This is Us- Season six

At this point, I’m like, “good grief, Kevin, Buy a dang house and start having your kids half time like millions of divorced situations across America.” I’m tired of his whining about never seeing them.

The obvious (to me) holiday negotiation is, Kevin gets Thanksgiving with the twins since it’s his family’s big day and those days Rebecca will be an active part of are numbered. In turn, Madison gets the twins first Christmas. Which to most people would be the bigger deal.

In the real world, Kevin would be magnanimous to invite Madison, but when she refused it would be with the understanding that the twins are going with Kevin.

I also think they telegraphed the return of Sophie. Still not sure how they’ll convince me that a woman in her 40’s would forgive a man who’s been cheating on her since they were teens. They are the love of each other’s lives but… I’m going to need some great story telling to believe it’s forever rather than just until Kevin has another oops.

Beth is my absolute favorite especially when she’s interacting with Randall or any other character. That being said, we already knew she became successful in what was her lifelong passion that had been ruined for her as a teen. I honestly didn’t need any more back story. If she had confronted the teacher in the restaurant, I think I would have liked it more. Doing it over the phone all those years later.🤷🏻‍♀️ This storyline felt like wasted time.

I could definitely feel the tension building between Toby and Kate which makes me sad. When that Green Egg shows up and they plan a cookout, we’ll know it’s about to blow.

I don’t really enjoy the back story on Rebecca and Miguel either. It’s such a contrast to the great love story of Rebecca and Jack. Miguel clearly loves her but she seems to have settled for comfortable with a good friend. We know they have been together for years so move on to how the decision was made. Maybe a great episode will convince me that they are a true love.

THANK YOU WITH THE FIRST PART! First off I blame both Kevin and Madison as they didn’t discuss this prior! Like both of you grow up! And yes to Kevin getting his own place! I actually think he is a part of the reason Toby and Kate break up-they would not have shown that scene with him and Toby as well as how Kate felt post Sophie and post Madison with the twins if he wasn’t a part of the reason. Even in the coming attractions Randall is ZOOMED IN ON and sips his wine and stays out of it with their fight at the table regarding Jack. Which show it’s clearly not him.

Beth is the best hands down!
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Does anyone have a link to the preview for the next episode? Our station used to show it, but they stopped a few episodes ago.
I don’t really enjoy the back story on Rebecca and Miguel either. It’s such a contrast to the great love story of Rebecca and Jack. Miguel clearly loves her but she seems to have settled for comfortable with a good friend. We know they have been together for years so move on to how the decision was made. Maybe a great episode will convince me that they are a true love.

I guess I look at it as there's all kinds of love in a romantic partnership. I think anyone who has been in multiple relationships can probably tell a story that each one had a different basis. Rebecca and Jack were the typical "young" love/passion/grand gestures kind of thing. That's pretty typical for your 20s and, even then, not everyone gets that sort of epic romance. Rebecca and Miguel will truly have a friendship as their foundation. I think it's just dawning on Rebecca now (since Miguel has announced he's bringing a date to dinner) that she likes him a little more than a friend as the idea of the date visibly bothered her. As for her dating that Matt guy, I don't see the fire there either. Rebecca has lost the love of her life abruptly and it seems to me that her "passions" have not awakened yet, for anyone. Probably will take some time. She's also not in her 20s anymore and I think it's just different as you mature. Not gone, but different.
Me: I'm surely not going to cry this episode, doesn't look as emotional as others...
Also Me: blubbering after Beth's scenes at the end....really good scenes with her this week.

Better episode than expected. I know it's far-fetched, but I wish Kevin would end up with Sophie.
Me: I'm surely not going to cry this episode, doesn't look as emotional as others...
Also Me: blubbering after Beth's scenes at the end....really good scenes with her this week.

Better episode than expected. I know it's far-fetched, but I wish Kevin would end up with Sophie.
As a mom who is raising children who are ballet dancers, one of whom who has experienced something like this, this hit SO close to home. I ugly cried during her scenes.
Yay, more secrets! Now we have to figure out what the secret ingredient for the pie is. I'm assuming it's not edible but something like "love".

Today's episode was just ok for me. Not to nitpick, but the costumer usually does a terrific job with Kate's wardrobe but not today. That skirt was horrible.
I didn't love tonight's episode, either. It's an interesting idea to show three different Thanksgivings in Rebecca's life, along with the mother/daughter emphasis in all of them. But I didn't enjoy it like I usually do.

But I didn't at all believe Rebecca and her mom's instantaneous making up and hugs and "I'll miss you so much." It felt fake and hurried to me.

My daughter mentioned that when Rebecca chose Kate and then said, "Believe it or not, that is not nearly as hard as what I have to say next." Also didn't ring true to us. What she said next was just encouraging them to live their lives boldly and follow their heart rather than letting their lives stop because she has this horrible illness. That was a lovely thing to say and do for them. Seemed "teasing" to make it seem like some other huge shoe was going to drop.

And one last nit to pick: the commercials seemed to come more frequently and last longer than usual tonight. I wonder if it was an extra short episode this week? Maybe why if felt hurried?
To me, this episode was more like what I’m used to. I shed a few tears when Rebecca was talking to the kids in present day. I thought it all felt incredibly real, and maybe that’s why it affected me. My grandma had Alzheimer’s and I know my mom is scared she will get it too. She’s not showing even the mildest of signs right now but that doesn’t mean much. Old Rebecca also reminds me of my mom so I could almost picture having that conversation with her. I also loved that she told them not to let their worlds shrink, because that would be the natural tendency.

When Miguel asked about a wing for non family members I knew he was thinking about nurses for Rebecca. I like be Kevin, but I’m glad he was taken down a notch after the fishing buddies comment.

That ongoing fight between Kate and Toby was so awkward. I was even feeling like we should leave them to have some privacy. I do wonder what the breaking point will be.

I’m ok not knowing what the secret ingredient is. We don’t need every single question answered.
But I didn't at all believe Rebecca and her mom's instantaneous making up and hugs and "I'll miss you so much." It felt fake and hurried to me.

I agree that was pretty weird. If I am that angry I can't come down that fast. I thought Rebecca's mom was genuine though - almost picking a fight to make it easier to move to Connecticut.

The scene I found harder to believe was Rebecca's tantrum in front of Jack and her parents. She acted like a preschooler eating out of the pie and throwing it on the table. I never acted stupid in front of a boyfriend. I kept my crazy well hidden until AFTER he was stuck with me.
Yay, more secrets! Now we have to figure out what the secret ingredient for the pie is. I'm assuming it's not edible but something like "love".

😆 I didn't even think about that!

I pretty much love every episode, but the conversation on the porch between middle-aged Rebecca and Miguel seemed kind of incomplete to me.

It was hard to see Kate and Toby fight, but I think it was very real. - "The same fight over and over" is exactly what breaks couples up.

Things I liked -
The juxtaposition of the three holidays: I love when they do that, and show how certain themes run through time.

Beth, always Beth.

Rebecca's speech about not letting her disease take over their lives. Even the practical parts before that were very "Rebecca" - looking out for them and trying to protect them from feeling like she did when Jack died so unexpectedly.

The trailer for next week (for those that don't get it: the beginning of a "Big 3 Trilogy" set of episodes about each of the kids - Kevin is first) and the promise of 10 episodes in a row!
It was just okay for me.

I liked the different views of Thanksgiving over the years with the mother/daughter theme running through them.

Something was off about Rebecca and her mom. I remember in the past they made her out to be kind of. a monster if I remember correctly. Like abusive and racist kind of awful. It didn't ring true to me with the whole Rebecca blow up, then the whole hug and kiss crying about moving to CT thing. I don't know if they were trying to be humorous with the whole "women! am I right?" vibe from the dad but I think it fell flat.

I agree with the pp about Kates dress. What the heck? It was so high waisted and it made her look SO round, more than usual. She usually looks really good and is dressed really well. The show's wardrobe dept usually does a great job with Kates clothes, but last night it kind of accentuated her size instead of complementing her. I was wondering if it was done on purpose with padding if she was going to have a big weight loss in the ending episode?

It was hard to see Kate and Toby fight. I did not think it was realistic that they fought and sniped at each other so publicly. I can see a few digs here and there in front of people, but the way they were fighting right at the table was awkward.

Now that I think of it food was a big theme as well. Rebecca with her mom limiting her food intake, Kate starting her over eating in the second Thanksgiving time line, then Toby worried about Jack overeating. Then the whole butter and sugar pie secret ingredient thing.

Will be interesting to see how the years go by for Rebecca and Miguel while they are apart. They obviously have feelings for each other at that point in the timeline but won't act on them yet.
Something was off about Rebecca and her mom. I remember in the past they made her out to be kind of. a monster if I remember correctly. Like abusive and racist kind of awful. It didn't ring true to me with the whole Rebecca blow up, then the whole hug and kiss crying about moving to CT thing. I don't know if they were trying to be humorous with the whole "women! am I right?" vibe from the dad but I think it fell flat.

I think it was supposed to be about how they loved each other underneath, even though they fought (but I didn't really buy it either). - I think the writers wanted it to connect to Rebecca telling Kate "it was always you" even though they had rocky times too.

And I do think real mother-daughter relationships can be complicated and sort of "hot & cold." But Rebecca and her mom were on a different level than Kate and Rebeccca. I never liked Rebecca's mom as a person, not just as half of a dynamic. And it was like they made Jack a common enemy for a minute and used that to make up.

Now that I think of it food was a big theme as well. Rebecca with her mom limiting her food intake, Kate starting her over eating in the second Thanksgiving time line, then Toby worried about Jack overeating. Then the whole butter and sugar pie secret ingredient thing.

That's a good point! We've seen that before with Rebecca watching what Kate ate when she was younger (like the ice cream thing). I really like that Kate is trying to break that cycle and keep food from becoming a huge issue for Jack - and we have the benefit (that Toby doesn't) of seeing future Jack in the concert flash forward, and knowing weight doesn't seem to be an issue for him.
First and foremost, give Mandy Moore every freaking award for this episode.

Second off, while we didn’t get a lot of present day Randall and Beth, I still love them and their reactions. Past Randall and Beth though (while still hilariously sassy at times) I was like “why do you know the 6th favorite thing about each other?”

Thirdly, Toby was in the wrong a lot this episode. I have a feeling the thing with the smoker is going to be his fault and he will inevitably blame Kate.

Fourth: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Ithink Miguel passes before Rebecca. Also in terms of Miguel, I’m still very torn about the conversation Kevin had with him in the past. While I do think Miguel needed to hear it, Kevin was also drunk and being horrible young Kevin.

Fifth: I’m actually really happy Jack and Rebecca’s dad got along. While I know she’s had issues with her mother, sometimes you need to break that generational trauma. It showed us a glimpse of why she finally blew up when she told her mother she treats Randall differently because he is black. We needed to see that, and I’m glad we did. (Although who the hell takes a dream job that close to retirement?!?!?)

All in all, like all the thanksgiving episodes, this was totally filled with information that will come back in the end.

I’m so happy we get a final big three trilogy, and it’s going to be a wild ride these next 10 weeks until the finale.
I didn't love tonight's episode, either. It's an interesting idea to show three different Thanksgivings in Rebecca's life, along with the mother/daughter emphasis in all of them. But I didn't enjoy it like I usually do.

But I didn't at all believe Rebecca and her mom's instantaneous making up and hugs and "I'll miss you so much." It felt fake and hurried to me.

My daughter mentioned that when Rebecca chose Kate and then said, "Believe it or not, that is not nearly as hard as what I have to say next." Also didn't ring true to us. What she said next was just encouraging them to live their lives boldly and follow their heart rather than letting their lives stop because she has this horrible illness. That was a lovely thing to say and do for them. Seemed "teasing" to make it seem like some other huge shoe was going to drop.

And one last nit to pick: the commercials seemed to come more frequently and last longer than usual tonight. I wonder if it was an extra short episode this week? Maybe why if felt hurried?
I think it felt fake and hurried because we never saw Rebeccas parents at their wedding and we know she got the dress she envisioned. We also know she rightfully blows up at her mother again in regards to her treatment of Randall. I foresee one more episode with her parents that explains a lot.
To me, this episode was more like what I’m used to. I shed a few tears when Rebecca was talking to the kids in present day. I thought it all felt incredibly real, and maybe that’s why it affected me. My grandma had Alzheimer’s and I know my mom is scared she will get it too. She’s not showing even the mildest of signs right now but that doesn’t mean much. Old Rebecca also reminds me of my mom so I could almost picture having that conversation with her. I also loved that she told them not to let their worlds shrink, because that would be the natural tendency.

When Miguel asked about a wing for non family members I knew he was thinking about nurses for Rebecca. I like be Kevin, but I’m glad he was taken down a notch after the fishing buddies comment.

That ongoing fight between Kate and Toby was so awkward. I was even feeling like we should leave them to have some privacy. I do wonder what the breaking point will be.

I’m ok not knowing what the secret ingredient is. We don’t need every single question answered.
I agree with not knowing the secret ingredient. I have a feeling one of the last shots will be Hailey telling Hope what it is by whispering.
Randall drinking that wine was me during their fight. Very awkward
I enjoyed the episode and thought Mandy Moore did an incredible job. Unfortunately as someone who has lived through having family members with Alzheimer's sadly it doesn't usually go that way with the affected person rationally letting everyone know to live their lives. On another note, I fear something bad happens to Malik...notice he never texted Deja and it doesn't appear he is with her at the house in the final ending...wondering if he has some sort of tragic accident.


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