The Port Report: Frumpin Around the World with the Bathrobe Princesses :) COMPLETE

YAYYY! Another update! :goodvibes

I totally agree about Test Track.... it's a BLAST at night! Ahhh, I wish I could ride it right NOW!

Your Illuminations pictures turned out amazing! What kind of camera did yall use?

AND OH MY GOSH! That Strawberry Shortcake looks deeeeliccccioussss :love:
I love the recap at the end of the day!

Only 5 cute boys?! In all of Epcot?!

That strawberry shortcake does look delicious. Sounds like a perfect midnight snack! :thumbsup2
I'm so glad I found your report, I'm loving it!!!:love:

Let's see, I have so much to say:

1st of all, your hair is gorgeous! Definitely not Frumpy. My hair is very frumpy at WDW in Fl humidity.

:yay:Yay, I have a new word to add to my vocabulary.

You & your friends, DF 616 & DF 828, are all gorgeous too! I love your Mickey nails.::MickeyMo and the pink luggage.

The club level at Yacht Club looks awesome & too cool with the free snacks!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of y'alls pictures with the characters. The phone booth, Marie, & Mexico pics are adorable!

We love eating at Garden Grill & those sweet pototo fries are soooo good!

It's scary for me to think that in a few years I could be your mom taking my daughter, Lexi, & her friends on a Disney trip. But, it would be so much fun!

I think my favorite thing about your post is the 'cute boy count'. :laughing: Love it! :lovestruc
So there were only 5 cute boys on the first day! Enjoying your report. look forward to more!
Small Recap of January 14th:
Temperature: 60's, 40's at night. (A little chilly, but better than winter at home!)
Griffindor Scarf Count: 12 (they were EVERYWHERE)
Cute Boy Count: 5

This made me laugh :laughing: I only wore my Gryffindor scarf at Unviersal but I do wear it ALL the time while I walk around campus ;)
Okay a little off subject well kinda :) but this schoolbreak talk. I have heard ALOTTTT of great things about it. What exactly is it? It looks good in the picture but whats inside and what not.
yay! I'm glad for another update! I had been checking to see if a new one was up :) Looks like you had fun at EMH! You did a lot in the time that you had + you had an awesome dessert!

Can't wait to see where you end up the next day!
Chapter 8 - Good Morning, Animal Kingdom
January 15th, 2011

At 7:30 am we woke up and were excited to start our 2nd day in Disney!

After showering and getting ready, we headed down to the Club Level Lounge to get our complementary breakfast. This, right here, is why Club Level is worth it.



There were many other options besides these, such as fruit, oatmeal, yogurts, cereals, etc. I decided to get a croissant and a yogurt that morning.

At breakfast one of the cast members were cleaning, and she stopped by our table to say Good Morning. She asked if Kristen and I were sisters. We said "no, we're not." And she said "Wow! Are you sure?" ...Well, yes I think we would know :laughing: We get that ALL the time. And plenty of people thought that our whole entire trip.

We walked outside to the bus stop, and it was a little chilly. We guessed that it was in the 40s. Once we got to the bus stop, we waited about 30 seconds and then the Animal Kingdom bus pulled right up! How lucky! We were the only people to get on it from Yacht Club.


So, we got to Animal Kingdom...


and then it happened. We spotted......



They usually don't bother me, but after reading several trip reports about them, I was a little nervous about having any experiences with them.


Vick, Kristen, and I went straight to Expedition Everest to get a Fastpass while Mom got a strap for my camera, since I left mine at home. The wait time said only 20 minutes, so we hopped in line and went on the ride! WOOHOO!

We met up with Mother at Royal Andapur Tea Company, and she got Chai Tea Lattes for her and Vick. Then we decided to head over to Camp Minnie Mickey to see if we could meet any characters.


And lucky us... we hit the JACKPOT!

We saw Meeko first.

And then at the Greeting Trail Area we saw Koda

Miss Bunny



and Goofy!

The lines were so short! Hardly anyone was there and it was such a great find!

So then, it was 10:24, and Thumper came out at 10:30, so we HAD to wait. I had never seen him before and I love little Thumper!

But then a Festival of the Lion King Show let out... that was full of TOUR GROUPS! They started invading the character area so it got very crowded.

We went right to Thumper and Miss Bunny, and they were SO adorable!

And then Br'er Bear was out there too, so we decided why not? Let's meet him too.

Well, we could have avoided a Tour Group interaction.. if only we would have known.

The wait took SO long because there was this group of 3 Brazilian girls in front of us. They were being REALLY obnoxious and Vick gave them a look. They immediately went from talking in English to Portugese, probably about her. How nice of them! Not.

And of course, each of them HAD to have their own picture with Br'er Bear. Now, it wouldn't have been a problem if they quickly took the picture and moved on. But no, they had autograph books. And then they had to goof around with Br'er Bear. Each of them. While we were oh so patiently waiting there. It got to the point where we were close to missing the next showing of the Festival of the Lion King, so Mother told the cast member that we needed to go fast. After several attempts he shooed them out of there. While the last girl was finishing up, she hit her head on Br'er Bear's chin. HAHA I guess that's what she deserves after causing such a ruckus!

And we finally got our picture. Haha what a mess. Plus, you can't even see his eyes in the picture! What a fail.

Then we got out of there and headed towards Festival of the Lion King. But first we saw that Pocahontas came back outside! So, we went over to revisit Meeko and see her! She liked Vickie's braids.

Then we went over to Festival of the Lion King for the 11 o'clock show! We were in the Giraffe Section. That show is BEAUTIFUL and I forgot how much I absolutely love it. I decided that I actually like it better than Finding Nemo - The Musical. It's just so lively and fun and extremely well done!

A Brazilian Tour Group was sitting in front of us. So once the show was over I took a picture of one of the backs of their shirts.. too bad i left the flash on! HAHAHAHA they didn't say anything, but my creeping skills were a little off that day. However, the picture came out nicely.

Then after we met Lilo and Stitch while Mother went to go get Kilimanjaro Safaris Fastpasses.

We looked around Island Mercantile for a little bit, met up with Mother again, and headed to Pizzafari for lunch! YAY!


Pizzafari is my favorite counter service in WDW. (But it only beats Casey's by a tiny, tiny bit) It is delicious. We all got Pizza and salads. (of course) And for desserts, Mother, Vick and I got the yogurt parfaits and Kristen got the chocolate mousse.


For future reference.... when you're at Pizzafari.... GET THE CHOCOLATE MOUSSE! Kristen was very smart in this situation. The yogurt parfaits were probably our least favorite thing that we ate on the entire trip. The strawberries were all mushy and the yogurt tasted bad, I think because it was sugar-free or something. They really were not good at all. How disappointing.

Our rating for Pizzafari would be a 4.5/5 for this particular experience. The atmosphere is awesome in there! The paintings are beautiful and cheerful. And the pizza and salad are so delicious. The deduction of .5 points would be for that darn yogurt.

DEER FACE! (with an actual DEER!)

Thank you Pizzafari for understanding us Frumps. If I didn't explain the deer face yet... it's basically a face we make when we get really excited about something... mostly food. Or just when we feel really frumpy. I feel like Frump could also be defined as crazy LOL. I think it began because I told Kristen that when she runs, she looks like a deer. Sooo it's sort of a deer in headlights look. We think up the craziest things haha.

Continued in Next Post
Yayyyy oh yay for another update!!!! :thumbsup2 I LOVED the Club Level breakfast every day, it was fantastic! I always had a sesame bagel and some fruit. Yumm :) And hooray for Animal Kingdom!! :lovestruc I have a newfound love for that park after this trip. :goodvibes I loved going to Camp Minnie-Mickey, it's like my favorite place to meet characters! :) Except those dang Brazilians were SOOOOO annoying! Oh well. The Festival of the Lion King was beautiful as always and that is my new favorite show in WDW, next to Muppet Vision 3-D, of course, but we'll get more into that later. Pizzafari gets a 5 out of 5 from me because I ordered he good dessert. :yay: and that food is all just yummyy! And the atmosphere is awesome as well. And of course the deer was a major highlight. There was this one guy sitting at a table near the deer as we were leaving and Mother goes "She has a thing for deer." Trying to explain why I took a picture with it. Then he goes "Oh, I have a thing for cows!" :confused3 Hahaha it was funny because he was being serious.:laughing: And me and Mother have a cute bus pic :cutie: we're precious. Another fantasmic update! :wizard: Can't wait for more dearie!popcorn::

By the answer the school bread's like a Norweigian- style donut with a custard filling and covered with coconut with more custard on top. :cloud9 It is SOOOOO delicious :love: You should definitely try it if you haven't already, as should everyone! :)
Another great update! :goodvibes. The CL food looks scrumptious, I hope to try CL one of these times. You sure hit the jackpot with all the character pics you've posted so far on this trip. :yay:
That looks like such a fun night! I love late night Extra Magic Hours at Epcot. It would be so nice, too, to just be able to walk back to your resort. Someday, I've got to stay at an Epcot Resort.

Did you see any Slytherin scarves?
I'm joining late but am all caught up on your report. What a fun report-your pictures turned out great!! Thanks for sharing :)
I'm only through the first page and am hooked!

You girls are just too darn cute! I want live vicariously through you! I hope my little girl grows up loving Disney the way you do.

I'll come back and catch up later!

Congrats on the college grad!
I love the character pics, you guys are all so photogenic.

Lunch at Pizzafari looks really good, we might have to try this one sometime.

Too bad about the tour groups, hopefully it was something you didn't have a lot of problems with the rest of the trip.

Can't wait for more:goodvibes
Did you see any Slytherin scarves?

Surprisingly, no! I was expecting to at least see a few or some other Slytherin paraphenalia, but nothing! But boy were those scarves everywhere! We also saw T-shirts, hoodies, hats, and who knows what else. :laughing:
Sounds like you guys had a really great day.

Yes we did! Haha thank you.

I love your countdown of the day at the end. You are so right though, Gryffindor scarves are EVERYWHERE!

Yes, I know! Our friends went to Orlando a couple weeks before and got those scarves at Harry Potter world, and then when I got to Disney, everywhere I looked I saw a Griffindor scarf! I don't even know a thing about Harry Potter except Griffindor has a red and yellow scarf haha.

The strawberry shortcake at the Land is to die for. I love it! Your picture made me so hungry.

And oh my Gosh it is delicious... I could understand why you're hungry! haha You'll definitely have to get a piece next time you're down there.

I'm not going to lie, I kind of miss the feeling of anticipation on new rides. I love that uncomfortable feeling in the pit of your stomach. I guess I'm weird. :laughing:

No no I completely agree! I am kind of sad now that I don't have any new thrill rides to conquer! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait till Disney makes some new ones! Adding more thrill rides I think would definitely be a good idea

What a great night at Epcot!

I remember the first time I rode Nemo I had to wait in line for half an hour it seems so silly now

Yay for conquering Mission Space!

It must have been awesome walking around World Showcase without anyone there! We had that happen one morning on our trip and it was cool but kinda weird

Love the cute boy count :laughing: I will need to do that in May!

Haha Epcot is awesome! Everything about it is so fun! And hahaha thanks thanks. I'm really bad at being on the lookout because I'm so focused on Disney... so we probably missed a bunch... but still. We found some!

Your evening at Epcot sounds like a lot of fun:goodvibes

Yah for conquering Mission Space..that must be an awesome memory.

Love your countdown at the end

Aww yes! We had such a great time! And thank you! I thought it'd be a nice little recap of the day.

AHHHH love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!! hahahahahaCute boy count ::woohoo: hahah and Kristens SCHOOLBREAD!!! :rotfl: i LOVE reading this SO MUCH.

LOL Frump.

YAYYY! Another update! :goodvibes

Thank youuu!

I totally agree about Test Track.... it's a BLAST at night! Ahhh, I wish I could ride it right NOW!

ME TOO! I totally 100% agree with that whole entire statement haha

Your Illuminations pictures turned out amazing! What kind of camera did yall use?

Aww thank you! Well for those IllumiNations pictures I used a Nikon D3000. I just got it for Christmas this year so I was testing it out on this trip. It's my first "fancier" camera ever lol. Also, for some of my other pictures, I use my Sony Cybershot. It's just a point and shoot but the quality's still good. All the pictures from both camera are intermixed in the trip report.

AND OH MY GOSH! That Strawberry Shortcake looks deeeeliccccioussss :love:

haha oh it was :lovestruc so. good.

I love the recap at the end of the day!

Only 5 cute boys?! In all of Epcot?!

That strawberry shortcake does look delicious. Sounds like a perfect midnight snack! :thumbsup2

Thanks! And hahaha well we were a little excited about being in Disney so we probably missed some of them! And oh yes it hit the spot for sure!

I'm so glad I found your report, I'm loving it!!!:love:

Let's see, I have so much to say:

1st of all, your hair is gorgeous! Definitely not Frumpy. My hair is very frumpy at WDW in Fl humidity.

:yay:Yay, I have a new word to add to my vocabulary.

Aww thank you so much! You're so sweet. And hahaha that just made Kristen and my day. We love to spread the joy of the word frump :)

You & your friends, DF 616 & DF 828, are all gorgeous too! I love your Mickey nails.::MickeyMo and the pink luggage.

Aww thank you so much! Haha yes we love all things that are cute and pink. Such typical girls :laughing:

The club level at Yacht Club looks awesome & too cool with the free snacks!

Oh that was awesome! It was a little slice of heaven on earth ♥

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of y'alls pictures with the characters. The phone booth, Marie, & Mexico pics are adorable!

Aww thank you so much! We had so much fun going to all of the countries and taking them!

We love eating at Garden Grill & those sweet pototo fries are soooo good!

Yay another Garden Grill fan! And oh I know that's my mom's like FAVORITE food. And the mac and cheese too haha. That meal was delicious.

It's scary for me to think that in a few years I could be your mom taking my daughter, Lexi, & her friends on a Disney trip. But, it would be so much fun!

Aww yes you would have a fantastic time! My Mom really had so much fun and she talks about how much she misses Kristen and Vickie all the time. I love your trip report and Lexi is SO cute. I hope I have a daughter as adorable as her! But mine would probably have brown hair.. but still. I love all of her cute little outfits and such.

I think my favorite thing about your post is the 'cute boy count'. :laughing: Love it!

Hahaha I'm glad you enjoy it. Disney actually has a decent amount of cute boys!

And I don't know if you ever saw, but in my PTR I made one of those little photo album planners that you posted in your PTR that I read a while ago... so I just wanted to thank you for that idea! I made one for myself and gave Kristen one as her Christmas present. They were so cute and such a good idea... so thank you!

So there were only 5 cute boys on the first day! Enjoying your report. look forward to more!

we might have missed a few... it's a lot to take in when you first get to Disney! hahaha. But thank you for reading! I'm so glad you're liking it!

This made me laugh :laughing: I only wore my Gryffindor scarf at Unviersal but I do wear it ALL the time while I walk around campus

LOL they seem very practical. Alicia said it's one of the best purchases she's ever made haha

I third this. The school bread is to die for! YUMMMMMO <3

haha yes Kristen was OBSESSED with it. I need to get one of my own so I can join in on this fun. I'm just so stuck on those sweet pretzels though lol

This TR is gonna turn into the schoolbread lovers thread. Yayyy for the fans!

hahaha you crack me up.

yay! I'm glad for another update! I had been checking to see if a new one was up. Looks like you had fun at EMH! You did a lot in the time that you had + you had an awesome dessert!

Can't wait to see where you end up the next day!

Yes we felt very accomplished. We are both so happy that we're disers/crazy disney fans and know our way around. And YESS that dessert was fantastic.

Another great update! :goodvibes. The CL food looks scrumptious, I hope to try CL one of these times. You sure hit the jackpot with all the character pics you've posted so far on this trip. :yay:

I hope you get to! It was fantastic. And I know we just found SO many characters. I think we met almost everyone throughout our trip... except for the random ones and like Woody and Jessie. But we did pretty well!

That looks like such a fun night! I love late night Extra Magic Hours at Epcot. It would be so nice, too, to just be able to walk back to your resort. Someday, I've got to stay at an Epcot Resort.

Did you see any Slytherin scarves?

Me too. Epcot and Magic Kingdom EMH are the BEST! And yes that just made the experience have such a different feel, but I liked it a lot actually. Epcot Resorts are amazing.. I really want to stay at another one soon!

And I honestly don't know anything about Harry Potter... but Kristen I think responded and said no we didn't. I only can recognize the Griffindor haha

I'm joining late but am all caught up on your report. What a fun report-your pictures turned out great!! Thanks for sharing :)

Oh no problem, we're glad you're here!! And thank you so much! And you're welcome, thanks for reading along!

I'm only through the first page and am hooked!

You girls are just too darn cute! I want live vicariously through you! I hope my little girl grows up loving Disney the way you do.

I'll come back and catch up later!

Congrats on the college grad!

Aww thanks so much for reading! Thank you so much... I hope my daughter loves Disney as much as us too! haha because if she doesn't I don't know what I would do! And oh it was just high school, but thank you so much! :)

I love the character pics, you guys are all so photogenic.

Lunch at Pizzafari looks really good, we might have to try this one sometime.

Too bad about the tour groups, hopefully it was something you didn't have a lot of problems with the rest of the trip.

Can't wait for more:goodvibes

Aww thank you so much! And oh yes I highly reccomend Pizzafari. It is SO great. And no, thankfully that was our only bad experience with the Tour Groups. Animal Kingdom was just swamped with those little flags. And Yay thanks for following along!
I would quote it to make life easier...but that would be like a HUGE mess since Jess just quoted like EVERYONE...but as far as the cute boy hunt goes...when Jess is in Disney, and really anywhere, and I mean this in the most loving way possible princess :hippie:...she walks like she's running from a fire. :rotfl2: I am not kidding that girl like focuses dead ahead and kinda is just in her own little world and it's so funny because she totally missed half the boys that Vickie and I saw :laughing: She would be like "What? Where?!" And it was just precious. :lovestruc Haha we love the little frump and we always filled her in. :goodvibes Because me and Vick Vick were always on the lookout. :rotfl: But really the crowds were pretty light and we have very high standards :snooty: HAHAHA so yes we only saw 5 on that first day...not including Mickey..he's a real hottie. :lmao:


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