~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Ugh...sorry your knee is still bothering you. Here's hoping you just need a few days rest and ICE and it will go back to normal. My daughter did something to her knee back in the fall. It was explained to me that it was similar to a repetitive injury because she was riding her new bike a LOT. Go figure, at 13YO this poor kid has more injuries that just prevent her from being as active as she wants to, and she's the most active one in our family. I know it seemed very painful for her for a while, but eventually with rest and ice she was back to normal. I ended up buying her a knee brace on AMAZON because she needed a TODDLER sized brace! She is just so small and skinny that I could find nothing for her in the stores and wrapping it every day was a pain. I assume she still has it somewhere just in case. Anyway AMAZON is an option, and if you have PRIME like I do...it will arrive quickly!

LOVE the new bag of course. So cute! Wish I had your talent, but the best I can do is use some of those gel pens and write cute stuff on my plain old bags to make them seem more Disney-like. I bought a nice little backpack on Amazon that's waterproof that I could use next time we are in the parks as an alternate the drawstring back I always use which is a denim-like material but NOT waterproof. I drew a few little Disney designs with one of those puffy paint pens, small designs but to make the bag seem more personalized! :)

Have a great day!
That really stinks about your knee. You should definitely take it easy. Do you have any medical supplies stores nearby? You may have a better choice of knee braces there.

I LOVE the Halloween bag!! That Mickey pumpkin looks awesome and so cute with the little polka dot background!
That bad is absolutely adorable! And what a fun idea to do purple stitching on the black strap! I love it!

I hope your knee feels much better very soon. I hadn't thought about roasting the spiralized veggies -- that's a great idea -- I love roasted veggies. We really like baked sweet potato fries so I think that would be fun to do with the spiralizer. Now you're giving me all kinds of ideas!

My husband is a great gift giver....at least when I tell him or our girls exactly what it is that I want. LOL But they definitely surprised me this year with my anniversary gift -- they bought me a Pandora bracelet with the Cinderella carriage charm on it. I was so surprised. I love it! And my husband loves it because it makes special occasion shopping very easy for him -- just pick out a new charm. LOL

Have a great day!
I'm so sorry to hear that your knee is still bothering you. What a bummer that you didn't find braces for your knee. I hope you feel better today :hug:

Your Halloween bag looks great. I love the dotted fabric you have used.

Ooooh - how exciting!!!! I am so glad you were able to visit your new car - and see the color in person... So, do you like it?

Yes I liked it even if I only got to see the car from the outside. I can't wait to see the inside of the car when they get the elevator mounted.

I will have to look into this 5:2 method... I've never heard of it. :scratchin Not that I will do it myself - but I am curious as to what it is and how Ulf's version works. ::yes::

Short explained the 5:2 method is that you choose 2 days during the week where you eat less calories than on the other 5 days of the week. That way your total calorie intake during a week is less than if you ate the same amount of calories every day of the week. I don't remember how many calories you are supposed to eat on the 2 days but I'm sure that information is on the internet. Ulf has chosen to have his 2 days on Mondays and Wednesday.
Sorry your knee is still bothering you. It's a shame you couldn't find the kind of brace you were looking for. I did something to my knee years ago while walking the dog. It took a little while to heal but it's fine now.
Your bag is really cute. I agree, the black strap would look good.
We've had quite a bit of rain here too. In fact, it loos like it's going to rain right now. I was hoping to would be nice today since I'm off. If nothing else, I can do some sewing.
At work we get our trucks in the afternoon and the unloaders throw the ruck on second shift. Us first shifters get to put it all out in the morning. I'm not quite sure what third shift does. I usually get to do the truck report for electronics freight. That's the list of all the high ticket stuff that's supposed to be on the truck.
Have a good day.
I love this bag! It is so fun and festive!
The pattern inside the bag is adorable!

Excited to see the rest of your outfit!!
Ooh, that little Cooper dragging you off the porch. What a stinker!!

I love love LOOOOOOVE the Halloween bag!!!! The material on the inside is just awesome :) and I adore the little ruffle on the slip pocket on the front. You are SO talented. I've been insanely jealous of Mo and Ariana's park bags since I started reading TRs. So, I'm glad to finally be able to let you know that you are truly talented!!

For whatever reason the Dis was not telling me you were over here and writing! I thought you disappeared!

I am too far behind to catch up.
Sorry about your knee and hope you feel better soon
So sorry to hear about your knee! I do zumba three nights a week now, and I have noticed that it has done something to my knees. They definitely ache from time to time from all the jumping involved. I just can't quit though, I LOVE that class, it is so much fun!!!

Love the Halloween bag!!! It is adorbs!
Sorry the knee is not better! Mine was a cartilage tear at the time (now I just don't have any left, lol) Yours sound different, but please just be careful with it...

LOVE the Halloween bag! I need a Figment one with that background material! I think it would be perfect, right??
The Halloween bag out is ADORABLE!!! You never disappoint, but you leaving us in suspense on the outfit :scratchin is well, just wrong. LOL

Can't believe Cooper pulled you down. Ugh, your poor knee. I really hope it feels better.

We are relocating down south. I like to think of it as half way closer to Disney. I am really excited. My entire family will be leaving the area (just not all of us at once) and we decided to go too. The house is on the market and currently we do not have a house yet to move into. I firmly believe that if things are meant to be they will be, and so far everything is gong smoothly.

Have a great day!
Your Halloween bag is so nice, I love it! Are you doing a Halloween party with your DD? We are going to do one, we did one in 2013 and loved it! Your bag will be perfect for your trip. We are getting snow today ugh!! We had a lot of rain then turned to snow oh well it won't last long. Glad your knee is better.

For whatever reason the Dis was not telling me you were over here and writing! I thought you disappeared!

I am too far behind to catch up.
Sorry about your knee and hope you feel better soon

Ugh, same here. Hopefully this fixes it and I get emails again!
I will try to get caught up some though!
I just saw your yummy healthy lunch pic.
Your Halloween bag is really cute and a black strap is the right way to go. I agree with you about the interior pockets. I can never find anything when I have a lot of interior pockets because I never remember what I put in them.

Thanks Sue - I agree - I am glad I went with the black strap - I think purple would have been cute - but it really would have stuck out on me.

Hahaha... Yes - exactly. The only thing I kind of wished I would have had an interior pocket for, is for my used portable phone chargers - I typically carry 3 of them with me into the parks, and sometimes it's hard to remember which ones I've used and which ones I haven't.

Ugh...sorry your knee is still bothering you. Here's hoping you just need a few days rest and ICE and it will go back to normal. My daughter did something to her knee back in the fall. It was explained to me that it was similar to a repetitive injury because she was riding her new bike a LOT. Go figure, at 13YO this poor kid has more injuries that just prevent her from being as active as she wants to, and she's the most active one in our family. I know it seemed very painful for her for a while, but eventually with rest and ice she was back to normal. I ended up buying her a knee brace on AMAZON because she needed a TODDLER sized brace! She is just so small and skinny that I could find nothing for her in the stores and wrapping it every day was a pain. I assume she still has it somewhere just in case. Anyway AMAZON is an option, and if you have PRIME like I do...it will arrive quickly!

LOVE the new bag of course. So cute! Wish I had your talent, but the best I can do is use some of those gel pens and write cute stuff on my plain old bags to make them seem more Disney-like. I bought a nice little backpack on Amazon that's waterproof that I could use next time we are in the parks as an alternate the drawstring back I always use which is a denim-like material but NOT waterproof. I drew a few little Disney designs with one of those puffy paint pens, small designs but to make the bag seem more personalized! :)

Have a great day!

Yikes! I am glad that dd is OK and you were able to find a brace for her. Thanks for the idea to look on Amazon... I did look there - but I still didn't find what I was looking for. We have a very well stocked pharmacy in town - I think I may try there today. I am healing through - so I am not sure I really need it anymore? :scratchin I"ll see how my day goes. :)

Thanks!! It was fun to make - I really enjoy making items for myself occasionally. I am sure your backpacks are amazing! :)

Thanks - same to you!

That really stinks about your knee. You should definitely take it easy. Do you have any medical supplies stores nearby? You may have a better choice of knee braces there.

I LOVE the Halloween bag!! That Mickey pumpkin looks awesome and so cute with the little polka dot background!

Yes - I am really bummed about it. It is healing, but I am still afraid to work it too much. I still plan to take it easy today. If it's still weird - that is the plan... We have a pharmacy that doubles as a medical supply store - so I am going to try there.

Thank you! I really love how it turned out! I am so excited to carry it too! :woohoo:

That bad is absolutely adorable! And what a fun idea to do purple stitching on the black strap! I love it!

I hope your knee feels much better very soon. I hadn't thought about roasting the spiralized veggies -- that's a great idea -- I love roasted veggies. We really like baked sweet potato fries so I think that would be fun to do with the spiralizer. Now you're giving me all kinds of ideas!

My husband is a great gift giver....at least when I tell him or our girls exactly what it is that I want. LOL But they definitely surprised me this year with my anniversary gift -- they bought me a Pandora bracelet with the Cinderella carriage charm on it. I was so surprised. I love it! And my husband loves it because it makes special occasion shopping very easy for him -- just pick out a new charm. LOL

Have a great day!

Thank you - I am very happy with how it turned out.

Thanks - it's getting better, it feels better this morning - but I haven't done much, other than come down stairs and drink coffee. ;) So, we will see how it feels through out the day.

Roasted veggies are my favorite! Let me know how they turn out. ::yes::

Hehehe... Josh usually is too. I love Pandora bracelets - I don't have one... But I do have one from Holland - with beads that you can only purchase there... I love it, but I only wear it on special occasions. The girls also each have one from there.

You too! :lovestruc

I'm so sorry to hear that your knee is still bothering you. What a bummer that you didn't find braces for your knee. I hope you feel better today

Your Halloween bag looks great. I love the dotted fabric you have used.

Yes I liked it even if I only got to see the car from the outside. I can't wait to see the inside of the car when they get the elevator mounted.

Short explained the 5:2 method is that you choose 2 days during the week where you eat less calories than on the other 5 days of the week. That way your total calorie intake during a week is less than if you ate the same amount of calories every day of the week. I don't remember how many calories you are supposed to eat on the 2 days but I'm sure that information is on the internet. Ulf has chosen to have his 2 days on Mondays and Wednesday.

Thanks... I am feeling better - but I haven't used it much this morning. I still plan to take it easy today and ice it as much as possible.

Thanks - I am very happy with it.

That will be exciting - I am so happy you liked it. I can't wait to see it too!

Ahhh - yes... I have heard of something similar - it may even be called the same thing? Does it work well for Ulf?

I love this bag! It is so fun and festive!

The pattern inside the bag is adorable!

Excited to see the rest of your outfit!!

Thanks! I am so happy with it!

Me too! It's pretty simple and not very exciting. LOL

Ooh, that little Cooper dragging you off the porch. What a stinker!!

I love love LOOOOOOVE the Halloween bag!!!! The material on the inside is just awesome :) and I adore the little ruffle on the slip pocket on the front. You are SO talented. I've been insanely jealous of Mo and Ariana's park bags since I started reading TRs. So, I'm glad to finally be able to let you know that you are truly talented!!

Hahahaha... Yes - "Stinker" is the perfect description word for him... LOL He is that, for sure. But cute... So he often gets away with a lot. LOL

Thank you!!! I am so happy with how it turned out - and I cannot wait to carry it in October.

Awwww... Thanks so much for stopping by - it's so nice having you here. :lovestruc

I'm hanging i there. I explained everything on my PTR.

I like it! The polka dots look like little candy bits to me.

I am so very sorry for your loss. :hug:

Thank you - yes they do - I'd never thought of that. :lovestruc


For whatever reason the Dis was not telling me you were over here and writing! I thought you disappeared!

I am too far behind to catch up.
Sorry about your knee and hope you feel better soon

Hi Mo!!!! I've missed you ! The Dis does funny things sometimes... I just assumed you were busy - which is legitimate - I am sure you are. :lovestruc

I had to laugh at the "disappear" part of it though.... Hahahaha... I am not sure I could ever disappear. LOL

No worries - thank you though... I am trying to nurse it back to normal - it's getting there.

So sorry to hear about your knee! I do zumba three nights a week now, and I have noticed that it has done something to my knees. They definitely ache from time to time from all the jumping involved. I just can't quit though, I LOVE that class, it is so much fun!!!

Love the Halloween bag!!! It is adorbs!

Thanks - it's getting better... I still plan to take it easy probably through the weekend. I am still icing it through out the day and elevating it too, I am just thankful that it's healing and I can walk. We will see what today brings.

Jumping - or high intensity movement is always so hard on my knees too... I agree - I loved Zumba when I did it - I wish I could find another instructor that I enjoy, I'd happily do it again.

Thanks - I am super happy with how it turned out!

Sorry the knee is not better! Mine was a cartilage tear at the time (now I just don't have any left, lol) Yours sound different, but please just be careful with it...

LOVE the Halloween bag! I need a Figment one with that background material! I think it would be perfect, right??

Yikes - that just sounds awful. I am not sure what mine is? It's definitely healing - but there's definitely still something wrong. The icing and taking it easy seems to be helping a lot though - so I will continue with that through the weekend for sure. It is getting better though - so that's a relief. As long as a certain dog doesn't drag me off the porch again... :scratchin

Thanks!!!! Ooooh - Yes that would be really great for Figment! :lovestruc

The Halloween bag out is ADORABLE!!! You never disappoint, but you leaving us in suspense on the outfit :scratchin is well, just wrong. LOL

Can't believe Cooper pulled you down. Ugh, your poor knee. I really hope it feels better.

We are relocating down south. I like to think of it as half way closer to Disney. I am really excited. My entire family will be leaving the area (just not all of us at once) and we decided to go too. The house is on the market and currently we do not have a house yet to move into. I firmly believe that if things are meant to be they will be, and so far everything is gong smoothly.

Have a great day!

THanks Lynee! Hahahahaha... Gotta keep you guys interested and checking back occasionally. Especially since I tend to reuse so many things for my trips - I seem to only get 1 or 2 new themes per trip - so I must drag it out. LOL And I still have 6 months + before we leave. :scratchin

Yes - it definitely wasn't helpful to it's healing... but it seems to feel a lot better this morning. I will see how it goes today - still being careful to ice it. I discovered yesterday - that I can wrap my ice packs into my knee brace - which was nice... Then I could work while I was icing. ::yes::

HOw exciting - and even better that you will still be near family! I am sure it will work out fantastically - please keep me updated! :hug:

You too!

Your Halloween bag is so nice, I love it! Are you doing a Halloween party with your DD? We are going to do one, we did one in 2013 and loved it! Your bag will be perfect for your trip. We are getting snow today ugh!! We had a lot of rain then turned to snow oh well it won't last long. Glad your knee is better.

Thank you - I am so happy with it. Yes we are doing MNSSHP... When I originally offered these trips to the girls - I told them that they could do "1 extra thing"... Allison chose Universal, and V chose MNSSHP.... But now that she saw how much fun Allison had at Universal - V has chosen to do Universal too... But she still wants to do MNSSHP - so she is earning $$ to pay for us to go to that herself, like Allison did for Cirque. I can only do so much with these trips financially - and I feel like, if they want to do something extra-extra, they can pay for it for both of us. It's only fair. ::yes:: We've done MNSSHP twice - once in 2003 and once in 2008 - it's been a while since we've been down in Disney for Halloween, so we are very much looking forward to this.

I heard you guys were getting snow - as far as I can tell, we didn't get anything. I haven't really looked outside yet this morning though.

Thanks - it seems to be doing better this morning. Not normal by any means, but better. I am hoping if I baby it through the weekend - that I will be back to semi-normal next week. Maybe not running normal - but hopefully walking normal.

Ugh, same here. Hopefully this fixes it and I get emails again!
I will try to get caught up some though!
I just saw your yummy healthy lunch pic.

Hi!!! I am glad you were able to make your way back... I know my notifications sometimes get wonky on me too.

Yes - I am anxious to be eating that lunch again... Right now - I am still trying to eat up our stuffed peppers leftovers... I am getting really sick of them. LOL


Yesterday was a decent day - even though I wasn't able to work out - I did do my ab routine, so I did do something. Which is better than nothing. My eating is still stellar - I haven't been keeping track - but I think I am on day 10 of rocking my eating - so that's really helpful on so many levels. ::yes::

I worked upstairs yesterday... I was able to start my next custom order... I am very inspired by this one - so I cannot wait to see how it turns out. :woohoo:

I had my lunch of left-over stuffed green peppers, which I am beyond sick of at the moment.

Then I took the opportunity to lay in bed and ice my knee... Yup - I also took a short nap. ;)

Josh and I were on our own for dinner last night - Allison was working and V had church....

I sat on my tablet most of the night and watched 600 lb life, or whatever it's called.

Yesterday afternoon, Allison was sending me photos... And I ended up with this Gem... Bahahaha... She cracks me up!


And sadly - someone also put my Splash Mountain coffee cup in the dishwasher - and it's totally wrecked now. I am soooo bummed, as this was the ONLY souvenir I'd purchased while on Allison's grad trip. Yes - I also replaced my VB PP Hipster - but that doesn't count. LOL So, I was just really angry/annoyed/frustrated about this yesterday... On top of that - I discovered that my Disney Villians Tervis is MIA... :/ It's my favorite - I'd purchased it the first time I met Suzi and Mo when they came here, so that really bummed me out too. It was not a good drink ware day for D~.


Today... The plan...

It's supposed to be a heavy lifting day... but... Um-no. I'll be doing upper body strength training again.

My knee seems to be doing better - but I don't want to make it angry at all... And I still have pain in certain situations - so I am planning to take it easy through the weekend for sure. I'll re-evaluate on Monday morning.

Today is applique day, so I'll be working on that all day.

I plan to go into town right after lunch... I want to stop at the medical supply store to see what they have for knee braces. Then I will pick up V from school - she has an appointment across the metro... So - it will be a crazy driving day for us. V will get some good driving hours in though - an hour each direction. ::yes::

So, that's about all. Thanks for all of the compliments on my Halloween bag - it was so fun to make and I am excited to carry it in October. :lovestruc

Have a wonderful day everyone! :lovestruc

OH NO...so sorry about your MUG! I'd be all kinds of sad about that. You could try emailing Disney and they can send you a replacement. They are awesome about finding in-park stuff and replacing it. I once bought a shirt at EPCOT and it shrank so much after a wash..that I called to request a larger one. Although I was willing to pay for it, they did send it for free.

Good luck on the knee brace hunt too!

Your bag is absolutely perfect!! You're so talented!! Do you think you're going to make another bow sometime?? Sorry to hear about your knee. You're doing the right thing by not pushing it. I hope it gets better soon. It a bummer about your mug and Tervis. I know that there is an 800 number that you can call to reorder anything from the parks. I hope you have a great day!!
Just like that i am getting notifications again..

Hi Mo!!!! I've missed you ! The Dis does funny things sometimes... I just assumed you were busy - which is legitimate - I am sure you are.

No excuse.

I had to laugh at the "disappear" part of it though.... Hahahaha... I am not sure I could ever disappear. LOL

Right Like you would ever leave the dis!

No worries - thank you though... I am trying to nurse it back to normal - it's getting there.

Glad to hear.
Glad to hear the knee is mending. Sometimes rest is the best medicine.

And I need to see a picture of the Villain Tervis when it shows back up...I am always on the lookout for ne Tervis...but I have become somewhat of a snob...it has to actually be the Tervis brand...the others just don't do as well (including the fun ones I can get from the store...although I do use them, I use my Tervis Disney Cruise Line one for my coffee everyday) :)
And sadly - someone also put my Splash Mountain coffee cup in the dishwasher - and it's totally wrecked now. I am soooo bummed, as this was the ONLY souvenir I'd purchased while on Allison's grad trip.
They shouldn't sell coffee mugs that aren't dishwasher safe. We have been given a few mugs as gifts and I have to be very careful about them. I read a trip report where the lady was able to get a replacement mug from Disney when hers got ruined in her dishwasher. But sadly, I don't remember how she went about getting the free replacement. I know it happened after she got home and I don't remember the rest. You could also try bringing it back in October to see if they will replace it.


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