To the Mothership!!! A WDW First-Timer's Trip Report! UPDATE 9/23

Enjoying your TR! Getting tips on the way as DH and me are first timers as well, we will be going early dec. any tips on taking pics together? I love your photos, dud u guys just took it yourself with a front camera? Not looking forward to keep stopping strangers for photos lol but I need tons of it :)
no need to apologize for not wanting to go on Soarin ... especially since it was b/c you had done it out West so often. Though, apparently EPCOT is getting a new Soarin' movie so you will have to come back to go on it then ;)

Easy to get turned around in EPCOT and I have definitely stared down a wrong path or two in my day

Hope you enjoyed Italy!
Following along! Enjoying your TR and I'm very interested in the DL comparisons. And you two are adorable! :goodvibes

Lol, I would have started panic crying as well if I deleted all our FP+ for the day as well. :rotfl:
Following along. Love your TR so far. Although, I'm not technically a 1st timer (visited once at age 12), we are super excited to experience everything. I love the comparisons to DL. I've never been but hope to visit in the next few years.
Hi there! I just wanted to let you know I'm enjoying reading along on your TR. We'll be staying @ POR & I'm really looking forward to it. It can't come soon enough!!! I just added trying the magical star cocktail to my list of must dos this trip.:thumbsup2
I've never gotten to design a car because my son always gets to do that, but I swear I'll get to do it one day. It looks like fun :)


I told Jordan that next time I get to design the car! And Italy was delicious!

I am really enjoying your trip report!!

And as a southern California girl myself who grew up going to DL, I also find myself comparing things between DL and WDW. You can't help it. It took several trips for me stop referring to the Magic Kingdom as "Disneyland on steroids". :rolleyes1 But when people ask me which is better, I can't give an answer. They are each better at different things.

Can't wait to read more about your trip!

I've been asked several times which I like more, Disneyland or Disney World, and I can't answer either! Both are so magical in their own ways. I think I've decided that I love Disney World as a vacation (I could easily stay much longer than a week) but Disneyland is my preference for a day or weekend trip and I just love being there. I could be sitting on a bench in the hub, eating a Mickey head ice cream, and I would be so happy.

Too fun! Don't tell anyone, but I don't absolutely HAVE to ride soarin' either. I like it, but it's not an absolute must do, although I tend to try to get one ride in a trip. I like the part at the end flying over Disneyland though, especially now that I've been!

I am confused about Test Track. Why didn't you both design a car? My friend and I both designed a car and we were on the same FP+. That was a nice way to compromise!

Are you at Via Napoli for lunch?

We weren't given an option to both design a car. We were both told to go stand on the number 1 on the carpet and then when we were let into the design room, we had to go to the station that corresponded with our number. But next time I WILL DESIGN THE CAR! And yes! We went to Via Napoli!

Enjoying this so much and makes me ready to go with just my husband!

It was wonderful! I can't wait to go back!

So enjoying your TR!! We love POR. Can't wait to read the rest!!!

I love POR now too! I've been talking to my mom about taking a mother/daughter only trip and we can't decide if we should stay at POR because I loved it so much and I know she would too, or if we should be brave try something new!

Enjoying your TR! Getting tips on the way as DH and me are first timers as well, we will be going early dec. any tips on taking pics together? I love your photos, dud u guys just took it yourself with a front camera? Not looking forward to keep stopping strangers for photos lol but I need tons of it :)

I used both my iPhone and my bigger Canon camera to take pictures of the two of us. With my iPhone I can use the front camera on the screen side of the phone, which is nice because then I can see what I'm taking a picture of. However, the resolution is not good. My Canon has a screen that folds out and turns around so I can hold the camera out with my hand and still see the screen, which is nice. I think we only asked one or two strangers to take pictures of us, we typically asked the photopass photographers and they were more than willing to use my camera.

no need to apologize for not wanting to go on Soarin ... especially since it was b/c you had done it out West so often. Though, apparently EPCOT is getting a new Soarin' movie so you will have to come back to go on it then ;)

Easy to get turned around in EPCOT and I have definitely stared down a wrong path or two in my day

Hope you enjoyed Italy!

I would love Soarin' to get a new movie! Hopefully Soarin' Over California will get a new one too!

Enjoying your TR. Count me in!!

Hello! Welcome! I'm glad you're here!

Following along! Enjoying your TR and I'm very interested in the DL comparisons. And you two are adorable! :goodvibes

Lol, I would have started panic crying as well if I deleted all our FP+ for the day as well. :rotfl:

Fortunately I have a wonderful boyfriend who does his best to help me when I panic cry!

Following along. Love your TR so far. Although, I'm not technically a 1st timer (visited once at age 12), we are super excited to experience everything. I love the comparisons to DL. I've never been but hope to visit in the next few years.

Disneyland is magical! I'm going this weekend with my mom for our first ever mother/daughter only trip! We've been many, many times with friends but never just the two of us so I'm so excited!

totally agree with you on soarin' test track is just so much more fun!!

Soarin' is fun too, I just would rather experience something new!

Hi there! I just wanted to let you know I'm enjoying reading along on your TR. We'll be staying @ POR & I'm really looking forward to it. It can't come soon enough!!! I just added trying the magical star cocktail to my list of must dos this trip.:thumbsup2

The Magical Star is amazing!! I'm hoping that Disneyland can make one because I'm going this weekend and it is supposed to be hot and a Magical Star sounds heavenly!
When I last left off, we were on our way to Italy for a date!

I took pictures along the way:

Our destination!

My parents went to Norway two summers ago for their 25th anniversary and my mom loved all the stories about trolls so I knew she would like this guy:

Literally the only picture of China I got the entire trip

We got to Italy and I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. I haven’t been to the real Italy, but if Epcot’s Italy is even a quarter as beautiful, then I can’t even imagine the real Italy!

Our lunch reservation was at Via Napoli at 11:50 and we were about 20 minutes early. They hadn’t opened yet so we plopped down at an outside table so I could regroup and we could go over the plan for the rest of the day. I took that moment to take some pictures of the pavilion and was immediately in love.

We started noticing people going into the restaurant so like the good little lemmings we are, we followed. They hadn’t begun seating anyone yet, but we were able to check in and only waited about 5 minutes before servers took their parties to their tables.

Via Napoli is a really beautiful restaurant. I love the rustic elegance and simplicity and openness. Just eating there made me want to go to the real Italy so much more than I already did. We were seated next to a window that looked out to the front of the restaurant. Our server, whose name I can’t remember, was really nice and was constantly refilling my water, which I much appreciated since it was getting to be a warm day out (that humidity really gets you when you aren’t used to it).

We browsed the menu and were struck by how similar it looked to the Italian restaurant at Downtown Disney at Disneyland, Naples. We love that restaurant (their pizza is awesome!) so it was nice to have similar options. After some research a little later, I found out that Via Napoli and Naples are sister restaurants…hence the similar menus!

I ended up ordering the veggie lasagna (at Naples, the lasagna, which is not vegetarian, is the best lasagna I’ve ever had…and I’ve had a LOT of lasagna). It came with this strange yet delicious cheese (I think?) on top. The texture of which was similar to mousse (maybe?) or polenta. I can sometimes have a hard time with food textures but this was actually really good if unexpected. Jordan ordered the pepperoni pizza and he said it was awesome. It definitely looked really good!

My half eaten lasagna. You can sort of see the fluffy cheese stuff. Looking back, I remember that at first I thought they had put mashed potatoes on top of my lasagna and I was like SCORE! Two of my favorite foods! (However I’m way too OCD to have my foods touching so that was not okay). And then I ate it and realized it was some sort of cheese and again, I was like SCORE! Two of my favorite foods! I’ll even let these ones touch because cheese naturally goes with lasagna.

I’m getting hungry just looking at these!

During the course of the meal, I found out that Jordan had never had, or even heard of, tiramisu so of course we had to get some for dessert. I tend to hesitate to get tiramisu simply because I’ve had so many bad ones - too much coffee which is totally overpowering, or too much rum (is that possible?) which makes the cake part soggy. Lots can go wrong with tiramisu so I was crossing my fingers that Via Napoli had a stand out tiramisu so that Jordan wouldn’t think I’m loonier than I know he already thinks I am. Fortunately, Via Napoli’s tiramisu was awesome! I highly recommend it!

And I don’t have a picture of it. Oops.

After lunch, we reluctantly got up to leave and were hit by a wall of warm air when we went outside. We decided that we were going to go back to the resort for an afternoon break before we came back that evening and had our big dinner at The Yachtsman Steakhouse (Jordan was ridiculously excited). We looked across the lagoon and realized we didn’t really want to walk ALLLLLL that way (I know it isn’t too far, we were just being lazy) so we made our way over to the boat dock in front of Germany where a boat was ready and waiting especially for us (or not). We had a relaxing little ride to the other side of the lagoon and I really enjoyed taking everything in from the water. It was a beautiful, if not cool, day and I was in love with being at Disney World with my favorite man. In that moment, I realized I was one lucky girl.

We got off the boat and may our way to the exit.

I have no idea where this picture was even taken. I DO know it was taken before we left Epcot that afternoon because we are still wearing the same clothes but I couldn’t tell you where it was taken. Somewhere dark, apparently.

We had FP+ for Spaceship Earth that evening so as we walked through the wind tunnel outside of the ride I made a mental note that that was where we were going when we came back!

On the way out, I wanted to grab a map because, like I said before, Epcot really threw me for a loop. I’ve been told I take after my dad and am pretty geographically capable (well, I certainly didn’t take after my mom in that regard) but I never really got the hang of Epcot.

At Disneyland, I’m the complete opposite. I don’t need a map, I AM the map.

Anyway, I went up to the map station (for lack of a better word) and there was a cluster of 3 adults right in front. I naturally thought that they were looking for the map they need since the maps come in several different languages. I stood back a little and waited patiently however I soon realized that they were not looking for a map but were having a casual conversation. I’m not confrontational and am probably too polite so I took a step closer hoping they’d notice that they were having their conversation in a very inconvenient and busy spot (lots of people need maps!) but they didn’t even look my way. I then decided to but on my big girl pants and speak up and said, “excuse me” in my manliest voice possible and one of the guys looked at me and honestly looked a little taken aback that I was standing there, like, “whatever could she want?” I WANT A MAP.

He kind of shook his head and came out of his stupor and reached in and handed me a handful of maps. Um, thanks.

But what if I wanted the German one?

We made our way out of the park and got to the bus stop. Our real bus stop was nowhere near where we were dropped off. We happened to be the second or third stop in. A bus was just leaving as we walked up and since our resort was only a short drive away, we didn’t think anything of waiting a little bit for the next one.

We waited. And we waited. And we waited. And we waited for ALMOST AN HOUR.

Apparently Disney has fewer buses going between resorts that are closer to parks and more buses going between resorts that are farther to parks. We realized as the week went on that while we were at the bus stop, we did see a LOT of MK and AK buses and a lot fewer DHS and Epcot buses.

Anyway! A bus finally came and we finally made it back to our hotel. Our beautiful, wonderful, amazing hotel. We needed to be back at Epcot around 5:00 so that we could ride Spaceship Earth before heading over to the Yacht Club for dinner. As was already the routine, I headed to the pool with my book and Jordan opted to stay in the hotel room and nap. I believe I also went to the lobby and looked in the gift shop/store for a certain pair of Mickey canvas Crocs. They had them, just not in my size. For a shoe fanatic like myself, what better than a pair of Mickey Mouse shoes for your souvenir? I decided I’d look as we walked through Epcot.

I made sure to head back to the room to get ready for our fancy shmancy dinner in time to shower and get clothes on that maybe didn’t have a tie dye Mickey head on them.

By 5:00 we were ready to go and out at the bus stop…to wait.

Up next: Dinner in a Yacht (club)
Just wanted to say hi and that I'm joining in! I love your excitement about everything. I've been to Disney World numerous times and I can't wait to do Disneyland someday!!
Following along :surfweb:
Your lunch at Via Napoli looks amazing... i'm drooling over your food pics. :goodvibes
Almost an hour wait for a bus, that's ridiculous. :confused3
Can't wait to read your your next report!
Hi! :wave2: I just started reading your TR and I'm loving it so far! Very cool to get the DL perspective. My DH wants to visit California so badly. We've made tentative plans to go several times but it hasn't worked yet. One day!

I haven't made it all the way through yet but wanted to let you know that your first link for day #2 is broken. You may want to fix it. :goodvibes

We leave on Saturday and I can hardly wait! (Yes, my ticker is wrong. We changed and I just never updated!) I MAY do a TR when we get back; we'll see. Anyway, great job so far. Keep it up!
Love your Via Napoli pics! If I didn't already have an ADR for it I would need to get one after those pics!! nomnomnom
Looks like a great meal! I have an ADR there for my next trip. I can't wait for the pizza and the Strawberry drink!

No fun waiting for the bus! Did you notice what time of day it was that you waited the longest? I always feel like the middle of the day, you tend to wait longer, unless it's Epcot at the end of the day and you're waiting in a long line that takes many buses to empty. Epcot after Illuminations was the longest wait I've ever had.
Also joining in!

Love the DL perspective - I felt how you felt in WDW but in reverse! I don't know why they ever ever got rid of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Boo.

And I am so with you on my food not touching other foods. Ugh. That's why I have to go up to buffets multiple times because you can only fit so much food on a plate with spaces between everything! Lots of people think I'm crazy (read: my family) but it's so jarring when you have a flavor that's not supposed to be there! And I don't believe in the whole "it's all going to the same place so who cares" thing. It has to pass my tongue first!

Looking forward to hearing more!
I haven't made it all the way through yet but wanted to let you know that your first link for day #2 is broken. You may want to fix it. :goodvibes

Jumping in!

jsyk, I had trouble with some of the links in your TOC. You might want to check them.

Thank you so much for letting me know! I went through all of them and fixed (hopefully!) the ones that didn't work. Let me know if there is still a problem!

Just wanted to say hi and that I'm joining in! I love your excitement about everything. I've been to Disney World numerous times and I can't wait to do Disneyland someday!!

Welcome! You'll love Disneyland! It's magical in its own way!

Following along :surfweb:
Your lunch at Via Napoli looks amazing... i'm drooling over your food pics. :goodvibes
Almost an hour wait for a bus, that's ridiculous. :confused3
Can't wait to read your your next report!

I'm craving the pizza right now! If only Via Napoli was closer!

Hi! :wave2: I just started reading your TR and I'm loving it so far! Very cool to get the DL perspective. My DH wants to visit California so badly. We've made tentative plans to go several times but it hasn't worked yet. One day!

We leave on Saturday and I can hardly wait! (Yes, my ticker is wrong. We changed and I just never updated!) I MAY do a TR when we get back; we'll see. Anyway, great job so far. Keep it up!

One day you'll make it to California! It has been very unseasonably warm here the last week or so (it was 97 degrees on Friday :eek:). Typically May is a beautiful month if California!

Have fun on your trip! I'll keep a lookout for a TR if you decide to do one!

Love your Via Napoli pics! If I didn't already have an ADR for it I would need to get one after those pics!! nomnomnom

I want to go back just for that food!

Jumping in!


Looks like a great meal! I have an ADR there for my next trip. I can't wait for the pizza and the Strawberry drink!

No fun waiting for the bus! Did you notice what time of day it was that you waited the longest? I always feel like the middle of the day, you tend to wait longer, unless it's Epcot at the end of the day and you're waiting in a long line that takes many buses to empty. Epcot after Illuminations was the longest wait I've ever had.

I honestly didn't notice what time of the day we waited the longest. The buses seemed to run pretty quickly in the mornings. It always felt like we waited a long time at night but that is probably because we were tired and grumpy. We never did see IllumiNations but I can only imagine how long that wait was!

Also joining in!

Love the DL perspective - I felt how you felt in WDW but in reverse! I don't know why they ever ever got rid of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Boo.

And I am so with you on my food not touching other foods. Ugh. That's why I have to go up to buffets multiple times because you can only fit so much food on a plate with spaces between everything! Lots of people think I'm crazy (read: my family) but it's so jarring when you have a flavor that's not supposed to be there! And I don't believe in the whole "it's all going to the same place so who cares" thing. It has to pass my tongue first!

Looking forward to hearing more!

I think we are kindred souls. My family and especially Jordan think I am a total freak because I don't let my food touch. Buffets are hard for me because I want everything but require multiple plates and don't want to take more than one at a time for fear of looking like a complete pig. I always go back for more. Always. Thanksgiving is also hard for me. If it was really up to me, only mashed potatoes would be served, but it is not and I love it all but there is only so much room on a dinner plate!
So my mom and I both ditched work on Friday to go to Disneyland! As an early Mother's Day gift, I booked us both for pedicures at the Mandara Spa at the Grand Californian Hotel for Saturday morning and we decided to extend the trip an extra day to utilize our AP's!

It was a really fun trip (the first mother-daughter only trip we've ever taken!) but OMG IT WAS HOT. Like almost 100 degrees hot. And the majority of the rides at Disneyland don't have inside queues. Because Southern California has beautiful weather 24/7, 365 day of the year, right?!?

WRONG. Take, for example, last June during my best friend's wedding when it was 110 degrees and the church's air conditioner wasn't working.

Anyway, I don't want to scare you all off from going to Disneyland because no matter what the weather is like, it is magical. And after a mid afternoon shower and nap, and once the sun started going down, it was incredibly lovely.

I thought I'd share some pictures with you since I don't have a regular TR will come soon!

In DCA, in Carsland, at the Cozy Cone, one of the cones (there are 5-6 of them and they all sell snacks and such...), the one that sells the pretzels, also sells a lime-pomegranate vodka drink and IT WAS GOOD. I think it would have been better blended but it was hot and who am I to complain about adult drinks?

In line for Toy Story Midway Mania. My god, the hottest line on the planet. It was about three degrees cooler than the surface of the sun.

The loaded baked potato soup from the Carnation Cafe. It is the ONLY reason I consistently make reservations at this restaurant.

The romaine with shrimp (I substituted chicken because clearly that chunk of meat is not shrimp) at the Carnation Cafe. I don't even like salad and it was GOOD.

Animation Academy!

We waited all day to get to draw Olaf! And my mom would probably kill me if I showed anybody her drawing...

The have Magical Star cocktails at Disneyland too! (you can get them at the bar/lounge at the Grand Californian and at the Cove Bar in DCA)

Pedi time!


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