The Muppets take Disney World--Day 4, AK, Epcot, and PI


New Mama to Baby Jacob!
May 31, 2000
Cast of characters--DH and me (both 25). DH's first trip, my 3rd.

Dates of trip--Dec. 31-Jan. 7, 2001

Thursday was our AK day. The day before I thought my knee could ever hurt worse, but I found out I was wrong when I got out of bed. I really should have gotten a wheelchair, but the thought of being stuck in a chair relying on DH to push me and risking people looking at me thinking I didn't look sick was too much for me. I know that shouldn't bother me, especially since I knew I'd be getting out of the chair and waiting in the normal lines, but I just couldn't make myself do it.

Anyway, we shopped at the gift shop on our way out of PO and got an Ace bandage. The trip from PO to AK by bus takes about as long as it takes for someone to wrap your knee. :D We hobbled off to the safari first and walked right on. We saw a lot of animals really close up and really enjoyed it.

This day was the coldest one yet (except for e-night) by far because it was the most windy. We did both of the walks after that, taking long breaks in the buildings to get out of the cold. We saw It's Tough to be a Bug (loved it!), and then it was time for our 10:30 ressie at Rainforest Cafe.

Our ressies were supposed to be for breakfast, but it turns out they start serving lunch at 10:30. Guess they don't make as much of a profit at breakfast. The food was probably good, but who wants a BBQ wrap and fries at 10:30?

We watched the Lion King show after that, and they we just had to leave because of the cold and my knee. My knee hurt the worst when I walked up hills, and AK is the least flat park.

After a long nap, we headed back out to Epcot. My knee was feeling a little better, so I was much easier to get along with. We caught some of the things we had missed in FW the first day like Spaceship Earth, Cranium Command, Living with the Land, and the Living Seas. The funny thing is that DH really didn't want to head out that evening, but he ended up loving almost everything we did. Spaceship Earth is always neat (I especially like the new ending), and Cranium Command (which was new to me) is absolutely hilarious. Each time we went to something new, DH would say it was his favorite thing yet. Except the Living Seas. That was not as impressive as it was on my first trips, I guess because there are so many neat aquariums now.

We went to watch ToN, but unfortunately we weren't too impressed. We were watching by Norway, so we went to ride Maelstrom instead. After that, we scooted all the way around the lagoon to Canada (don't ask me why we didn't go the short way) and got a beavertail in Canada. We got a maple chocolate one. DH said that he wasn't hungry, so we just got one, and then he ate almost the whole thing! :mad:

We watched Illuminations by the International Gateway. We both loved it. After it was over, we rushed out and caught the first bus to BWI and then caught the bus to PI. We went to the Adventurer's Club. I'm so glad I had heard about that. We had a blast there and didn't leave until it was time for the fireworks. We finally headed back to the room after all of the festivities were over.

Coming next--Day 5, MK and PI
we would fall into bed around ten oclock and hope that the alarm didn't wake us up......well I secretly hoped sounds like you had a great time.......thanks for posting it


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