The "I Wasn't Going to Do a Trip Report" Trip Report!~May 2015-Update 5/10/16-New TR link!

Oh they really are a great place to start. Just go read how our dinner went in my TR. It was our first ever character meal and we weren't sure how things were going to go yet the CMs are very good at getting you comfortable with the characters.

I do remember your update from your TR! It does sound like fun, and I've always wanted to go there, I'm just so scared! Maybe...maybe I'll give it a try someday! :rotfl:
That darn welcome show... I make multiple attempts to see it every trip and always JUST miss it. :rolleyes: I love your pictures!

I also love your pictures of the hub. I never had a chance to walk around in there, so I'll have to be sure to do so on a future trip. :-)

I'm glad your ear cleared up - dealing with an ear infection on vacation would not have been fun at all! :crazy2:
Be Our Guest!


Hi everyone! So before I start my next update on the TR, I wanted to do a little "life" update, I guess you could call it! If you glance at the bottom of my post, you will notice a





However, the most important thing to note is that I will FINALLY, after all these years and trips, I will be staying at one of my dream resorts...



I can't even tell you how many times I've tried to stay there and ended up changing my mind...well this time, it's happening! This place is right up there with the Grand for me in terms of dream resorts, it's so beautiful, I love the atmosphere, I love every single thing about this place, it's perfect! I can't believe I'm finally getting to stay here!!! It doesn't seem real!

This trip basically came about at the end of our May trip...I wanted to try to squeeze in one more trip with our AP, which expires in September. At first I was thinking maybe a long weekend for the start of Food and Wine, but then I realized my birthday was right before Labor Day. Which I have off, and I don't work Tuesdays anyway, so I have a 4 day weekend. I've always wanted to go to Disney on my actual birthday, and this way, I wouldn't have to take any time off from work! So that's it! We're flying in on Saturday morning and leaving on Tuesday, so it's a quick little trip. For now, we'll be taking the Magical Express, but if I can get a car for a really low price, I'll probably rent a car, even if we don't use it much. I'm not planning on going to Animal Kingdom on this trip, just concentrating on MK and Epcot mostly, and maybe one visit to DHS. (Maybe two, just so I can get my ToT fix!) So I don't really NEED a car, I just don't want to be waiting forever for the ME to get us to the Boardwalk. Especially since we won't be arriving in Orlando until around 11 am, I'm afraid I'll be freaking out if the ME takes forever and wastes a lot of our time! But I guess getting a car will take the same amount of time too right? ME experts, what do you think?

I don't have any ADR's yet, I think I will probably only do 2 since we only really have 3 days there, I don't want to waste a lot of time eating, but I do need to go somewhere special on my birthday at least, right?

I'm not really going to do much planning for this trip, I'll make some FP reservations when the time comes but other than that, I'm just going to do whatever I want! I'm so excited about it! I know it's a short little trip, but I can get a LOT done in 3 days, you know?

Just wanted to let you guys know the story behind the ticker, in case anyone was interested! Now I'll get back to the actual TR!

Monday May 4, Part 2

Once I realized I wasn't going to get an ear infection, I wanted to do something. So we walked around, not really having anywhere in mind. I think we went to the shop in Storybook Circus, because I love walking around in there, and I probably wanted to get a cake pop or something, but I didn't because we had a lunch ADR right around the corner. We went over to Tomorrowland and went on my favorite ride in the Magic Kingdom, the Peoplemover!


I love it, I could stay on it for hours if they'd let me!

When we got off, we figured we should start heading over to where our lunch ADR was, so we went back to Fantasyland.

For some reason, I guess I must have wanted to take pictures of the back of the castle, because I have a bunch of them! Maybe because the clouds looked so pretty:



Finally it was time to go check into our ADR, which was at, if you couldn't already guess, Be Our Guest!

We walked over, and it was like a mob scene...we had no idea where to check in, no clue what to do, there were CM's standing there with iPads, but when Brandon asked one of them if he could check in, the CM said no, and to go to someone was chaotic. Finally we checked in and got in line inside, but it was so confusing. They really need signs telling people where to go because I think the confusion of people trying to walk up and other people trying to check in early is really creating a lot of unnecessary aggravation.

We waited in line for a little while, then ordered everything and went to sit down. We sat in the West Wing again, which we did last year. It's so cool in there, how could you want to sit anywhere else? There weren't any small tables left though, so we took a big one that sat I think 8 people? I felt bad for doing that, but whatever, no one seemed to care, and we would have moved if a huge party came in and needed the table.

While we were sitting waiting for our food, another couple came up to us and asked if they could sit at the other end of the table, and we said it was fine, so I didn't feel so bad about using the huge table anymore! They had no idea how anything worked, so we told them how they just bring your food out to you, and know where you are by your magic band, and they seemed a little creeped out by that! I kind of am too, those magic bands know everything!:rotfl:

Finally, our food arrived, and Brandon and I got the same thing-French Onion Soup, which I love, whenever I see it on a menu, I order it:


And then the Croque Monsieur, and a strawberry cupcake for me.

Everything was really good, but SO filling! Neither one of us finished everything, and we realized we could have split that sandwich and been fine. And I kept wishing it was just a plain grilled cheese, I got kind of sick of the ham because there was just SO much of it! I mean, it was really good, it was just a lot of food for the middle of the day!

We were stuffed and kind of tired, so we decided it would be a good time to leave the Magic Kingdom, since I had a stop to make on the way back to the Wilderness Lodge anyway.

We started to walk out, and again, I got distracted by the Castle and it's perfection. I just can't walk through the Castle and not take pictures, it's not possible!



We walked down Main Street, and I stopped in the jewelry store again to see if the Haunted Mansion Dooney bags were still there...they were. I still could not decide if I wanted them, so again, I made an excuse and told myself if they were there later in the week, I'd get one. However, I was intrigued by the new(ish) Disneyana pattern also. It came in many more sizes and it was super cute, with all the little park icons all over it. So to make my life even harder, now I was considering that pattern as well, although the HM was kind of my holy grail Disney Dooney bag. Things like this torture me, I should never buy anything really. :faint:

We were about to leave, and then I remembered my lovely "new" panoramic feature on my phone, so I thought it would be cool to get a shot of Main Street and everything from the Train Station. So we went up there and I took a few shots and I think this one is the best:


I just love how the clouds look and how you can see the Castle, it just makes me want to jump right into the picture and be on Main Street!

Once I was happy with my pictures, we left the Magic Kingdom to get on a boat. Not back to the WL though, we were going somewhere else...another dream resort of mine...


The beautiful, perfect Grand Floridian! Where I'll probably never stay, I'll only be able to dream about it, unless someone who owns points there wants to ever rent them to me, haha! :rotfl:Or unless someday I can buy into DVC there, I wouldn't have a problem with that...:rolleyes1

Anyway, we were only there for one reason, I had to go to Basin to get bath bombs. A few trips ago, I discovered that if I soak my feet at night, after walking all day in the parks, they don't hurt so much the next day. So I've started doing that, and adding a bath bomb just makes it extra nice. They're totally unnecessary but I like them! And any excuse for me to visit the Grand!

We went in and I found a couch and sat down for a few minutes, just taking it all in. It is just so beautiful in there, sometimes I'm amazed that it's a hotel. I mean, it's just so pretty.



I think Brandon started to get a little bored so I got up and went into Basin. I could spend hours in that little shop, it smells SO good! (Well unless I have a migraine, if that's the case, even walking by would probably kill me!) I love those scrubs they have out near the sinks for you to use, I scrubbed my hands with one and it made my hands so soft and nice I almost considered buying one. But I kind of want Basin to just be a Disney thing. Is that weird? Like I'd rather not bring anything home with me, I just want to enjoy it while I'm there!

Anyway, I picked out a few bath bombs, paid, and we left my beautiful Grand by monorail. Then we walked down the boat area for the the WL and took the boat back over. I can't express enough how much I love traveling by boat in Disney, I just think it is so much fun! Don't get me wrong, the monorail is the best, but the boats are pretty cool too!

We got back to the WL and went right up to our room, which again, was not cleaned, which again, kind of annoyed me, but whatever, at least we had enough towels since that's my main concern with the room being cleaned. It was just strange though, because there were always mousekeepers near our room, but our timing must have been wrong or something.

Brandon was tired so he immediately went to sleep, and while I was tired too, I just kind of wanted to sit and relax and not do anything. Not even sleep. So I got a drink and went outside to the balcony and just sat for a while.

This was our view, and considering we only had a standard view, I think we lucked out, it was pretty nice:


I went in and took a short nap, probably like 20 minutes, and before I knew it, we were back up and ready to go back to the parks! No time to rest in Disney!

Up next...Hollywood Studios!
What a fun day so far!! I agree...I could totally sit on the Peoplemover all day...I know I've definitely ridden it several times in a row before...That onion soup looks yummy...I think that alone would be enough for lunch wonder you were tired after!!
Back to Disney again - hooray! :yay: I was so impressed with the Boardwalk when I wandered around there in May. I'm sure you'll love it!

I also love that French onion soup. I know it's not "authentic" as it's made from vegetable stock instead of beef stock, but honestly, it's so darn good that I don't care.

I agree that the Grand is stunning - I enjoyed staying there much more than I'd expected to. I hope you get a chance to stay there one day!
Love following along on your TR's! Another trip in the works - yay! I think the Boardwalk is in the perfect location. How great to just stroll right into Epcot. WL is still my sentimental favorite but hope to try out the BW on a future trip.
YAYYYYY JEN!!! The Boardwalk for your birthday! That is gonna be awesome, oh my goodness. Okay so I know these things change all the time, but when I stayed there last September it was the first stop on the Magical Express. So... yeah? Haha

You know what would make the whole Be Our Guest lunch situation even better? Going back to the way they used to do things, where you could casually go have lunch if you wanted to. What a concept. (The whole thing annoys me, can ya tell?) :laughing:

Oohhhh, the Disney Dooney saga continues... I'm too curious! Why!!!

I know exactly what you mean about keeping Basin strictly Disney. I'm like that with certain things too! Nothing is as special when you can have it any old time.
Thanks for the real life update. I actually did notice your new ticker last night when I was perusing the boards and was going to ask you about it. That's so awesome that you are going back to Disney in a few months! And that you're staying at a dream resort. I fully believe if you go to Disney on your birthday then you should definitely splurge on the resort. It's not all the time that you get that kind of present on your birthday!

French Onion Soup is delicious; I can totally see why you both ordered it. But that check in process sounds crazy. Kind of like the Cast Members haven't worked out the kinks of the new ADR system yet. I can only imagine what breakfast looks like.

I love your reasoning that when you go to Basin you only buy what you're going to use on your trip. I think if that wasn't the case, so much money would be thrown at that store for their various products. It's pretty cool, though, that you found a way to rest your feet while on a trip. I might have to try that next month.

Your time on the balcony sounds really relaxing. Kind of the perfect afternoon break at Disney.
What?! I really need to catch up on Disney news. You can't just order lunch like a CS at Be Our Guest? Ugh!

I love bath bombs? Have you ever heard of Lush? They have an amazing honey bath one that leaves your skin so smooth!

Yay for a September trip! Be prepared for it to be HOT HOT HOT. And personally I don't think ME takes longer than renting the car. We almost always have a wait to pick up our car, then we have to go over and get it, etc. But I totally understand that it makes you feel like you're moving quicker. I would love to stay at the BW but the Beach Club is at the top of my list right now. The Grand was amazing too but we only got to stay there because they overbooked Coronado Springs and upgraded us for free. :)
How exciting you get to go back to DW so soon! And getting to stay at BW sounds amazing! It looks like such a great resort!

The bath bombs and soaking your feet at the end of your day is such a great idea, and I love how you keep it special to Disney only. I love those little traditions.

I agree, the check in for BOG lunch is a bit of a cluster. You'd think they could figure out some way to keep it more organized :confused3

Love those castle pics!
Yay for a birthday trip!!! And staying at a dream resort!!! :cloud9:

DME is so easy! And longest we've ever waited was like 15/20 minutes (if that).

I LOVE the people mover!!! And Henry does too! He always knew when we were going on and got so excited!!

Haha are you hinting yo me about renting you our grand points, sometime? :rolleyes1
Love the update! We just got back from the World yesterday :( I was an awesome week! We stayed at the Boardwalk and I can assure you that you will love it!!! Our room was amazing and everyone was so nice and the lobby smelled awesome. :) It was nice to be on the Boardwalk and walk to Epcot. We were there almost every day! You will love it!!!

I ate at BOG during my October trip. I did not get the French onion soup though...but I wish I had. I absolutely love French onion soup! Have you ever had Red Robin's?? It is my favorite!!! Yumm!!

I love the bath bombs from Basin! I bought some body butter from there, too. I just love that store.

I can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip! Hopefully, if I have time, I will try to write a TR. I never have before, and I didn't take notes, but maybe I could do a short one! :)

We walked over, and it was like a mob scene...we had no idea where to check in, no clue what to do, there were CM's standing there with iPads, but when Brandon asked one of them if he could check in, the CM said no, and to go to someone was chaotic. Finally we checked in and got in line inside, but it was so confusing. They really need signs telling people where to go because I think the confusion of people trying to walk up and other people trying to check in early is really creating a lot of unnecessary aggravation.

First, I just want to say hi! I've been away from the Disboards for awhile now but you were one of my favorite bloggers so I had to look you up again! It got depressing just reading and not going to Disney my self so I got off for a bit. Now back to business :cloud9: you may cover this but I am just starting to read so be patient :flower3: I've heard another review of Be Our Guest and it wasn't good. Do you really think it's worth all the bother? The food looks rather like la madeleine's restaurant, very simple French regular food. Which is great but with so many options in Disney I'm having a hard time choosing! Thanks for your help! I haven't been to Disney since Dec. 2009 and it's overwhelming because you just want to do everything!!! lol

Hooray! What a wonderful birthday treat for you! :Pinkbounc:bounce::jumping3:

We just stayed there last month and LOVED it. And it had not been a top contender for me beforehand, but we booked it to be close to DHS for Star Wars Weekends and also Epcot for Flower & Garden. But we ended up really enjoying our stay there. The location is great, but the room (DVC studio - rented points) was wonderful and spacious and the CMs were great as well. I'd go back for sure!

and maybe one visit to DHS.
At least one. You have to when it's so easy to get there (walk or boat).

ME experts, what do you think?
I may have been very lucky, but in all our trips using ME we've almost never had any wait - just very short ones, if at all. We often walk straight down the queue, get on a bus immediately, then leave fairly soon. The ONE time I rented a car was a nightmare and I had to wait in a VERY long car rental line that went extremely slow. And then they screwed up and gave me the wrong car, etc. Not a good experience. So, I'd do ME, based on those things.

I love it, I could stay on it for hours if they'd let me!
Right there with ya on that! :goodvibes

I can't express enough how much I love traveling by boat in Disney, I just think it is so much fun!
Totally agree on this too! :boat:
Your dinner at CA Grill looks so yummy! I have yet to try it! It's on my list...along with about 45 other restaurants in WDW! LOL
I always find it hard to choose between old favorites and new places we want to go to. We always try at least one new place per trip, so on our next trip it will probably have to be CA Grill!

Nice castle pics and happy anniversary! :)
I am thinking of doing a quick trip during our anniversary this November...CA Grill seems like a nice spot to celebrate :)
The boardwalk is one of my dream resorts too! I have two, AKL and BW. I've already stayed at AKL and it was amazing! I can't wait to be able to try BW out one day.
Congrats on being able to stay at the Boardwalk for your birthday (I love that resort and will be back there for another week in October).

I love that soup at BOG...I think it is very, very good. I'm with you...the GF is beautiful, but no real desire to stay there and Mark would NEVER stay there so I just enjoy the pictures people post. I love the Basin shop. I hit the one at DTD every trip and bring all kinds of stuff home for me and for Andy's girlfriend, Des.

Not a bad view at all for a standard room.
Yay for your next trip and for it being at the Boardwalk!! Purchasing a Bath Bomb is completely on my Must Do List for our November Trip. I will have to keep in mind to soak my feet at night because my feet always end up killing me!
What a fun day so far!! I agree...I could totally sit on the Peoplemover all day...I know I've definitely ridden it several times in a row before...That onion soup looks yummy...I think that alone would be enough for lunch wonder you were tired after!!

I've heard of people riding the Peoplemover a few times in a row, but I've never done it! I'm so jealous of those people! :rotfl: That soup was really good, I love french onion soup!

Back to Disney again - hooray! :yay: I was so impressed with the Boardwalk when I wandered around there in May. I'm sure you'll love it!

I also love that French onion soup. I know it's not "authentic" as it's made from vegetable stock instead of beef stock, but honestly, it's so darn good that I don't care.

I agree that the Grand is stunning - I enjoyed staying there much more than I'd expected to. I hope you get a chance to stay there one day!

I am so excited to finally stay at the Boardwalk! I've wanted to for years, I can't believe it's finally happening! :banana:

Oh really, I didn't know that about that soup! Well, either way, I still love it, the best part is the melted cheese!

I hope I can stay in the Grand someday! :lovestruc

Love following along on your TR's! Another trip in the works - yay! I think the Boardwalk is in the perfect location. How great to just stroll right into Epcot. WL is still my sentimental favorite but hope to try out the BW on a future trip.

Thank you! I'm SO excited for the Boardwalk! WL is my favorite too, for sentimental reasons also, but I REALLY love the Epcot resort area! :lovestruc

YAYYYYY JEN!!! The Boardwalk for your birthday! That is gonna be awesome, oh my goodness. Okay so I know these things change all the time, but when I stayed there last September it was the first stop on the Magical Express. So... yeah? Haha

You know what would make the whole Be Our Guest lunch situation even better? Going back to the way they used to do things, where you could casually go have lunch if you wanted to. What a concept. (The whole thing annoys me, can ya tell?) :laughing:

Oohhhh, the Disney Dooney saga continues... I'm too curious! Why!!!

I know exactly what you mean about keeping Basin strictly Disney. I'm like that with certain things too! Nothing is as special when you can have it any old time.

I KNOW I CAN'T WAIT!!!! You know how long I've wanted to stay at the Boardwalk! :lovestruc

Haha, yeah I know right? I hate that you have to have an ADR for lunch now, it's so annoying. I wish the hype would die down a bit so it wasn't so impossible to go there.

Haha, good I'm glad you understand about Basin! It's like my little Disney treat to myself, haha! Although, I would love to bring one of those hand scrubs home someday...


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