The Many Adventures of...A Family With a New Baby! Jan - Dec 2016! New 11/7!

So I kinda fell of the face of the earth, sorry about that!!

Our June trip was by far the toughest Disney trip I've EVER taken. I was ready to go home and not look back! Emma was in her evening terror stage, Maya would hardly nap so she was also terrible in the evenings. We did have some really great days, but all in all it was just HARD. 3 is HARD!!

That said we are something like 37 days away from our next trip and surprisingly we're both looking forward to it LOL.

The day we returned from Disney I also delved head first into Dot Dot Smile, which has kept me insanely busy.

Pics from this morning:



Emma is 4.5 months old, Maya 21 months old, and Aria 5.5 now <3 in just over a week, Aria starts kindergarten, it's hard to believe it! Maya is doing well, she's a ball of energy and we're still figuring out how to parent her spirited self LOL, and Emma is as sweet as can be. She already tries to get her knees under her to move around, and she is rolling all over the place.

I look forward to revisiting the December trip and will start working on that again ASAP <3 Also I wanted to pop in and say I booked a trip for Maya and me next May! I'm sure we'll go more than that (Aria doesn't know, but I am prob going to try and get down with just her at some point). And I have a serious hankering for Universal and HP, so I'd like to plan some time there, too!

How have you all been??
The girls are all adorable! You're much braver than I am to take 3 little ones, especially when Emma was SO young. Sorry the last trip was hard. Hopefully this one will be much better!
Been missing your updates!!! But I'm sure life with 3 girls is a doozy so completely understandable.
Thanks for the update - love the pictures!

Does sound like a relatively hard trip - being out numbered is just tough. It definitely gets better though (not saying it isn't still hard - but now that Olivia is old enough to help some it does help)
The girls are all adorable! You're much braver than I am to take 3 little ones, especially when Emma was SO young. Sorry the last trip was hard. Hopefully this one will be much better!

Brave or stupid, not sure! It was just tough. Also Emma is our sweetest baby but our worst sleeper so that didn't help things!

Been missing your updates!!! But I'm sure life with 3 girls is a doozy so completely understandable.

Aw thanks! Yes, it is very very hectic!

Love the new pics! The girls are getting so big!

Thank you! Yes, it's hard to believe!

Thanks for the update - love the pictures!

Does sound like a relatively hard trip - being out numbered is just tough. It definitely gets better though (not saying it isn't still hard - but now that Olivia is old enough to help some it does help)

I don't remember your little Emma screaming in the evenings of your trip - honestly I think before 6 weeks old is ideal OR after like 3-4 months. At around 6 weeks she just started with her evening craziness!

I think when Emma is walking, Maya is a bit older and *hopefully* able to tell us whats wrong versus doing her screaming, things will be easier and manageable. But, we'll see how October goes LOL.
I last left off from a fun filled morning in EPCOT, having just met Joy and Sadness for the first time! Our fastpasses for the character spot were open, so we headed over that way. We didn't have long to wait in the FP line and Maya was in a super silly mood <3


Aria had her Mickey & Minnie with her so when it was our turn she showed them to Mickey! She loves having props to play with the characters with.


Maya was excited to see Mickey from afar but didn't want to run up to him


I have a newfound appreciation for photopass with multiple kiddos, as they definitely helped us capture the memories!


Mickey danced with Izzy


I had to hold Maya from running away but at least she wasn't screaming!


Spoiler Alert: Maya is obsessed with Minnie Mouse and was really REALLY cute in June with the characters <3

Next up was Goofy, who Maya was NOT thrilled about but Aria & Izzy loved seeing him


And Minnie <3






We all headed next door to Club Cool afterwards - this has quickly become a favorite!


Maya did get a couple sips of soda, and then enjoyed playing with a (clean) cup



Our next destination was Soarin' - Dugette watched Maya while I went on with Aria, Dug and Izzy <3


We love this ride! Afterwards, I think Dugette rode with Dug & Izzy? we went to grab a snack at Sunshine Seasons and then hopped on LwtL.



Love the holiday "decorations"


We had one more FP, this time for Spaceship Earth and then headed out of the park! I wanted some Disney Springs time <3



Maya's little hand!


Continued in next post!!
My goal was to get to Disney Springs around 2:30 and we made it right around then! Both girls fell asleep on the short ride over, and I really, really wanted them to continue napping so I laid both seats back in the stroller. (it was chilly, hence the fleece blankets)


This was totally unsuccessful unfortunately and within 10 minutes both were whining to be awake. Ugh! One stop I really wanted to make was Erin McKennas bakery which is dairy/egg free among other allergies.


Maya wouldn't touch them however! Stinker!

We headed over to Once Upon a Toy to check out the new selection. Maya enjoyed picking some things out ;) (and putting them back...)


I was apparently very tired. We've had MANY pictures here over the years but apparently this day I was too tired to take Maya out of the stroller LOL


Both girls picked out one toy each - Maya got a pluto pull along toy and Aria picked out a little carrier with Figaro the cat.


Then we checked out the Christmas tree lane!! I actually thought this was super cool. A lot of reports seemed really disappointed but we loved this addition to the holiday décor <3


There were some amazing chalk artists too


I definitely thought the daytime was the best time to see these trees and take in all the detail




At the end of the trail there's a photopass which we've taken many times! Unfortunately I wasn't thrilled with the one photo she took but here it is:


We had a ton of time to kill, as we had dinner plans with Dugette and family at 5:45. I forgot that I wanted to meet Santa, so that never happened, whoops. Instead Aria took some time to play with her new toy


A photopass was set up near the big tree, so we took some pics


Then we headed to the new area of Disney Springs to check out the new shops and decorations. At this point Aria earned herself a time out in the stroller. She had had a really hard time picking out just 1 toy, and now she decided she didn't want her Figaro cat carrier vet set thing anymore and wanted to bring it back and get something else. I told her that wasn't possible, and she needed to be happy with what she chose. She was really upset over this so I sent her to time out in the stroller. She didn't talk for about 45 minutes, pouting over the toy. Did I mention I was tired earlier?!



I was really hungry by this point and I think I texted Dugette to see if they were perhaps early (LOL Dugette, I know better!). Maya had also fallen asleep again, phew, so I ended up finding a comfy couch at the services building and relaxing for a bit. (It was also getting really cold out!). A little while after sitting down aria came out and apologized and from then on was in much better spirits (I think we all could have used a longer afternoon nap!).



Eventually it was time to head in to dinner so we went to Frontera Cocina to check in. Dugette & family had had a harrowing adventure trying to get to dinner, apparently 2+ hours of Disney transportation. I believe she said they have rented a car for the next trip after all the ridiculousness they had to deal with!! Also, they wouldn't allow the stroller with a sleeping Maya in it, so I had to wake her up! Not doing too great for the evening start!


She wasn't too bad though, and we quickly ordered some fun lemonades (such a shame not to be able to drink their amazing margaritas!!)


For kids meals I ordered the chicken tacos, and they said they were totally safe for Maya, so A&M shared!


Maya really enjoyed the rice and Aria ate okay too. It was tasty and a nice kids meal I thought! ( I made Maya a little separate plate away from that bowl of cheese!)

I ended up ordering two appetizers - everything looked SO delicious. I think Mexican food is definitely my favorite type, and Frontera Cocina had some really delicious flavors. First was the Chipotle Chicken Tostadas


It was delicious! I also ordered the queso fundido which was perfect on a chilly evening


At some point, some work friends of I think Dug (Sorry foggy memory) joined us for dinner - but I was on the opposite end of the table and dealing with Maya so I really didn't say much to them.

It all went downhill though from here - I ran to the bathroom and when I came back Maya had accidentally touched my tostadas (I didn't move them far enough away), then she was pretty upset from then on. I smelled something and realized a diaper change was in order, but in my haste didn't actually look first and just grabbed 1 diaper and a few wipes. When I went to lay her down, it was EVERY.WHERE. SO.BAD. A nice woman asked if she can help in any way and I asked her to ask my tablemates (Dugette) to bring the backpack in. I needed a TON of wipes, a change of clothes etc. It was a mess. Sorry Frontera Cocina bathroom....eeek.

I was really done done done for the evening LOL so I left $$ for our dinner and we headed out of there and back to our room! It was windy and we were unsure whether the holiday drone show would even be going on, but either way we didn't stay to see (in the end it was cancelled).
Glad to see you back! Enjoy your TR's - your girls are so cute! Taking 3 little ones to Disney - wow. I'm stressing out over taking my DH :rotfl2:
Yay - you are back! The girls are so cute in their matching dresses. I'm sorry to hear that your last trip was tough - I think dealing with two kids can be hard, so I can only imagine how difficult three would be. Glad to hear that you are looking forward to your next trip, though and that it's coming up soon!

We love Erin McKenna's bakery. I love that the kids can pick out whatever they want to eat in there, and not have to worry about their allergies.

Frontera Cocina looks delicious. The bathroom incident doesn't sound like much fun though. Hopefully you were able to go back to your room and all get some rest!
Sorry you had such a not great day. The food looked great for dinner. We may have to make that one of our stops if I can get reservations. Mexican is a staple food group here too.

I can't believe it's down to about a month already! I'm super excited and absolutely terrified at the same time. Piper does well in car rides and sleeping at night, but Hailey isn't a huge car ride fan but does alright sleeping now (she slept 8:30-5:30 last night, finally!) I'm hoping being in a house will be better than a hotel room.
You are back! I was hoping work/life with three was going ok--glad to see you are just busy with your new business. And 30-something days until your next trip-- yay!! We had to move our October trip back because we will not be moving in until 10/20 and I couldn't deal with a trip the week after that, so we are now at 5-ish months (1/20-1/27). Hope Emma is better on your next trip!

This day looks nice and chill-- until the wheels came off:-). You are brave to take two littles alone---we didn't do,that until,they were more like 3/5, and even that was hard! Sorry your DTD time wasn't more relaxing (no cocktails really impedes thT!)
Our June trip was by far the toughest Disney trip I've EVER taken. I was ready to go home and not look back! Emma was in her evening terror stage, Maya would hardly nap so she was also terrible in the evenings. We did have some really great days, but all in all it was just HARD. 3 is HARD!!
I can only imagine. I often feel like 1 is hard (then again, sounds like my 1 is much more like Maya than Aria or Emma). Good job taking them all, though, even if it was tough. I think a lot of people would be scared to even try and would have missed out on those good days and memories.

Aria starts kindergarten, it's hard to believe it!
Glad she's loving it so far. Can't believe she's in school already! :teacher:

Maya is doing well, she's a ball of energy and we're still figuring out how to parent her spirited self LOL
Yep, spirited is the word we've been using for Izzy lately. If you figure out any tips on how to parent her, let me know. :rotfl: Good luck!

and Emma is as sweet as can be.
She seems so sweet and happy in the pictures I've seen! :lovestruc

Also I wanted to pop in and say I booked a trip for Maya and me next May!
Very cool! :thumbsup2

Maya is a bit older and *hopefully* able to tell us whats wrong versus doing her screaming
Good luck on this one too. Sometimes Izzy still gets so worked up that she can't seem to form any words (despite talking non-stop most of the day :rolleyes:). She actually just did this today and I'm like, "What happened? Are you hurt? Are you sad? Can you say anything? Please stop screaming and try to take some breaths and tell me what's going on..." And, if we're being honest, this happens often enough that I can't even remember what trivial thing set her off today. :confused3

Our next destination was Soarin' - Dugette watched Maya while I went on with Aria, Dug and Izzy <3
This must have been when I took Maya on LWtL spontaneously. She was great and loved looking around! :goodvibes

I was apparently very tired. We've had MANY pictures here over the years but apparently this day I was too tired to take Maya out of the stroller LOL
Eh, at least you got her in the picture. :thumbsup2

I was really hungry by this point and I think I texted Dugette to see if they were perhaps early (LOL Dugette, I know better!).

Dugette & family had had a harrowing adventure trying to get to dinner, apparently 2+ hours of Disney transportation. I believe she said they have rented a car for the next trip after all the ridiculousness they had to deal with!!
Yes, and I am one that never saw the point of renting a car. But either we had horrible luck or Disney transportation has gotten worse. Trying to get to early breakfasts was near impossible. So, we'll see how having a car there goes. New logistics to figure out, though, like where to park on our departure day when we have a 7:30am breakfast at Trattoria, then plans for Epcot. :scratchin But at least we'll be able to get to that breakfast. ::yes::

At some point, some work friends of I think Dug (Sorry foggy memory) joined us for dinner
I guess you could say job-related friends? They don't actually work together, but a lot of people in the web community know each other from conferences and such, so they somehow know each other. I had never met them before. But they were nice. :thumbsup2

It all went downhill though from here - I ran to the bathroom and when I came back Maya had accidentally touched my tostadas (I didn't move them far enough away), then she was pretty upset from then on.
I STILL feel horrible about this! I mean, I was watching her while you were gone and she was just sitting there doing her thing, so I looked at our queso fundido for a few seconds to get some more, then looked up and there was a plate that was about to be knocked off the table! :earseek: I couldn't reach from where I was, so started yelling at Dug (who was next to her) to grab it, and he did. I had had no idea there was a plate within her reach, so was surprised enough by that, but after he grabbed it, we were like - what's on that plate? Is it cheese? Did she get some on her fingers? Or eat some?! :eek: We weren't sure, so I made Dug wipe out her mouth and her hands, etc. Food allergies are scary and toddlers are fast! :scared:

A nice woman asked if she can help in any way and I asked her to ask my tablemates (Dugette) to bring the backpack in.
Haha, I was so confused when a random stranger came up and asked me to bring a backpack to the bathroom. :rotfl2: Happy to help, though, we've all been there at some point. :goodvibes
Hugs! Sounds like a tough evening. And I'm so sorry that your latest trip was kind of a disaster! 3 sure is a whole new world! I've missed you on here, but so glad to have found your DDS page! ;)
Great to see you back! We head to the World in 3 days - eeekkkkk

Oh I hope your trip was absolutely wonderful!

Glad to see you back! Enjoy your TR's - your girls are so cute! Taking 3 little ones to Disney - wow. I'm stressing out over taking my DH :rotfl2:

Hahahaha he does that to me too!

Yay - you are back! The girls are so cute in their matching dresses. I'm sorry to hear that your last trip was tough - I think dealing with two kids can be hard, so I can only imagine how difficult three would be. Glad to hear that you are looking forward to your next trip, though and that it's coming up soon!

We love Erin McKenna's bakery. I love that the kids can pick out whatever they want to eat in there, and not have to worry about their allergies.

Frontera Cocina looks delicious. The bathroom incident doesn't sound like much fun though. Hopefully you were able to go back to your room and all get some rest!

Thank you!! Yes I am super excited. Only really nervous about mealtimes but hopefully it'll go okay.

Sorry you had such a not great day. The food looked great for dinner. We may have to make that one of our stops if I can get reservations. Mexican is a staple food group here too.

I can't believe it's down to about a month already! I'm super excited and absolutely terrified at the same time. Piper does well in car rides and sleeping at night, but Hailey isn't a huge car ride fan but does alright sleeping now (she slept 8:30-5:30 last night, finally!) I'm hoping being in a house will be better than a hotel room.

Yes! It's really delicious, I thought it was much better than the two epcot options. Eeek the trip is so close!! I'm glad Hailey is doing better sleeping (How has she been since you posted this). We're at about 7-5:30 or so MOST nights but then theres random ones where she wakes up and falls back asleep once in our bed...

You are back! I was hoping work/life with three was going ok--glad to see you are just busy with your new business. And 30-something days until your next trip-- yay!! We had to move our October trip back because we will not be moving in until 10/20 and I couldn't deal with a trip the week after that, so we are now at 5-ish months (1/20-1/27). Hope Emma is better on your next trip!

This day looks nice and chill-- until the wheels came off:-). You are brave to take two littles alone---we didn't do,that until,they were more like 3/5, and even that was hard! Sorry your DTD time wasn't more relaxing (no cocktails really impedes thT!)

Oh yeah totally understand moving back the trip <3 I cant believe you're almost able to move in to the house! I'll have to go look for updates!

I can only imagine. I often feel like 1 is hard (then again, sounds like my 1 is much more like Maya than Aria or Emma). Good job taking them all, though, even if it was tough. I think a lot of people would be scared to even try and would have missed out on those good days and memories.

Glad she's loving it so far. Can't believe she's in school already! :teacher:

Yep, spirited is the word we've been using for Izzy lately. If you figure out any tips on how to parent her, let me know. :rotfl: Good luck!

She seems so sweet and happy in the pictures I've seen! :lovestruc

Very cool! :thumbsup2

Good luck on this one too. Sometimes Izzy still gets so worked up that she can't seem to form any words (despite talking non-stop most of the day :rolleyes:). She actually just did this today and I'm like, "What happened? Are you hurt? Are you sad? Can you say anything? Please stop screaming and try to take some breaths and tell me what's going on..." And, if we're being honest, this happens often enough that I can't even remember what trivial thing set her off today. :confused3

This must have been when I took Maya on LWtL spontaneously. She was great and loved looking around! :goodvibes

Eh, at least you got her in the picture. :thumbsup2


Yes, and I am one that never saw the point of renting a car. But either we had horrible luck or Disney transportation has gotten worse. Trying to get to early breakfasts was near impossible. So, we'll see how having a car there goes. New logistics to figure out, though, like where to park on our departure day when we have a 7:30am breakfast at Trattoria, then plans for Epcot. :scratchin But at least we'll be able to get to that breakfast. ::yes::

I guess you could say job-related friends? They don't actually work together, but a lot of people in the web community know each other from conferences and such, so they somehow know each other. I had never met them before. But they were nice. :thumbsup2

I STILL feel horrible about this! I mean, I was watching her while you were gone and she was just sitting there doing her thing, so I looked at our queso fundido for a few seconds to get some more, then looked up and there was a plate that was about to be knocked off the table! :earseek: I couldn't reach from where I was, so started yelling at Dug (who was next to her) to grab it, and he did. I had had no idea there was a plate within her reach, so was surprised enough by that, but after he grabbed it, we were like - what's on that plate? Is it cheese? Did she get some on her fingers? Or eat some?! :eek: We weren't sure, so I made Dug wipe out her mouth and her hands, etc. Food allergies are scary and toddlers are fast! :scared:

Haha, I was so confused when a random stranger came up and asked me to bring a backpack to the bathroom. :rotfl2: Happy to help, though, we've all been there at some point. :goodvibes

Hahahhaa you make me nervous for what is to come with Maya! We are def still learning how to parent her. She's so different from Aria, and even Emma is already so SO much more easy going. Oh don't feel bad, I wasn't blaming you guys, totally my bad leaving my food within reaching distance! I was just thankful to be able to run to the bathroom!

Hugs! Sounds like a tough evening. And I'm so sorry that your latest trip was kind of a disaster! 3 sure is a whole new world! I've missed you on here, but so glad to have found your DDS page! ;)

LOL yes, disaster is a good word! I've never waited for a Disney trip to be over, like we did in June.

I'm so glad you found it too!! Thank you so SO much for all the support <3 I hope she gets to wear a bunch of these to Disney! ;)
On to our next Disney day! I noted that the resort monorail should open up at 7AM, so we trekked from Shades to the Poly monorail platform and timed that walk at 15 minutes. We got there just in time for the monorail to pick us up and were there in plenty of time! I think we were the 10th family lined up at the early breakfast line - although MK changed their hours and was also opening at 8, but we had CP reservations and decided to keep them.

Dugette made it before 8 but they were already letting us in so we went ahead and stopped for some photopass pics! it was cold so we were decked out in jackets (note, in the chilly months definitely bring more than one jacket lol!)

Lots of people streaming past but we stopped on Main St for a photo


Then headed up further


I didn't know where Dugette was so we asked the photopass photographer to take our walking to the castle pic and he was happy to!


Then we went to check in for breakfast, but they wouldn't check us in since our whole party wasn't there. But soon we were able to and headed inside. We had a table along one side with mirrors behind us, and the girls lined up on the outside - but this scared Maya because she could see the characters coming in the mirror lol. She had also woken up with a red face (hives) and it wasn't getting better with Benadryl so she wasn't so happy today.

We had some time before characters came so I used the allergy sheet to get food for Maya, Aria wanted to make her own plate, and I got my plate of goodies too. Mmmm this breakfast is SO SO good!


My plate(s) to the left and Maya's plate on the right haha they also brought her out an allergy mickey waffle.


My photos loaded all out of order, so I won't attempt to figure out who came first. But here are some photos.


The girls absolutely loved their new Tsums, a la Dugette!


It took a bit of cajoling to get tigger to bounce but he eventually did


Maya watched the characters from afar but wasn't to keen on them close up


My cuties <3


Awww poor Eeyore!


Soon we were ready to hit the park running! We decided to head to Barnstormer first where Dugette switched off taking Izzy and Aria, then Dumbo to let all the girls play, and then use our first FP which was for PP.

It was empty in here!


BTW we had zero luck playing here in June!! It was either closed until like 10:30, or there was a 35+ minute wait just to get inside - ugh!


Maya passed out after Peter Pan and we used our FP / got a rider swap for 7DMT where Dugette took Izzy to ride then came back for Aria (we later found out they could actually sit together!). While I was waiting with Izzy there was a poor girl being attended to by paramedics - apparently she had gotten sick on 7DMT and passed out! We sent Dug ahead, so next up we met up with him at BTMRR - he had 1 FP on his band, so he rode and then got a RS so Dugette could take Aria & izzy on. When Maya woke up, I took her on the Magic Carpets just the two of us!


When they were done with their rides, we split up as we had some additional FP's to use - first Ariel then Enchanted Tales with Belle.

Love this part of the ride!


On our way to Enchanted tales with Belle, I searched for the Lumiere ornament but it was not to be found, boo! She said I could order it, but I was being cheap and didn't want to pay the $5 shipping fee, so instead I opted to continue looking! Once at Enchanted tales, I was SO SO proud of Aria. She was so excited to try out for a part, and unfortunately she was just too quiet to get picked but she got an extra as a plate, so that worked out (BTW she finally got loud enough to be picked in June!!).


And next up we had a FP for It's a small world! That's a favorite for Maya for sure - she was super wiggly this time but was excited to ride


We had to skip our HM fp however, as it was time to check in for Tiana's Riverboat Party!! Aria knew we were doing this, but she didn't know that I bought her a Tiana dress so I surprised her with that and she changed into it. She was so excited! Upon check in they let me bring the stroller in for the first part which is on the Riverboat landing area, and that is where the ice cream with sprinkles, and little pastries are.
So Tiana's Riverboat Party was very new at this point, and I was pretty disappointed they had only 1 allergy option for Maya despite noting that on the reservation (a sorbet - no pastries that were safe).


These were pretty fun though and Aria especially enjoyed them. She talked about the green frogs on top all the way up until we did this again in June ;)

Quick pic of the set up


Tiana & Naveen meet on the landing, then head off to join the parade, and then come aboard the riverboat for a cruise. So when they came out we went up to meet them of course!

She chatted a little with them - I love how animated they always are, especially Naveen


There was a photopass here and later on the boat, which was really nice!


Photopass took a couple pics for us while waiting to get on the boat



Soon we boarded, and they gave us mardi gras beads. They had more treats on the boat, including popcicles, cotton candy, mickey bars, sodas, popcorn etc! Glad we skipped lunch!! The cotton candy was a hit with both girls!


We grabbed a spot along the side to watch the parade and sat on the floor.

View of the parade - not great. I wouldn't really consider this a parade viewing thing as more of a fun treat boat ride with Tiana and Naveen


Once the parade was over, Tiana and Naveen boarded and the fun really began. There were a bunch of other girls Aria's age, so they basically played together the entire time. Aria HAD A BLAST!


Naveen takes the kids around on a parade

Maya enjoyed her treats


Aria got to walk around with tiana a bit


And Tiana played peek a boo with Maya


All in all it was SO much fun! It also happened to be right during Maya's 2nd nap time, so once we made it back to the landing I laid down her seat and she fell asleep almost immediately. For some reason we already had FP for Tiana and Rapunzel booked, so we headed there next lol!

I may have prompted Tiana that we had had SO much fun on the riverboat party with her ;)



Then we met Rapunzel who twirled with Aria



Afterwards I ran to the Christmas shop - the shop Disney parks app didn't show that Lumiere ornament being in stock there but I figured I'd try it anyway. They had ONE left and it was on the 2016 tree. A guy picked it up just as I approached so I sort of waited patiently sort of stared at it LOL and as he went to put it back I asked if I could have it and he was happy to give it to me. YAY!! Then we headed out of the park.

How cute is this!! And it lights up



Maya stayed asleep on the walk over to the Contemporary and Aria actually slept a little too.


We had reservations at the California Grill! We got there early to change and decompress a bit before dinner. I changed first and then Maya woke up and I got the girls changed too. we headed to the empty couches area which seems to be our routine, and the girls played and ran around burning off steam.



Soon Dugette and fam came and we checked in and headed up. When we were seated there was a little card on the table saying Welcome Back, which was such a nice touch! Dugette brought birthday gifts for the girls, which was super sweet, and perfectly timed so they had somethings to do during dinner! I ordered a virgin pina colada for fun and Aria enjoyed drinking it too ;)




I started off with a new potato bisque with a lobster roll crostini, and we noted we had a perfect view of the castle lighting! I must have been jealous of this martini bc I took a photo LOL


Andrew is a HUGE sushi fan, and he asked me to send him a pic of some bc he was very jealous not to be dining at California Grill! This was Dug's


And my soup:


Aria & Maya shared an allergy safe children's chicken meal with olive oil mashed potatoes


I had the AMAZING fish tacos Which BTW were NOT on the menu in June!! :( :(


The girls were pretty good during the meal! A couple diaper changes lol but otherwise happy.


We got a quick photo near some pretty decorations


LOL and the girls


And then we headed out around 7:30! The monoral was Absolutely CRAMMED! I don't even know why but it was CRAZY. We joined the line and then almost decided to leave, walk to the MK and boat to Poly or take the express when they yelled out for anyone going to the TTC to get on another platform! So we did that and got right on, made the quick walk through the Poly and were back at Shades by 8! Maya fell asleep on the way but transferred easily to her crib thankfully. I got the park bag, snacks and clothes ready and then headed to sleep myself. It had been a really fun day! <3
Now THIS looks like a super fun day! I love your castle-walking picture, and it looks like (most) people had fun at breakfast! Poor Maya-- she was not having any Eeyore! I love that breakfast-- it's like sticking your head in a bag of sugar, but I'm not mad:-). You got a lot done that morning, too-- proud of Aria for being brave enough to get a part and participate. And that cruise looks REALLY fun. Bummer about treats for Maya-- at least she is too little to (maybe?) notice? I wish they had more things like this that my boys could enjoy. It's hardctontell-- is Tiana's friend the same person on the boat and in the greet? Those are some cute pictures!

Glad your dinner went so well-- what a welcome change after the night before! So many nice touches-- and the fish tacos look great!! I heard they are turning this meal into a buffet:confused3? Hope that was bad info or temporary or something.


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