The Running Thread--2024

I have two packets of the Skratch "so high in sodium you might die" drink mix, but haven't used them yet. I do tend to be a very salty sweater, and to really fall apart in heat, but it hasn't been hot enough yet to even experiment with it (e.g. try a partial dosage one run, work up to a full packet if that goes well).
@DopeyBadger Thank you for that detailed info. I will try to slow just a little next time and see if I can hold on til the end. That record HM is about 2-1/2 years ago now so not the best to go by but not crazy far off either. It does seem to me like I am right on the edge every time I try and that’s why when the wheels come off, they really come off. That 3:30 is really a long term (year or two) goal as right now for Boston I need a 3:25 which doesn’t seem likely but in about 16 months my qualifying window for the next age group (3:35) will open. If I can improve and stay consistent that is much more of a possibility.
Of late:
1. Managed to find a few of the pounds I've worked so hard to lose. Back to trying to get rid of them again
2. Younger DS now wants to do a 10K as a qualifier for the MW half. Have a flat-ish one identified and we'll see how that goes. Probably much better for him than for myself, but if it gets us one corral ahead, so be it.
3. Got harangued into the PTRR, but we'll be at the beach, so it'll have to be virtual. Now I'm thinking a 10K on the hard-packed sand if we'll have an early morning low tide. If not, then the beach road. I'm planning to print the "bibs" to add a level of officialness. Again with the son, so planning to do it on the 4th with him.
4. Stopped at the greenway on the way home from work yesterday to treat myself to a fairly flat run. Put in 5.4 miles at a decent pace. Along the way, passed a guy wearing a Goofy challenge shirt, I think from 2011. We traded congrats. Cool.
5. After having my memory prodded yesterday, I ordered some of the Untapped coffee+syrup to add to my fuel collection. I may have to take some on a run soon. Just to see how well they work in race conditions. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it...
This just came in my email today. Who knew that the Berlin Marathon is a rundisney race!

The LTB (lustiges taschenbuch) is a long running Disney comic book published in Germany. It literally translates to “funny paper book.” I remember reading them in the 80s. In Germany Donald Duck has always been more popular than Mickey, so most of the comics are all based in Duckberg with Scrooge, the Beagle Boys, etc.
The LTB (lustiges taschenbuch) is a long running Disney comic book published in Germany. It literally translates to “funny paper book.” I remember reading them in the 80s. In Germany Donald Duck has always been more popular than Mickey, so most of the comics are all based in Duckberg with Scrooge, the Beagle Boys, etc.

Thanks for the context! Apparently it's an event themed comic book you can purchase that the Disney characters give tips and tricks for the marathon.

I'm now shocked the Disney World marathon hasn't done something similar yet to monetize their event guide.
Enjoyed running the Soldier Field 10 with my DD @Archigeek this morning. It was my third time running this race, and I always enjoy starting and finishing in Soldier Field (where the Bears and the Fire play) and running along the Lake Michigan path. I've been Mike Wazowski-ed before, but never at the finish by a guy running barefoot waving his shoes in my face!

2024 SF 10 Finish.JPG
Enjoyed running the Soldier Field 10 with my DD @Archigeek this morning. It was my third time running this race, and I always enjoy starting and finishing in Soldier Field (where the Bears and the Fire play) and running along the Lake Michigan path. I've been Mike Wazowski-ed before, but never at the finish by a guy running barefoot waving his shoes in my face!

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I really enjoyed this race too! So fun starting and finishing in the stadium and beautiful views of the Chicago skyline.

I did some peak bagging while we were in Iowa and “summited” Mount Trashmore with my trail run rules.

*yes, the picture of the sign is from a different day


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Can we talk treadmills? I know: I’ve gone on record as saying that I’ll run in just about any weather rather than use a treadmill… but that was before it was a million degrees outside. And I’ve lost all interest in waking up stupidly early to run before sunrise. :rotfl: I even ENJOYED my last run on my… checks notes… yes, now TWENTY-SIX year-old treadmill that’s still chugging along.

But the 25yo treadmill’s belt is getting super hot lately. I’ve lubricated it exactly never, so I’m ordering some lube and will give that a try. But surely this is a sign that it’s on its last legs, right?! I’m looking at potential replacements and have some questions:

1. I live in a second-floor condo and would need it delivered to my door, up a flight of exterior stairs. When I ordered an indoor cycle from Amazon, the delivery person left it at the bottom of the stairs and my son and I had to unpack it down there and take it up in pieces because the box was too heavy for us to carry - no way can I haul a treadmill upstairs. Is there some way of making sure Amazon can deliver upstairs before ordering one there??

2. Alternatively, has anyone here bought a treadmill from Dick’s Sporting Goods and had it delivered? I have a store near me, so at least I could go in person and make sure delivery upstairs is an option.

3. Any other stores I should consider?

4. I need a folding treadmill on the smaller side: it doesn’t need to handle much weight and I have a short stride - a deck on the short and/or narrow side is perfectly fine. I would love to have a power adjustable incline, though: mine is manual and a PITA. No other bells & whistles required or desired. Any recommendations?
3. Any other stores I should consider

I know that we have a local store that sells fitness equipment and their advertisements all promote that they deliver and set up all of their equipment. So maybe look and see if there is a local store in your area. Personally, I like to buy local rather than big box in principle, but definitely for a big purchase like this where logistics are an issue.
Can we talk treadmills? I know: I’ve gone on record as saying that I’ll run in just about any weather rather than use a treadmill… but that was before it was a million degrees outside. And I’ve lost all interest in waking up stupidly early to run before sunrise. :rotfl: I even ENJOYED my last run on my… checks notes… yes, now TWENTY-SIX year-old treadmill that’s still chugging along.

But the 25yo treadmill’s belt is getting super hot lately. I’ve lubricated it exactly never, so I’m ordering some lube and will give that a try. But surely this is a sign that it’s on its last legs, right?! I’m looking at potential replacements and have some questions:

1. I live in a second-floor condo and would need it delivered to my door, up a flight of exterior stairs. When I ordered an indoor cycle from Amazon, the delivery person left it at the bottom of the stairs and my son and I had to unpack it down there and take it up in pieces because the box was too heavy for us to carry - no way can I haul a treadmill upstairs. Is there some way of making sure Amazon can deliver upstairs before ordering one there??

2. Alternatively, has anyone here bought a treadmill from Dick’s Sporting Goods and had it delivered? I have a store near me, so at least I could go in person and make sure delivery upstairs is an option.

3. Any other stores I should consider?

4. I need a folding treadmill on the smaller side: it doesn’t need to handle much weight and I have a short stride - a deck on the short and/or narrow side is perfectly fine. I would love to have a power adjustable incline, though: mine is manual and a PITA. No other bells & whistles required or desired. Any recommendations?
My last treadmill was from Dick's. It was a Sole F85, and I believe the Sole line does fold up. They delivered and I paid for the assembly because I didn't want to deal with that. If you can, pay for the assembly. They took it downstairs to my basement and assembled it down there. I didn't have to touch the box. I really liked it, but didn't want to move it when I sold my townhouse, and I'll get a new one when I move into my new build.
Can we talk treadmills? I know: I’ve gone on record as saying that I’ll run in just about any weather rather than use a treadmill… but that was before it was a million degrees outside. And I’ve lost all interest in waking up stupidly early to run before sunrise. :rotfl: I even ENJOYED my last run on my… checks notes… yes, now TWENTY-SIX year-old treadmill that’s still chugging along.

But the 25yo treadmill’s belt is getting super hot lately. I’ve lubricated it exactly never, so I’m ordering some lube and will give that a try. But surely this is a sign that it’s on its last legs, right?! I’m looking at potential replacements and have some questions:

1. I live in a second-floor condo and would need it delivered to my door, up a flight of exterior stairs. When I ordered an indoor cycle from Amazon, the delivery person left it at the bottom of the stairs and my son and I had to unpack it down there and take it up in pieces because the box was too heavy for us to carry - no way can I haul a treadmill upstairs. Is there some way of making sure Amazon can deliver upstairs before ordering one there??

2. Alternatively, has anyone here bought a treadmill from Dick’s Sporting Goods and had it delivered? I have a store near me, so at least I could go in person and make sure delivery upstairs is an option.

3. Any other stores I should consider?

4. I need a folding treadmill on the smaller side: it doesn’t need to handle much weight and I have a short stride - a deck on the short and/or narrow side is perfectly fine. I would love to have a power adjustable incline, though: mine is manual and a PITA. No other bells & whistles required or desired. Any recommendations?

I don't live in the USA so brands I have access to might be slightly different...

A couple of years ago I was looking for a folding treadmill to fit in a relatively small space. Think the two main contenders I had was a Sole (either F60 or F63 can't quite remember which one I was looking at) and a Reebok A6.0. Both of them had a local distributor with a showroom, so I went round to the showrooms to have a look at the two treadmills and try them out myself. Ended up with the Reebok A6.0 because it was slightly smaller and fit better into the space I have for it at home.

Things I considered when buying my treadmill
- How stable is it - my previous (cheap) one tended to shake when I was running on it
- Is there a place to put an iPad and is this place stable - I watch shows on my iPad while running to make it less boring on a treadmill!
- How easy is maintenance (lubrication etc)

And then there are the other bells and whistles like programmable speeds/inclines, workout metrics, etc. Mine doesn't have much of these (it does do inclines, but the quick speed buttons are pre-programmed and I can't change it)...

Ultimately the thing that really helped with choosing a treadmill was going down to the showroom and seeing them in person. That really showed me that the Sole was just way too big for me. And being able to try out the Reebok helped as I could be happy that it was fairly stable while running on it!

Oh and the people from the store set up the treadmill for me. They did it incredibly quickly, I guess they do have a lot of experience with assembling these treadmills!
I know that we have a local store that sells fitness equipment and their advertisements all promote that they deliver and set up all of their equipment. So maybe look and see if there is a local store in your area. Personally, I like to buy local rather than big box in principle, but definitely for a big purchase like this where logistics are an issue.
That would be my preferred option… but the only independent store where I live has as is lowest-priced treadmill a $3000 model. That’s about $2300 more than I’m willing to spend lol! Big box or online are all I’ve got.


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