Tips for selling cub scout popcorn???

I came in here looking for help for my little scout.

You know, its a shame that people come into this thread JUST to express their dislike of the organization.

But just FYI,, ,you are not hurting the organization, it's the child. Boy Scouts is a NON PROFIT organization. EVERYTHING those boys make, goes back to the boys. Its for the BOYS! NOT the adults!

Summer camps, badges, belt loops, camps, etc is funded by POPCORN

They keep their policies among themselves not the boys, they teach those boys valuable life skills. AND, my troop has volunteers from ALL walks of life.

For those that posted ABOUT popcorn, thanks! My son appreciates all the help. He has been working really hard for summer camp.

Ans I'm done with this thread
I came in here looking for help for my little scout.

You know, its a shame that people come into this thread JUST to express their dislike of the organization.

But just FYI,, ,you are not hurting the organization, it's the child. Boy Scouts is a NON PROFIT organization. EVERYTHING those boys make, goes back to the boys. Its for the BOYS! NOT the adults!

Summer camps, badges, belt loops, camps, etc is funded by POPCORN

They keep their policies among themselves not the boys, they teach those boys valuable life skills. AND, my troop has volunteers from ALL walks of life.

For those that posted ABOUT popcorn, thanks! My son appreciates all the help. He has been working really hard for summer camp.

Ans I'm done with this thread

Little kids don't know about it, but how would you feel if/when your son (or one of his friends) is a bit older and realized that they are gay. What if they are asked to leave the troop, told they can't earn their Eagle Scout or volunteer for the organization? After all those years they put in there is a chance they will be told, "Sorry, you're not good enough for us anymore." I don't feel that this is "keeping their policies among themselves".

PS: my son is a scout because my DH is an Eagle. I am not comfortable with it and when he is old enough to understand I will explain to him why and let him make his own decision. I don't like a lot of other things the troop does either.. but that is a different thread..
My brother and his partner both are involved in my nephews troop. You don't change groups or views by being pissy. You change them by involvement, and by showing them that what they believe is inaccurate.
My brother and his partner both are involved in my nephews troop. You don't change groups or views by being pissy. You change them by involvement, and by showing them that what they believe is inaccurate.

IMHO, no one has posted anything "pissy" at all. Explaining an opinion, albeit different than another is just that..and opinion and explanation. I'd appreciate seeing what posts are considered "pissy." I do sense a harsh tone in your responses however, which I don't understand.

I also see my opinion, and those of others, doing exactly what you reference...showing inaccuracies and/or policies they might not know or understand..and being involved. Not sure what the issue is. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and that's all I see these posts to be :flower3:
My brother and his partner both are involved in my nephews troop. You don't change groups or views by being pissy. You change them by involvement, and by showing them that what they believe is inaccurate.

The problem is that this isn't just what they "believe", it is their policy, in writing. They could very well ask your brother and his partner to not be leaders anymore.

I do agree that no one needs to be rude to the boys that are just trying to earn money, I also don't disagree with those that choose not to give them money because they don't support the organization. And while the money goes to badges, camps, etc., that means a great deal of the money indirectly goes to the organization, that's where they buy the badges, uniforms, etc.
Little kids don't know about it, but how would you feel if/when your son (or one of his friends) is a bit older and realized that they are gay. What if they are asked to leave the troop, told they can't earn their Eagle Scout or volunteer for the organization? After all those years they put in there is a chance they will be told, "Sorry, you're not good enough for us anymore." I don't feel that this is "keeping their policies among themselves".

PS: my son is a scout because my DH is an Eagle. I am not comfortable with it and when he is old enough to understand I will explain to him why and let him make his own decision. I don't like a lot of other things the troop does either.. but that is a different thread..

Just have to point out that this is NOT at all the way the attitude is towards homosexual teens! They message is not "you're not good enough", it's "we as an organization feel that the behavior you are engaging in is wrong, therefor you need to either choose not to behave this way or leave the organization". It has nothing to do with "good enough". Boy Scouts, as an organization, believe that homosexuality is a wrong behavior and therefor will not allow it. They have every right to decide what behavior they will allow and not allow from their members. Other organizations make rules about their members not being allowed to drink alcohol, that is their right also. Private organization can make whatever rules they want to about what their members are allowed/not allowed to do. Your rights come in in the form of choosing to join or not join that organization.
Just have to point out that this is NOT at all the way the attitude is towards homosexual teens! They message is not "you're not good enough", it's "we as an organization feel that the behavior you are engaging in is wrong, therefor you need to either choose not to behave this way or leave the organization". It has nothing to do with "good enough". Boy Scouts, as an organization, believe that homosexuality is a wrong behavior and therefor will not allow it. They have every right to decide what behavior they will allow and not allow from their members. Other organizations make rules about their members not being allowed to drink alcohol, that is their right also. Private organization can make whatever rules they want to about what their members are allowed/not allowed to do. Your rights come in in the form of choosing to join or not join that organization.

...and in choosing not to support that organization and it's beliefs through word or deed.

Homosexuality is not a behavior. One does not get to choose whether they are homosexual or not. Yes, they can choose not to act on their feelings by not engaging in homosexual relationships, but that does not change the fact that they are homosexual, and, therefor, banned from being a member of the BSA.

Yes, BSA, as a private entity has the right to determine it's own rules, however, in my view, and in the view of many, any and all discrimination is wrong. Again, substitute whatever you would like for the word "homosexual." Black, latino, jewish, muslim, developmentally disabled. It doesn't seem so right then.

...and the point was brought up because the OP (which was a ghost thread, anyway) was asking how to increase popcorn sales. It was suggested that, in light of the BSA'a discriminatory membership policies, and the fact that it has been highly published lately, that it may be difficult to increase sales, regardless of what technique is employed.
My brother and his partner both are involved in my nephews troop. You don't change groups or views by being pissy. You change them by involvement, and by showing them that what they believe is inaccurate.

Might be good to take your fingers off the keyboard. Adverstising that "we don't play by the rules" is never good and liable to bring down the "local enforcement"

If the Boy Scouts enforce thier own policies they will be asked to give up the troop. Sorry but that's the way it is.

It's kind of like in the Girl Scouts. I can't let two dads run a troop alone. That's our policy. Yes, a Dad can lead a troop but we have to have some "unrelated" females involved too. The fact that I might love the two "gay dads" who want to lead a troop wouldn't matter I would have to say no unless we can con another girls mom into helping too....

All of these organizations have "policies" Some places do better then others then enforcing them. Most of them are suppose to be for the good of the kids but some of them....I admit are just bizarre. (My favorite Girl Scout bizarre rule is that technically girls can't share a bed. So when they go on a trip technically they can only have two girls in a hotel room... I think this is the most ignored rule in the book, but I teach it and then I say things like "but if you were in your sleeping bags on the bed it would be fine" :rotfl2: And I do the "don't ask don't tell" ..... )
All of these organizations have "policies" Some places do better then others then enforcing them. Most of them are suppose to be for the good of the kids but some of them....I admit are just bizarre. (My favorite Girl Scout bizarre rule is that technically girls can't share a bed. So when they go on a trip technically they can only have two girls in a hotel room... I think this is the most ignored rule in the book, but I teach it and then I say things like "but if you were in your sleeping bags on the bed it would be fine" :rotfl2: And I do the "don't ask don't tell" ..... )

The Girl Scouts have such strict rules I don't think anyone could ever really follow them! As a group of mom's we have pretty much decided that instead of "official" Girl Scout activites, we'll just all be moms who decide to take our kids to the same place on the same day and just happened to all run into each other :rotfl:

Otherwise we would have needed an official lifeguard to be on guard while the girls were swimming in one of the mom's above ground pools!! Yeah, we're not paying for that. We're just all bringing our kids over to swim on the same day for fun, no of course it's not a GS activity!
...and in choosing not to support that organization and it's beliefs through word or deed.

Homosexuality is not a behavior. One does not get to choose whether they are homosexual or not. Yes, they can choose not to act on their feelings by not engaging in homosexual relationships, but that does not change the fact that they are homosexual, and, therefor, banned from being a member of the BSA.

Yes, BSA, as a private entity has the right to determine it's own rules, however, in my view, and in the view of many, any and all discrimination is wrong. Again, substitute whatever you would like for the word "homosexual." Black, latino, jewish, muslim, developmentally disabled. It doesn't seem so right then.

...and the point was brought up because the OP (which was a ghost thread, anyway) was asking how to increase popcorn sales. It was suggested that, in light of the BSA'a discriminatory membership policies, and the fact that it has been highly published lately, that it may be difficult to increase sales, regardless of what technique is employed.

Well Said!!! :thumbsup2
Homosexuality is not a behavior. One does not get to choose whether they are homosexual or not. Yes, they can choose not to act on their feelings by not engaging in homosexual relationships, but that does not change the fact that they are homosexual, and, therefor, banned from being a member of the BSA.

Yes, BSA, as a private entity has the right to determine it's own rules, however, in my view, and in the view of many, any and all discrimination is wrong. Again, substitute whatever you would like for the word "homosexual." Black, latino, jewish, muslim, developmentally disabled. It doesn't seem so right then.

I just want to point out that while you and many others may believe that homosexuality is not a choice that is not universally accepted. There are many, including the Boy Scouts who do believe it is a behavior and therefor a choice the person is making. Coming from that perspective it is no more exclusionary or discriminatory to say a practicing homosexual cannot participate in their organization that it is for a sports team to make their players sign a pledge saying they will not consume alcohol or smoke. The organization can choose what activities they will allow or not allow their participants to engage in. From the point of view of the Boy Scouts they are not discriminating against anyone for who they are, such as saying no black or Jewish boys, they are saying no one who chooses to engage in an activity that they do not approve of, homosexuality.

This is what is at the core of the debate. Those who see it as exclusionary believe that people are either born gay or straight and that it's discrimination to not allow a certain group of people based on something they can't change, how they were born. Those who see homosexuality as a choice, and a wrong choice at that, do not see it as exclusionary at all. They are simply saying that they do not want anyone who is choosing to engage in what they see as a wrong behavior to be part of their group. No one would be up in arms if the excluded behavior was anything other than homosexuality.
I just want to point out that while you and many others may believe that homosexuality is not a choice that is not universally accepted. There are many, including the Boy Scouts who do believe it is a behavior and therefor a choice the person is making. Coming from that perspective it is no more exclusionary or discriminatory to say a practicing homosexual cannot participate in their organization that it is for a sports team to make their players sign a pledge saying they will not consume alcohol or smoke. The organization can choose what activities they will allow or not allow their participants to engage in. From the point of view of the Boy Scouts they are not discriminating against anyone for who they are, such as saying no black or Jewish boys, they are saying no one who chooses to engage in an activity that they do not approve of, homosexuality.

This is what is at the core of the debate. Those who see it as exclusionary believe that people are either born gay or straight and that it's discrimination to not allow a certain group of people based on something they can't change, how they were born. Those who see homosexuality as a choice, and a wrong choice at that, do not see it as exclusionary at all. They are simply saying that they do not want anyone who is choosing to engage in what they see as a wrong behavior to be part of their group. No one would be up in arms if the excluded behavior was anything other than homosexuality.

Being Jewish or any other religion is a choice but you still can't discriminate against someone based on their choice of religion or set of spiritual beliefs. :confused3 I can't decide to exclude Pagans or Catholics (as an example only) because of certain religious rituals or behaviors that they may or may not engage in. I guess what I really want to know is, will the BSA accept members that are gay as long they are not currently "active" (keeping this family friendly, LOL!)?

Being Jewish or any other religion is a choice but you still can't discriminate against someone based on their choice of religion or set of spiritual beliefs. :confused3 I can't decide to exclude Pagans or Catholics (as an example only) because of certain religious rituals or behaviors that they may or may not engage in. I guess what I really want to know is, will the BSA accept members that are gay as long they are not currently "active" (keeping this family friendly, LOL!)?


I was meaning Jewish as in nationality wise, as in they were born that way and have no control over it. I meant that as far as they are concerned they are not in any way excluding based on how someone was born, but rather on the choices that person is making. As far as being attracted to the same gender but not living a homosexual lifestyle, I can't see how that would ever be an issue:confused3 Unless a guy went around talking about how much he would love to be a practicing homosexual how would anyone ever know???
LOL, there is a huge huge difference between girl scout cookies and $2 worth of popcorn in a $15 package! I like the boy scout program, but I got scammed by the preacher's kid! I'm giving up church this month, now that you gave the warning!

Popcorn is only a rip off if you think of it as simply buying the popcorn. If you think of it for what it is, a donation to help support a boy in Scouting, and getting Popcorn in return as a "thank you" for your donation...that might make it easier to take. When you stop to realize that there are families that simply cannot afford to spend the $350+ that it takes to send their son to Summer camp, this is often the only chance these boys have to experience what might be the single greatest part of Scouting in the 5 years they will be involved in Boy Scouts.
Just have to point out that this is NOT at all the way the attitude is towards homosexual teens! They message is not "you're not good enough", it's "we as an organization feel that the behavior you are engaging in is wrong, therefor you need to either choose not to behave this way or leave the organization". It has nothing to do with "good enough". Boy Scouts, as an organization, believe that homosexuality is a wrong behavior and therefor will not allow it. They have every right to decide what behavior they will allow and not allow from their members. Other organizations make rules about their members not being allowed to drink alcohol, that is their right also. Private organization can make whatever rules they want to about what their members are allowed/not allowed to do. Your rights come in in the form of choosing to join or not join that organization.

Just like I have EVERY RIGHT to not support an organization that decides that. I don't take it out on the kids, just tell them no thanks and go on my merry way to support causes who agree with my beliefs
Just like I have EVERY RIGHT to not support an organization that decides that. I don't take it out on the kids, just tell them no thanks and go on my merry way to support causes who agree with my beliefs

I just say, "Sorry, I don't support BSA." In fact, I did this again tonight. Pretty young kids can figure out that discrimination is wrong.
Lol, asked my nephew what he would say if someone told him that boy scouts don't like gays. Considering he has bee a part and both his dads work with the troop he said that he would tell the person about his family. Amazing how much nicer a 10 year old can be than the "well meaning" adults around.
Lol, asked my nephew what he would say if someone told him that boy scouts don't like gays. Considering he has bee a part and both his dads work with the troop he said that he would tell the person about his family. Amazing how much nicer a 10 year old can be than the "well meaning" adults around.

I don't understand your post. Are you saying that your nephew's family would explain to people about his family if they said that "boy scouts don't like gays" when he tried to sell them popcorn? I just want to be clear, because the Boy Scout's policy does not allow gay leaders or boys and if anyone at all mentioned your nephew's parents in scouting to the council they would be asked to step down.

I do NOT agree with this policy which is what some of the other posters are saying when they say they will not support BSA, I'm just stating what their policy is.
My nephews parents ate both involved in the troop as parents. They go on trips etc. with the full knowledge of all. They do not pretend to be anything they aren't. So please do not tell me what you do not know.

There are no rules that say they cannot be. They are intent upon changing their world bit by bit by bit and they are.


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