Tipping -- Who, when, and how much???


Earning My Ears
May 5, 2000
As we were discussing our iminent trip to WDW (only three more days!!), my DH mentioned that he had read you were to tip $3 a bag. Now, I started thinking about $3 X 5 bags X 3 or 4 people before we get to the room. So.......here are a few tipping questions:
1. how much per bag is acceptable tipping?
2. who do you tip? the driver who drops you off? the person who removes the bags from the car and stores them? or the person who delivers your bags to the room? or all of them??
3. when you leave, do you tip the person who picks up your bags or the person who puts your bags in the car or both?
4. We are using a Tiffany Towncar from the airport to the BWV and back. How much do we tip? Do we tip both times or once?

Sorry if this is long, but we do appreciate good service and want to tip appropriately while saving enough $$$ to spend on the parks!
The tipping thing is very confusing. I had also read somewhere about $3 a bag and was concerned that I had been under tipping. I did a post a while back and found that $1 a bag seemed to be the norm.. The person you tip is the person who either picks up or delivers the bags to your room. I'm not sure about the shuttle we always rent a car....

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I feel $1 a bag is ok. I travel a lot to tourist
places(my job,sob!) and I tip a little over $1
a bag sometimes but not $3 unless I'm in a
VERY expensive hotel (I'm talking over $450 per
night) or someone has carried them physically.
These days most concierge have carts. Just my
take on it. have fun!
What is the norm for tipping valet? Do you tip at drop-off or pickup or both? I didn't see this on the tipping page Pete has up, but maybe I missed it. Any ideas? I'm really not cheap -- just not used to such luxuries! :)
I tip $1 per bag to the person who carries them and loads them in the vehicle(usually the same person does both). For valet I tip $1 when they take the car and $1 when they bring it back.

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I am a flight attendant and I can tell you that $1 per bag is the norm. You are "supposed" to tip the person who helps you get your bags out of the car and the person who brings your bags to your room. My DH and I always tip the one who brings the bags to the room. As for valet, I would say it depends on what their valet charge is. I know here in Texas the norm is for the valet to be around $15-$17 a day with in/out privlidges. In this case I do not tip them each time I get my car. I feel like that is plenty of money for valet. If the price is @ $3 for valet, then we tip the valet person when we get the car. We also tip the rental car van driver who takes us to the rental place (if the place is not at the airport). Basically, most of your money goes to tips. I hope this helps!

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I had a friend in college who was a valet...he always said to tip the person who TAKES your car a little over standard because then he would always take better care of your care :) Personally, I tip a valet $5 usually.
Watch out for Gruitity Taxes that are built into your final bill! they bring you a bill the has your meals and drinks on it, ie our mexican dinner $60. Dh gave the waitress the credit card and when the part you sign came ,the bill increased to $75.00 And we had already tip the waitress!!

This happened when we ordered the in hotel, Pizza Hut, 3 medium Pizzas Cost $70.00 they had add 18% tip to the Bill plus taxes. And I gave the driver a tip,he left so fast he didn,t even give us the change!! :rolleyes:

We also tip $1 per bag.
I have read on the boards that most people tip Tiffany Town Car drivers $8 to $10.


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