The Running Thread - 2018

ATTFFQOTD: I am not a ~family~ person. I got married to create my own family that I like to hang out with. Maybe I got spoiled because the first 3 years of our marriage we were stationed overseas and got to just enjoy our Christmas alone and together. It was all I wanted. Even after that tour we were stationed on the east coast, so no one was going to come see us during the holidays. But then we moved back home and had a kid and people expect you to like go see them. Ugh. It's exhausting. So this weekend we are going to Vegas to spend Christmas with my parents. I took Monday off because my kid is out of school that day so I am going to just enjoy that time doing fun crafts and baking with her. We are going over to a friend's house for dinner that night, which is unusual for us. I am more of an "order Chinese and watch Christmas movies" on the Eve but whatevs. Then Christmas morning we will do the presents thing and I guess go over to my in laws house. Shrug.

See you in Vegas? We get there Sunday afternoon.
Interesting anecdote for the board:

Back in the Spring I purchased 4 pairs of Asics Nimbus 19's on clearance at Runners Warehouse so that I would have the same shoe I trained over the summer and into the Fall be the same shoe I ran in for Goofy. Really LOVE the shoe!! As we got closer to the race, I decided to buy a couple of more pairs on Amazon mainly because I wanted a color that would better match my outfit for the marathon but also because the 19's are pretty much gone now.

I started breaking in these shoes last week and noticed they are NOT the same as the previous pairs I purchased. The lot #'s are different and the new ones were made in Vietnam instead of Indonesia. You can tell that there is not as much padding on the new ones and they are not as stiff and actually, my feet hurt when I took them out for their first runs last week. I mean the differences are very slight but, I can definitely tell the difference. I hope as I continue to break them in, they will be fine, and if not, I can fall back on a pair of the other shoes that have 250+ miles on them.

But, anyway, I thought it was interesting to share. Has anyone who buys multiple pairs of the same shoes experience this?
Interesting anecdote for the board:

Back in the Spring I purchased 4 pairs of Asics Nimbus 19's on clearance at Runners Warehouse so that I would have the same shoe I trained over the summer and into the Fall be the same shoe I ran in for Goofy. Really LOVE the shoe!! As we got closer to the race, I decided to buy a couple of more pairs on Amazon mainly because I wanted a color that would better match my outfit for the marathon but also because the 19's are pretty much gone now.

I started breaking in these shoes last week and noticed they are NOT the same as the previous pairs I purchased. The lot #'s are different and the new ones were made in Vietnam instead of Indonesia. You can tell that there is not as much padding on the new ones and they are not as stiff and actually, my feet hurt when I took them out for their first runs last week. I mean the differences are very slight but, I can definitely tell the difference. I hope as I continue to break them in, they will be fine, and if not, I can fall back on a pair of the other shoes that have 250+ miles on them.

But, anyway, I thought it was interesting to share. Has anyone who buys multiple pairs of the same shoes experience this?
Yes and it was with Asics Nimbus but the 18s. The last pair I had just never fit the same as all the others I had, just slightly tighter always. They were a different color. I never looked a the manufacturer on them to see (edited, they say Indonesia), but that's interesting.
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Interesting anecdote for the board:

Back in the Spring I purchased 4 pairs of Asics Nimbus 19's on clearance at Runners Warehouse so that I would have the same shoe I trained over the summer and into the Fall be the same shoe I ran in for Goofy. Really LOVE the shoe!! As we got closer to the race, I decided to buy a couple of more pairs on Amazon mainly because I wanted a color that would better match my outfit for the marathon but also because the 19's are pretty much gone now.

I started breaking in these shoes last week and noticed they are NOT the same as the previous pairs I purchased. The lot #'s are different and the new ones were made in Vietnam instead of Indonesia. You can tell that there is not as much padding on the new ones and they are not as stiff and actually, my feet hurt when I took them out for their first runs last week. I mean the differences are very slight but, I can definitely tell the difference. I hope as I continue to break them in, they will be fine, and if not, I can fall back on a pair of the other shoes that have 250+ miles on them.

But, anyway, I thought it was interesting to share. Has anyone who buys multiple pairs of the same shoes experience this?

I notice this with Brooks Ghosts. I buy different colors, to help me remember to rotate them. Over many generations I always notice two slightly different, but distinct feels to the shoes. It is in the cut/width around the midfoot. But so far, both have been compatible with my feet
OK. I need advice here. My mind works in strange ways, not always to my long term benefit. After completing last weekend's 50k, a popular question for me has been "so are you going to try a 50 miler now?" Up until now the answer has been let's wait and see. Until I get bored on a slow day at work and wonder "what ultras are being held in NC next year?" Well, it turns out that there is a very appealing 50 miler being held on February 2nd. It is a road course rather than a trail, which is a plus, and the course runs from the lighthouse in Corolla down to the Bodie Island lighthouse and then a bit further to historic Jennette's Pier. It will be beautiful, if perhaps cold and windy. The time limit is a very generous 15 hours (18 minutes/mile), so running out of time shouldn't be an issue. Is it a bad idea to run a race like that on the heels of Goofy in January or, as I am rationalizing it, should I just continue to capitalize on my current fitness through one more big race?

Thanks for the feedback! Mentally I was doing fine at the end. I was tired and ready to finish, but I wasn’t feeling beaten. I’d say I went through a mental slump about halfway through the race, but it was temporary and I was able to regain my focus. Physically, I started run/walking after the halfway point while largely maintaining pace, but didn’t start doing more walking than running until near the 2/3 - 3/4 portion of the course. That was the most technically challenging and fatiguing portion and it carried over into part of the return leg. I actually returned to more running walking for the last 5 miles. Going back to Strava, my pacing was roughly:

Miles 1-21: pretty consistent pacing
Miles 21-25: significantly reduced pace, more walk than run
Miles 26-31: consistent pacing, not quite as fast as 1-21, more run than walk

I think it’s definitely worth reiterating that this was only the 2nd trail race I’ve ever run and the rain and muddy conditions presented a challenge I did not properly adjust for, leading to a lot of the dip in pacing. I don’t think I would have these same issues with the road race. I also find trail running far more mentally fatiguing due to the need to be much more focused on foot placement.

Your “doing the math” caution is a good one. I can sometimes feel like my distance potential is unlimited if I just slow down enough. Here, though, I think it’s worth mentioning that I was far less sore after the 50k and have bounced back much more quickly than from Chicago. With the 50 miler I feel like I’ll be trading a high mentally and physically fatiguing course for one that is less mentally and physically fatiguing, but much longer. I just don’t have the experience to do the math and solve that equation for “good idea” or “bad idea” at this point.

ETA: Sorry you had a struggle out there last weekend! What do you think led to this being so difficult for you, especially since you were familiar with the course? We must have passed each other a couple of times, at least.

I think you have already made up your mind. Anybody that responded they wouldn't suggest it you replied with a reason their concern wouldn't be an issue. Sounds like you want to do this race. That's the impression I got from the responses. The responses where people thought you should do it you didn't reply with why it wouldn't be a good idea. :rolleyes1:rolleyes1

Its finally Friday and time for our Fun Friday QOTD!!!! With today being the last working for most of us before the holiday, what are your Christmas plans over the weekend and into early next week? Any unique traditions? How do you fit in your runs with so much going on over the next few days?

ATTQOTD: This weekend we are going to my dads. Each year we have a big bonfire, have a gumbo, and pop fireworks. The bonfire is from a tradition from where my dad was raised. They build large bonfires along the levee of the Mississippi River on Christmas eve to light the way for Papa Noel. The bonfires over the years have become very creative and if you have time I recommend googling bonfires along the levee in Louisiana. Monday we're going to Christmas Eve mass and going to my aunts. Early night for use, since Santa is coming (Dad has many things to build this year). Christmas day we are going to stay in our pajamas and have a nice relaxing day at home. Getting in runs are hard to do because everyone wants us the be somewhere for a certain time, but it's my goal to get a decent long run in Saturday morning. My lower back is feeling better these days, but now something higher up is creating a issue and its causing some breathing issues. 35 is hitting hard lol.
Have safe travels everyone and Merry Christmas!

*This post is not meant to offend anyone who does not partake in Christmas. If you celebrate or dont celebrate another holiday during this time of year, let us know. I find other peoples traditions very interesting and would love to hear about yours!

First Christmas officially divorced. Last year we were separated but I was still in our old house and stuff so it was still much of the same, just without the ex-wife. This year, new house, new girlfriend, etc...

No running. NONE! I am trying my best to keep positive about it but there are no signs of running for months ahead. At this point I want to tell the doctor on 1/2 just to stick some scissors in and snip the tendon and sew it up so I can get back to running. :crutches:

Interesting anecdote for the board:

Back in the Spring I purchased 4 pairs of Asics Nimbus 19's on clearance at Runners Warehouse so that I would have the same shoe I trained over the summer and into the Fall be the same shoe I ran in for Goofy. Really LOVE the shoe!! As we got closer to the race, I decided to buy a couple of more pairs on Amazon mainly because I wanted a color that would better match my outfit for the marathon but also because the 19's are pretty much gone now.

I started breaking in these shoes last week and noticed they are NOT the same as the previous pairs I purchased. The lot #'s are different and the new ones were made in Vietnam instead of Indonesia. You can tell that there is not as much padding on the new ones and they are not as stiff and actually, my feet hurt when I took them out for their first runs last week. I mean the differences are very slight but, I can definitely tell the difference. I hope as I continue to break them in, they will be fine, and if not, I can fall back on a pair of the other shoes that have 250+ miles on them.

But, anyway, I thought it was interesting to share. Has anyone who buys multiple pairs of the same shoes experience this?

I buy the Asics Nimbus as well. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the 17's in neon green. Bought as many pairs as I could find before they were gone. Hated the 18's and now I have the 19's. I have found that even from color to color they vary greatly on fit and feel. I try all the different colors on until I find the best. Then I buy those. But I don't order those on line. I try every pair on. I am not spending $100+ on sneakers only to get them and not like them. I have an Asics outlet 45 minutes from me. I go twice a year. I don't do much for myself because all the kids consume my time, but this is a trip for me. I get as excited walking into the Asics store as I do the Emporium on Main Street. If I allowed myself I could probably spend equal amounts of money as both places too.
ATTQOTD: We are shaking it up this year. We usually do Christmas Eve with my family at my brother's home. Because my mom passed away last year during the holidays, we decided a change was in order. DW and I are hosting my family's Christmas on Christmas-Eve-Eve. I'm going to fire up the smoker and smoke some weird things to complement the more traditional ham. I'll also make my famous broccoli salad.

No plans on Christmas Eve. I'll do around 7.5 miles.

On Christmas day, we go to my MIL's home to have Christmas with her and a young Indian couple we've 'adopted'. This is going to be a completely non-traditional menu: shrimp, spring rolls, dal, etc. If I'm feeling energetic, I'll make my broccoli salad for this one too.

As far as running goes, Christmas is having little effect. Sunday is my off day, so Christmas-Eve-Eve is no impact. I'll swap my Wednesday off day for Christmas. Depending on what time we are leaving, I may do a couple of miles on Christmas morning. For some reason, a couple of miles on Thanksgiving and Christmas morning are my most enjoyable runs of the year.
Interesting anecdote for the board:

Back in the Spring I purchased 4 pairs of Asics Nimbus 19's on clearance at Runners Warehouse so that I would have the same shoe I trained over the summer and into the Fall be the same shoe I ran in for Goofy. Really LOVE the shoe!! As we got closer to the race, I decided to buy a couple of more pairs on Amazon mainly because I wanted a color that would better match my outfit for the marathon but also because the 19's are pretty much gone now.

I started breaking in these shoes last week and noticed they are NOT the same as the previous pairs I purchased. The lot #'s are different and the new ones were made in Vietnam instead of Indonesia. You can tell that there is not as much padding on the new ones and they are not as stiff and actually, my feet hurt when I took them out for their first runs last week. I mean the differences are very slight but, I can definitely tell the difference. I hope as I continue to break them in, they will be fine, and if not, I can fall back on a pair of the other shoes that have 250+ miles on them.

But, anyway, I thought it was interesting to share. Has anyone who buys multiple pairs of the same shoes experience this?
Absolutely yes! It's happened to me with Asics, Saucony, and Brooks. I'll try a new shoe in color A, like it a lot, get it in color B because variety, and color B fits and/or rides differently. The differences are often subtle, but I'm like the Princess and the Pea with shoes: the slightest differences are noticeable to me, and usually unwelcome. It took years before I realized they're often made in different factories, and frequently different countries!
ATTQOTD: We are shaking it up this year. We usually do Christmas Eve with my family at my brother's home. Because my mom passed away last year during the holidays, we decided a change was in order. DW and I are hosting my family's Christmas on Christmas-Eve-Eve. I'm going to fire up the smoker and smoke some weird things to complement the more traditional ham. I'll also make my famous broccoli salad.

I like to smoke pork belly and I've done really thick-cut strips of bacon before too. My butcher also sells thin-cut beef short ribs which are awesome in the smoker. Same for chicken wings.

I'm smoking pork belly burnt ends and a couple of turkey breasts this year!
With today being the last working for most of us before the holiday, what are your Christmas plans over the weekend and into early next week? Any unique traditions? How do you fit in your runs with so much going on over the next few days?
Church as usual on Sunday. My faith (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sometimes called Mormon, although that is an unofficial, yet inoffensive nickname) usually doesn't have Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services unless those days fall on Sunday given the more extensive demands on our time in church service that we have during Sundays and even the rest of the week. This year I'll be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my sister's family. My 2 nephews are wildly excited about that.

As for traditions, I always watch at least one version of A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve. My two favorite versions are the Muppets with Michael Caine as Scrooge and a TNT version from the late 90s with Patrick Stewart as Scrooge, but I always have a soft spot for Mickey's Christmas Carol as it was the first version of the story I ever saw.

The only major running tweak will be flipping the 6 mile run on Christmas Day with the off day on Wednesday. Otherwise, all runs will hopefully go as planned.
I notice this with Brooks Ghosts. I buy different colors, to help me remember to rotate them. Over many generations I always notice two slightly different, but distinct feels to the shoes. It is in the cut/width around the midfoot. But so far, both have been compatible with my feet

This same thing happened to my husband! Right in the mid foot too. He started breaking in a new pair and immediately started having pain on the top of his foot. Tried different pacing techniques, different socks, tying looser, just nothing would help.
ATTQOTD: Nothing too special. I'm just not that into the holidays anymore. My only plans for Christmas Eve involve going to OTF for a morning class and then we'll probably pick up some stuff for dinner that night. SO likes to get a shrimp ring and I get a pork pie because I'm French Canadian and that's what we eat on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day we will have to go over to the SO's parents house to exchange gifts and eat some stuff. We usually get a deli sandwich platter from the supermarket, and chips and stuff, and then we're bringing a couple of bakery pies. Hopefully we won't have to stay there for too long. :) The rest of the day I expect will just be playing video games. My parents are across the country in AZ so I'll have a phone call with them at night probably.
ATTQOTD: I am the youngest of 6 so we used to host 40 or so people Christmas Eve. This year, like the last few, it will just be us, my mom, a sister or two and their families. So about 15-20 depending. My dad was from Italy so we usually have mostaccioli and watch old home movies of Christmases past (I lost my dad in my early 20s, which is more years ago than I care to admit).
We also have a tradition of a big party with friends. My BIL is hosting this year which is awesome because during the winter he lives in a "castle" in Cleveland that has quite the history. It's a fun place to spend the holiday.
I also am forcing myself to run or cross train every day I'm off work. I've been lazy and making excuses. That has to stop.
ATTQOTD: We have always lived far from family so our Christmas is usually low key (which I like!). I usually bake and cook treats all month long, but have done nothing this year. I’m having a cooking marathon on Sunday to make up for it. Christmas Eve I’ll get my 5 miles in, but the rest of the day is for lazing around, watching movies & church service. We usually order pizza for dinner, but my daughter has been begging for stuffed shells so I made sauce and canned it earlier this week. No running Christmas Day for me. When Dopeybadger was creating my plan I requested to have this day off. We will open presents in the morning and laze around all day. We don’t even bother getting out of our pajamas. I’ll be making prime rib for dinner.

ATTQOTD: Nothing too special. I'm just not that into the holidays anymore. My only plans for Christmas Eve involve going to OTF for a morning class and then we'll probably pick up some stuff for dinner that night. SO likes to get a shrimp ring and I get a pork pie because I'm French Canadian and that's what we eat on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day we will have to go over to the SO's parents house to exchange gifts and eat some stuff. We usually get a deli sandwich platter from the supermarket, and chips and stuff, and then we're bringing a couple of bakery pies. Hopefully we won't have to stay there for too long. :) The rest of the day I expect will just be playing video games. My parents are across the country in AZ so I'll have a phone call with them at night probably.

I’m making Tourtiere on Sunday!
ATTQOTD: Love reading about everyone's plans and traditions. Thank you for sharing.

We will visit my mom's house Christmas Eve for dinner, gift exchange for the smaller kids, and go to midnight candle service at Church. Probably watch the Christmas Story marathon throughout the day.

Christmas Day will be low key at our house with family coming over for lasagna and possibly going to see a movie (sorry Aquaman fans, we will probably have more folks interested in Mary Poppins or Vice).

Now that our daughter is home from Clemson, we've been watching Christmas movies each night, everything is baked and decorated, and we are enjoying family time.

No big changes in my running plans since I'm trying to maintain fitness but not actively training at the moment. I get to run when I want this month!!

Best wishes for a great Holiday everyone!!
We almost always have to travel for Christmas and this year, we actually don't have to travel and get to stay home. We're taking full advantage and being super lazy and staying home almost the whole time since we both have off work Monday and Tuesday. I do have my longest long run tomorrow, I'm doing it with a friend and we're having brunch downtown afterward. I have a short run Sunday and Tuesday too. It should be easy to get them in without having to worry about work.

The rest of the weekend, Netflix and eating a bunch of random food we've picked up from Trader Joe's. No real cooking :)
This is so cool to read about all your traditions and plans!

My partner's parents have both passed away in the passed two years and her brother has moved to Illinois. So this was going to be a "just the four of us" Christmas. We decided to fly my dad out from California so now we will have five. We will stay home Christmas Eve and day. Our plan is to cook my family's traditional tamales with rice, beans, corn salad and likely carne asada or another meat. We make a lot and then just eat our way through the holiday! We always watch Mickey's Christmas Carol and then read Twas the Night before Christmas before the girls go to bed on Christmas Eve. Christmas day used to include going to my MIL house, this year we will stay home, stay in pj's, open gifts, watch movies and eat (see above)!

Happy holidays to all!
This is so cool to read about all your traditions and plans!

My partner's parents have both passed away in the passed two years and her brother has moved to Illinois. So this was going to be a "just the four of us" Christmas. We decided to fly my dad out from California so now we will have five. We will stay home Christmas Eve and day. Our plan is to cook my family's traditional tamales with rice, beans, corn salad and likely carne asada or another meat. We make a lot and then just eat our way through the holiday! We always watch Mickey's Christmas Carol and then read Twas the Night before Christmas before the girls go to bed on Christmas Eve. Christmas day used to include going to my MIL house, this year we will stay home, stay in pj's, open gifts, watch movies and eat (see above)!

Happy holidays to all!

Send me ALLLLLLLLLL the carne asada. Kthx.
ATTQOTD: We are basically taking a tour of the state of North Carolina. We will spend two days in a Charlotte at my sister in laws then my in laws are coming back with us and staying with us through Christmas. On the 26th, we will pile in the car again and drive to Wilmington to do Christmas with my side of the family. I got my longest run done yesterday but I am sure I will make time to run, especially with my in laws here. I will use Goofy as an excuse to get out and run but I probably would anyways even if I didn’t have a race coming up. My MIL can be tough to be around so I look forward to getting a break and running.


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