today but I am thinking it might be a mistake. Now I am having pain in other areas. Just soreness in my legs when I increase my mileage but that isn't nearly as bad as when I first began running and it doesn't last more than a day. Now it is in my lower stomach and surrounding areas. (Sorry if that is to much info). I read on the internet that is can be caused from exercise. I do have a belly button hernia. Have had it for years and now that I am exercising so much more consistently and vigorously that has acted up again. Im guessing it could all be related. But for a couple weeks my lower stomach and such areas have been sore, like the kind of sore you get after you work out a muscle you haven't used in a while.

Anyone have any pain/soreness in the lower stomach for that length of time because of running?

I'm going to the doctor on the 20th for an already scheduled check up but since everyone on here has always been so helpful I figured I'd see if anyone had such a problem.
If your core isn't strong you are going to notice that while running. I would bet that's behind some of the soreness. And if you already have a hernia it makes sense that it is being aggravated. If it is something that can be fixed, if you I don't have someone in mind for that already, I would find a surgeon who is also a runner, or deals with runners. Because the ones that don't understand running can be rather annoying to deal with. My brother developed a usual hernia and it took nearly a year to diagnose it (he knew what it was but couldn't get it verified) because the non-runner/sports mds said "you run, of course you hurt" and other gems like that. Refused to hear him. Finally the fifth md he consulted heard him, believed him, and was willing to go forward. Turns out the hernia was so small the surgeon could not believe my brother had felt it, but, well, running 7 miles a day will shake you up and make any abnormalities show up!
I know if I lay off a long time and run a good distance, 4 miles or better then my ribs will hurt. But that's about the only thing beside the legs being sore. Sorry. But that is great advice, find a doc that also runs, they can relate so much better.

I would absolutely love to run Boston, but really don't think I'd be capable of making the qualifying cut off time. Plus, know I would have the will to put in the proper training to accomplish the feat. But am definitely going to work on training during this brutally hot summer and see what kind of results I can spit out this Fall.

My next marathon is scheduled for next February. But the downside.... Two weeks before I'm running a half marathon on a hilly course, then the following week I'm running a quarter marathon on Saturday and then a half on Sunday, then the following weekend is the marathon. So, 1 quarter, 2 halfs and 1 full in 16 days. Not sure I'll have that much left in the tank for a good full time.
There is no question my core is my weakest area. I have been working on it but it is hard to do when you are afraid your belly button is going to pop out. :thumbsup2 But, it is still a work in progress. I know it is getting better.

My doctor already diagnosed my hernia but at the time it wasn't bothering me so he said to let him know when I wanna get it fixed. My problem is, I don't want to be out of commission for a month recovering when I have a marathon to get ready for on 10/19. Even with the month off I think I would still be in good shape for the ToT but to do an extra 16 miles 2 weeks later, not so sure. So, I kinda want to put up with it and get it fixed after my races and just recover over the winter when it is hard to run in the frigid temps anyway.

RunDisney Crazy: Not sure how old you are but if I did my math correctly you seem to be pretty close to the qualifying times without pushing yourself. I know for my age, 40, I need to do a 7:44 mile pace. My goal is to be there by next October at the latest. I may never get there but that's the goal. How far are you from your qualifying pace?

I also wanted to pass along some info. I don't know if anyone does podcasts or not but I came across a new one I like a lot. I listen to Mickey Miles and for Disney race info they are good. For running specific info they aren't as good. They are just regular people who like to run as a hobby and happen to run Disney races. So, I searched for an actual running podcast to get some helpful running info. I came across Runner Academy. The host, Matt Johnson, is a certified USTFA coach and marathoner. I am just getting caught up on old ones now and so far the people he interviews seem to be pretty big names in running on top of his own knowledge. So, if anyone has a long commute or can listen to these during runs as opposed to music you might get some helpful info. Just thought I'd share as there are other newbies to running like me. And, his podcast can actually be an app on your phone whereas Mickey Miles you need to go into iTunes everytime (at least I haven't found a different way yet).
I know the qualifying time is around 3:15ish. So that basically puts me running a half in 1:37 which I'm not sure if possible but even if, I don't know if I could keep that pace for double the distance. Then it would also require the committement. I can't see myself making the long training runs. If I run that far, I want to be crossing a finish line and grabbing a beer. Boston would be incredible, but we'll just have to see.


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