The LONGEST PTR ever...2012 here we come! :) *DATES!! PG 10*

When last we left our 2008 TR, we were headed to our resort. If you don't already know, we stayed at All Star Music in a Family Suite. We picked this based on the size of our family (5 of us upon arrival, soon to be 6 when DD2 got there the next evening).As we pulled thru the gates, we all couldn't believe we were finally here. Got thru check-in quickly and were given our room assignment. (I'm sure DD1 will have pics to share later) We got to our room and relaxed for a bit waiting on luggage to arrive. I think we all went to the food court for a bite to eat after a couple hours. When we got back to our room we found 2 of our 3 suitcases. Of course the suitcase that didn't show up was DD and DSIL's. After numerous trips to customer service the errant suitcase finally arrived (I think it was around 11pm). The luggage tag had come off and had been stuffed inside the outside pocket of the suitcase. We all finally went to bed, tomorrow was a big day!
After a short night of sleep...we were up early to get ready, have breakfast and head out for the day.:cool1: And where did we head today...DHS:banana:. Since we didn't make here in 2003 we just had to check it out. After arriving in shorts and t-shirts while everyone else was in more appropriat attire, we had to at least get some jackets to keep a little warmer.
Hehe. Thanks dad for posting what you could remember of the rest of day 1. :P I'm back. Time to get to work now.

Day 1, Arrival and Evening at Resort:

DME was awesome. So quick and easy. And such a quiet and enjoyable ride to our resort. We ended up staying at AllStar Music resort as they had Family suites which slept 6...and since my sister would be joining us the next evening, it worked out perfect. I believe even until we knew my sister was joining us, we were going with a family suite as it had 2 bathrooms and the kitchenette (things we felt were important since we were traveling with a 14 month old).

Anywho. We got off the bus, and I got in line to check in. Which didn't take too long. And soon we were off to our room...first floor, Calypso building. Perfect! With a stroller we could just open the door and roll right in if DS was passed out at night. :)


Sadly, I don't have a pic of our room number. Something I WON'T forget to do anymore. :D

Anywho. It was nice to be able to go drop all our bags and things and sit for a bit. We only sat for 10 minutes or so, then headed to the food court to get a bite for dinner. In the time it took us all to get our food, pay, and walk back to the room with it, our bags were in our room. Yay! But wait. There were only 2 bags. Crap. Not to mention the basket I had ordered for mom a month prior and paid for was MIA (I'll touch on this one after the luggage).

We called luggage services and they said "it's missing, you'll have to call your airline and report it missing." Great. Of all the bags to lose, they lose mine and Ken's. So, we get on the phone and try to get in touch with United to report the bag lost. Thing is, every time we follow the prompts, and get to the correct menu for lost baggage, it drops our call (something I will be writing a complaint about to United).

So, many calls to luggage services at our hotel, many trips down to the front desk to actually talk to them and give them a description of the bag, I finally get through to United. Only it wasn't to the proper department. I was so pissed, I finally just hit the general baggage question prompt and spoke to someone. Mom and I tag teamed talking to this girl, as she was desperatly trying to help us get through to the lost baggage line.

After 2 hours of being on hold with this girl, we get through. Also, sometime in all of this, Disney took a description of our bag as well, I'm assuming to go look for it. Back to United. The girl I spoke to said it had been scanned into Orlando International Airport (score one for it actually being in the same state as us, we may actually get it in a day or two if they find it and deliver it), and that we should have reported it lost at the airport. DOH! She didn't know how the magical express worked, so I had to explain. She was sweet, and told my mom she would file the report for us; took a description of the bag and told us she would be in touch with us. So, dad and Ken come back in time to hear the end of the conversation.

Dad and I walk to the lobby once more to thank the cast memebers there for their help and to let them know we'd keep in touch about the bag and it's whereabouts. Dad and I get back to the room and we all sit down and start discussing our options. Disney offered to pay for a cab to Walmart or Target so Ken and I could get a couple changes of clothes until the bag was delievered. Mom and dad would help us pay for it if we needed it.

Just as I was saying "let's just go, get it over with tonight, and if the bag does show up tonight, then we consider ourselves lucky and have a few extra pairs of clothes for the week" there is a knock on the door. Without even looking out the peephole, I open the door and nearly faint. There is the missing/lost bag in all it's wonderful glory. We thanked the cast member who brought it profusely and told him we could have hugged him for bringing that bag. YAY! Crisis averted. (Thanks Bianca, Linda, Renee, and John at ASMu luggage services!) No need to spend time or money shopping for clothes. Oh, and when the bag came, it didn't have the nice bright yellow tag on the handle. So between Denver and Orlando, the tag was pulled off. And guess where we found it (as we were packing up to head home later int he week). In the outside zipper pocket of the bag. >_<

Now, back to the basket I had ordered and paid for. I ordered it from a local Orlando woman...I believe the company is Memories by Betsy (use her, she's awesome!). She put together a basket with a Mickey throw and a 2008 Mickey Head ornament for mom. It was to be delivered to our hotel, and left in our room when it was ready. Well, it was delivered to the hotel...but not to our room. Because of the baggage situation above, I couldn't remember the name of the company (non-DISer moment for not having brought that info with me) and so had to describe the basket to the cast member over the phone. I was in it was supposed to be a surprise for my mom, and there she was, in the room with me, listening to me bawl my eyes out (what can I say, when I'm super stressed out, I'm a cryer) having to ruin the surprise. Well, somewhere during the call, the cast member came up with the correct company name and said she was sure she'd seen one and that when they found it, they'd deliver it right away. Within 10 minutes the basket was at our door. YAY! Mom was soooooo excited. We left the throw over the back of the couch all week, and hung the ornament from the tall lamp in our room.


All things considered, we ended up having a peaceful evening and decorated our windows with our Disney clings, christmas lights, and garland. I did not get pictures of our windows somehow, but it doesn't matter as our garland/light tree we taped to the window fell off by the morning, so we were left with our window clings and our cool mickey head wreath (I'll take a picture of it at least so you can see it).

Sadly, I don't have pics in my photobucket of the sleeping arrangements/room. So, I'll have to remember to do that later and update this post.

In the next update...our first park day. Where do we go? What do we ride? How does DS do with the characters. And does my sister make it on DME and get to the hotel ok?

Stay tuned! :)

Ok. To keep this PTR on track, I suppose it's time for a small update.

As you know, plans changed and we are now headed to Disneyland in 2012 rather than Disney World. I'm pretty excited about it. Found out recently that the hotel my parents stayed in a few years ago has actually remodeled some of their rooms to be Disney themed. So excited about that. And they have made some rooms into suites. Super excited about that!

However, I am wondering how many days we'll end up going...the full standard week...or it's Disneyland...and only 2 parks. I'm sure we could get done what we want to get done in about 5 days (with days for rest in between). But, we'll have to wait and see. I am also wondering if it may be cheaper to stay "on property" rather than in a good neighbor hotel in a suite. *shrugs* I just don't know. I suppose I have some research and digging to do. Speadsheets anyone? ;)

The only other thing I'm worried about is my mom's job. It is again in an unstable position due to budget cuts. My heart aches because there was a proposition on the election ballot this year that would halt the budget cuts for like 5 years and raise taxes slightly with the money going to recover education basically. Election day was yesterday, and sadly the proposition was defeated. So no halt on the cuts, and no increase in taxes. So, we'll have to wait and see what happens with mom's job come March (as that's about when they start deciding who/where to cut). On the other hand, DH and I will be done paying on our debt settlement and his car will be paid off by no later than June of next year...which gives us an extra $650 a month. So, the trip MAY still happen...might be a few days shorter than usual...and we might have to cram into one room rather than a suite or 2 rooms. But, somehow, we'll make it work.

Anywho. I guess that's about it for an update. Not a lot to update on. Just kind of thinking about staying on prop versus off and possible dates. :)
MAJOR trip update.

We've finally nailed down dates. A bit of...fluff before I post the dates. My mom works for the school district. This year, she has the week before Christmas, and the week of Christmas off (so the 19th through the 30th). Next year, because Christmas falls on a Tuesday, it is entirely possible, she won't get out for break until the 21st of December; and then have Christmas week off and New Years Week off.

So, we had to pick the ONLY week we knew was safe for her to be off. So we are headed West, to the Mouses House the week of CHRISTMAS!!! Not exactly sure when we'll be leaving (if she works until the 21st, we'll probably leave Sunday the 23rd; unless of course mom wants to get the heck out of here on the 22nd). As far as coming home, I'm going to assume we will come back either the 28th or 29th. We'll see though. :)

I am soooooooo incredibly excited. I wish we could go the week before Christmas (could be a little cheaper, but I'm not positive on that)...but, all that matters is WE'RE GOING!!!

So, our dates look as follows (will change between now and the time we actually book and find out what weeks mom has off):

December 22 - December 27
December 23 - December 28
December 23 - December 29

We will be staying at The Fairfield Inn, in a suite. And I KNOW we'll be getting park hopper tickets. I'm sure food will be mostly fast (with a few sit downs thrown in at restaurants located within walking distance from the parks/hotel).

I have also come up with the bright idea (more research is still needed on it though; as well as a discussion with the family once said research is done), to perhaps take a day trip down to Legoland. From what I have found so far, it's a little over an hour south from Disneyland (down the I-5). And my son would LOVE it. It looks as though a 1 day ticket is as much (or a little less) than a Disney ticket; so cost wouldn't be a HUGE issue. However, we'd have to rent a car and a booster seat for the drive down and back. So, we'll see how that one pans out. :)

I'm also considering VLOGGING the trip (perhaps several short videos a day of our adventures in the park) and posting it to Youtube. Either that or using Keek (it's like Twitter, but rather than words, you post like 1 minute videos). And of course I will be tweeting our adventures...and doing live Facebook status updates. Make my friends and family who also love Disney a little jealous...or giving them a bit of the Disney magic through me. :)

One last thing. Keegan LOVES to play with my husbands tape measure. And we have used it a couple times to record his height on the door frame in the bathroom. The other day, he asked me to measure him again. So I did. He is now 41 inches tall. So he is and will be tall enough to ride a LOT of the rides when we go next year. I'm soooooooooooo excited! :)

Ok. That's it for the update. :) I'll have to hop back on this weekend and post about our trip back in 2008. :)

Thanks for reading and sticking with me!! :wizard:
Is it wrong that I am more excited for this trip than our trip to WDW in 2008? I can't wait to start planning more. :banana::banana:
Is it wrong that I am more excited for this trip than our trip to WDW in 2008? I can't wait to start planning more. :banana::banana:

Ummm...yes and no. I's my first trip back to Disneyland since...1995 (holy cow, that's a long time)...and you were there like 5 years ago. Plus, we're going at a perfect age for Keegan to really be able to take it all in and be in awe. So it will be exciting. :D
After Mimi camping last night in two connecting hotel rooms, we have decided to go with connecting rooms for the trip rather than a family suite. :)
It's looking like 2 rooms (plus 6 day park hopper tix) is going to be $3532.24. Which works out to 1766.12 per couple. And that's for 6 nights. We'll see if we decide on 6 nights, or if we go for 5 or less. Airfare will be another task. But that will have to wait until PROBABLY February to start pricing out.

AHHHHH! Can't believe we are really going to Disneyland!
Hello there!
Just saw your ptr as I was browsing about because I am in the process of planning my families first trip to the world. We have been to DL many times, stayed both onsite and off and have booked with packages and without. We have taken the shuttle and have rented cars.

Have you made your way over to the Disneyland board yet? There are some really great tips over there. If you are not dead set on staying at the Fairfield, you may want to consider The HOJO. It is a favorite with many on the board. My family has stayed there 3 times and love it. It is right across the corner street from Fairfield, but actually more convenient to crosswalk by MIMI's if you like to cross there. (we do as it is much less crowded) They have a pirate themed splash pool area as well as a large garden pool that is lovely to swim in all year round and also has a great view of the fireworks. The best part of the HOJO is that the rooms are huge. Seriously, the largest hotel rooms I have ever stayed in. Their rates are also pretty good. They offer a 15% discount if you mention the disboards, they offer 50% off with an entertainment card (although not likely the week you are going).
They have a forum

They do have two suites.

Anyhow, worth considering and it seems like the rooms usually end up around $120 after discount in the high season. The advantage of booking not as part of a package is that you will be able to rebook, or cancel at will clear up to 48 hours before the trip to take advantage of any specials that come out if bookings are down. I really like that flexibility.

Normally I book off-site, and then if the onsite hotels run a special, will switch to that if it makes sense. You can't do that if you book with a package because of the penalties.

And then you are paying a lot for a package over booking seperately. Basically if staying 6 nights, hotel cost should not exceed $800, maybe $900. Tickets are $700 for family of 3 and $500 for family of two.
Total cost booking seperately: $3000 with potential to save more and or apply additional cost to stay on-site.

Also, there is an alamo rental counter right in downtown disney. I have snagged a car there for a day for as little as $24. I have also just grabbed a 5 day rental for around $100, and then we use it for our day trips and then drop off at the airport when we go home so save the shuttle cost of the return.

You might look into that as you could get your shuttle down to $8.00 per person, booked with coupon from entertainment book, one way, then apply savings to cost of rental car. It is nice if you want to just go to a character dinner, you can drive to DLH and park for free. You can run to target for cold medicine and/or few groceries, etc. etc. Not to mention on two trips hubby has had to go to the walk in clinic and having the car was a life saver.

I would just bring your booster with you on the plane. They will check it for free.

As far as length of trip and days at parks? Well, we have been many times, yet when we planned a 9 day trip, we thought we would spend more time at beach etc. because we have been to disney so much and we ended up going all 9 days! Crazy, huh? But we love all the shows and we love the rides and just sort of enjoy really absorbing everthing in the resort. Based on your love of Disney I think you will easily enjoy 6 days. I would recommend that you consider the christmas tour also.

I will be following along and look forward to hearing about your plans. Let me know if you have any questions and I am happy to help. I have two boys, ages 15 and 9, and we started going when my youngest was almost 3.

Because there is a LOT of stuff going on in our family at the moment...I thought I'd take a minute to post lyrics to a song from my FAVORITE Christmas movie. The best line is "The World is at her best, you know, when people love and care." I just hope that no matter what situation you're in right at mad at your family...or alone for the holiday...or even if you're the happiest you've ever been...just remember to love and care for everyone.

One More Sleep Till Christmas:

There's magic in the air this evening
Magic in the air
The world is at her best, you know
When people love and care
The promise of excitement
Is one the night will keep
After all, there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas

The world has got a smile today
The world has got a glow
There's no such thing as strangers when
A stranger says hello
And everyone is family
We're having so much fun
After all, there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas

'Tis the season to be jolly and joyous
With a burst of pleasure, we feel it arrive
It's the season when the saints can employ us
To spread the news about peace and to keep love alive


Merry Christmas! So long!

There's something in the wind today
That's good for everyone
Yes, faith is in our hearts today
We're shining like the sun
And everyone can feel it
The feeling's running deep
After all, there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas
After all, there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas day
Happy New Year all! Hope everyone had a safe and fun New Years Eve/Day! We had a ball. Keegan got to stay up till midnight...which he really wasn't sure why. Of course...had he taken a nap and not been so tired, he may have gotten the idea. *shrugs* Oh well. There's always this year. ;)

Ok. Now that we are out of 2011, it is official that we are going to Disney THIS YEAR!! I just can't believe it.

And I am formulating things in my head for this trip...especially if mom and dad's funds can't stretch far. I know we can make ours stretch. My hope is to book hotel and tix by March...and have it all paid for by...October or so.

Looking at the Hojo vs the Fairfield, we're still going with Fairfield. My parents stayed there a few years ago and really enjoyed it. Plus, based on google maps, the crosswalk isn't terribly far from the Fairfield...and a little more walking NEVER hurt anyone. ;)

We just have to get our departure TO Disney nailed I need to check and see if the school district has put up the calendar for next year yet. If Mom has the week of the 17th off, we'll be flying out on Friday. If she's not off that week, we'll be flying out on Saturday.

It's really going to be fun to really start planning things out. :) I'm super excited. As planning is the BEST part before you actually get to the park, in my opinion.

Also, I need to take a trip to Barnes and Noble this week and look for Disneyland tour books. :) Haven't been in YEARS myself and love having a tour book with helpful info while planning.

Alright. Guess that's it for now. Time to start planning and writing and marking up the calendar. :D
I am officially in full on planning mode. :) Gathering height requirement information, printing out a countdown chain I've had in my email inbox for almost 2 YEARS (crazy), filing info, reading books, marking up calendars. I really couldn't be more happy right now.

*blissful sigh*


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