Tips, Tricks and Thoughts..... (Long)


Aug 27, 1999
I shared these with the group back in November, but I thought I'd share again. Hope these help!

Tips / Tricks / Thoughts:

(Not in any particular order)

Plan, plan, plan. But be VERY flexible.

If you have daily itinerary sheets, laminate them. You'll be glad you did.

Slow down the last three hours of each day and soak in the magic. It can be missed if you are in a hurry!!

Do one E-Ride Night.

Do early entry then leave for another park. Especially MK!

Bring moleskin for possible blisters.

Have priority seating worked out before you arrive.

Be part of a car rental club so you can pass the rental counter and go directly to the car.

Walk single file in a big crowd if your kids are big enough to walk without hand holding. The leader can 'pave the way' and others can follow.

Explain to your children what you are doing the next day so they will know.

Rest. Take the afternoon nap or pool time.

After your nap, try a different park. Kids may enjoy the pace change.

Fax room requests to the room controller of your hotel at least twice before you arrive.

Bring a backpack for extra clothing/ponchos and snacks. It's not hard to keep up with.

Determine if every person in your party really needs a refillable mug.

Watch the Magic Moments or Electrical Parade from the benches on the bridge to Adventureland if you want to be less crowded and more comfortable.

Watch Tapestry of Nations from Morocco Outpost or Germany. Less crowded. The second performance is not always less crowded than the first.

Resort hop if you have time.

Do some of the penny presses. Cheap souvenir and keeps kids moving.

Try as many forms of WDW transportation as you can. Kids seem to love them all.

Be kind to your touring companions and adhere to their wishes when you can. (Even if it screws up your touring plans.)

Eat Mickey Ice Cream Bars. Yum!

Play Disney Winter / Summerland miniature golf. (If you like miniature golf.)

Don't allow your 13 year old son to go by himself for ICE at the Caribbean Beach. You may not see him for a while. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Try at least one character breakfast if you can.

See Illuminations.

Take lots of pictures.

Write your log at the end of each day or you may forget some small, but entertaining memories.

Arrive early at the parks.

Attempt to learn the WDW transportation system when you arrive. It WILL save you time if you do. It WILL cost you time if you don't.

Buy something that will truly be a memory of the trip.

Try to live the trip through the eyes of your children. You had your fun when you were younger... now it's THEIR turn... /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Three year old children can't do anything wrong at Walt Disney World.

Be kind with your stroller. Other people's ankles will appreciate it.

Ride Buzz Lightyear until you score at least 100,000 points.

Carry water bottles in your backpack. Then drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.

Get at least 8 or 9 hours sleep a couple of nights during your trip.

Carry all medicines you might even remotely need in your backpack. The room is farther away than you think.

Bring and eyeglass repair kit with the CORRECT size screws.

Bring superglue for when the eyeglasses BREAK from trying to screw in the INCORRECT screw. (I guess you can skip this one if you remember the one above. We blew both.)

If you eat at the Cape May for the dinner buffet, try ALL the desserts. First. Then eat the other food.

You will need priority seating to get into Tony's at MK after the parade.

Bring sunscreen.

Don't go see the Swan and the Dolphin if you are looking for Disney type theming.

Spend some time at Downtown Disney. (Marketplace, PI, West Side)

Don't try to go from MGM to MK if you are in a hurry.

Get an Epcot passport and get it stamped and filled in. Kids love it.

Laugh. You really AREN'T a Disney commando. You just think you are.

Bring lots of money.

See Fantasmic.

Be careful with the charge privileges on your room card.

Don't lose your park map while you are in the park. Get another if you do.

Remember your MKC card.

Get a 'SEE Orlando' book at the Mears motor shuttle stand. There are lots of good coupons in it especially if you are not staying on WDW property or plan to visit other things outside of WDW.

My last thought: Have fun. Enjoy the trip. We saw so many people who were yelling at the kids, kids yelling at each other, parents yelling at each other. Kids were tired, Mom and Dad's patience was gone, children crying, frustrated faces. I'm not sure there is a way to get around that completely, but we made a pact with our children before the trip. A concerted effort by all that we would enjoy this trip. No getting mad, no getting even, no yelling.
If one was tired, all would agree to go to the room for a nap. If one was having a bad day, all would do their best to help or not aggravate further. And it worked. I hope it can work for you too! (We decided we were spending way too much money to not have a great time.)

I don't have all the answers but I know this:

Walt Disney World IS the most magical place on Earth and my family had the pleasure of enjoying it in a magical way. Together.


[This message was edited by Maverick on 05-30-00 at 09:52 PM.]
Thanks for all the wonderful tips! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif


<font color=purple>Snow White aka Michelle</font>

Thanks for the great tips!!! Only 17 more days to go!


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Great advice & tips. I'm writing down the benches on the bridge to Adventureland for the parade. Thanks for all the tips.
Is it ok to fax the room controller twice? Won't they get annoyed? I just don't want them to NOT give me my room requests because I sent the fax twice. Please post a response! THanks.
I LOVE these tips - I was chuckling at my computer about the eyeglasses tip! My 16 y/o son tripped over his own feet getting out of Dumbo (must have been that wild ride) and his glasses went flying!!

Also appreciate the stroller tip!!! My ankles thank you!! My daughter actually had a bone in the top of her foot broken by a wheelchair carrying a non-disabled teen being pushed by a running group of teens (one of the "let's switch now" wheelchair users).

Glad you had such a great time!!! I can't wait until we return on December 12!

We faxed the room controller twice.

Once about 5 days before arrival and again the day before arrival. If they were annoyed, they didn't tell us about it and we got exactly what we were asking for.

The only reason I faxed twice is thinking that one might get lost.

I really think Disney will do everything they can to accomodate you on room requests.

I may laminate your tips! Thanks for posting them!!! Love the pact you made with your kids, we will be doing the same with ours. I have found that kids do better everywhere you take them if they know what the rules are and what to expect. We have 19 days to go and my motor is running!
Thanks Maverick. Excellent tips. We will definitely try the Morocco tip for Tapestry of Nations. We have used the Adventureland tip and it works great. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


1989 - Polynesian
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Great tips and such a pleasure to read! I will certainly save them for my December trip!
Those are great tips! I am really interested in the story behind the 13 year old and ice. I have a 12 year old that I just might want to send out for ice. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Bravo!! Great tips and great attitude!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

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What I learned or was reminded of- to keep it all in perspective and to have fun. It is a vacation. Thanks.

you went well above the hard deck . no more fly byes . what? this isn't the top gun thread.? sorry dave

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AMEN!! Last year it took my 11 y.o. (at the time) son a few days to really enjoy the trip. I think he was caught up between trying to be act cool and trying to act like a kid! He complaint about everything (weather, lines etc) Once I started to act like a "kid again" he realized this is pretty cool. Thanks for the tips! /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif



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