"This is NOT the once in a lifetime trip I was hoping for!" - (Baby Simba - 12/18)

Claudia looks adorable covering her face. Jonah discovered how to put his hand in his mouth last week and he just thinks it's the neatest thing ever.

Cupcakes are totally acceptable for breakfast during vacation, especially the ones at Starring Rolls.

I really like the Wreck it Ralph queue. The Contra "secret code" reminds me of the song "Anyone Else But You." It's a really cute song, it was on the Juno soundtrack.

Mr. Spell was working! I have never seen him/it working.

Oops, I skipped you in my last round of replies. I had quoted you, but then Claudia woke up before I could get to yours. Isn't it neat every time they discover something new? It's fascinating to see your child do the same thing day after day, and then Poof! Something new! :goodvibes

I had to go google the lyrics to that song. Funny! :upsidedow

Well then I guess I'm lucky! I didn't know Mr. Spell didn't always work.

Rope drop 4 days in a row! Impressive!! We always seem to get there about 10-15 min too late ;) also, I agree, cupcakes for breakfast.... Perfectly acceptable!!

We had so many late mornings at first, we had some catching up to do! Plus, by then we were better organized and used to our new routine. made getting up early and being out the door in time easier. :)

You got to sit by yourself on toy story mania? They always find another person to put next to me :(

I wasn't sitting by myself, I was sitting with a ghost! :lmao:

Fun unpdate; I got to ride TSM by myself in June...it was fun to finally beat someone. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Love the picture of Claudia with the characters...such a sweet smile.

Haha. As long as you have fun, it's all that counts. :thumbsup2


I am impressed you got to ride with a ghost. I have always been paired up with someone, which is fine, but a ghost sounds fun....especially when he is getting points.

I think cupcakes for breaks sound wonderful and have done that on more than one occasion.

You guys almost made me doubt myself. But yes, I did ride it (almost) alone. I just wish I knew who the ghost was! :rotfl2:

If I eat a real breakfast, then I'm not hungry enough for a cupcake later on. And we all know a Starring Rolls cupcake is way more important than breakfast...

You are so cute! I am not good at it either...

:rotfl: You guys make me laugh.

I’m finally back! Bahah. Looks like a nice evening in MK, even if you did only stay for the fireworks! I have to agree on that tree being annoying, and the MSEP music, it’s grown on me a whole lot, the parade itself, not so much, BUT, that’s okay! Lawl. Claudia looks absolutely adorable watching Wishes!!

I GET THE REFERENCE…I think..lol. Dr Who?

Red velvet cupcakes are TOTALLY breakfast food…

Aww! Love the pic with Vanellope!

AH! That’s so weird that the ghost got points?! What?!

We did have a nice time at MK that evening. I don't remember if the park had EMH that evening, but I didn't mind leaving early since it meant an easier time hitting rope drop the next day.

Yes, Dr.Who! :cool1:

I so want a red velvet cupcake right now... popcorn::

I seriously have no idea how that happened, so I'm gonna stick with the ghost story. It even made it in my photobook!

I LOVE all of your ToT pictures, but the one of you and Ron seriously made me :lmao:

The pictures in front of the Sorcerers Hat and the one of Otaku trying to hitchhike are great too. You guys are all so photogenic. :goodvibes

We really had fun with the poses this year, but yes, that is my top favorite picture of all! :lmao:

Awww, thanks! :hug:

I think I'm caught up Mel. Love the ride pics-the one of you and Ron is awesome. Very nice of Okatu to keep an eye on the baby so you guys could go together.

Cute hat pictures too!

Welcome back, Shan! We had fun pretending to be terrified. It was nice that she was old enough to do such a thing. We still felt nervous and would only do it when the line was short though.

All your ride photos are fantastic. The guy in front of Otaku on RnR knows exactly where the camera is. I especially like the pic of you and Ron on ToT.

Thanks! That guy was rocking that pose! As for us, I think we nailed it. :cool2:

I'm on the edge of my seat for the snack cliffhanger you left us on! LOL

It was not good. It wasn't disgusting, but with so many better options, it was a waste of money. I should I've gotten a second cupcake...

Wow you guys got some GREAT ride photos in there, definitely awesome! With the pp plus this time around I'll definitely need to think of more and more posed photos to do!!

You are completely allowed to steal some of my poses next time. It's so worth it with the PP+, and it's fun to change it up. :thumbsup2

You guys have the funniest ride pictures!! I do love the one of you and Ron :) Also, the group one you got on RnR is awesome too!! I'm hoping on our next trip to get some different pictures.... Here's to hoping, however I have an evil plan that involves renting and easy to push double stroller so that DH does most of it ;)

Thanks! We love having fun with the ride pictures. You are welcomed to use some of our poses. After all, I got my inspiration from other posters here on the Dis.

I'm not sure I follow the transition between different pictures and strollers. :confused3 In any case, there are lots of companies that rent strollers in Orlando. Most of them have the Citi Mini Double, which I've heard GREAT things about. I wish I remembered which companies are suppose to be the best/most convenient/least expensive.

What a fun update. And the photopass pictures in this one are the best of the bunch thus far...Peanut is so alert and even looks as if she is looking at that evil Stitch. ;)

Ron's expression on TOT cracks me up.

Thanks! Stitch is not evil, He is cute and cuddly, but he just likes to fool around. :P

Great pics! My favorite thing about the Green Army Man is that he signs his name "Green Army Man."

:welcome: Yeah, it's funny that he signs "Green Army Man". :rotfl:

LOOOVVEEEEE the pic of you and Ron.. Hilarious!! Lawson will be tall enough to ride this time and I am excited! I haven't gotten to ride in probably 6-7 years. I was pregnant with Lawson one year, pregnant with Landen 2 yrs later and we just didn't do it last time! Can't wait!!

I hope Lawson is not too scared of the ride! Otaku rode it when she was 7, and hated it so much that it took us almost 7 years before we could convince her to try again...

Only two more replies to do! Then I might have the time to post a new update. :goodvibes

Whew, caught up again, luckily I was only two updates behind.

Of course a cupcake is breakfast while you are at Disney! After all there are no rules at all when it comes to eating while there! :thumbsup2

I loved all the pictures from the Wreck-it-Ralph line. I have yet to see that movie despite owning it on video. I really need to get it watched before I go again in October.

Isn't that little side gate awesome on TSM? I loved riding that one solo because no one is stealing your targets. :rotfl: That is really strange that you had a "ghost" with you.

I do not like the single rider line on RnRC. I've never stood in it and had it go quickly. One time I actually saw people that got in the regular line after me, get on the ride before I did! But bonus that both of you got to ride together!

The TOT ride photos are hilarious!! Not only you guys but everyone around you too! I always enjoy seeing the ride photos from TOT because of the peoples faces.

Aren't I nice? Not updating too much while you are away? I totally did that for you. :lmao:

Wreck-It Ralph is a cute movie. I hope you enjoy it!

I LOVE that little gate in TSM! It makes getting on the ride so much faster! Though I have to say, this trip they didn't seem to be packing the left line as much as usual, so even without going through the right gate we wouldn't wait more than 5 minutes after the merge.

Ron has had great luck with the single-rider line, but at least one other time it took him a while. It's always luck of the draw, whether lots of people will be singles or all paired up.

We got some great expressions from other guests. After reading your comment I went back to look at the pictures and noticed that in the one of Ron and I, a guy in our row seems to be looking at us with a puzzled look. So funny! :lmao:

What cute ride pictures! Unfortunately for me, the "terrified" look in our Tower of Terror pictures is for real. :laughing:

I was terrified the first time I rode TOT, but it quickly went away and was replaced with pure joy. I love that ride so much!!!


Day 8 part 4 - The One With The Great and Awful Snacks

It was a nice day and we were in the mood for some frozen snacks after our time at the Hollywood Hotel. I had never had a Mickey ice cream bar (gasp!), and decided to try one.


I... did not like it very much. I know, I know, thats blasphemy. I mean it was okay, but certainly not great. The chocolate was just too rich/sweet for a refreshing snack.

Otaku got an ice cream sandwich and Ron got a strawberry bar. They both enjoyed their snacks.


We ate our frozen treats while walking towards the back of the park. We stopped by the Hollywood Studios sign for a PP pic.


We continued on our way to go meet some Monsters. We got into the semi-short line. Peanut was tired.


Only Sulley was out. He was fun, as always. Peanut was a little unsure at first...


But she warmed up to him.


Dont you think it makes so much sense to have a Finding Nemo border for the Monsters, Inc. Characters? Yeah, me neither. I mean its cute, but why does it even exist? You cant meet the Nemo characters, and the ride doesnt have a photo. Plus, both the ride and the show are in different parks! Photopass logic at its finest.


I think Ron went to change a diaper at this point, and either Otaku or I took some pictures of the nearby stores. Sorry they are blurry.



By then it was around 3pm. We had never had lunch and I was getting hungry, but nothing interested me at nearby Studio Catering Co. We walked towards the Streets of America and saw a little snack place. It had nachos and cheese, so I got that. Big mistake. It was just a bag of Tostitos plus a small plastic container of cheese.


It was not good at all, and a waste of money. Otaku was getting hungry too (cupcakes/pastries for breakfast, and skipping lunch? Parents of the Year Award right there). She saw Pizza Planet, and got herself a small pizza.


We miraculously found an empty table right outside the restaurant.


I got done eating my awful snack pretty quick, so I walked around and took some pictures. I had no idea there was a Christmas store back there.





After we were done eating, we went to Star Tours and got a baby swap pass. Ron and Otaku went to ride, while Claudia and I walked all the way to the Magic of Animation building. Since I had some time to kill, I decided to stop by the Chinese Theatre to take some pictures first.



I also decided to zoom in on the details of the archway to the animation courtyard.


Once inside I actually saw some animators working inside that little office! They were doing the coloring to some sketches.


I sat on a bench and a grandma struck a conversation with me. It was nice while I was feeding Claudia, but we eventually ran out of things to say. I got bored of waiting and figured that since I had nothing else to do anyway, I might as well spend the time waiting in line to meet Mickey Mouse since hes Claudias favorite. He went on a break shortly before it was my turn, but it didnt take long at all before he came back (Im guessing another friend of him was waiting to come out when the first friend took a break). He once again loved it when I said he was her favorite, and she smiled at him in return.





They held hands!


Soon after that Otaku and Ron came back, after having gone on Star Tours twice. I passed the baby to them and went to wait in line for one of my favorite thing in all of Disney.

I'm not a big fan of the Mickey Bars either. I prefer the Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich. Not sure why, guess I just like the softer chocolate cookie of the sandwich rather than the hard coating on the bar.

The "nachos" that you got cracked me up. We used to go to a lot of Thrasher hockey games before they left Atlanta and the nachos they served there were the same as what you got. Jim called them "poor man's nachos" cause he had to put them together himself. One game, our ticket rep got us seats in the club section. Jim was so excited because they had "real" nachos in the expensive seats!

Those Mickey pictures with Claudia are adorable! I think my favorite yet! So cute that she was holding his hand.
Maybe Photopass figures one Pixar movie is as good as another? ;):rotfl:

My local movie theater does the same thing for their nachos with cheese, a bag of Tostitos and container of cheese. They are ok, but nothing all that good for sure.

I like the close up on the archway, I don't know if I ever even noticed there was anything on there! Such a cool picture.

Great shots of Claudia with Mickey. She really does love him! :cloud9:
Well, I won't be sharing this update with Mark...the poor man might have heart attack. :scared1: Not like the Mickey bar? Oh those are fighting words with my hubby. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

That nachos and cheese looks disgusting. :sick:

What a great way to spend your time while the others were riding Star Tours. And the pictures of Peanut and Mickey are absolutely priceless!
Why on earth would they sell bagged tortilla chips? Every other area in Disney has the real kind! That is disappointing.
Hi Mel,

Sorry I've not commented for a while, I've been away with work and didn't come on here much. Anyway, I'm back now and have caught up.

Those nachos look pretty grim!

Lovely pictures of you both with Mickey :)
I definitely get how the ice cream bar isn't super "refreshing" like, a fruity one would be more refreshing to me, or one of the chocolate bananas...though..they're super awkward to eat in a disney park, people give you really shifty loooks...eck... :scared: bahaha

Love the pic of peanut yawning, adorable, and her and sully are so cute! He's so big! I would be scared! Lawl. Then again, I loved all mascots when I was younger so probably not

Yeck, chips in a bag, gross, not disney expected, but then again, dhs just does not have much good food!

Love the pictures around the theater and animation building, the details are wonderful!

Awe, mickey and peanut are so cute!
I've never had a mickey bar either. I don't like ice cream bars in real life so I can't imagine a mickey one would be any better.
Thanks! We love having fun with the ride pictures. You are welcomed to use some of our poses. After all, I got my inspiration from other posters here on the Dis.

I'm not sure I follow the transition between different pictures and strollers. :confused3 In any case, there are lots of companies that rent strollers in Orlando. Most of them have the Citi Mini Double, which I've heard GREAT things about. I wish I remembered which companies are suppose to be the best/most convenient/least expensive.

Haha our double stroller isn't the most fun to push.... So I often end up pushing it to be nice :) Since I spend a lot of time doing that and being "mom" I don't often get many pictures :) Unless we are stopped and sitting somewhere. :) evil plan is good double stroller means DH will push it more or longer because it will not be an annoyance ;)

Sorcerer Mickey is near the top of our list for this trip! My two year old loves him! Where was that PP spot with the Hollywood Studios sign? Also your "nachos" uhhhh I think they got the name mixed up with a bag a chips and cheese!
What a disappointing snack. It looked awful! To be honest, I don't love Mickey bars either. I do like the ice cream sandwiches though.

Sweet, sweet pictures of you girls and Mickey. Love that they were holding hands.
Just for the record I'm not gonna cover the past update because it's nothing but Tower of Terror and there's nothing really interesting the Green Army Man so next update!

Mmm Ice Cream sandwiches! (I then drool like Homer Simpson) Hehehe just kidding, just kidding. The Mickey Mouse chocolate ice cream shouldn't be that bad though I haven't tried it before I just think your being a bit of a wuss about this Ice Cream. Wussy!

It's funny you bring up pictures of Sulley because I have just recently seen Monsters University and oh by the way it was a pretty good movie which is quite a coincidence really. I'm sorry you we do not have a Monsters Inc banner we are currently out of stock please come back when you are not being a wuss about a Mickey Mouse Ice Cream bar! Monsters Inc EXE was not found!

(Gasp) You had Tostitos Mel?! Holy crap you had some Tostito's though this one is not the one I had when I was at my villa but honestly the cheese sauce is the best part! I guess ones bought at a mall are much better than at a theme park I'm guessing. But then again the ones I had were plain ones so I'm guess I'm alright there.

Seriously what is up with people making Christmas shops when the majority year it's PRETTY USELESS?! I mean come on they are good for November and December when it's the christmas holidays but other that pointless!

And if I'm not mistaken the Chinese theater in Disney Hollywood Studios is where the Great Movie Ride is which I admit is quite a good entrance though the ride not so much unforunately.

Another visit to see Mickey, yay I guess. ........I've got nothing......(Singing) I GET NO SATISFACTION, YEAAAAAH!
I totally love the picture of you guys holding on for dear life on ToT. That is hilarious!!!!!

WHAT???????? You didn't like the Mickey bar? No Way...... Ok, we'll forgive you.
I'm not a big fan of the Mickey Bars either. I prefer the Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich. Not sure why, guess I just like the softer chocolate cookie of the sandwich rather than the hard coating on the bar.

The "nachos" that you got cracked me up. We used to go to a lot of Thrasher hockey games before they left Atlanta and the nachos they served there were the same as what you got. Jim called them "poor man's nachos" cause he had to put them together himself. One game, our ticket rep got us seats in the club section. Jim was so excited because they had "real" nachos in the expensive seats!

Those Mickey pictures with Claudia are adorable! I think my favorite yet! So cute that she was holding his hand.

The hard coating is the main reason why I didn't like the Mickey Bar. I don't like anything hard in my ice cream, not peanuts, not chocolate chips, nothing.

Real nachos are so much better! The real cheese, the salsa, the sour cream...

I love that she is holding his hand too! :goodvibes

Maybe Photopass figures one Pixar movie is as good as another? ;):rotfl:

My local movie theater does the same thing for their nachos with cheese, a bag of Tostitos and container of cheese. They are ok, but nothing all that good for sure.

I like the close up on the archway, I don't know if I ever even noticed there was anything on there! Such a cool picture.

Great shots of Claudia with Mickey. She really does love him! :cloud9:

Somebody at Photopass really needs to go study their Disney/Pixar movies and maybe tour the parks too... :lmao:

The container of cheese is not something readily sold around here, so I think that's why it surprised me so much.

Who knew that archway was so detailed? I had no clue before as well.

Well, I won't be sharing this update with Mark...the poor man might have heart attack. :scared1: Not like the Mickey bar? Oh those are fighting words with my hubby. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

That nachos and cheese looks disgusting. :sick:

What a great way to spend your time while the others were riding Star Tours. And the pictures of Peanut and Mickey are absolutely priceless!

Well just tell him there will be more Mickey bars for him. ;)

I'm not a fan of that kind of cheese at all, but to have it cold on top of it all, with tostitos that tasted just bland and salty. Yuck.

I had a nice time waiting for them, but I was glad when they arrived and it was my turn to go do stuff. :)

Why on earth would they sell bagged tortilla chips? Every other area in Disney has the real kind! That is disappointing.

I guess that's just one more reason to think the food at DHS sucks!

Hi Mel,

Sorry I've not commented for a while, I've been away with work and didn't come on here much. Anyway, I'm back now and have caught up.

Those nachos look pretty grim!

Lovely pictures of you both with Mickey :)

Hi Monica! Don't worry about it. Sometimes I'm bad at commenting on TRsas well (including my own :rolleyes1 ) Real life gets in the way!

I really was expecting some better looking (and tasting) nachos!


I definitely get how the ice cream bar isn't super "refreshing" like, a fruity one would be more refreshing to me, or one of the chocolate bananas...though..they're super awkward to eat in a disney park, people give you really shifty loooks...eck... :scared: bahaha

Love the pic of peanut yawning, adorable, and her and sully are so cute! He's so big! I would be scared! Lawl. Then again, I loved all mascots when I was younger so probably not

Yeck, chips in a bag, gross, not disney expected, but then again, dhs just does not have much good food!

Love the pictures around the theater and animation building, the details are wonderful!

Awe, mickey and peanut are so cute!

Yeah, I usually love rich chocolate,but at that particular time it was just too sweet and not what I was looking for. I'm not a fan of fruits though, but a lemonade would have been good.

I didn't know if Peanut would be afraid of the fur characters, but she wasn't. Hopefully she remains unafraid as she gets older. I think for now he just looked really soft, and soft is good. :rotfl:

I'll know better next time than to get a snack at a shady booth in the back of a park that has a reputation of not having great food... ::yes::


I've never had a mickey bar either. I don't like ice cream bars in real life so I can't imagine a mickey one would be any better.

Same here. I'm not a fan of any ice cream bars, but thought I'd give the Mickey bar a chance.


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