The Running Thread--2024

I have a shoe question, but I'm not sure how much experience there might be in here to answer it.

DS2's running shoes from XC season are all dead, and we are in the process of replacing them for track/summer conditioning. We replaced his endorphin speed 3s with a new pair when they went on sale/clearance, and I'm trying to figure out if he should have another "speed" shoe or a more cushioned shoe for his 2nd pair. He runs middle-long distance for track (400m, 800m, possibly the mile or 2 mile and some relays) and I'm thinking his coach might put him on a beefier conditioning program this summer as long as his hip stuff* from freshman year stays away (I'm guessing he'll start at about 25-30mpw and end up at 40-50mpw by the end of July/early August.) Races for XC season are 5k, for anyone not specifically familiar with that.

He wore his endorphins last year for long runs and longer tempo repeats, and Hyperions were the "everyday" shoe. We will of course, take him to Fleet Feet to try stuff on, but he's basically a neutral.

*His hip stuff pretty much disappeared when we took him out of Ghosts, after 3mo of PT, an x-ray, a heel lift, and not getting anywhere with it.
I (hopefully) got a new running buddy. 💖
Fantastic! Nothing like a new best friend.

Seems like a good time to ask, who’s got a running buddy? My Bailey is a little over a year and a half and doesn’t want me leaving without her, she’s good for about two miles before I drop her off and finish my run. My street is a half mile circle so it’s easy to go as long as she wants and then head out.
I have a shoe question, but I'm not sure how much experience there might be in here to answer it.

DS2's running shoes from XC season are all dead, and we are in the process of replacing them for track/summer conditioning. We replaced his endorphin speed 3s with a new pair when they went on sale/clearance, and I'm trying to figure out if he should have another "speed" shoe or a more cushioned shoe for his 2nd pair. He runs middle-long distance for track (400m, 800m, possibly the mile or 2 mile and some relays) and I'm thinking his coach might put him on a beefier conditioning program this summer as long as his hip stuff* from freshman year stays away (I'm guessing he'll start at about 25-30mpw and end up at 40-50mpw by the end of July/early August.) Races for XC season are 5k, for anyone not specifically familiar with that.

He wore his endorphins last year for long runs and longer tempo repeats, and Hyperions were the "everyday" shoe. We will of course, take him to Fleet Feet to try stuff on, but he's basically a neutral.

*His hip stuff pretty much disappeared when we took him out of Ghosts, after 3mo of PT, an x-ray, a heel lift, and not getting anywhere with it.
I can’t say what he should do but I can say I also get my shoes at fleet feet (love their service and information) and currently have Speed 3s. I am actually going this week to look at the Pro 4s but I also keep at least one pair of Mizuno Wave Sky (my go to original running shoe) or Saucony Triumphs for long runs and recovery. I run 30 miles (4x5 miles and 1 10 miles) per week with probably 20 in the easy run shoes and 10 in the go fast shoes. I stopped listening to what people told me to use (support shoes) and started using what feels good to me about three years ago and (knock on wood) haven’t needed to see a doctor for running related injuries since.
Of course I’m an old man who didn’t start running until 45
Fantastic! Nothing like a new best friend.

Seems like a good time to ask, who’s got a running buddy? My Bailey is a little over a year and a half and doesn’t want me leaving without her, she’s good for about two miles before I drop her off and finish my run. My street is a half mile circle so it’s easy to go as long as she wants and then head out.
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Not yet. I’m hoping Ranger will like at a. He’s just over a year, and I’ll probably start to try running with him when he gets to a year and half.


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Fantastic! Nothing like a new best friend.

Seems like a good time to ask, who’s got a running buddy?
Here are my buddies, Luna and Sydney. Running buddies they are not, though. They’ve only got a range of 1-1.5 miles before giving out. I found out the hard way with their late predecessor that it’s not fun carrying a 60# bulldog half a mile home because you exceeded their range!

My buddies, Tony and Kaiser. Tony (the bigger one) loves to go for walks but isn't great at running with me (he's faster than I am and it frustrates him). Kaiser (the little one) is exceptionally good at helping you hold down a blanket on the couch but will hide when he sees the leashes come out because he does not see the point of boring neighborhood walks. They both enjoy hiking, though.

I have a shoe question, but I'm not sure how much experience there might be in here to answer it.

DS2's running shoes from XC season are all dead, and we are in the process of replacing them for track/summer conditioning. We replaced his endorphin speed 3s with a new pair when they went on sale/clearance, and I'm trying to figure out if he should have another "speed" shoe or a more cushioned shoe for his 2nd pair. He runs middle-long distance for track (400m, 800m, possibly the mile or 2 mile and some relays) and I'm thinking his coach might put him on a beefier conditioning program this summer as long as his hip stuff* from freshman year stays away (I'm guessing he'll start at about 25-30mpw and end up at 40-50mpw by the end of July/early August.) Races for XC season are 5k, for anyone not specifically familiar with that.

He wore his endorphins last year for long runs and longer tempo repeats, and Hyperions were the "everyday" shoe. We will of course, take him to Fleet Feet to try stuff on, but he's basically a neutral.

*His hip stuff pretty much disappeared when we took him out of Ghosts, after 3mo of PT, an x-ray, a heel lift, and not getting anywhere with it.
DD is not neutral.
She uses ASICS Hyperspeed for general training, Hoka Speedgoat 5 for XC, New Balance Racing (with spikes) on the track and she plans on using Saucony Endorphin Speed 3 for her road racing this summer.

Definitely do consult with a good advisor and take the time to try the shoes in the store.
DD is not neutral.
She uses ASICS Hyperspeed for general training, Hoka Speedgoat 5 for XC, New Balance Racing (with spikes) on the track and she plans on using Saucony Endorphin Speed 3 for her road racing this summer.

Definitely do consult with a good advisor and take the time to try the shoes in the store.
Yeah. We did the fittings at fleet feet last year. Our store isn’t very big, so they don’t always have the best selection for variety. Just wondering if he might benefit from a more cushioned shoe for the longer runs with anticipated increased mileage. But idk. I run in 1080s 😂
I have a shoe question, but I'm not sure how much experience there might be in here to answer it.

DS2's running shoes from XC season are all dead, and we are in the process of replacing them for track/summer conditioning. We replaced his endorphin speed 3s with a new pair when they went on sale/clearance, and I'm trying to figure out if he should have another "speed" shoe or a more cushioned shoe for his 2nd pair. He runs middle-long distance for track (400m, 800m, possibly the mile or 2 mile and some relays) and I'm thinking his coach might put him on a beefier conditioning program this summer as long as his hip stuff* from freshman year stays away (I'm guessing he'll start at about 25-30mpw and end up at 40-50mpw by the end of July/early August.) Races for XC season are 5k, for anyone not specifically familiar with that.

He wore his endorphins last year for long runs and longer tempo repeats, and Hyperions were the "everyday" shoe. We will of course, take him to Fleet Feet to try stuff on, but he's basically a neutral.

*His hip stuff pretty much disappeared when we took him out of Ghosts, after 3mo of PT, an x-ray, a heel lift, and not getting anywhere with it.

I assume he will be in spikes for track but I am a believer in having as little shoe as possible, especially someone young. Let their feet do their job as opposed to a beefy shoe.
Here are my buddies, Luna and Sydney. Running buddies they are not, though. They’ve only got a range of 1-1.5 miles before giving out. I found out the hard way with their late predecessor that it’s not fun carrying a 60# bulldog half a mile home because you exceeded their range!

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“Hmmm, go out and run, or sit here in our recliner? Stupid question! When is dinner?”🤣 (Love those faces.)
It’s not Netflix, but Shogun is outstanding!
That’s on my “watch with Robbie” list! We have different tastes in television, but sometimes there is a crossover 😁

Very cute doggos, everyone! I am more of cat person. I can’t imagine any of my kitties would enjoy me trying to take them for a run 😆

These things can behave kind of like a big dog at times 😬

Speaking of the Endorphin Speed 3s, Running Warehouse has them for a pretty good sale price now that the Speed 4s have been released.
I can’t imagine any of my kitties would enjoy me trying to take them for a run 😆
SAME! I can see the side-eyes now. Though one of my kitties loves to lay on the treadmill if I leave the gym door open.

My dogs have always been adopted seniors, sometimes hospice, so there's no running with them. This guy is our newest snuggle buddy, Barkley. Aka the bridge keeper. (IYKYK)

They aren’t runners (unless it’s to the treat drawer) but here’s our Tenby and Orla View attachment 838909View attachment 838911
I can just imagine the We Rate Dogs post for these adorable frens: "We only rate dogs. These are rare handmade shag rugs. Please only send dogs. 12/10." 😂 😍

SAME! I can see the side-eyes now. Though one of my kitties loves to lay on the treadmill if I leave the gym door open.
You run on the treadmill. The treadmill absorbs the miles. The kitty lays on the treadmill. The miles transfer to the kitty through osmosis.

This is how exercise works, right?


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