The Widow, the Spinster, and the Missus take on Disneyland - A Short Afternoon with New and Old Friends 5/25

But then again... the only thing more fun than planning a trip is... doing the trip.
Also fun, planning a trip while you're still on one. (doing mundane things like driving or flying somehwere.)
Rope drop for the win!
Well maybe you can say it too much. :lmao:
Need to have it break down... but only long enough to get the photo you want. Then it should be fixed immediately and move on.

Except it would have to keep starting and stopping.... :laughing:
Well I have improved, however, this current trip has shown me that I have not improved enough. I am still unsteady with stairs, especially ancient ones. I need to work on my knees. I may start seeing a personal trainer once I return to the states.
I guess you need to work on muscle strength in your thighs. And a personal trainer would be great for that. Or a gym that is more physio therapy oriented than pure muscle building. I don’t think there are loads of ancient stairs here unless you want to climb church towers. But plenty of cobblestones and those surfaces need stability, too!
So back in August, Allyson (@DnA2010) and her family came to California for a Disney visit. They had come the year before, but it was so blazing hot that there were no character visits. No one wanted to be out in the heat of the day. Also back then Fran had just been released from the hospital for a pretty major surgery and I couldn’t leave the house much cause she needed me there for medical and emotional support.

Fast forward a year, and my time was basically free, plus the weather was a little better. They flew in on a Wednesday and I met her and her family at DCA on a Thursday. Our first ride was Soarin’ over the World. Then we hit up Guardians.

Now one thing about Allyson’s family, they have a beautiful daughter from previous relationship (who is in college), and then together, they brought a child into the world about 7-8 years ago. There is a huge gap in age, but they love each other dearly. Maria, the elder, was scared to death to ride Guardians. Makenna was sure that she was brave enough, and was going “show her older sister”. As we walked from Soarin’ to Guardians, she teased Maria and boasted of her confidence.


While she looks like she is having a good time in this picture, Dorian says that as soon as the first drop hit, she grabbed his arm tightly and wouldn’t let go. She may or may not have screamed genuinely.

Then it was off to Webslingers. I know Dorian was the winner here, I don’t remember which score was mine. I need to get myself up over 200,000!


Allyson and her family really wanted to hit the rides at Disneyland that might have been crowded on a weekend. When they arrived on Wednesday they did a lot of the “little girl” stuff that their daughter Makenna had missed out on the previous year. Today was the day to hit Makenna's favorites, as well as those that Allyson and Dorian really wanted to ride. When we crossed over to Disneyland the band was just wrapping up a performance. We waited while they marched with Mickey backstage.





Our first stop in Disneyland was Star Tours. Don’t remember which scenes we got. Sorry!


By this time it was close to noon (or shortly thereafter) and we were hungry for chicken. I think we got three chicken plates between the five of us. It worked out nicely.


Now on this same day, Jenny had friends from the East Coast who had come to Disney as well. We were texting throughout the day and they were going to meet up with us. We told them that we were going to stop for lunch. They had just eaten. Then we told them we planned to meet the princesses after lunch (the one thing that they didn’t get done the day before), they decided to do some stuff on their own. But Jenny did come to say “Hi” while we were having our lunch at the Plaza Inn.

Then it was on to meet the Princesses. Now I had met Maria several years ago. She is a very accomplished young lady who is well spoken and fun to be around. I had not really met Makenna before, but Allyson tells me that she is quite outspoken and has well formed opinions. However, today she was absolutely dumbstruck. The princesses would try and talk to her. They would ask things like, “What is your name?” and she would just stare back at them in awe.




Next up we went on Peter Pan. By this time, Jenny and her friends had met up with us.




Next we decided to ride the carousel. Jenny’s friends and daughter were way too cool for that, but we were all over it! I don’t even remember the last time I rode the carousel.


We met back up with the friends and decided to head towards Star Wars land which was Dorian’s favorite. On the way we ran into Pocohontas.


But first we decided to go on Big Thunder Mountain since the line was short.


We all marveled at this actual live turtle that we saw in the pond near the entrance to Star Wars land.


Our first ride in the land was Rise of the Resistance. Makenna was insisting that she didn’t want to ride, Jenny had excused herself from the ride and had we realized that Jenny wasn’t going to ride, we would have left Makenna with her. Dorian kept telling her that it was fine and she would be OK.



When we exited the ride, Makenna was in tears. Evidently it was pretty real to her and with all the sensory overload she couldn’t handle being taken prisoner and then escaping even if it had a happy ending. It took quite a bit on Dorian and Allyson’s part to bring her back from teetering on the brink of a total meltdown. But they did it. They’re great parents!

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

Our next ride was the Millenium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run. Luckily Makenna had come back from her near tantrum and was back in the real world. We were finally able to unlock the elusive Chewie mode. So much fun!


Makenna and Maria were our pilots and we basically hit everything in sight. We’re lucky that we even got one load of Coaxium! But it was fun and we laughed a lot.


Then we traversed all the way across the park. Mickey was doing meet and greets in his studio and he was only available for certain hours, so we headed back over there to wait for our turn to meet Mickey.






His little “studio” was so cute!




Since we were in ToonTown we couldn’t miss out on a ride on Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway!







Now here’s where we knew that it was pretty busy day. The Matterhorn had been down for much of the day. We had wanted to go on it, but when we passed by the standby wait was like 3 hours long, even the Lightning Lane was 70 minutes. Oh well, so instead, we went for a spin on Buzz Lightyear’s Spacerangers.



Not as good as my score the week before, but I was still an L-4 which is better than I had been in the past.


Most everything still had a super long line, so we went on Pirates which wasn’t too bad. Here’s where the day took a bad turn. It was a pretty warm day. I had not brought a water bottle with me as I’m learning how to travel without a scooter. I figured that I could get free water at the quick services. We had stopped at a number of them throughout the day, but evidently not enough.

Allyson noticed that I was not making sense as she talked to me on the ride. I didn’t take any pictures. I attributed it to having been on the ride just a few days ago, but in hindsight I wasn’t doing well. When we got off the ride I was feeling rather queasy. Dorian, who is a paramedic IRL, recognized that I was suffering from heat stroke. We got me into the shade, and some cold water. Unfortunately I drank a little too much too fast, which resulted in me having to visit the little girls room, as my body couldn’t handle that much liquid that quickly.

He suggested that I find a cool place to sit, and I thought the lobby of the Grand would be an ideal location. Makenna was starting to fade as well, so he took Makenna back to their hotel room while Allyson and Maria accompanied me back to the Grand where I rested until I felt well enough to drive back home.

Another suggestion from Dorian was to eat salty foods when I got home. They were coming over on Saturday for a pool party, and I’d planned to serve Chips and Dip at the party. When I got home I made the dip for Saturday and sat down with a bowl of chips and the dip before retiring! Next up, we head back for one last day with the Allyson Family!
I guess you need to work on muscle strength in your thighs. And a personal trainer would be great for that. Or a gym that is more physio therapy oriented than pure muscle building. I don’t think there are loads of ancient stairs here unless you want to climb church towers. But plenty of cobblestones and those surfaces need stability, too!

We will have to see when April rolls around. I am definitely far more active than I was a year ago, but that was a very low bar. Hopefully it gets better.
We will have to see when April rolls around. I am definitely far more active than I was a year ago, but that was a very low bar. Hopefully it gets better.
No need to train for a marathon, but I am proud of you how much you have accomplished already!! We will make sure that Germany is doable for whatever activity level you are at!
Sounds like a great day with the Canadian crew and Jenny and friends! Heat stroke doesnt sound like best way to end the day but glad there was a pro to recognize it!

Jill in CO
Challenge accepted! :laughing:
I had to ask Jill to explain this to me. Now if you'd called him the Houston Astros of the DIS, I would have understood that!
And I wouldn't get that one.
In reality, I only follow NFL a little, and MLB a lot less. I only keep track of MLB towards the end of the season to see how the Blue Jays are doing (well and not well. They made the playoffs then got swept) and then I tracked the Phillies since I know @Captain_Oblivious is a big fan.
Also fun, planning a trip while you're still on one. (doing mundane things like driving or flying somehwere.)
You have your happy times down to a fine art!
Well maybe you can say it too much. :lmao:
it was so blazing hot that there were no character visits.
:scared: Nope!!!
There is a huge gap in age, but they love each other dearly.
Awww. :)
While she looks like she is having a good time in this picture, Dorian says that as soon as the first drop hit, she grabbed his arm tightly and wouldn’t let go. She may or may not have screamed genuinely.
:laughing: Oh dear!
Our first stop in Disneyland was Star Tours. Don’t remember which scenes we got. Sorry!

Okay... truth is... if you'd said "We had the one with the potato", I would've been "uh huh. Sure. Think I had that one."
we were hungry for chicken. I think we got three chicken plates between the five of us.
Want that chicken again.
Now on this same day, Jenny had friends from the East Coast who had come to Disney as well.
Ah ha! So that's why it's so crowded there. It's all you and your friends!
However, today she was absolutely dumbstruck. The princesses would try and talk to her. They would ask things like, “What is your name?” and she would just stare back at them in awe.
:goodvibes I really love that. I mean... to me that's what Disney is all about.
How did you get this photo??? It's a long exposure. Had the ride stopped over London? You have any idea how long I've wanted that to happen???
Next we decided to ride the carousel. Jenny’s friends and daughter were way too cool for that,
What? I would ride that in a heartbeat!
But first we decided to go on Big Thunder Mountain since the line was short.
Line... was... short...

We all marveled at this actual live turtle that we saw in the pond near the entrance to Star Wars land.
Nah. Animatronic. Escaped from JC.
When we exited the ride, Makenna was in tears.
Oh, no.
Evidently it was pretty real to her
There's a lot on that ride that is very real looking. They did a very good job of that.
It took quite a bit on Dorian and Allyson’s part to bring her back from teetering on the brink of a total meltdown. But they did it. They’re great parents!
Good for them. :)
We were finally able to unlock the elusive Chewie mode. So much fun!
You did! Great!
Makenna and Maria were our pilots and we basically hit everything in sight.
We’re lucky that we even got one load of Coaxium! But it was fun and we laughed a lot.
All that matters. :)
Really like this shot. :)
Since we were in ToonTown we couldn’t miss out on a ride on Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway!
That's where it is. I didn't know. Good spot for it. I mean you wouldn't want to put it... oh... I don't know... front and center of Hollywood Studios.
The Matterhorn had been down for much of the day. We had wanted to go on it, but when we passed by the standby wait was like 3 hours long,
I’m learning how to travel without a scooter.
You are! Good for you!
Allyson noticed that I was not making sense as she talked to me on the ride.
Sorry that happened to you.
We got me into the shade, and some cold water. Unfortunately I drank a little too much too fast, which resulted in me having to visit the little girls room, as my body couldn’t handle that much liquid that quickly.
And sorry that happened too.
He suggested that I find a cool place to sit, and I thought the lobby of the Grand would be an ideal location. Makenna was starting to fade as well, so he took Makenna back to their hotel room while Allyson and Maria accompanied me back to the Grand where I rested until I felt well enough to drive back home.
There really is too much of a good thing.
Another suggestion from Dorian was to eat salty foods when I got home.
That surprised me. I would've thought the opposite would be prescribed.
Ok folks! I know it's cheating to post while I'm away, but here it is the link to the Egypt trip report.

Join in here!
On my way! :)
Challenge accepted! :laughing:
Oh look, I'm behind again. And 4 chapters behind in another TR. Thanks for nothing!

Our first stop in Disneyland was Star Tours. Don’t remember which scenes we got. Sorry!
I know it wasn't the Darth Vader scene, because that one doesn't exist.

By this time it was close to noon (or shortly thereafter) and we were hungry for chicken. I think we got three chicken plates between the five of us. It worked out nicely.
That was one place I wanted to get back to and it didn't work out. That chicken is so good.

They would ask things like, “What is your name?” and she would just stare back at them in awe.
This is how I usually am with beautiful women too.

But first we decided to go on Big Thunder Mountain since the line was short.
Always a good decision!

Our first ride in the land was Rise of the Resistance. Makenna was insisting that she didn’t want to ride, Jenny had excused herself from the ride and had we realized that Jenny wasn’t going to ride, we would have left Makenna with her. Dorian kept telling her that it was fine and she would be OK.
I would have a hard time letting my kid skip that one too!

When we exited the ride, Makenna was in tears.
D'oh. Poor girl.

We were finally able to unlock the elusive Chewie mode.
Oh nice! Bet that was fun.

Allyson noticed that I was not making sense as she talked to me on the ride. I didn’t take any pictures. I attributed it to having been on the ride just a few days ago, but in hindsight I wasn’t doing well. When we got off the ride I was feeling rather queasy. Dorian, who is a paramedic IRL, recognized that I was suffering from heat stroke. We got me into the shade, and some cold water. Unfortunately I drank a little too much too fast, which resulted in me having to visit the little girls room, as my body couldn’t handle that much liquid that quickly.
Oh no! Sorry you suffered through that. I'm glad they were there to take care of you.
A nice day with DnA2010 and her family along with Jenny at the parks. You did quite a lot that day and hope you are doing alright after a hot day at the parks.
Our first ride was Soarin’ over the World. Then we hit up Guardians.
As we walked from Soarin’ to Guardians, she teased Maria and boasted of her confidence.
Makenna was so sure she was going to show Maria up hehe...
While she looks like she is having a good time in this picture, Dorian says that as soon as the first drop hit, she grabbed his arm tightly and wouldn’t let go. She may or may not have screamed genuinely.
I told her to hang on to the handles, but that was lost in the madness I'm sure ;) She claims she liked the first few drops, but as they carried on, the novelty wore off
Makenna loved the band on this trip- we watched them every day I believe
Don’t remember which scenes we got. Sorry!
Me neither 🤷‍♀️
I think we got three chicken plates between the five of us. It worked out nicely.

Everything was as excellent as always. I do remember that the shortcake was quite yummy
But Jenny did come to say “Hi” while we were having our lunch at the Plaza Inn.
Yup, she came for a hello and hug and such
She is a very accomplished young lady who is well spoken and fun to be around.
She is indeed, our calm, quiet, agreeable child 🙌👌she is such a good sister as well. Well I suppose she's an adult now 🙀
I had not really met Makenna before, but Allyson tells me that she is quite outspoken and has well formed opinions.
She never stops talking, other than at Disneyland it seems- this year Disneyland really overwhelmed her.
Literally never stops talking about it now though
Next up we went on Peter Pan. By this time, Jenny and her friends had met up with us.
This was such a score, how we managed to get on with very little wait!
but we were all over it! I don’t even remember the last time I rode the carousel.

I think J said she didn't think she'd been on in like 10 years!
we would have left Makenna with her. Dorian kept telling her that it was fine and she would be OK.
She did ride it the year before, and I don't remember her getting too upset, she's also such a rebel, that she couldn't possibly like a ride the rest of us love! 🙄
She does love Rey though!
teetering on the brink of a total meltdown. But they did it. They’re great parents!
She was indeed! Sensory overload!
Well thanks! We try...we always tell Maria that she did not prepare us for a more normal child like Makenna!
We were finally able to unlock the elusive Chewie mode. So much fun!
That was so cool that the CM who was working the Falcon was able to explain the buttons for us and help the girls! It was so fun to do it!

Makenna and Maria were our pilots and we basically hit everything in sight. We’re lucky that we even got one load of Coaxium! But it was fun and we laughed a lot.
I was shocked that we got one, but it was hilariously fun!

She was so happy she got to meet characters and loves to read through her autograph book 💖
where am I looking and what am I doing 🤦‍♀️
Since we were in ToonTown we couldn’t miss out on a ride on Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway!
This was another score, yay for managing a short line moment! I love this ride so much!
Yay happiness! Makenna loved this part as she loves dancing! I think this is the dancing with Daisy part?

Ya level 4!!

. I figured that I could get free water at the quick services. We had stopped at a number of them throughout the day, but evidently not enough.
Def not enough, we were filling a water bottle and drinking it, and I think you had a drink here and there, but def not enough!
Allyson noticed that I was not making sense as she talked to me on the ride
You were not making sense indeed, it was pretty hot by the afternoon as well.
Dorian, who is a paramedic IRL, recognized that I was suffering from heat stroke. We got me into the shade, and some cold water
He's pretty useful that guy 🚑
I thought the lobby of the Grand would be an ideal location
I'm so glad you shared this sport as a great spot to hang and get out of the sun, it's so handy!

They were coming over on Saturday for a pool party

Spoiler alert- we had an amazing time, what a blast! 🩱🏊‍♀️🌴🍹
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Sounds like a great day with the Canadian crew and Jenny and friends!
It was a lot of fun!
Heat stroke doesnt sound like best way to end the day but glad there was a pro to recognize it!
I just need to carry a small bottle of water in my pocket and continue to fill it throughout the day. It's difficult relearning the parks without a scooter.
No need to train for a marathon, but I am proud of you how much you have accomplished already!! We will make sure that Germany is doable for whatever activity level you are at!

I need to keep up my activity level now that I'm back! Let the planning begin!
And I wouldn't get that one.
In reality, I only follow NFL a little, and MLB a lot less. I only keep track of MLB towards the end of the season to see how the Blue Jays are doing (well and not well. They made the playoffs then got swept) and then I tracked the Phillies since I know @Captain_Oblivious is a big fan.
The only reason I know is because the Houston Astros were cheating against the Dodgers so it was all over the morning news program that I watch. Otherwise I fast forward through the sports report.
You have your happy times down to a fine art!
I've got to find something.....

Okay... truth is... if you'd said "We had the one with the potato", I would've been "uh huh. Sure. Think I had that one."
Want that chicken again.
It's sooooo good!
Ah ha! So that's why it's so crowded there. It's all you and your friends!
Yeah, right.....just not that popular.
:goodvibes I really love that. I mean... to me that's what Disney is all about.
How did you get this photo??? It's a long exposure. Had the ride stopped over London? You have any idea how long I've wanted that to happen???
Actually I just snapped it with my cell phone. Just lucky. Most of the others came out blurry.
What? I would ride that in a heartbeat!
I know! :confused3
Line... was... short...

Well, we might have also had an advantage as well.... :rolleyes1
Nah. Animatronic. Escaped from JC.
There's a lot on that ride that is very real looking. They did a very good job of that.
Yes they did.
Really like this shot. :)
She was absolutely dumbstruck.
That's where it is. I didn't know. Good spot for it. I mean you wouldn't want to put it... oh... I don't know... front and center of Hollywood Studios.
Oh really?
You are! Good for you!
Well before the pandemic hit, I was doing pretty good at walking the parks again.
Sorry that happened to you.
Yeah, not fun.
And sorry that happened too.
Which is why I tried to make sure that didn't happen on the trip in Jordan and Egypt.
There really is too much of a good thing.
Yes, moderation is a good thing......
That surprised me. I would've thought the opposite would be prescribed.

Evidently by introducing salt to the body, the salt makes your body more likely to absorb the water. He's the paramedic so I listened to him.
The only reason I know is because the Houston Astros were cheating against the Dodgers so it was all over the morning news program that I watch. Otherwise I fast forward through the sports report.
First I heard of it.
I've got to find something.....
Actually I just snapped it with my cell phone. Just lucky. Most of the others came out blurry.
I'm impressed!
Well before the pandemic hit, I was doing pretty good at walking the parks again.
And I'll say it again... Good for you!
Which is why I tried to make sure that didn't happen on the trip in Jordan and Egypt.
Glad it didn't

(I hope)

Evidently by introducing salt to the body, the salt makes your body more likely to absorb the water. He's the paramedic so I listened to him.
Huh. I learned something. :)
Oh look, I'm behind again. And 4 chapters behind in another TR. Thanks for nothing!
Now it's more than 4, but there are links so you can skip all the chatter......
I know it wasn't the Darth Vader scene, because that one doesn't exist.
That was one place I wanted to get back to and it didn't work out. That chicken is so good.
I can't wait to go back! Might be January before I get there.
This is how I usually am with beautiful women too.
Always a good decision!
I would have a hard time letting my kid skip that one too!
I get that.
Oh nice! Bet that was fun.
Super hilarious!
Oh no! Sorry you suffered through that. I'm glad they were there to take care of you.
Yeah, not fun at all.
A nice day with DnA2010 and her family along with Jenny at the parks. You did quite a lot that day and hope you are doing alright after a hot day at the parks.

I got a good night's sleep and recovered quite nicely.


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