Theming at DVC

I live in Saratoga. It’s more like an hour to Mass. That’s just to the border.

If NY was a tiny state like RI and was located in the Albany area, then I could see the argument of NY being part of New England. But NY is HUGE spans from Long Island to the Great Lakes. Plus, the mentality is just totally different in Upstate NY compared to Western MA. New England definitely ends at that Western MA border.
NY is HUGE…. as someone born and raised in Texas, went to school In California, and then moved to Washington and Oregon as an adult…that just makes me chuckle…. New York is significantly smaller than all of those states…
I live in Saratoga. It’s more like an hour to Mass. That’s just to the border.

If NY was a tiny state like RI and was located in the Albany area, then I could see the argument of NY being part of New England. But NY is HUGE spans from Long Island to the Great Lakes. Plus, the mentality is just totally different in Upstate NY compared to Western MA. New England definitely ends at that Western MA border.
I will second this. I was born in the Albany area and continue to live in the Albany area and I would not put the state as part of New England. I could see the Lake George area having a good argument but when I think of New England it's associated with clam chowder and ocean coasts. The only correct connotation should be that New York is in the North East.
I feel like Disney is in a no-win situation. They went with more character theming when they redit the Contemporary and Poly hotel-side rooms, and the reviews were mixed, with a lot of people saying it didn't feel deluxe to have IP integrated in the theming.

I personally enjoy the heavier theming. It's very possible to have rooms feel upscale and Disney if the imagineers are given the right budget.
I feel like Disney is in a no-win situation. They went with more character theming when they redit the Contemporary and Poly hotel-side rooms, and the reviews were mixed, with a lot of people saying it didn't feel deluxe to have IP integrated in the theming.

I personally enjoy the heavier theming. It's very possible to have rooms feel upscale and Disney if the imagineers are given the right budget.
Maybe the solution is in variety? I like the re-theming of VGF and especially the new rooms in BPK - a lot of people seem to disagree.

But I guess it is always problematic with DVC if you move any one resort to far into a new direction. People cannot switch home resorts as easily as hotel guests can change their next booking.
Maybe the solution is in variety? I like the re-theming of VGF and especially the new rooms in BPK - a lot of people seem to disagree.

But I guess it is always problematic with DVC if you move any one resort to far into a new direction. People cannot switch home resorts as easily as hotel guests can change their next booking.
You could give each resort both well themed and modern rooms, but then you'll almost definitely have one in higher demand than the other, and it doubles your imagineering requirements. Outside of that, you kind of have to guess what each resort's ownership group would enjoy.
New York is most definitely NOT part of New England. We moved out to NY from Boston 18 years ago. We have 28 years in Boston followed by our time in NY. New England is Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. There is debate regarding Connecticut, but I have never heard anyone say that NY is included.
Born & raised in CT for the first 50 years of my life (finally got smart and left).
Never, ever, ever saw a single source, or even a hint that CT wan not part of New England.
New England consists of six states. No more, no less.
NY is HUGE…. as someone born and raised in Texas, went to school In California, and then moved to Washington and Oregon as an adult…that just makes me chuckle…. New York is significantly smaller than all of those states…
I wasn’t comparing NY to those other western states, though. The comparison was in regards to New England states. That’s what the discussion was about. The point is that if NY was part of New England, then New England would be spanning to the Great Lakes. That’s just silly.

As a side note, I am originally from AZ. I went to college in San Diego. The states are just larger the more west you go. But that wasn’t the discussion.
This past summer I split stayed Poly hotel side and BWV studio. The Poly rooms made me so happy. The theming was exactly what I want from a Disney resort. The BWV pre refurb...absolutely hated and like @Sandisw said it reminded me of a dingy room at grandmas. With that said I loved being at both resorts equally. I was excited for the BWV room refurb and seeing videos of it...meh...yeah nothing that exciting. But it won't stop me from staying there again. In fact already made reservations for next summer. So all in all the rooms won't make or break anyone's trip nor will it make any dent into DVC's bottom line so I guess they figure just play it safe for now anyway. And although I would love every room to be as themed as the Poly cash side I can see how some people's tastes are for simple and clean and understated.
I wasn’t comparing NY to those other western states, though. The comparison was in regards to New England states. That’s what the discussion was about. The point is that if NY was part of New England, then New England would be spanning to the Great Lakes. That’s just silly.

As a side note, I am originally from AZ. I went to college in San Diego. The states are just larger the more west you go. But that wasn’t the discussion.
I understand l, it still made me chuckle to read “NY is HUGE” in all caps. I heard heard a Bernie Sanders accent in my head as I read it…
You are correct - the refurbs are funded by dues. That means that complaints of Disney 'cutting costs' are a bit off. I would say it's more to do with the project managers for each project. VGF and Boulder Ridge Refurbs have been amazing and added MORE theming, not less. Whoever did Boardwalk and Beach Club lacked creativity.
I think you hit the nail on the head! BW's refurbishment overall has been a letdown: Carousel Coffee, Belle Vue Lounge, lobby, cash rooms, and DVC villas. I don't think DVC is doing this, just the designer or project manager for this particular resort.

GF resort studios are identical to GF cash rooms. I am sure DVC members paid for that entire design and it was just used on the cash side. Modern victorian and still luxe. Disney can theme when it wants to.

I am very curious to see what happens with BLT. The CR's main lobby looks great with it's updated mid century modern look. Do we see more or that or the Incredibles spill over?

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