ticket advice please!


Jan 16, 2000
We are going in the fall for six nights. We have one day left on our hoppers that will cover a day in the parks. I was wondering what tickets I should get for our stay? Doubt we'll take in any water parks. Thanks!

2/28/01-03/06/01: Wyndham Palace
Next trip: either 08/25/01-08/31/01 or 09/30/01-10/06/01 at ASMo

[This message was edited by PennyHM on 03-18-01 at 01:07 AM.]
either a 4 or 5 day park hopper pass (NOT PLUS PASSES). These would give you unlimited admission to MK, Studios, AK, and Epcot. H2O parks NOT included, neither is PI or WWoS. This would be perfect for you. I know that the 4 day costs about $203.89 for 1 adult w/FL sales tax. You can get these immediately at any Disney Store or by ordering from Disney (about 2-4 weeks).

Hope this helps!
Penny - if you are planning to go for a third time this year :) you could apply your 1 day to annual passes! That way, if you go again before august 2002 you won't have to buy passes.

Other than that, I don't know what you should get :)
How would I do that??
We are considering going again next year. On the AP's, if I turn in the one days I have now, would the AP "start" date be when I bought the AP or the hoppers? Thanks!

2/28/01-03/06/01: Wyndham Palace
Next trip: either 08/25/01-08/31/01 or 09/30/01-10/06/01 at ASMo
Hi Tia!

You CAN hop on an Annual Pass (AP) back and forth between the 4 major parks.

Penny: if you get credit with your one day that you have left and apply it towards the purchase of the AP then the AP would last for a year from the day that you PURCHASED the AP. So if you ARE planning another trip within 12 months of your NEXT trip, then an AP would be a great thing for you. AND you can get some AP benefits on room rates (if they are available), etc.
To see the price on an AP - just hop over to THIS PAGE .
Hope that this helps. :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board
Ok, let me see if I understand right. We have one day left on four day hoppers. I basically divide the value by four to get the credit amount I would receive. Then, subtract that from the current AP rate and that is what I pay for the APs. We are probably gonna go 08/25 to 08/31 this year. We would not be going to a park on the 25th. If I exchanged the hoppers for the APs before we go, that is the date they become effective? Also, where would I exchange them? Must it be done at a park or can it be done elsewhere? And, can I use a DC discount on the APs even if I upgrade from the hopper? I have not joined yet but am thinking about it. Could I upgrade the one day left for something besides the AP such as another hopper (4 day or 5 day)? I am just trying to decide the best way to go. Thanks for all the help!

2/28/01-03/06/01: Wyndham Palace
Next trip: either 08/25/01-08/31/01 or 09/30/01-10/06/01 at ASMo
Just bumping to see if anyone can help me.

2/28/01-03/06/01: Wyndham Palace
Next trip: either 08/25/01-08/31/01 or 09/30/01-10/06/01 at ASMo
<IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

2/28/01-03/06/01: Wyndham Palace
Next trip: either 08/25/01-08/31/01 or 09/30/01-10/06/01 at ASMo
The AP will not become effective until you activate it at the park. The day you activate it is the day it will expire the next year.
I purchased our Premium AP last may from the Disney Store. They had to order them and I had to return to pick it up. It is a voucher that you must turn into a ticket window at one of the parks. The day you turn it in is the day your 1 year starts. Yes, I did get a discount with my Disney Club Card. Ask first though because everything changes so quickly. I don't think you can exchange your old ticket for the AP anywhere but a ticket window at Guest services. Our Disney Store said they cannot tell how many days are on them because they don't have a card reader.
We stayed for 13 days last July and my husband and I went again in Dec. NOW I am leaving for a return trip in April with my two sisters and a friend. My husband says no more annual passes cause I feel I must get my money out of them!
I don't think you can do the credit thing with the AP passes anywhere but the parks. But if you go more than once during a calender year AP's are the way to go. We have AP's and have spent a total of 18days inthe parks on these passes; getting the daily rate down to about $20.

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CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
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Well I have changed and finalized our reservations. We will be there from 09/28 - 10/06 of this year. Now, this adds even more debating for me LOL
DH wants to take in Universal as well.
So all this in stride, what tickets do you all advise now?

2/28/01-03/06/01: Wyndham Palace
Next trip: 09/28 & 29 ASMu; 09/30/01-10/06/01 ASMo
Hi Penny!

Well it all depends on your schedule, if you ARE going to go to Universal and whether you will return to WDW within the year. IF you are going to go back within a year, then you want to get the Annual Pass.
If you are unsure and would like to do alot of park hopping and go to the water parks, then a 7 day hopper plus would be great - 7 hopper days at the major parks and 4 admissions to the water parks, or PI.
If you are like ME and like to get the MOST bang out of your buck, then I would get the 6 day hopper plus pass - 6 major park days and 3 plus admissions. Then I would go to the parks 6 days and to the water parks 3 days. OR I would take a day off to rest, swim, and shop and then SAVE one of my park or plus days for when I return someday.
IF you are going Universal for a day or 2 and want to stretch your Passes - you could get a FIVE day hopper plus with 5 park days and 2 Plus days. And then maybe a day off in between.
Just some thoughts...
Hope that this helps!

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board


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