To package deal or not to package deal?


Earning My Ears
Mar 12, 2001
Hello people,

My fiance' and I are planning a trip to wdw for our honeymoon. I have been scanning over disney honeymoon package prices and trying to come up with my own plan. <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> So many rates and numbers that I am pulling my hair out. We will be staying about 5 days Oct. 13th thru the 19th and I am trying to keep it below 2,000.00 dollars at least. Any info will be great.

nate on the wait for Oct :D
Welcome to the DIS!!! :) :) :)

First of all, congratulations on your upcoming wedding! :D

Have you decided where you would like to stay? On-site? Off-site? Which resort?

Do you want a package deal (example: hotel, meals, airfare, etc. included)? Or would you like to plan it yourself (which is usually a lot cheaper :eek: )?

After making those decisions, it will be easier to follow a plan. Calling CRO and seeing if there are any discounts for when you are planning on visiting... Be persistent. Some CMs will tell you about a discount available, while some won't (some don't know about them :rolleyes: ).

If I might also recommend Dreams Unlimited Travel, you can get a quote from them as well.

I hope that helped a little. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. The DIS is a wonderful place full of knowledgeable Disney Fans! :D

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ASMusic 10/27/00 to 11/02/00
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We too, are planning for our Honeymoon trip, but in June. Here is what we found. First, the honeymoon packages sound really neat, but you can pay a lot less if you go with something like the resort, or the discovery for more options. From what I have been told, that if you mention that you are honeymooners, Disney will throw in a few romantic things with basic packages. For your budget, which is like our own, we choose to go with the all star resorts, (less money, less romantic) but opted for some nicer resturants. We also choose the resort package, again less money, only one flex feature, but we compared to the Discovery package. The Discovery package gives you a lot more wishes, but when figured per wish, it is about $33 dollars. When we fiqured what we wanted to do, it didn't save us much, but for some it may, so play with the numbers. My suggestion is to skip the honeymoon packages, and go for some of the others. Start with the Disney World package site, then get a few online estimates, then call Disney and compare what seems best. Good Luck and Congrats!?
First of all, congratulations! You're going to have a wonderful honeymoon at WDW no matter which resort you choose, and whether you buy a package or not.

We did our honeymoon last year at the Wilderness Lodge, which is wonderfully romantic, with lots of little corners and private areas where you can hang out by a roaring fire... I highly recommend it! It's also the least expensive of the Deluxe resorts. For the Moderate hotels, a lot of people feel Port Orleans (or whatever it's called now) is the most romantic.

I've done a lot of research on package vs. non-package, and I can tell you for sure -- the packages will cost you more. If you have the patience, you can get much better deals by buying everything separately. We were not on a package but we told everyone (reservations agents, desk clerks, waiters) we were on our honeymoon, and we were given a bottle of champagne by the hotel and free desserts or glasses of champagne by several of the restaurants. So you don't have to buy a package to get special Disney treatment!

We bought Annual Passes, so we're going back for our first anniversary and our admission is already taken care of! Something to think about...

I have a lot more info on my web site:

Hope this helps! :)
We did DxL for our honeymoon! We had some package similar to the resort magic package. It was fine for us. This year we are going back for our 4 year anniversary. I almost got the discovery magic package, but after doing the math, we could not eat enough food to make it worth the extra $$. Then I read this board some more and I actually dropped the resort magic package too! We got annual passes instead. Between the AP and our DC we are getting a great room rate for our trip in May and we are thinking of going down for three nights in December to see the Christmas festivities. It is up to you, but I don't think the packages are worth it.

We started with reservations are the ASMo. But we do not have kids yet and I wanted to stay in a resort that had a little more "privacy" this time. I figure once we have a family we will be staying in the All-stars quite a bit, if for no other reason than the theming (although I have a suspicion that price will have a lot to do with it too!!! :eek: ). So, I kept looking for a way to upgrade. It worked out that we upgraded to AKL for the same price that it would have cost us to upgrade to the Moderates at that time of year becasue of the DC and AP deals that they have going on. And, because it does not cost more than the moderates, I was able to keep a lot of my dinners and just switch some of them to lunches so that I could still eat in the restaurants and save some $$.

Either way you do it, you will enjoy it. June is a wonderful time for a wedding! I know!!! ;)

Jun 97 - DL
May 01 - AKL
Disney has many plans available such as the resort magic and the discovery magic and even the grand plan(but that one is pricey) and yes they have the honeymoon pkg too. your best bet is to price it both ways one with a pkg plan and then seperately. and try to get your air seperate cause you can get your air at a better rate on the internet. and dependingon the city that you live in tey may have a tour company that also offers a depp discounted pkg. like here in pittsburgh we have royal travel. and they specialize in disney. tere are a lot of people on these boards that can help you.
try to do a spread sheet or a worksheet and list what you cna and can't spend on everything. like meals...sometimes its adventageous to get a plan that includes all of your meals and other times its beter to get one that only includes one meal a day. a buffet meal for intance is 15 a person for breakfast and like 21 for dinner. so add that up for x amount of days and then see how much of a difference it is for the meal plan. now if you go to and check out the menus on debs sight you can get an idea of what you will be spending on your meals.

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Hi, Nate!

My fiance and I are going to be staying at Port Orleans (FQ) for our honeymoon in August and we went with the resort package. With all the details that go into planning a wedding I didnt want to haggle with prices for the honeymoon. I just joined the Disney Club and called them.

We ended up spending $2100 for 6 nights king hotel room, rental car, unlimited passes, $50 disney dollars and rt air. I think it's a great deal. You shouldn't have a problem staying around $2000!

Good luck!
Congrat! No matter what you pick you will have a great time and remember it forever.

We had our honeymoon at WDW Dolphin and bought a package 10yrs ago. At that time there was not the resources like this site. We are now planning a trip back this time with our son. I first reserved Magic Package at moderate hotel. Then I found this board. Thankfully I didn't do anything but reserve the package.

From reading the board I started doing the math. I decided I didn't care about the extras from the package. I used Dreams Unlimited Travel (told them I had DC and AP) and ended up getting a great deal! I am buying one AP (for the discount) and two 5 days passes. Our 7 day trip at a deluxe hotel with passes will cost less than the original reservation at moderate with Disney Magic package!

Now that was Magic! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face">)

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