This Ain't Our First Rodeo--a last-minute and first-ever PTR--5/27-6/2/10


Mar 4, 2010
Welcome to my first pre-trip report! I'm new to the DIS boards but love these trip reports--so we're anxious to bring you along on our WDW adventure. (And I hope I do this right :confused3)

First up? Introducing you to our cast! :dance3:

So...who are these crazy people??

Me: Hello, my name is Mary. We live in southern Indiana, right on the beautiful Ohio River. A Texan by birth, I was raised in Ohio and moved to Indiana for college. There I met DH, fell madly in love, married him, and followed him to his hometown 2 years later. We are celebrating 15 years of married bliss this year!

My favorite job is being a wife and mother, but my second favorite gig (and the one that pays the bills) is my job as a respiratory therapist. I love keeping people breathing well! I work at a regional hospital across the river in Kentucky.

Growing up in Ohio, my parents took me and my baby sis on several vacations, but never to Florida. No Florida means no Disney! :sad1: But, 3 years ago, after lots of planning and circumstances (I am a champion trip-planner!), I finally got my first trip to the World with DH and the kids. I promised myself and them that we would go back ASAP, and 2010 is the year! :cheer2:

DH: I am married to Mike who is simply my best friend and the coolest person I have ever known. While he looks a little gruff on the outside, on the inside he is still a fun-loving kid. DH will always be the first one on the roller coaster!

DH is a top-notch husband and daddy and pays the bills by being in management at a local iron foundry. He is also on the coaching staff of our junior high football team!

His childhood was a little different than mine. Born and raised in this little river town, his family was always on one adventurous vacation after another, so by the time he met me, DH had been to WDW many times. He was more than happy to show off what he knew to me and the kids for our 2007 trip. This time, however, he won't have to host--he's the reason we're celebrating on our trip! Stay tuned to hear his awesome accomplishment :banana:

DS: Being 14 years old is a full-time job, and DS is putting the hours on the clock! His entry into this world was even an ordeal since he was born on my 21st birthday after 54 HOURS OF LABOR! :scared: Since then, he has kept us busy with sports and school and the everyday soap-opera that is being a teenager. There's never a dull moment with him around!

He is a great storyteller (and most of them are true :rolleyes:!) and is the comedian in the family. When no one is looking, he is gentle and kind, but don't tell his friends! The boy has a rep to protect--so this trip to WDW will be told from his perspective as simply a vehicle to scout pretty girls.

DD: The burden of being the youngest in our family falls to 11 year old DD. While her brother is the athlete and comedian, DD brings beauty into our home. She fills our days with music and art, and when she isn't singing or drawing, she is planning wonderful activities. Movie nights are her specialty! popcorn::

Being the biggest Disney lover in our family, DD is the most excited about this trip--which is really saying something! On our visit in 2007, she got bitten by the WDW bug in a big way. Every show about the World gets DVR'd and watched repeatedly (thank you Travel Channel!), and Radio Disney and the Disney Channel are always on. She has no qualms about telling everyone who will listen about her first visit with Cinderella because as far as she's concerned, if you don't like Disney, that's a YOU problem. :cool2:

So now that you've met us, here's some pics:


From our trip in 2007. DS was 10 and DD was 8.


2007 trip--It's Tough to be a Bug!


DH and I are Indianapolis Colts season-ticket holders and CRAZY football fans. So here's our family with our Peyton Manning autographed ball from last year's Colts training camp!

So, what did DH do that was SOOOOOOO cool that we got Disney in on it? And will my OCD trip-planning go as I planned it? Will life throw us some curveballs? We only have 21 days until D(eparture)-Day, so join us!
Here's the 411!

When: Leaving May 26th, arriving May 27th!

Where: 6 nights at Pop Century

Mode of transportation: Driving :eek:

Anything interesting on the way: nothing is ever boring with our gang locked in a car together :laughing:

Story behind the 411

Mother Nature adjusted the original dates for journey to see Mickey before I even picked up the phone and talked to a CM. We had planned to leave the day after school dismissed for the summer, but the snow just kept falling in February. More snow, more missed school days, more frustrations. Eventually, the weather warmed up, but not before we had 3 more days added to the school year. So, with a date in mind, now we had to decide, at which resort did we want to lay our heads each night?

Now, I've only had one trip to Disney before, and that was an offsite stay. This time, I was anxious to stay on property because I can't get enough pixie dust. But where to stay? I was so drawn to Port Orleans French Quarter, then Coronado Springs, then POR...:eek: Decisions, decisions! So, when in doubt, I go back to the budget. The numbers didn't lie--we could do 4 nights at a mod or 5 nights at a value.

I think you know where I went with that. Pop we come!

So with a resort and dates in mind, I called Disney to book our trip! So exciting! The CM was great, walking me through everything. As I told him what resort we wanted, he said, "Oh, what do we have here?"

I don't know, Mr. CM. Tell me. :hippie:

He said, "You have a PIN code!" I was shocked. I didn't remember getting any discount codes, and probably wouldn't have known what it was had it not been for these boards. So my first dose of Disney magic was getting a 20/30/40 PIN. The math was quickly done, and TA-DA! We could afford 6 nights! DH and kids were super-stoked when they got home that day to the news that we could stay an extra night!

Now, I am a legendary trip-planner. DH constantly teases me about my planning binders and folders, gas mileage budgeting, and hotel reviewing. This time, though, I had an even better base from which to start planning than I could even imagine. The only big piece of the puzzle left was to book airfare. We usually fly Southwest, and since I couldn't book that through Disney, I was on my own.


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