The Rum Runners: A Pre Trip Report - UPDATED: 8/2/10

I just want to come out of lurker-dom to say that I am incredibly envious of your organizational skills. I want a binder like that! :worship:

I also want to do the Princess Half Marathon very badly. I started out doing Couch to 5K but that got derailed a couple of weeks ago when I had a million things to do. Right now, I'm determined to do it, but I just need to get back into training mode. Good luck to you, though! Hopefully I'll see you at the finish line. :goodvibes
I want your binder. I totally need something like to keep me on track. I think you should start marketing them. :rotfl: At the very least, I may have to copy you. :rolleyes1 :hug:

Have at it! All the supplies were procured from Michael's except for the calendar sheets, which I got free online. It was motivational to make. :goodvibes


A Disser addicted to organizing?????

I'm shocked. I don't think I believe it.


I know, who'da thunk it!?

WOW!! I am duly impressed, and I MEAN IT! Totally WOW!

I love both of your journals, and since they reflect your gumption, you have no reason to fail. You're on your way! :thumbsup2

I need to be making better use of the food journal...but one thing at a time. Now that I have the training routine under my belt, I'll be ready to focus on the food part when I get back from vaca.

I had a Benny and Joon Johnny Depp moment

Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are on ABC Family tonight/this weekend.

I have every confidence in you. I think you're ready to make a change (I've been listening to too much Man in the Mirror lately) and that this will be awesome for you. :goodvibes

I can't believe it's already been a year since he passed! :(

I just want to come out of lurker-dom to say that I am incredibly envious of your organizational skills. I want a binder like that! :worship:

I also want to do the Princess Half Marathon very badly. I started out doing Couch to 5K but that got derailed a couple of weeks ago when I had a million things to do. Right now, I'm determined to do it, but I just need to get back into training mode. Good luck to you, though! Hopefully I'll see you at the finish line. :goodvibes

Welcome! It's always great to hear from lurkers. :goodvibes

I'm sure you'll get back on your feet. Life is always throwing little wrenches in our plans.

And hey, I'm actually heading to your neck of the woods this weekend! Road tripping to see my BFs family in southern TN.

Folks, I'm going to post a chapter I wrote yesterday but didn't get to get up last night or today and then that's likely all she wrote. I'm DEAD (NODED) tired and we're starting the 20 hour drive tomorrow morning at 6 a.m.
You know, training for a ½ marathon has its benefits. You get fit, feel great, and get to buy cute yet practical sneakers that you ACTUALLY need and don’t just need. But, until just recently, I was unaware of one of its greatest, FREE benefits – unencumbered trip planning time!

Because there’s not much else to do while you’re walking than think. :goodvibes:

(And breathe, and not trip, and not pass out, but I figure with time and experience those things shall pass.)

When I encountered the first hill on my first day of walking I looked up at it and scowled. I hate hills. Almost as much as I hate stairs. And asparagus. But it was my FIRST DAY! I wasn’t going to quit already. So as I steadily approached the HUGE (ok, relatively minor) hill that would take me to the more flat stretch of road where I’d do most of my walking, I tried to think of some sort of mental distraction to get me up.

That’s when it came to me, like a little bolt of lightning in my brain and a swift kick in the rear to get me in gear (NODrSeuss). I’d think about the TRIP! And so it has become a bit of a routine for me. I think about the different places I could stay, the different COMBINATIONS (!) of places I could stay, the places I could eat, heck, which dining plan I could choose!

And so, after a mere eight walks, I’ve deduced what would be the “perfect” trip. I don’t really know if this trip will be feasible, financially. That’s a wait-and-see game until they release the 2011 rates and discounts. But, if all works out the way I expect it might, here is what would constitute the ‘Happily Ever After’ for my Princess ½ Marathon trip:


Split stay ahead!

2/25/10 for 2nts.: Beach Club, standard room.
2/27/10 for 5nts: Port Orleans-Riverside, standard room.

I have wanted to stay at the Beach Club since TK and I stopped at their Guest Services desk in May to check in for our homebound flights. Really, it’s Stormalong Bay that’s calling my name. I dipped a toe in it in May. It was the start of an obsession. That toe may still smell like chlorine…


The only way this will be feasible is if they offer either a great public promo (30-40% off) or if I get a similarly spectacular pin code. I’d book it room only, as I have no plans on going to any of the parks in the first 2 days, and won’t need the dining plan either.

I’ve also wanted to stay at POR for a while now. It’s true I equally lust after a stay at CSR, but for some reason this feels to be more of a POR trip to me. I’d book this as part of a package with 5-day base tickets and the regular dining plan.

To be totally honest, the only way this combo, and possibly even POR would be doable, would be if they offer some great discounts. Because do you know what rate season it is for the ½ marathon?


It’s Peak Season because of winter vacations in February, some spring breaks through March and April vacations in, obviously April. However, from what I understand, most of the winter breaks are ending the week before I arrive. And most March breaks don’t start until the week after I leave. Meaning a fairly empty-moderate week or two in the World. But they’re certainly not going to drop their rates for a measly week to two week window. Especially when there are so many people (read: ME) willing to part with their cashola regardless of what Disney’s charging.

Now, I totally get the Disney marketing machine. I do, and for some reasons that I can’t get legally get into. And I admire it for many reasons. They are a company and they are out to make money. And they do. Lots of it. Very well. I can’t think of a single other corporation that so quickly parts me from so many of my dollars. Not one. So I have to commend Disney on a job well done on this one.

Smart, Mouse, smart.

If the rates end up being astronomical and I can’t pull off a stay with a deluxe or, heck, even a full week at a Mod, I’ll be perfectly happy in a value. But, as that’s not really what this post is about, let’s continue on with the ‘perfect stay’, shall we?

So, to recap so far, I’m staying two nights, room only, at the BC and 5nts, with tickets and DDP, at POR.



What will I do? What will I eat?

Well, I shall tell you that too.

Unfortunately the details of the marathon events haven’t been released yet, but these plans are based on the assumption the ½ will be on Saturday. If not, well…I have lots more days of walking to figure it out. ::yes::

Friday: Arrive on the first flight out of Providence. Check in to the hotel and head to the Wide World of Sports for my race package pick-up. Head to the GF for a late tea reservation. Back to the room to relax and an early bedtime in prep for the race.

I may have a guest staying with me for the first couple of days, but I’m not sure she wants to commit to that on the DIS as of yet, so I’ll let that be. If she doesn’t mind “outing” herself, I’m sure she’ll speak up. I also know of a few other people who have tentative plans to possibly take part in some of the events, but, again, I’ll let them “out” themselves as they see fit. :goodvibes:

Saturday: The ½ marathon in the morning. I’m anticipating needing the full 3.5 hours and then some to complete it and stick around for a bit afterwards. The afternoon plans consist of one thing:

Stormalong Bay


I can only hope that it isn’t unseasonably cold.

I’d/We’d round out the day with a late dinner at Citricos (Quattro formaggi potatoes!!!) and, depending on whether or not I’m ready to pass out, some perusing of the Boardwalk.

Sunday:The word of the day for Sunday is: LEISURELY.
I won’t rush to get up in the morning, as I anticipate my body will be screaming from the exertion the day before. But I won’t stay in bed too late because Sunday will be…SPA DAY!!! I’ve visited the Spa at the GF but have wanted to visit the Mandara Spa at the Dolphin ever since I saw pictures of it. It’s SO my cup of tea. I already have my treatments picked out and everything.

After the spa, I’ll likely check out of BC and head on over to POR to check in. Get into the room if I can and check out the resort. Slowly. Perhaps just faster than the pace of molasses running uphill in January in Toronto. Leisurely. Enjoying every single second of it!

In the evening I’ll head to Epicot for dinner at Rose & Crown, another first for me. I really have no plans to tour at all. Only to arrive just before a later ADR, possibly late enough to include Illuminations, and eat dinner. Slowly. Leisurely.

Monday-Thursday: Park days! I’m allocating one full day for each park. Though park hours aren’t out yet so I don’t know where I’ll be when, I do know where I’ll be eating the rest of my TS credits:

MK: Cinderella’s Royal Table (dinner) – another first!
Epicot: San Angel Inn (dinner) – repeat!
AK: Yak and Yeti – repeat!

I have my CS choices picked out too but I have to save something for later. ;)

Friday: Departure day. :(

Really, is there a more depressing combination of two words?

The plan is to be on a late flight home, possibly the last one. That allows plenty of time for Wolfgang Puck Express at DTD for breakfast, shopping, and then beignets at POFQ before hopping on my ME bus to the airport.

The only things not worked into these plans are potential DISmeets. But that’s a wait-and-see kind of things and these plans are just best guesses based on my random musings on any given morning at 5:15 a.m. when I’m halfway through my walk and wondering if it’s time to turn around and head for home yet. LOL!

That’s where we’re at folks. Big Disney dreams! I was really hoping to have one more chapter for you before we headed out on vacation, but we’re leaving in less than 12 hours and, frankly, I’m beat. Tired. Run down. Overwhelmed.

I look forward to the day I just feel whelmed.

So, this is it. I’ll be back home on the 6th and hopefully will have an update for you shortly thereafter. I wish you all a happy and safe 4th of July filled with family, friends, fun and fireworks.!

Love your planning! I would SO love to do this!! I can do a 16-minute mile, I know I can! (I'm just not sure how many of them I can do in a row right now....:lmao:).

But you killed me with the two 2nd-worst words in the world: Peak Season. (but without a doubt "departure day" wins hands down....:sad2:).


Well, never say never I guess. Might have to do a bit more research on this one!

Have a great time in TN!!......and don't get lost in StuffMart.:rolleyes:

Edward Scissorhands and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are on ABC Family tonight/this weekend.

I know! How excited was I to happen upon Edward Scissorhands last night? :goodvibes

I can't believe it's already been a year since he passed! :(

It's so sad, but I love all the restrospectives on TV. I've been able to catch some music videos I haven't seen since I was a kid. :thumbsup2

DUDE! An update before you leave? I'm so stoked!

Because there’s not much else to do while you’re walking than think. :goodvibes:

On a side note, this is one of the reasons I love walking / exercising so much. It is that unencumbered time to think...and the adrenalin rush...that I'm addicted to. And oddly enough, I use it as trip planning time as well. Great minds and all that. ;)


Split stay ahead!

2/25/10 for 2nts.: Beach Club, standard room.
2/27/10 for 5nts: Port Orleans-Riverside, standard room.

I have wanted to stay at the Beach Club since TK and I stopped at their Guest Services desk in May to check in for our homebound flights. Really, it’s Stormalong Bay that’s calling my name. I dipped a toe in it in May. It was the start of an obsession. That toe may still smell like chlorine…


I am fully amenable to these resort plans! And to skip ahead a bit, I think that POR is a more relaxing resort for your stay, and really perfect for after the marathon. I think that CSR has a more active vibe to it, but that's just me.

I may have a guest staying with me for the first couple of days, but I’m not sure she wants to commit to that on the DIS as of yet, so I’ll let that be. If she doesn’t mind “outing” herself, I’m sure she’ll speak up. I also know of a few other people who have tentative plans to possibly take part in some of the events, but, again, I’ll let them “out” themselves as they see fit. :goodvibes:


Alright, I'll do it. I've outed myself about so many other things: obsessive love of Jack Sparrow, addiction to Casey's Hot Dogs (and ALL that that entails), preservation through poncho wear, I might as well say it loud and proud.

I hope to join Tink and see her cross the finish line. Since I'll be about 6-7 months post partum, it's not realistic for me to join in on the race, but dagnabit, I want to be there! Logistically, I'm having trouble working it out for a lot of "life" reasons, but the general idea is to be there for a least a couple of days and see my girl accomplish her goal.

DH is totally on board with my saddling him with the kiddos for a weekend, but there are some other major decisions for the TK clan that may be coming to fruition in the not too distant future, which only time will tell.

However, I can tell you without hesitancy that if my mom were still alive, she'd have already booked everything, and would be the first person waiting at the finish line. :goodvibes And in the spirit of taking what I have from her death, and focusing on what's really important in life (even if it is peak season ;)) I'd like to be there.

Stormalong Bay


I can only hope that it isn’t unseasonably cold.

I don't give a flying you know what if it's unseasonably cold, if I'm there, we're going in! Think of it like the rain on the first night of our May trip. :lmao:

I’d/We’d round out the day with a late dinner at Citricos (Quattro formaggi potatoes!!!) and, depending on whether or not I’m ready to pass out, some perusing of the Boardwalk.

I'm seriously debating ordering just potatoes. Is that wrong?

Um, yes, I'd like the Quattro Formaggi Potatoes. No, no entree, just potatoes, thank you very much. Now what do you have for dessert? :lmao:

Sunday:The word of the day for Sunday is: LEISURELY.
I won’t rush to get up in the morning, as I anticipate my body will be screaming from the exertion the day before. But I won’t stay in bed too late because Sunday will be…SPA DAY!!! I’ve visited the Spa at the GF but have wanted to visit the Mandara Spa at the Dolphin ever since I saw pictures of it. It’s SO my cup of tea. I already have my treatments picked out and everything.

I am really interested to see how you like this spa and how it compares the the GF. I know they have a lot more treatments available, and I think this is a great way for you to pamper yourself after the marathon. :thumbsup2

I love the rest of your plans as well. This is shaping up to be a great trip for you, and I'm really excited about it. :goodvibes
What a great "perfectly planned" trip you have going on in your mind.

I find that when I'm walking I think about Disney too. It helps me stay motivated for sure. :thumbsup2

Ahhhh, Riverside. Not that I have stayed there yet but I spent lots of time there in January and I find the vibe so very relaxing which will be great for after you race. :thumbsup2
It may be peak season that week but the crowd calendar is calling for mostly 1's and 2's! (down from a 9 on Marathon Saturday). I'm praying for a pin for that week :worship:

And YES, there WILL BE DISmeets !!! :yay:
What an ideal (did you hear me- I said IDEAL!) trip you have planned out! I especially like the "leisurely" day you have planned for the after-race-day. Spa treatments are EXACTLY the ticket!! I'd be very interested in seeing what you end up doing- I'm still on the fence on whether to do it or not...

You are definitely not the only one to trip plan while walking. The bigger part of my trip was formulated around the track! Memorizing the order of my ADRs, recounting my souvie picks, all that essential stuff....
All of your plans sound great. I hate though that they are having this during peak season. :sad2: I so want to go for the Princess, but it's going to depend on the kind of rates they are offering. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Alright, I'll do it. I've outed myself about so many other things: obsessive love of Jack Sparrow, addiction to Casey's Hot Dogs (and ALL that that entails), preservation through poncho wear, I might as well say it loud and proud.

I hope to join Tink and see her cross the finish line. Since I'll be about 6-7 months post partum, it's not realistic for me to join in on the race, but dagnabit, I want to be there!

I had a feeling it might be you ;) So, you don't think 6-7 months post-partum is realistic? I was hoping to do it, and I would only be about 5 months pp, with 8 weeks of that recovery from a c-section, so only about 3 months of long do most people train for a 1/2 marathon? I have never done anything like that before and am not really a runner, but I was hoping it would motivate me to get back in shape quickly.....I may need to think about this some more.....
They usually have a 5K too, so if your not quite up to 13.1 miles it's always an option. It would make a nice brisk walking choice.
I had a feeling it might be you ;) So, you don't think 6-7 months post-partum is realistic? I was hoping to do it, and I would only be about 5 months pp, with 8 weeks of that recovery from a c-section, so only about 3 months of long do most people train for a 1/2 marathon? I have never done anything like that before and am not really a runner, but I was hoping it would motivate me to get back in shape quickly.....I may need to think about this some more.....

Let me be more specific. ;)

I don't think it's a realistic goal for me. I know my body, and I am not a runner. I've never been good at it. I can walk for miles and miles with no ill effect, but running is not my tink. So for me to get to the point where I can do a half marathon, it's going to take a lot. Truthfully, I'd like to give myself about a year. And I haven't been able to maintain an exercise regimen during this pregnancy, so I'd like to get back into my normal routines as well before I try something new.

And I'd love to do the 5K they run during the Halloween season. That one sounds like too much fun and might be a nice way to whet my appetite so to speak.
Let me be more specific. ;)

I don't think it's a realistic goal for me. I know my body, and I am not a runner. I've never been good at it. I can walk for miles and miles with no ill effect, but running is not my tink. So for me to get to the point where I can do a half marathon, it's going to take a lot. Truthfully, I'd like to give myself about a year. And I haven't been able to maintain an exercise regimen during this pregnancy, so I'd like to get back into my normal routines as well before I try something new.

And I'd love to do the 5K they run during the Halloween season. That one sounds like too much fun and might be a nice way to whet my appetite so to speak.

I see. Since I've never attempted anything like a marathon before, I think I'll have to take it one day at a time to be safe, and probably wouldn't be able to commit to anything until I see how my training is progressing, so probably not until at least January, which may make reservations and such un-doable (is that a word?). Oh well, I'm still going to try and maybe be there in spirit - if not 2012 it is! :woohoo:
We should be arriving the evening of Sunday Feb. 27th and leaving in the afternoon on Monday 3/7. We are driving. god. help. us.

So, there's an excellent possibility I can see you. That's wonderful! :goodvibes

And good luck on that driving thing. I know it's the right choice for you, but the thought makes me cringe.

I see. Since I've never attempted anything like a marathon before, I think I'll have to take it one day at a time to be safe, and probably wouldn't be able to commit to anything until I see how my training is progressing, so probably not until at least January, which may make reservations and such un-doable (is that a word?). Oh well, I'm still going to try and maybe be there in spirit - if not 2012 it is! :woohoo:

I just wouldn't push yourself too hard after having a baby. Everybody recovers differently and at their own pace. I'm very big on not conforming to societal expectations on that one, which is why I plan to take the full 16 weeks of FMLA leave that I'm allotted. Plenty of time for my body to heal up and for us to establish a "normal" (ha ha) routine.

I'm not sure how late is too late to reserve a spot in the race, I know they're opening up registration in July, but I don't know if there's a specific cut off date. I would imagine once they hit a certain amount of runners?
I'm not sure how late is too late to reserve a spot in the race, I know they're opening up registration in July, but I don't know if there's a specific cut off date. I would imagine once they hit a certain amount of runners?

You just have to watch the Disney Endurance website. When the race reaches 50% capacity, they will start posting how full it is. Until it reaches 50% they don't put anything on it at all. I don't think the Princess filled up until Jan. or Feb. last year. It's really the January ones that fill up pretty quickly.
We are driving. god. help. us.

The one and only time I have ever been to WDW we drove. It wasn't just my family either. We drove down from Maine to Florida in one conversion van with our pastors family. There were 4 in my family and 8 in theirs. So we had 8 kids ranging in age from 2 to 17 and 4 adults. :scared1: Oh and by the way the pastors wife was 7 months pregnant at the time. I don't know what the adults were thinking but we all have great memories of that trip.
You just have to watch the Disney Endurance website. When the race reaches 50% capacity, they will start posting how full it is. Until it reaches 50% they don't put anything on it at all. I don't think the Princess filled up until Jan. or Feb. last year. It's really the January ones that fill up pretty quickly.

Thanks for the info! :thumbsup2
And hey, I'm actually heading to your neck of the woods this weekend! Road tripping to see my BFs family in southern TN.

Hope you've had a good vacation down guys probably timed it just right because the heat down here has been unbearable lately and it has just now cooled down to somewhat normal temps. We've all been wondering who turned up the temperature on the sun. LOL :)


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