There's no time to slumber we're going back in November! we came we saw and started a TR for it all!

I'm glad you were able to make it home before you collapsed. What an ordeal.
I have a weak stomach, too. I don't drink the wine at communion because of germs . I'm weird about them.
Hopefully your kids continue to work hard in school.
Bless your heart!! I hope you are feeling better. I am glad you made it home safely. My husband and daughter both have thyroid issues, it needs to be monitored a lot..hope you have had a nice weekend.
Hey Mo! Is there a November FB group? And if so, can you tell me the name? I have a good friend going the first week in November.
Oh Mo! I hope you and your Dr can get that pesky thyroid in check again :( I could tell something was up.....even in writing you were not yourself.
Does your hair grow fast? I love the way it looked in that picture, but I can tell you aren't happy with it. How long will it take to grow back the way you like??

:yay:30 days from today and we will be together again!!!!:yay:
Oh Mo! :hug: I'm so sorry you're having a rough time over there. I'm here if you need a friend. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Ugh! I hate the new DIS updates...I NEVER get them! Just got caught back up on your PTR. Your poor head! and stomach! and hair!! Hope this weekend is nice and relaxing--seems like you're in desperate need of one of those! Glad to be back, hopefully staying caught up better, too :)

Sorry! i had a hard time for a while too getting updates. I had to go in unwatch then hit watch again to make sure i was getting the emails!
relaxing? Me? Oh Heck no.
I am glad to have you back! :hug:

Yuck! What an awful time at the doctors. I can totally relate. Had a mole removed last Tuesday. They had to go deep because it was questionable plus I have a history of melanoma on both sides of the family. Took over an hour and I have 12 stitches on my buttocks (just had to use that word since that's what the doctor kept saying and it made me giggle). I did fine with the procedure until a second doctor came in and they started discussing what they were doing. Saw some spots for a few minutes. But I closed my eyes and went to my happy place which is planning an imaginary Disney trip in my head.

I do hope you are feeling better today and that the new thyroid meds help. :hug:

YUCK! i had a mile removed off my back. I will say the mole removal was worse then the cyst...
12 stitches! holy cow! buttocks is a pretty funny word i would have laughed too.. but still 12 stitches that's a serious surgery!!! Yes! i don't NEED To know what's going on.. Just do it.. get it over with! Great idea in the happy thought.. i must try that next time! I hope the results came back ok?!?!
It'll take about a week for the new meds to kick in.. Today is not their day.

Yes, I hope they improve too! Mean Mom scares me! :scared:

ha ha! i don't like mean Mom either. she's a B!

You and I are total opposites... my stomach is made of pure cast iron, but my pain tolerance is about as flimsy as tissue paper. And that's speaking as somebody who's had a chronic pain disease for 20 years! I do okay with "my pain" that I deal with on a daily basis, but it uses up pretty much all of my tolerance... Any other pain that comes my way, and I am a HUGE WUSS.

HA! too funny about being opposites! same with the food- you like the fat stuff and i cannot deal with it for the life of me.. weak stomach!
Pain? not a big deal. remember triplets?!? HA HA
you have lupus right? or am i getting that incorrect?! Pain disease isn't something to laugh off either!!!

You poor thing! What an ordeal you had! I certainly hope that you're feeling better, and that your new thyroid medicines get you back to feeling like your awesome Mo self!

par for the course. my life is a whirlwind of craziness!
I need to become myself.. I hate feeling like this!

Not at all! That's what friends do, girl! :hug:

That is seriously sweet thank you!!! :hug:

You too, pretty lady! :goodvibes

hope your weekend was good?


it's stupid. thank god my hair grows FAST!

I'm so glad you made it home ok! Be careful lady! And feel better soon!

it was a stupid move. i'm an idiot.

I'm glad you were able to make it home before you collapsed. What an ordeal.
I have a weak stomach, too. I don't drink the wine at communion because of germs . I'm weird about them.
Hopefully your kids continue to work hard in school.

i'm an idiot.. YES Why the heck would you drink out of the same cup as what 50 people??? HELL NO! having a weak stomach isn't fun. your limited on a lot of things.
so far so good on the school work. they are still doing their best!

Oh my gosh. Scary. Thank goodness you were able to get home without passing out.

i'm an idiot. It was mostly in my head.. but i have a strong head. and very persuasive... HA HA!
I did make it home without a problem Matt was chatting away which kept me thinking about him.

Bless your heart!! I hope you are feeling better. I am glad you made it home safely. My husband and daughter both have thyroid issues, it needs to be monitored a lot..hope you have had a nice weekend.

I am so sorry to hear your Husband and daughter have it too.. it's the pits. when your not regulated you really are messed up! i hope they have their issues under control???

Hey Mo! Is there a November FB group? And if so, can you tell me the name? I have a good friend going the first week in November.

there are a couple of them.

i hope this helps?

Oh Mo! I hope you and your Dr can get that pesky thyroid in check again :(

Thank you. So do i. it's not been easy- thanks for checking in!

I could tell something was up.....even in writing you were not yourself.

I agree i'm not myself at all. ever since the Sept Disney trip.

Does your hair grow fast? I love the way it looked in that picture, but I can tell you aren't happy with it.

the only good thing about the Thyroid is the meds make your hair and nails grow.. my hair grows about a half in every 4 weeks.. (i know this because of the hair appointments!)

How long will it take to grow back the way you like??

Probably August it will be back to 'normal'

:yay:30 days from today and we will be together again!!!!:yay:

As long as my meds start to regulate this thyroid i will be there.

Oh Mo! :hug: I'm so sorry you're having a rough time over there. I'm here if you need a friend.:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

thank you SO VERY MUCH!!! your so sweet!! i'll get threw it.. i always do!

Meds haven't kicked in. let's just say i am not a people person today. THAT is putting it mildly..

Friday we canceled Dog Training the dog flu around here is getting worse. I hate to the puppies in jeopardy. so we will cancel the classes for a while. Pet's safety is more important.

Friday folders are continuously improving Meg and Zack did have a bad language arts test. ONLY because they were confused in what an adjective was.. they were picking nouns.. :sad2: as the answers.

Saturday I had to work Job #2 morning. Meg had opening day which i missed! but she did well and i hope to make a game! The boys also play so right after work i jetting over to the field Zack hit a line drive all the way to right field! 3RBI! and was tagged out since he was running with his head down and did see the coach telling him to STOP running! :rotfl:He ended up with the game ball!
Baseball is Zack's sport Matt is Football. Matt was struck out.. LOL
Then came home was supposed to go out shooting but my friend flaked on me Tired of the sports smell emanating from my car decided my car needed a GOOD cleaning. while at the store Zack started to complain about his ear. Then job #2 called and said they needed me to work morning shift on Sunday.
later on in the evening Zack about 9:30pm started to cry about this ear. Zack NEVER cries- So tom took him to urgent care -he had an infection in his throat. (never named it anything) but was caught early enough! YAY parents of the year! so he is antibiotic and is doing perfectly FINE! It still shocks me how kids bounce back like they do.

Sunday after work came home to find the chuckles outside with chalk. it was BEAUTIFUL out so i sat outside with them for a bit when Zack asked for taco bell for dinner. :confused: umm sure.
i was planning on a Disney craft yet the time ran away from us as usual so we just watched a move and called it a night.

I need to get a few craft things planned BEFORE sunday fundays especially if i have to work! NO TIME!

I am back here i need to answer a few email and get this planning DONE and ready for ADR day!!!
in 2 weeks!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and played in the beautiful weather we are FINALLY having!!! :cheer2:
TOTALLY forgot to wish you all:



I'm glad the homework situation is getting better. That's good they are still trying and putting forth some effort. It's so easy to give up with the end of the year in sight.

Does Zack have strep throat? I used to get it a lot working with kids and it always made my ear hurt so bad. Not sure what is worse with that--the ear pain, throat pain or that long a** q-tip they stick down your throat for the test. You'd think there'd be an easier way....

Anyway, I hope your meds kick in and you feel like your regular self soon! :flower3:
DIS ate my reply. It was really good too. However, now you get the shortened one. Sorry the doctor appointment was an ordeal. Hope today is better.
Working on the weekends makes me a crazy person, too! I always feel like Sunday we'll get everything accomplished and I'm still scrambling by the time we go to bed. Thankfully the end of the school year is in sight even though I'll be a lunatic until the last day, I'm sure! My preschoolers "graduate" the day after Memorial Day then I just have to get things in my classroom packed away and organized and say see ya til August!!! :)
I'm glad the homework situation is getting better. That's good they are still trying and putting forth some effort. It's so easy to give up with the end of the year in sight.

It is! i have an update about homework!!!! YAY!

Does Zack have strep throat? I used to get it a lot working with kids and it always made my ear hurt so bad. Not sure what is worse with that--the ear pain, throat pain or that long a** q-tip they stick down your throat for the test. You'd think there'd be an easier way....

They didn't put a name to it. I don't think it was strep.. I used to ALWAYS get strep as a kid.. these three have had their fair share too it SUCKS!
the q tip was MUCH WORSE! they needed 4 nurses plus my mom to hold me down for that test!!!

Anyway, I hope your meds kick in and you feel like your regular self soon!

So far i am feeling a bit more energized. by ends week i should know if they kicked in! it will take a full 2 weeks fro them to fully kick in.

DIS ate my reply.

I don't know why i found this as funny as i did!!!

It was really good too. However, now you get the shortened one. Sorry the doctor appointment was an ordeal. Hope today is better.

it's slowly getting better, 5 days in and i have a bit more energy!

Working on the weekends makes me a crazy person, too! I always feel like Sunday we'll get everything accomplished and I'm still scrambling by the time we go to bed. Thankfully the end of the school year is in sight even though I'll be a lunatic until the last day, I'm sure! My preschoolers "graduate" the day after Memorial Day then I just have to get things in my classroom packed away and organized and say see ya til August!!!

ugh. i hate working the entire weekend. i just want ONE day off a week! Thankfully they were both morning shifts got it over quickly. I am thinking Thursday might be a good day for a vacation day?? we shall see..
How cute. I love the little one graduating.
ohh 3 MONTHS off.. i missed my calling and should have been a teacher.... For little ones not the big smelly kids who talk back.. :lmao:

Good Morning!! Hope you are feeling better today :love1:

thank you so much Suzi! this means the world to me. :love: :hug:


As i was walking out of this insane asylum the phone rang.. it was school... Oh god now who's sick. Thankfully they waited until i was OUT of work..
Nope it was the teacher.
ugh oh..:scared1:

Nope again! she wanted to talk about the note i left for her -- i forgot about! HA! She was exceptionally nice... which is strange. then again maybe my reputation proceeds me at the school. Yes i am a bigger B then all of you when it comes to my kids.
It was a great conversation! She was going to send home a homework packet to help with the grades!!!! She and i talked about everything. How i will and did ground them - How they have been working extra hard at home. and she also commented yes she can see it in their work too! YAY! she's isn't the mega beast today. she is more then willing to help them out if they need it. No WAY! we spoke about how it is the end of the school year i understand it's late.. but after the last report card they have been trying their tails off to get their grade back up. Told her how Zack cried he was so proud bring up all his grade then BOOM how they went down. She even mentioned how my kids are a bit shy when it comes to her... I was thinking to myself. probably they are scared to death over you and your bulling!!!
I fully believe if a teacher SEES the parents and children working together they will also help out. Yet if the parent's aren't doing their part-or- the kids don't care. Why should the teacher break her back to help? I get it.
we had a great 30 minute talk and ended with better results! I was excited to talk to the kids when they got home!
Once they walked threw the door i called them over to tell them i talked to the teacher. They all said i know! :confused3 Huh? Yes i guess once we got off the phone she called the stooges out into the hall! WHAT? I have even more confidence in this teacher! she told them the exact same as we talked about on the phone! if they have questions not to be shy and ask she will be more then happy to help THEM. Bullying out the door! and this teacher is more then willing to help in any way she CAN.
They all told me they feel comfortable with asking questions now! OK let's to get through the next month and see the report cards! WOO HOO! :cheer2: :teacher: :cheer2:

Next up last night the kids ALL had games, and of course they would at the same time. Meg 5:30 and boys at 5:15
Meg was the catcher FIRST TIME! and loved it! (i was a catcher back in the day) it was exciting. but lost 4-3
Being with Meg Tom was with the boys (plus he coaches) Zack got another RBI but was tagged out. apparently there were some bad calls and they coincidentally lost 4-3 too! Matt was walked once but he is still afraid of the pitches can't blame him too much after being beamed EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. at bat last year... :sad2: He needs to get over the fear.

last night i had issues falling asleep. which means... the meds are kicking in and getting settled in my system. finally.

Today i hopped on to the to get Meg the Little Mermaid Tsums Tsums. at 6am (totally forgot to log in at 5:30) scuttle- eric- king triton were sold out!!! man alive these things are hard to get!!!

So i did get the major ones she wanted- Sebastian Ariel Flounder and Max. I didn't get Ursula.. I didn't like her. :tilt:

it's only TUESDAY. that's IT! i think i need a day off.. i might be taking it very soon...

be back much later with updates!!!
Oh that sounds so promising with the teacher! I hope she keeps up the nicey nice show for the short time you have left.
Have you scoped out teachers for next year? How do they do it in Chicago?? We can request a certain teacher, but it isn't guaranteed. I have my eye on one that I like, and am watching her this year :magnify:
Oh that sounds so promising with the teacher! I hope she keeps up the nicey nice show for the short time you have left.
Have you scoped out teachers for next year? How do they do it in Chicago?? We can request a certain teacher, but it isn't guaranteed. I have my eye on one that I like, and am watching her this year :magnify:

So do i it's almost over. i hope she can keep up the good teacher for a while!

Our school only has one teacher per grade (with exception of changing rooms) One computer teacher one 5th grade teacher with 1 math teacher (the change) etc.
Next year will be the good teacher they really like for Math! YAY! good teacher! It's a smaller catholic school.

I do hope you get the teacher you want! Especially for Bradey! He deserves a great teacher!:love:
Sounds like good progress with school and teacher.

I had no idea about the Disney Little Mermaid tsum tsums. My kids would probably kill me if I bring in tsum tsum stuffies for myself. It is Mother's Day this coming Sunday. Maybe.

So, the Seattle/Canada trip got cancelled with dance team. So, I planned a mini vacay to Portland/Ground Mound, WA/Seattle, WA. We start off with seeing Wicked in Portland on a Sunday. Then drive up to Ground Mound and stay the night with my sister. Then check in to Great Wolf Monday afternoon. Stay 2 nights. Chelsea begged to be upgraded to a kids suite. Then on Wednesday, we will check out and drive to Seattle to watch a Mariner/A's game. Check into a hotel in Seattle (not sure where yet). Thursday will be Wild Waves theme park. Friday will be sight seeing. Saturday is back to Portland for a couple of days of back to school shopping. Not a Disney trip, but it should work. However, I will probably end up spending close to a trip to Disneyland. Maybe I can swing one of those for Christmas. I have never gone at Christmas time. Or plan to go to Dapper Days in the Spring.
Oh that sounds so promising with the teacher! I hope she keeps up the nicey nice show for the short time you have left.
Have you scoped out teachers for next year? How do they do it in Chicago?? We can request a certain teacher, but it isn't guaranteed. I have my eye on one that I like, and am watching her this year :magnify:

Our school allows you to put in a request, but they won't guarantee anything. Plus, some of their teachers switch grades alot. Some like to stay with a class for two years, so if they teach 4th this year, they might teach 5th next year, but it isn't consistant and I can never figure out which ones until it happens. Plus, our teachers get moved within the school distict. So, if Willagillespie has more incoming 3rd graders than Gilham, then the Gilham teacher would be moved. So, for us, picking a teacher tends to be pointless, because the teacher she wants is never there the next year. However, this year, we didn't request a teacher, and she ended up getting the one she wanted. One more thing, the ones that I thought that I DID NOT WANT, ended up being some of her favorite teachers.
Ugh! I hate the new DIS updates...I NEVER get them! Just got caught back up on your PTR. Your poor head! and stomach! and hair!! Hope this weekend is nice and relaxing--seems like you're in desperate need of one of those! Glad to be back, hopefully staying caught up better, too :)

See Mo, it's not just me who can't keep up because of the new Dis! Take that will ya! Now, stop picking on meeeeeee! :P:D:-):P:D:-)

Back to all the stuff that I wanted to talk about (half of which I have already dang forgot), keeping my fingers crossed that upping the meds will help the thyroid issues. What a day you had at the doctor. You must have looked bad if the kiddo noticed. You are lucky that ya'll made it home okay.

Oh and your hair, I thought that it was cute. Having said that, I know the feeling that you have when you get a haircut and you turn and go "oh crap!" and then "maybe it will grow quickly".

It sounds like maybe the teacher is actually going to put forth a bit more effort! About time!


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