Title Chosen: World of Friendship! October 2017 Girls Getaway: Aloha to the Poly/ MCO Hyatt p33-4


Amazing you could look so calm with all that going on in front of you.

the buzzing sounds from the speakers (although the volume probably could be turned down a smidge).

WHAT????? :listen:

Undaunted, we got into the Fast Pass lane, which moved very slowly and then at one point came to a complete standstill for several minutes. Sue and her husband, who had been on this attraction before, said that this was not what they had experienced previously.

No, that does not match what my experience was.

In all, I think our wait was around 45 minutes before we got to the pre-show areas.

Yeah... not even close. I think my wait was.... 5 minutes?

I understand that the standby line has some excellent theming, but I don’t care to enjoy it unless the wait is less than an hour.

Agreed. I've heard good things, but.... I don't want to stand in line for 2-3 hours to see it.

there were cast members who had ipads. They acknowledged that we had endured an unacceptable wait time for the attraction, and added a Fast Pass to all of our Magic Bands.

That's good at least.

I’m not sure if they were doing this for everyone in the line or just people who had Fast Passes.

Probably the latter. If you're in the regular line, I think you're already waiting... 2-3 hours.

I found this part of the queue to be unspectacular. After the gorgeous scenery outside, this seemed bland. It reminded me a lot of the queue line for Transformers at Universal Studios.

I actually like that part of it.
You go from this eye candy that is Pandora to "man's" industrial ugly construction. Then you get immersed in beauty again on the ride. I like that contrast.


The ride was incredibly fun and exciting. The interactive technology was amazing!


Unfortunately, it was also somewhat nauseating for one of our group.

I've heard this for a few people. I suppose it can't be helped.

so we left ~Ninja, Sue and her husband behind in Pandora.

You ditched them for better things. Check.

~Ninja had suggested that we eat at Tiffin’s Restaurant.

Been hearing a lot of good things about this place from several people.

You were right about Tiffin’s. The octopus was great!

Her reply: ROTFLMAO! Well played!

Glad you liked Flight of Passage. Yeah the Fastpass queue is rather boring but the standby queue is one of the best there is. As for the glasses they have since fixed them to make them better fitting.

Glad you enjoyed Tiffins as well. One of my favorite places.
We rode Rivers of Light with Ninja. I think she viewed the ride through her camera lens, snapping pictures the whole time. :)

Sounds like her!

Ninja tried to talk everyone into eating at Tiffins and I know she was disappointed that none of us were interested. I didn't know that you played this trick on her. That was great. :)

We discussed whether we should do this, and we were (almost) reluctant to post it, but we ran out of that restaurant giggling like schoolgirls. I'm glad it was received well!

That's too bad you had to wait so long for FoP, with a fast pass, too. I'm finding the older I'm getting, rides are beginning to affect me differently. I really dislike it!

I'm not a picky eater by any stretch, but the menu at Tiffins does not have me dying to try it. I'm sure I'd find something, but there are so many other places I'd like to try before that. It certainly gets good reviews, though.

It is too bad about the long wait. It was nice that we were awarded a Fast Pass, but because the 3 of us had other plans on our mind for that night, we didn't get to take advantage of it. I did get to ride Na'vi River Journey the next morning, though.

Rides are definitely affecting me differently as I start to "mature". I do ok with the simulator screens (Soarin, FoP, etc), but when we are at Universal I usually take Bonine since there are so many. The main types of rides I can't do are the ones that go around in a circle. Astro Orbitors is the only one that has done me in at Disney. But then again, I don't even attempt the tea cups!

I am a very adventurous eater, so the menu has lots of things I would try, but my problem is that I am a picky SPENDER! Since I can find plenty to enjoy at some of the less expensive restaurants, even counter service, I prefer to dine there and save some $$$.


Wow 45 minutes? Nothing fast about that! Nice that they gave you an extra FP for the trouble though!

Well played indeed! That is too funny :goodvibes

45 minutes was pretty bad, but I just couldn't imagine the folks in stand-by waiting for HOURS!!! It was nice that they acknowledged our inconvenience with a fast pass, even if some of us didn't get a chance to use it.

We were amused by our harmless little joke!


Wow that was a long wait glad they added an additional fp. I love FOP it’s amazing!
More great pics.

Fortunately, I had charming company during the long wait.

FoP is a great ride- *spoiler alert* I did get to ride again on that trip.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed the pictures.

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Amazing you could look so calm with all that going on in front of you.

Funny, we were not fazed in the least at the time the photo was taken.

WHAT????? :listen:


No, that does not match what my experience was.

Yeah... not even close. I think my wait was.... 5 minutes?

Agreed. I've heard good things, but.... I don't want to stand in line for 2-3 hours to see it.

Agree to all of the above. I was glad when I had another chance to go on FoP the following day, it was a more typical experience.

That's good at least.

"It is better to have gotten a FP and not used it, than to never have gotten a FP at all." - Alfred Lord Tennyson following a trip to Animal Kingdom.

I actually like that part of it.
You go from this eye candy that is Pandora to "man's" industrial ugly construction. Then you get immersed in beauty again on the ride. I like that contrast.

Fair enough. At least we weren't in that area for an unreasonable amount of time... :rolleyes1

I've heard this for a few people. I suppose it can't be helped.

Bonine. It can sort of be helped.

Been hearing a lot of good things about this place from several people.


Yes, I have also heard great things about Tiffins. I wouldn't mind trying it sometime.

Although I must say I enjoyed our brief but fulfilling trip there!!!

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Sorry to hear there was some sort of back up in the queue for Flights of Passage, but it was nice of the Cast Member to acknowledge it and add a FP to your account.

I've heard great things about Tiffins, as well! Hopefully one day we'll both get the chance to try that octopus.
Funny, we were not fazed in the least at the time the photo was taken.




"It is better to have gotten a FP and not used it, than to never have gotten a FP at all." - Alfred Lord Tennyson following a trip to Animal Kingdom.

I'm not sure what impresses me more.
That you knew that quote or you knew the source.

I love the accuracy in your reporting!

Fair enough. At least we weren't in that area for an unreasonable amount of time... :rolleyes1


Bonine. It can sort of be helped.


Yes, I have also heard great things about Tiffins.

Although I must say I enjoyed our brief but fulfilling trip there!!!


Glad you liked Flight of Passage. Yeah the Fastpass queue is rather boring but the standby queue is one of the best there is. As for the glasses they have since fixed them to make them better fitting.

Glad you enjoyed Tiffins as well. One of my favorite places.

Flight of Passage definitely lives up to the hype! I will check out the standby queue someday, but the lines are going to have to get MUCH shorter before I do that.

Glad to hear the glasses have been reimagined.

Well, our trip to Tiffins was brief, and we didn't get anything to eat, but I will still give it 5 stars!


Sorry to hear there was some sort of back up in the queue for Flights of Passage, but it was nice of the Cast Member to acknowledge it and add a FP to your account.

I've heard great things about Tiffins, as well! Hopefully one day we'll both get the chance to try that octopus.

I think there were a lot of disruptions on the ride since it has opened. I haven't really followed whether the situation has improved, but I suspect it is better now. The extra Fast Pass was a nice touch.

I would totally try the octopus. I'll have to take my son Ben- that is one of his favorite foods.

Glad you got to ride FOP and the extra FP for your troubles was a nice touch even though you couldn't use them. Quick question-do you need to have seen the movie Pandora to "get" the rides?
Laughed when i saw the shenanigans you lot got up to:rotfl:Glad NM saw the funny side too:rotfl2:
We rode Rivers of Light with Ninja. I think she viewed the ride through her camera lens, snapping pictures the whole time. :)

That is easy to believe! :rotfl:

I am a very adventurous eater, so the menu has lots of things I would try, but my problem is that I am a picky SPENDER!

Two of the things that make you a good travel buddy. :)

Unfortunately I do get nauseated on some rides. I found FoP to be a bit much. The ride was so amazing, but I did have to keep looking off to the side to keep my stomach settled. But hey - I didn't get nauseated on the Na'vi River Journey. I'll just have to take my aging body of that ride when I'm next in Pandora.
I'm so far behind but catching up now!

Thanks for these pictures!

Thank you for keeping an eye on my place. I think you make the most frequent pilgrimages to the spot!


I realized I used the wrong emoji so I corrected it. :)
But I will be back next weekend for a short solo trip, so I'll keep and eye out on Dee's Corner again!

Great group shot!


Loaded Mac & Cheese- Pepper Bacon, Cheddar Cheese, Peppers and Green Onions

I didn’t have any or much of this. Mac & Cheese is not my jam.

I had this too, and it was good for the first two bites but then I got tired of it.


Savory Carmelized Onion and Boursin Garlic and Fine Herbs Cheese Tart with with Cold Arugula Salad and Aged Balsamic Vinegar

OMG- this was huge, and rich. I don’t think the four of us were able to finish it.

Oh man I should have gotten this, for some reason I thought this was like a quiche which I'm not fond of but it sounds a lot cheesier and more delicious, everyone who's tried it loves it!

Teriyaki-glazed SPAM Hash with Potatos, Peppers, Onions and Spicy Mayonnaise

OMG I had this and I loved it! But how could I not...it has SPAM and is from the Hawaii booth :laughing:


Lamington- Yellow Cake Dipped in Chocolate and Shredded Coconut

This was not as good as it should have been. It was a little dry.

I think I had this too and it was terrible. So dry!

Long story short, my dad fell in his apartment, had to call 911 and he was taken to the hospital. He was there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Nothing broken, but he had an infection that had made him weak and disoriented. Then he was released to rehab for 5 days to get his strength up. He returned to his apartment yesterday. I have been going to visit him and deal with stuff every day since last Monday. Today is my first day staying close to home. My brother has said he would stop in and the visiting nurse is supposed to come by to see my dad today.

He has been in good spirits and joking around as always.

Oh no I'm really sorry about your dad but so happy to hear he's on the mend. :hug:
Both my dad and Steve's dad have had their issues this year and thankfully it's looking upward for the both of them and hope the same for your dad too.

hmm why is the microwave outside of it's little cubby?
I have to say the Poly DVC units are so much nicer than the other resort rooms at the Poly because they are newer. I think the Poly regular rooms need an overhaul. They need to make them as nice as the Yacht Club!

OMG Best view ever - only thing that will beat this is if you stayed in one of the bungalows, LOL.

For the first time I noticed the kangaroos in the garden in front of the Tree of Life. Are they new there?


I have not noticed this! I'll see if they are still there next weekend.

He's awake! I've only seen him awake late afternoon or evening. The nighttime safari was mostly disappointing until we got here and the Lion was wide awake. That made it pretty cool.

I love this shot!

When we got to the loading area, there were cast members who had ipads. They acknowledged that we had endured an unacceptable wait time for the attraction, and added a Fast Pass to all of our Magic Bands. I’m not sure if they were doing this for everyone in the line or just people who had Fast Passes.

So strange. I never wait more than 20 minutes in FP line. The FP line is really boring but the standby is really cool, however you're right, I wouldn't wait more than an hour, that's just too long in line!

But we didn’t pass up an opportunity to taunt our friend.

We popped into the lounge, grabbed some menus and asked a waitress to take our picture and then gave her a few dollars for a tip.

We posted this on Facebook and tagged ~Ninja:

You were right about Tiffin’s. The octopus was great!

Her reply: ROTFLMAO! Well played!

Hahaha that's the best trick ever!
The octopus IS amazing though!
SOOOO mean to me, teasing me with a fake Tiffins selfie. The next time I want to see you surrounded by Octopus tentacles! I almost typed Octopus testicles!!! LOL

I hadn't seen Rivers of light so I was dying to see it.

Tiffins isn't as adventurous as it's menu seems. I think it's been going through a Disney dumb down with it's menu complexity. Disney restaurants seem to have a quality arc. They start out great and somewhat adventurous and then they sell out down to a basic menu to appeal to the crowds.

For example the dumbed down menus will have a beef (The Disney strip steak, dry and leathery and of dubious quality from a 30 year old cow)

The sustainably raised tilapia, flash frozen in Mexico and delivered on the back of that cow that the strip steaks come from.

A pasta dish with sun dried everything.

A vegan soylent green patty with a side of kale-n-quinoa.

Finally there will be a chicken on the menu. Perhaps it is hiding in the pasta.... perhaps they have totally given up and it's in a nugget.

Yummo! (NOT!)

All this for $34.99.

One day Dee I will get you into Tiffins and you will eat your words (with a side of kale-n-quinoa).


PS, Soylent Green is People!!!
In all, I think our wait was around 45 minutes before we got to the pre-show areas.

Uggh. That's rough. I think our wait in August shortly after it opened was around 30 minutes, and even though felt too long. And since then Nathan's never had that long of a wait. But...

When we got to the loading area, there were cast members who had ipads. They acknowledged that we had endured an unacceptable wait time for the attraction, and added a Fast Pass to all of our Magic Bands. I’m not sure if they were doing this for everyone in the line or just people who had Fast Passes.

...great that they tried to make it right by doing something like this!


The ride was incredibly fun and exciting. The interactive technology was amazing!

Unfortunately, it was also somewhat nauseating for one of our group.

So glad you enjoyed it!! I agree, though I was the one of my group who found it nauseating. I didn't go back again, but Nathan did. What an amazing ride though!!

~Ninja had suggested that we eat at Tiffin’s Restaurant. She had excellent meals there during past trips and said the grilled octopus was out of this world.

She's right about the octopus.

We popped into the lounge, grabbed some menus and asked a waitress to take our picture and then gave her a few dollars for a tip.

I'm not sure what impresses me more.
That you knew that quote or you knew the source.

I love the accuracy in your reporting!

I'm pretty sure that is not the exact quote.

I do have to admit that this is not the first time that google-pedia has helped me with reporting or a response!

Glad you got to ride FOP and the extra FP for your troubles was a nice touch even though you couldn't use them. Quick question-do you need to have seen the movie Pandora to "get" the rides?
Laughed when i saw the shenanigans you lot got up to:rotfl:Glad NM saw the funny side too:rotfl2:

I have seen the movie, so it is difficult for me to answer your question. I think the experiences on Flights of Passage can be enjoyed on their own without being familiar with the movie. The Na'vi River Journey t scenes are definitely more meaningful if you have seen the film.

We ran out of the restaurant giggling like silly school girls!


That is easy to believe! :rotfl:

Well, I'm not one to criticize. There were a few times when ~Ninja and I each rode alone so we could snap photos while you and Nannette shared a ride.

Two of the things that make you a good travel buddy. :)

I'm cheap and I'm easy.

That makes me a good date, too!


Unfortunately I do get nauseated on some rides. I found FoP to be a bit much. The ride was so amazing, but I did have to keep looking off to the side to keep my stomach settled. But hey - I didn't get nauseated on the Na'vi River Journey. I'll just have to take my aging body of that ride when I'm next in Pandora.

You actually did really well after the ride. I know you said it bothered you, but you still managed to pose for an octopus photo without puking!


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I realized I used the wrong emoji so I corrected it. :)
But I will be back next weekend for a short solo trip, so I'll keep and eye out on Dee's Corner again!

Thank you! It makes me feel better to know someone is keeping an eye on my spot.

Great group shot!

Thank you!

I'm so glad we thought to do a group picture in each of the parks we visited that day!

I had this too, and it was good for the first two bites but then I got tired of it.

The loaded mac & cheese was good to get and share. Or so I'm told.

Oh man I should have gotten this, for some reason I thought this was like a quiche which I'm not fond of but it sounds a lot cheesier and more delicious, everyone who's tried it loves it!

It was ok for a few bites but it was SOOOO rich. And big. Definitely for sharing!

OMG I had this and I loved it! But how could I not...it has SPAM and is from the Hawaii booth :laughing:


I think I had this too and it was terrible. So dry!

It was definitely disappointing!

Oh no I'm really sorry about your dad but so happy to hear he's on the mend. :hug:
Both my dad and Steve's dad have had their issues this year and thankfully it's looking upward for the both of them and hope the same for your dad too.

It is so difficult being at the stage of our lives where we are taking care of the ones who took care of us for so many years.

hmm why is the microwave outside of it's little cubby?
I have to say the Poly DVC units are so much nicer than the other resort rooms at the Poly because they are newer. I think the Poly regular rooms need an overhaul. They need to make them as nice as the Yacht Club!

First stay at the Poly, so I had no idea that the microwave was not in its rightful place!

The room was fantastic!

OMG Best view ever - only thing that will beat this is if you stayed in one of the bungalows, LOL.

I can't even imagine how great the views from the bungalows are. But then again, I wouldn't have had "my grass" if we stayed in them. It would have been "my water", but I don't think I could have walked on it.

I have not noticed this! I'll see if they are still there next weekend.


He's awake! I've only seen him awake late afternoon or evening. The nighttime safari was mostly disappointing until we got here and the Lion was wide awake. That made it pretty cool.

It was a great lion sighting!

I love this shot!

Thank you. The Lion King has special meaning to me (as evidenced by my shirt). This was one of the Disney movies from my sons' childhoods. Probably the bravest thing I have ever done was getting up in front of a group of 600 middle schoolers and their families with a friend singing "Hakuna Matata"

I was Timon.

So strange. I never wait more than 20 minutes in FP line. The FP line is really boring but the standby is really cool, however you're right, I wouldn't wait more than an hour, that's just too long in line!

There was some kind of issue with the ride that afternoon.

Hahaha that's the best trick ever!
The octopus IS amazing though!

We are a funny quartet!

I don't know if you remember, but you actually commented on that Facebook post!

I know you love the octopus. And the passionfruit dessert. I will try both someday!

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SOOOO mean to me, teasing me with a fake Tiffins selfie. The next time I want to see you surrounded by Octopus tentacles! I almost typed Octopus testicles!!! LOL

I hadn't seen Rivers of light so I was dying to see it.

Tiffins isn't as adventurous as it's menu seems. I think it's been going through a Disney dumb down with it's menu complexity. Disney restaurants seem to have a quality arc. They start out great and somewhat adventurous and then they sell out down to a basic menu to appeal to the crowds.

For example the dumbed down menus will have a beef (The Disney strip steak, dry and leathery and of dubious quality from a 30 year old cow)

The sustainably raised tilapia, flash frozen in Mexico and delivered on the back of that cow that the strip steaks come from.

A pasta dish with sun dried everything.

A vegan soylent green patty with a side of kale-n-quinoa.

Finally there will be a chicken on the menu. Perhaps it is hiding in the pasta.... perhaps they have totally given up and it's in a nugget.

Yummo! (NOT!)

All this for $34.99.

One day Dee I will get you into Tiffins and you will eat your words (with a side of kale-n-quinoa).


PS, Soylent Green is People!!!

You were a good sport with our picture!

I can't remember- did you stay for Rivers of Light? Was it raining for the show?

Meals have definitely declined in quality at Disney overall while the prices have increased. Honestly, I am just as happy eating at counter service places, especially the ones in EPCOT, because I love international food. I liked our lunch at Harambe Marketplace in Animal Kingdom.

The only signature restaurant I have been to was our meal at blue. I am usually able to find something I will enjoy any place we go.

I'll try the kale-n-quinoa, but I'll pass on the soylet!

Uggh. That's rough. I think our wait in August shortly after it opened was around 30 minutes, and even though felt too long. And since then Nathan's never had that long of a wait. But...

At least we were in good company while waiting!

...great that they tried to make it right by doing something like this!

The granting of the fast pass was a nice touch. Sue, her husband and ~Ninja were able to make use of the fast passes after we left.

So glad you enjoyed it!! I agree, though I was the one of my group who found it nauseating. I didn't go back again, but Nathan did. What an amazing ride though!!

Sorry the ride was rough on you. I generally do ok with any ride that doesn't spin around in a circle.

She's right about the octopus.

So I hear!

We enjoyed pulling our stunt!



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