~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Oh, poor Allison! I feel so bad for her. That kid needs to catch a break!

LOVE the photo of Thomas on the sled! Is this his first time sledding?

I am sorry you are feeling poorly. No time is a good time to be sick but since BMLT is here, it is a really BAD time to be sick. Hopefully you'll feel better soon.
How fun the kids went sledding! That is so cool you have a hill so close to your home! And wow you got a lot of snow there..much more then NY.
The picture of Victoria with Thomas on the sled is adorable. You are lucky to have such a convenient sledding hill. We don't have anything close to our house in the flat Chicago area.

I hope you feel better soon. This is the wrong time to be sick.

Thanks! It's pretty hilly here - so it's nice to have that available to us - sadly - it also means that the roads drift over terrible and quick, so the hills are great for sledding and not so great for driving. LOL

Thanks - I am feeling quite awful this morning... I am very upset that I am sick while the kids are here. We are supposed to have plans tomorrow - but I don't want to expose them. :/

Cute sled ridding picture! Hope you feel better soon, being sick is no fun at all.

Thanks - they had so much fun!

Thanks - me too... I want to see the kids so badly - but I don't want to expose them to this either. Sadly, I woke up even more miserable today than yesterday.

What an awesome hill for sledding! So fun! Do feel better, D~! (((HUGS)))

Yes - we have lots of those sledding hills around here - I guess I never considered myself lucky. LOL The hills get pretty dangerous in the winter time - so I feel like I am cursing them more often than enjoying them - for that matter, I don't love them when I am running either. LOL :scratchin

Thanks - I am trying... Still feeling really awful this morning.

Oh, poor Allison! I feel so bad for her. That kid needs to catch a break!

LOVE the photo of Thomas on the sled! Is this his first time sledding?

I am sorry you are feeling poorly. No time is a good time to be sick but since BMLT is here, it is a really BAD time to be sick. Hopefully you'll feel better soon.

Yes - she has decided to keep her appointment with the Dr. today - just to have him look at it. She is not sure if it's gone down enough to not have it removed? We'll see. Josh is off of work all this week to spend time with BMTL - but they have other plans today - so I am sending him to the Dr. with Allison, and hopefully I can rest.

Yes - he has never seen snow before... They used to get it in Holland, but the last 15+ years have been quite warm, so it's been all rain. He loved playing in it! ::yes::

I know - I feel terrible that I am sick while they are here. I am hoping I am better by tomorrow - as we have plans. I just don't want to get the little ones sick - that would be worse. Even though Thomas is already under the weather - I don't know if I got this from him or from someone else? It's pretty unlikely that I got it from him, after I gave it some thought yesterday - as I think it would have taken longer to show up?

Sorry you aren't feeling well, but the pictures of the little ones are so cute. Hope you feel better today.

Thanks... I am not feeling better - much worse actually. I am more upset that I am sick while BMTL are here - I feel guilty for not spending time with them. Hopefully I am better by tomorrow - as we have plans.

Thomas is having so much fun here - there is a lot for him to do and see - even if it is winter. :lovestruc

How fun the kids went sledding! That is so cool you have a hill so close to your home! And wow you got a lot of snow there..much more then NY.

Yes - we have a lot of snow right now - but it seems much less than in years past. It's been almost 40° here for the last day+, so we have lost a lot of it - I love this time of year! :woohoo: Can't wait to have it all gone! ::yes::


I hate to complain too much - but I feel terrible. I woke up worse today than yesterday - and I am just so frustrated, because I don't want to expose BMTL to this while they are here. I am hoping I am feeling better by tomorrow, because I have plans with them. If not - I'll leave it up to Myrthe... We'll see... :scratchin At least I called in sick to Target last night - so that's not something I have to worry about today. That is one nice thing about working from home - if I am not feeling well, I can still work here and not worry about exposing others - and if it's not going well, I can just stop and go lay down. ::yes:: Which is the plan for today... I'll take it easy and try to work a little bit - and if it doesn't go well, I'll just go lay down. :thumbsup2

Needless to say - I have totally tanked on my Whole30... I am soooo disappointed in myself right now. It's just too difficult to do meal prep when I am not feeling well. I am doing the best I can - but definitely not fabulous. I will try again when I am feeling better - until then, well... :scratchin I am really down on myself that I will lose the little progress I've made since being home. This wears heavy on me a lot.

Josh is on vacation all this week to spend time with BMTL... Yesterday, Josh and Brian took Thomas on a "boys day out" - they went to the Science Museum and spent the entire day. Thomas had a blast! Josh said it was just empty - so Thomas was able to run and play all day long.

BMTL have other plans today - which works out perfectly for me... Then Josh can take Allison to her Dr. appointment this afternoon if I am not up to it. Allison's medication has helped - but we are not sure if it's helped enough or not? So, we have kept the appointment and we'll let the Dr. decide.

ETA... V and I were able to spend some one on one time together yesterday... We were able to talk a little bit about her trip and what her tentative plans are... I find it funny that she is planning almost the exact same trip that Allison did. :lmao: We'll see if she changes her mind - but for now - well, it cracks me up a little bit too.

She was also able to get a lot of drive time in yesterday too... She is definitely improving as time goes on. ::yes::

I don't have much on my plan for today - since today was originally a Target day...

I am not sure if I will work out or not? I feel like I really NEED to - since I've been eating so terribly for the last 2 days... but when I worked out yesterday, it was so painful. So, I may take the day off? :scratchin

I'll probably go upstairs for a little while and work - since I am here, and it's really not that labor intensive. I'll work on drawing out my applique and piecing it together... If I can get some of that done - that will be immensely helpful.

And that's it... I'll likely nap later and rest.

I hope you all have a marvelous day today!!! :lovestruc Prayers and good thoughts go out to all of you! :hug:

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Hey D,

Sorry you're not feeling well! Get lots of rest. Working out may do you more harm than good right now!! ~Niki
Hi D~!!! It's been almost a year I think since i've been on the DIS. Don't know what prompted me today. I opened my computer to download a design to my embroidery machine and poof! I was carried away to your PTR! Imagine that.

I'm sorry you're not feeling good at all. Thomas wasn't feeling well when they got there at first, could you have gotten whatever he had? So much crap going around now! I love that Victoria is planning her own trip...resembling Allison's trip! I'm so glad you were able to do all three trips you had planned. We are taking our next 5 year granddaughter in September. She'll be the most fun ever! She is fearless, and so very sweet. We're staying at AOA.

You know, after the girls are in college, you may be able to get Josh to Disney if you go in early September when the crowd levels are 1s and 2s. It is very hot, but you've learned how to deal with that over the years, so that shouldn't be a big problem. That's what the pools are there for...midday cooling off. Is he a huge Star Wars fan? The new attractions gears to SW might sway him if he is.

Anyway, hope you are getting something done, but getting plenty of rest as well. Don't rush the workout or be too upset about it. You'll get back in the swing again as soon as you're better. Take care my friend!
Sorry you still aren't feeling well, at least you were able to take off from work at Target. Hopefully with a lot of rest whatever you have will get better!
Lol that's funny V's trip sounds identical to Allison's! Maybe she saw how much fun you two had and wants to relive it?!
Sorry you are feeling worse and are having to miss time with BMTL. Hopefully you'll start to feel better soon.
That's funny bout V.'s trip bein almost the same as Allison's.
Have a good day
Hi! Popped over from your last TR. :)
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Get well soon!

Love the snow pic! We live in FL, so no Olafs here. :guilty:
Sorry you are not feeling well. Especially with the family visiting.
Just love the picture of V and Thomas. Too Cute!!
Poor Alli, kid needs to catch a break. Hope all went well at the doctor.

Love having the little ones around. Enjoy the time you have with BMTL and feel better!!!!
Love your trip reports. You have a great family too. I follow along on your healthy updates. One thought, have you ever had your thyroid tested? I would figure that your doctor would order it as a part of routine bloodwork. I am currently working on getting my own TSH levels under control and it is remarkable how much different I feel.
My DH and I have both been working really hard the last few years to just eat clean. Whole foods, lots of fruit and veggies, no processed. It is remarkable how much better you feel. We really didn't have weight to lose, but DH had a kind of high cholesterol, so we made changes for that. We also really started looking at hidden salt and sugar. Over the summer I gave the 21 Day Fix a try at first only for the workouts. I was interested in the 30 minute workout that had some variation to it and used weights. For the first time ever, I may have "abs" or as close to them as I get. It has certainly improved my core strength more then even when I was younger and more fit. I did use the diet eventually. Using the boxes really helped me see how out of control my pasta portions were and that I wasn't eating as many vegetables or protein as I thought I was. So even if not "dieting" I have been using the portion control and forcing my snacks to be veggies or nuts not granola. That really helped clear out most of my bloat. I don't think I could do whole30, I love dairy too much and the nutritional aspects are too good to pass up. Greek yogurt helps me with my protein intake. I eat plain and add my own fruit, most store bought have too much added sugar. And I live for my morning bowl of cereal. Don't ask me why, but I have to have it. I don't have to eat the rest of the day, but no cereal and I may hurt someone. I still enjoy sweets in moderation.
You inspire me to give running a try again once it gets warmer. I have just never been able to get into it since high school.
Wishing you and you family good health and happiness, keep up the good work. Your writing keeps me company on my lunch break. :-)
Hi D~!!! It's been almost a year I think since i've been on the DIS. Don't know what prompted me today. I opened my computer to download a design to my embroidery machine and poof! I was carried away to your PTR! Imagine that.

I'm sorry you're not feeling good at all. Thomas wasn't feeling well when they got there at first, could you have gotten whatever he had? So much crap going around now! I love that Victoria is planning her own trip...resembling Allison's trip! I'm so glad you were able to do all three trips you had planned. We are taking our next 5 year granddaughter in September. She'll be the most fun ever! She is fearless, and so very sweet. We're staying at AOA.

You know, after the girls are in college, you may be able to get Josh to Disney if you go in early September when the crowd levels are 1s and 2s. It is very hot, but you've learned how to deal with that over the years, so that shouldn't be a big problem. That's what the pools are there for...midday cooling off. Is he a huge Star Wars fan? The new attractions gears to SW might sway him if he is.

Anyway, hope you are getting something done, but getting plenty of rest as well. Don't rush the workout or be too upset about it. You'll get back in the swing again as soon as you're better. Take care my friend!

Lois! Hi, when are you going in September? Charlie and I are going at the beginning of the month, staying at Beach Club. We hope to see you and Dan again!
(Sorry for the hijack D...)
Hey D,

Sorry you're not feeling well! Get lots of rest. Working out may do you more harm than good right now!! ~Niki

Thanks Niki... I did take yesterday off - and I'll probably be taking today off as well.

So sorry to hear that you're feeling worse -- sending prayers and pixie dust your way!

Thank you. :hug:

Hi D~!!! It's been almost a year I think since i've been on the DIS. Don't know what prompted me today. I opened my computer to download a design to my embroidery machine and poof! I was carried away to your PTR! Imagine that.

I'm sorry you're not feeling good at all. Thomas wasn't feeling well when they got there at first, could you have gotten whatever he had? So much crap going around now! I love that Victoria is planning her own trip...resembling Allison's trip! I'm so glad you were able to do all three trips you had planned. We are taking our next 5 year granddaughter in September. She'll be the most fun ever! She is fearless, and so very sweet. We're staying at AOA.

You know, after the girls are in college, you may be able to get Josh to Disney if you go in early September when the crowd levels are 1s and 2s. It is very hot, but you've learned how to deal with that over the years, so that shouldn't be a big problem. That's what the pools are there for...midday cooling off. Is he a huge Star Wars fan? The new attractions gears to SW might sway him if he is.

Anyway, hope you are getting something done, but getting plenty of rest as well. Don't rush the workout or be too upset about it. You'll get back in the swing again as soon as you're better. Take care my friend!

Hi Lois - I am very excited to see you here!!! It has been too long - but I am even more excited to hear that you have another trip planned with a Grand. :woohoo: I can't wait to hear all about it!

Yes - it's possible that I got this from Thomas... but just in case I didn't - I don't want to expose them - ya know? So, I am trying to play it safe... It's such a bummer.

Maybe? I've talked to him about it, and it looks like the next time we will go as a family is when BMTL come over to do their WDW trip with the kids - which I get to plan and Josh has been told he will go whether he likes it or not. :scratchin LOL And he was told that by Brian and Myrthe - so you all know - he will go and he will enjoy it... He'd do anything for Thomas and Lara. :lovestruc So, until then - I'll either tag along on my friend's trips - or begin trying Disney solo? We'll see?

Thanks... Pretty sure I am taking today off too... Feel just as bad or worse from yesterday. However - I did break down and take ibuprofen before bed last night - and that really helped a lot... So, if I do decide to go meet up with BMTL (and stay far away from them) - I"ll be sure to load up on meds before I go. ::yes::

Sorry you still aren't feeling well, at least you were able to take off from work at Target. Hopefully with a lot of rest whatever you have will get better!
Lol that's funny V's trip sounds identical to Allison's! Maybe she saw how much fun you two had and wants to relive it?!

THat was such a huge relief - not to have to go in to Target, because I knew - once I got there - they wouldn't let me leave/I wouldn't be able to work. So, glad I took the day off.

It is almost identical... The only exception - at the moment - is that she is paying for us to go to MNSSHP and Allison paid for us to go to Cirque. Otherwise - plans are the same. Should be an easy trip to plan and budget for. :scratchin

Sorry you are feeling worse and are having to miss time with BMTL. Hopefully you'll start to feel better soon.
That's funny bout V.'s trip bein almost the same as Allison's.
Have a good day

I am so bummed about it... I am hoping they will let me meet up with them today - but I'll just admire the kiddos from afar.... Which will be hard - but I don't want to get them sick.

Yes - I thought so too... I kind of expected it to be, since we almost always agree on our favorite meals and parks... It should be lots of fun though! :woohoo:

Thanks - you too!

Hi! Popped over from your last TR.
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. Get well soon!

Love the snow pic! We live in FL, so no Olafs here.

Welcome! Super happy to have you here!

Thanks... I am trynig - but it's not going very well for me.

I'd be happy to share some of our snow with you. :thumbsup2

Sorry you are not feeling well. Especially with the family visiting.
Just love the picture of V and Thomas. Too Cute!!
Poor Alli, kid needs to catch a break. Hope all went well at the doctor.

Love having the little ones around. Enjoy the time you have with BMTL and feel better!!!!

I know - it's such a bummer... I am so disappointed! I am trying to power through - but it's not going well.

Yah - they had a lot of fun sledding and building Olaf. :lovestruc

It went great - she came down yesterday morning and showed me - the meds worked really well and it was almost gone - I was able to cancel her appointment. That was a nice break for her. :thumbsup2

Love your trip reports. You have a great family too. I follow along on your healthy updates. One thought, have you ever had your thyroid tested? I would figure that your doctor would order it as a part of routine bloodwork. I am currently working on getting my own TSH levels under control and it is remarkable how much different I feel.
My DH and I have both been working really hard the last few years to just eat clean. Whole foods, lots of fruit and veggies, no processed. It is remarkable how much better you feel. We really didn't have weight to lose, but DH had a kind of high cholesterol, so we made changes for that. We also really started looking at hidden salt and sugar. Over the summer I gave the 21 Day Fix a try at first only for the workouts. I was interested in the 30 minute workout that had some variation to it and used weights. For the first time ever, I may have "abs" or as close to them as I get. It has certainly improved my core strength more then even when I was younger and more fit. I did use the diet eventually. Using the boxes really helped me see how out of control my pasta portions were and that I wasn't eating as many vegetables or protein as I thought I was. So even if not "dieting" I have been using the portion control and forcing my snacks to be veggies or nuts not granola. That really helped clear out most of my bloat. I don't think I could do whole30, I love dairy too much and the nutritional aspects are too good to pass up. Greek yogurt helps me with my protein intake. I eat plain and add my own fruit, most store bought have too much added sugar. And I live for my morning bowl of cereal. Don't ask me why, but I have to have it. I don't have to eat the rest of the day, but no cereal and I may hurt someone. I still enjoy sweets in moderation.
You inspire me to give running a try again once it gets warmer. I have just never been able to get into it since high school.
Wishing you and you family good health and happiness, keep up the good work. Your writing keeps me company on my lunch break. :-)

Welcome! I have not had my thyroid tested... I do have aunts with thyroid issues, so it's possible that I could have issues myself... I will talk to my Dr. about it - I have a physical coming up in a few weeks. ::yes::

And thanks for the idea on the 21 day fix... I have a few good friends who swear by this method... I am still a little uncertain about it myself - but I am starting to get desperate and I may dig deeper... At some point - something must give. I enjoy doing Whole30s... It's a great reset for me, and I always feel a dramatic improvement overall... Sometimes it's just tough though - especially now - when life and being sick gets in the way.

Awesome!!! I read lots of Pinterest articles about beginner running - as it turns out - I was running wrong for all of these years - so I highly recommend doing some research before you give it a whirl again. I have given up running this winter - which is also another disappointment for me - but I do plan to start again once the weather warms up and the ice is off the roads/trails.

Glad I can keep you entertained on your lunch breaks. ::yes:: I hope you'll continue to follow along and update me on your running progress too! Best of luck! :lovestruc

Lois! Hi, when are you going in September? Charlie and I are going at the beginning of the month, staying at Beach Club. We hope to see you and Dan again!
(Sorry for the hijack D...)

No worries... I hope you guys can plan to meet up. :lovestruc


Again - I am going to complain - sorry.... I am just as sick or sicker than I was yesterday. Sigh. Therefore, I have no idea what my plans are for today. If BMTL don't want me near the kids - I'll totally understand. Where we are going though - I can totally be "with them" but stay back a bit. I took a dose of ibuprofen last night before bed - and boy did that help a lot! I try not to take too many meds when I am sick - as I just don't enjoy taking them... but the ibuprofen took care of my gigantic headache and eye pain - so when I coughed, I could actually cough - instead of wincing and crying in pain. So, if I do go out today - I will dose up. And be very aware of not touching anyone/anything and use liberal hand sanitizer - not only do I not want the kiddos getting sick - but I don't want anyone else to either. I honestly couldn't be sick at a worse time, and I am so annoyed by it!

I was able to cancel Allison's Dr appointment yesterday - she woke up yesterday morning and the cyst was almost completely gone. Phew! She finally got a break! :woohoo:

I did not work out yesterday.... As a matter of fact - I went right back to bed after the girls left for school. I only slept for about an hour - but it was nice.

Then I worked upstairs for a little while... I was able to draw out my applique... Piece it together... And begin stitching it. So, that was nice to make some progress.

I took a break at lunch time, and I never went back in my sewing room. I went back to bed after lunch. I didn't really nap - I just laid there under my electric blanket and played on my tablet. ::yes::

Josh went down to the local bar/restaurant for dinner last night and brought me home some of their home-made soup - it was heavenly. Normally when my throat is sore - I like cold bubbly things (like soda, but I don't drink that anymore) - this time around, warm is feeling better to me. It was so nice of him to take care of me yesterday. :lovestruc

I went to bed early last night and cuddled with Allison... She slept with me until Josh came up - which was pretty late, because he is on vacation all this week.

Today - not a clue... I am not working out, I am certain of that. I feel guilty about it - but not too much. LOL We might meet up with BMTL - if I don't - Josh will, at least... I'll be incredibly jealous though. ::yes:: If I don't go - I'll work here at home for a little while, and rest as I can.

I hope you all have a great day! Pixie Dust to all! :lovestruc

So sorry you are feeling sick at the worst time possible. :sad2: :sick: I hope today is the worse of it and you start feeling better soon. :hug:
I'm so sorry you still aren't feeling well! Perhaps it's bronchitis...? My younger daughter is just getting over a bout of bronchitis...and then this morning she sliced her finger open and had to get stitches and now she'll have to sit out the conference and region basketball tournaments (she's on the varsity basketball team). *Sigh* Not how I wanted her season to end. I'm so glad that Allison's cyst is doing so much better!

Sending hugs, prayers, and pixie dust your way!
So sorry to read about all of the sickies happening there. Hope you are on the mend very soon and can spend more time with BMTL. Looks like so much fun.

Can't wait to hear more about the planning for your next trip too!

Can't believe how brave you are letting Victoria drive in the snow! Our DS15 got his learner's permit in January. I've been in the car with him once or twice...and that was when the decision was made that we had to purchase something for him to drive because my vehicle (a 2008 Honda Pilot) is the only one we are comfortable with him driving...and I'm not that comfortable with it being my vehicle at risk of any damage. We ended up biting the bullet and taking out a small loan to purchase a nice 2006 Honda Civic which will eventually become "his" car when he is officially licensed to drive, which won't happen until the end of October at the EARLIEST. He is more comfortable driving that and this way he gets used to something that he drives all of the time, and we use it sometimes as a commuter car for work because it gets great gas mileage above and beyond our other vehicles. I haven't had the chance to be a passenger in the Civic as he drives it, but DH has taken him out on the roads a few times so far, only in NON-SNOW conditions and says he's doing very well. Such a scary thing to do as a parent for sure though!
Ugh, I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well. Maybe it's time to go see a doctor (I know you hate to take meds though). I'm just worried that whatever you have may progress into something worse. :(
THat was such a huge relief - not to have to go in to Target, because I knew - once I got there - they wouldn't let me leave/I wouldn't be able to work. So, glad I took the day off.
Oh yes, I know what you mean, as the same thing would happen at the supermarket I work at when I'm home from school. Also who wants to be standing all day taking care of customers at a register when your feeling lousy lol?
It is almost identical... The only exception - at the moment - is that she is paying for us to go to MNSSHP and Allison paid for us to go to Cirque. Otherwise - plans are the same. Should be an easy trip to plan and budget for. :scratchin
That's great since you'll be able to go to two different fun/new things! :thumbsup2
Again - I am going to complain - sorry.... I am just as sick or sicker than I was yesterday. Sigh. Therefore, I have no idea what my plans are for today. If BMTL don't want me near the kids - I'll totally understand. Where we are going though - I can totally be "with them" but stay back a bit. I took a dose of ibuprofen last night before bed - and boy did that help a lot! I try not to take too many meds when I am sick - as I just don't enjoy taking them... but the ibuprofen took care of my gigantic headache and eye pain - so when I coughed, I could actually cough - instead of wincing and crying in pain. So, if I do go out today - I will dose up. And be very aware of not touching anyone/anything and use liberal hand sanitizer - not only do I not want the kiddos getting sick - but I don't want anyone else to either. I honestly couldn't be sick at a worse time, and I am so annoyed by it!
Really hoping the medicine makes you feel better! Also, I hope you are able to go through with the plans today... I truly hope you feel better soon:lovestruc
I was able to cancel Allison's Dr appointment yesterday - she woke up yesterday morning and the cyst was almost completely gone. Phew! She finally got a break! :woohoo:
Nice! So happy for her!!:goodvibes


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