Time is not fair. Part 11.


Earning My Ears
May 16, 2001
Sorry, folks - I am not teasing. I spent extra time down in NY, due to Fleet week. As a Docking Pilot , my jobs included an amphibious ship (like an aircraft carrier), the Coast Guard barque "Eagle", a Danish warship, a Canadian frigate, a US destroyer and a US frigate. Altho I would not have chosen to be working, it was kind of fun to see various warships. It's kind of a treat to be handling this fine-tuned machines after so many slow-going tankers, container ships, and car ships. Imagine after driving a delivery truck around your home town day after day someone gives you the key to a Porsche. With the destroyer (the fastest of the lot), I wanted to burn rubber backing out of the passenger ship terminal, there on the west side of Manhattan - and were it not for my tugs tied alongside the ship, I might have put on a little ship-handling demonstration on the Hudson.

I'm sorry. I digress. You didn't come here to read about ships burning rubber in New York.

We were talking about time, I think. Time really isn't fair. You finally convince your DSO (your Darling/DisneySignificantOther) that a cruise on the "Magic", or the "Wonder", is a vital chapter in life, and before he/she changes their mind, you get the check to the TA, and then - then, you wait. Isn't it like suffering? I waited - I suffered for fifteen months. It was an interminable amount of time.

I spent so many hours over those fifteen months reading these message boards, I am embarrassed to tell you how many. Even my two boys - who are addicts, computer addicts, addicted to the internet - would drop mocking asides as I forced them away from the computer, to get my scanty time on line, choosing once again to read new messages here on these boards.

Knowing where I was going on the internet (DCL, of course!), one son would say, "Oh, no, not again," and the other, "Dad, you've got a problem..."

Maybe I was addicted, too. Maybe I am addicted. What the heck, we're all human. I accept my vices. Could be worse, you know, alcohol or drugs or golf.

What my boys didn't realize was that the awful, awful time of waiting for April 13th and my appointment with the "Magic" was giving me an "out" from my dreary, mundage existence. (C'mon, allow me a little artistic license...)

As bad as the wait was, the wait gave me something to live for. If only Hamlet had it so good.

On the other hand, at the same time, I was worried that I was running headlong into disaster. The more important this vacation was becoming, the higher the anticipation, the greater the fall would be - if things didn't work out.

You know, what if DGP (no, not DisneyGrossProduct - DarlingGrandparents!) DGPs - who all held me responsible for coaxing them into this endeavor - what if DGPs were to get so frazzled by hundreds, maybe thousands of unleashed bratty children - so frazzled that they locked themselves into their cabins, unlocking their doors only for room service from the bar??

What if the wind and seas were so high that DW locks herself in the head (toilet, FYI, landlubbers), the head with the head, on her knees praying to the porcelain god, all the while cursing her not-DarlingHusband, cursing him for conning her into this hell??

What if DSs found that all the games in Quartermasters were all so old that they'd already beaten each and every game back on the computer or Playstation back home??

This responsibility upon my shoulders was building evermore as April approached. And I never told DW this, but I checked the five-day Coastal Marine Forecast each day starting from April 9th on, and was terribly concerned that the National Weather Service buoy sixty miles east of the Florida coast was having a rough time of it. There were high winds out of the east for days, and although the wind was somewhat diminishing - day by day - it was still blowing 20-25 knots on April 12th, with average seas at eight feet. You think I told her this? No way. I just made sure that she had scopolamine. I also brought Bonine, which she kept insisting wasn't any good but which I had good success with, on my worst moments running up and down the East coast on the tugs.

Anyhow, on April 13th, things were starting out real good. Well, at least, at the dock, it was a warm, sunny day. The wind was still out of the east, but I just kept praying that the 964-feet of the "Magic" would hide those eight-footers out there.

And one disaster was diverted by being able to book the Surial Bath on a shore day.

Which brings me to the Surial Bath, which I am getting to, but...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry - I'm not teasing, but I must get off (DS bugging me). I will continue this straight away. Tonite or tomorrow. Promise. Steve.
I have no right to say anything about your "addiction" to these boards. I'm way out there myself - I see Time is not fair part 11 - I gasp, say Oh Boy and heart pounding I quickly point and click to read and reread every juicy word. What can I say. I'm really hooked.
You didn't let us down. Thanks for another very entertaining read! I'm reading a Mary Higgins Clark novel and she mentions the Verrazano bridge and I think - Steve might be out there - Cool.
There could be lots worse addictions than to enjoy these boards and read and relive different cruise experiences. Makes a long, hot summer more bearable. Work, no school til August. Hey I even have time to look at these boards at work sometimes.
I have done the Suriel Bath.... but I still await your story with baited breathe!

Keep going!
I check several times a day to see if you have posted any more "ramblings" PLEASE don't keep us in suspense!!!!
Hey Steve- My DH has been teasing me alot lately for my addiction to these boards. Mostly because I used to mock him for all the time he spent on the Star Wars Boards. I have pointed out to him that my obsession is of a more practical sort since we will all benefit from the info and advice I glean from these boards. (Knowing all sorts of Star Wars trivia has yet to benefit us in any way I can see.)
I have also worried about building up the importance of this trip to the point where disappointment is inevitable. Let me know how this went for you.

My DH has just reminded me that we did win a poster at MGM Fantasmic Star Wars Trivia contest thanks to him. (May2000)
I stand corrected.

Addiction....who here knows anything about any kind of addiction....:D I'm enjoying your sharing....can't wait for the next installment
My little one, (7) told me I should marry the computer, everytime I try to sneak on for a little(or should I say a LOT) of disboard time.I too am enjoying these reports! They are great!:cool:
8 footers??? perhaps it was best to be surreal on a port day! :)


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