Top 3 things you remember about kindergarten ?

1) First day of school. A girl was crying and my mom made me go talk to her. I held her hand to go inside because she was scared.

2) My hair was down to my butt. Yeah, my mom wouldn’t let me cut it.

3) Getting in trouble... this girl was making me laugh with the stuffed animal she brought to school. Teacher was out in the hallway and came back in saying she heard me laughing from down the hall. Good times.

Cute thread idea! Wanted to add: I still have class work I did from Kindergarten! My mom saved some for me. Cool to have.
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1. playing on the large wooden playset
2. Writing a class newspaper each week
3. Daily journal writing

*was in AM half day kinder
**only attended the school that year, moved away during the summer. Freshman year of high school I discovered that a classmate was one of my best buddies in Kinder.
1. Having to take naps on blue mats and the teacher would give a star wand to a student to go around the room and wake up the other students at the end.

2. I would wear one of my dad’s button up shirts for painting. It was tan striped.

3. I got caught stealing the queen weeble from the classroom by my mom and she made me return it.
I don't remember much, it was over 50 years ago! My teacher's name was Mrs Hamm. She was nice compared to the mean nasty old nun I had in 1st grade. I walked by myself both ways. Washington Elementary, Ashtabula Ohio. Simpler times for sure.
1.) My first year of kindergarten I bit a classmate on the arm because he took my seat....apparently I was having some kind of animal-like response to it

2.) The kindergarten I went to was right beside a church that was all white, but the top of it looked like a banana coming out of a peel

3.) I couldn't drink regular milk back then, so they gave me a different kind of milk (don't know what it was) but I loved the taste of it.
1. Hiding so I wouldn't have to go.

2. I loved milk, but the milk tasted strange at school, so my mother put some chocolate flavor in a little turquoise "kiss-clasp" coin purse that had Tinkerbelle on it in gold. I added the chocolate to the milk at snack time.

3. My mean teacher, Mrs. Frawley. She was way too old to deal with kindergartners.
The only thing I recall is being gently admonished because I could already write in cursive. The teacher said something like "We print in Kindergarten. You can write next year in First Grade."
The kid that would have to be wrestled onto the bus every morning and then he would throw up.
Anyone else have these in their school bathrooms.. step on the foot bar and on came a shower of water for hand washing. Soap was in the dispenser on top. lol.. could come in handy now in light of current circumstances 🙄

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My boss has been trying for years to get one of these outside the lunch room so folks could wash their hands without having to go to the bathroom after lunch.

Guess what! It got approved this week because of all that is going on now.
1. The Letter People. Don't know why folks don't learn from them anymore.

2. Walking to school there was this little pathway in the woods next to the sidewalk. Don't know why it was there because it was just a cut in like the curvy part of a D. But we loved running through it while the folks walked the "normal" way.

3. But my strongest memory is of having the chicken pox. I woke up one day with them and Mom called me "Her Little Chicky" and told me I had to stay home. I loved school and that made me mad. I told her how wrong she was that my teacher had checked me yesterday and I was fine. She laughed and said well today you have it.
1. I remember always wanting to play in the house area, but not often getting the chance, because I wasn't aggressive enough to get over there in time - they limited the amount of kids that could go in there! Same thing always happened at recess with the swings that looked like horses - there were only three!
2. My blue cardboard pencil box that had rainbows and flowers on it.
3. The white dress with black polka dots my mom always made me wear. It was poofy, probably had a layer of tulle, and kids always asked me if I was going to have a baby.
1. Nap time
2. Mother telling me to make sure I don't let any other kids use my hair brush because they might have lice
3. Fluoride treatments; our small town didn't have fluoride in the water so each year, you were given this horrible fluoride treatment to swish in your mouth for a certain amount of time then spit back into your cup. Started in kindergarten.
During a mid-day winter storm, the doors got iced and we were stuck inside. I chose that time as my opportunity to use the pipes in the boiler room as my own personal playground. It was fun until the teacher found me...

Nap time, it's highly underrated.

Arguing with the teacher the necessity of going to bathroom and how she was a horrible person for denying toilet breaks to a classmate in need.

I think the teacher was happy to see me move on to 1st grade.

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