The Greatest Hits: A Trip Like This Needs a Soundtrack!-A July 2012 TR Upd. 5/5!


:goodvibes Childhood :goodvibes

Le Cellier is sooooooooooooo YUMMY!!!! :lovestruc I could literally go for some of that soup and poutine right now!!
Yay! A few updates!

First- so happy that Jon is HOME and that he is trying to quit!

i really wish Le Cellier still had a true lunch. Boo.

Hope you enjoyed your rest and can't wait to hear about dinner!
Yea!! You're back and posting! Your TR's are the best!

This one smelled amazing and I was really tempted to buy it, but I have ridiculously sensitive skin so I have to be careful what I use or I will break out in a rash. Nerd problems. :worried:

DW has the same problem so she started making her own soap! I've used the ladies at my office as guinea pigs for the different fragrances and oil combinations and they LOVE it. It's amazing how much of a difference it can make vs commercial least that is what I've been told....we males don't use any of that girly stuff!! :rolleyes1
I have to say I love reading your trip reports..They are always so entertaining.
My daughter and I may be going in February with her school band (yes we will be one of those tour groups :rotfl:) so maybe I will try writing a TR...

It's awesome that your husband is trying to quit smoking. My husband and I both smoked when we dated and were first married. I quit the day I found out I was pregnant 18 years ago and my husband tried several times but finally did about 4 years later.

You have to be close to a little kid on Christmas Eve with it being so close to John coming home.

Can't wait to

Thank you so much! :) I'm really glad you enjoy my reports!

That's so exciting! I would love to read your TR! I hope you get to go! :goodvibes

Congratulations to you and your husband for being able to quit! :thumbsup2 John is trying really hard, so I hope he is successful!

I was SO anxious and excited! It's great having him home!

YAY UPDATES!!! And even more yay, JOHN'S COMING HOME!!! That's wonderful!

You look so pretty all ready for Le Cellier! I am so excited to eat there next month! It has been waaaay too long. I'm kind of annoyed about them only having one menu now too though. Sheesh @ the prices. I think a lot of people feel this way b/c I have noticed more reservations available. I changed our ADR several times without a problem of finding a new time at all which was unheard of not long ago! So I hope Disney is noticing.

I'm so happy to hear about John cutting back on smoking, good for him!!
Your tattoo sounds awesome. I love bright and colorful tattoos. My friend has a sunset on his arm and it is AMAZING.

Whoa, Le Cellier AND Via Napoli in one day? FOOD COMA. I can't wait to hear about it!! Glad you're back!!

Thank you so much, Lia! It's so wonderful having him back home! :goodvibes

Aww thank you! I know what you mean. I love Le Cellier, but those prices are insane. I agree with you about the noticeable difference in business, too. I had to change our ADR at the last minute when my sister and I ate there in March, and there were several available times!

Thank you! I'm really proud of him. I want him to be healthy! I love bright tattoos too! I used to only get black and grey tattoos, but now my entire side is covered in colorful flowers. They're so addicting! Your friend's tattoo sounds awesome!

HAHA girl you know I don't mess around with Epcot food. There's too many good choices, so I choose to just eat them all! :thumbsup2

Omg, how awesome of John to cut back on smoking! I really hope it works for him. That would be amazing!

Epcot is just a great place for naps. My dad would highly recommend the benches next to Club Cool.

I feel like John is the king of Disney-related surprises. So cute! Those pins are awesome.


Bahahaha. FIESTA HOY! You must have watched my video. Yeah, that's how I am on rides. You've been warned.

Aw, Larry! I've missed him so.

Thank you so much! He's trying hard, so I hope it works out!

Hahaha I thought about your dad when I posted that picture! :lmao:

He pretty much is. I'm so lucky to have him! He really understands my need for Disney surprises in my life.

YES. YES. YESSSSS. I love this idea. You can be Donald and I can be Jose Carioca! That leaves Panchito for my mom. I think she'd be okay with that.

I love your enthusiasm! I think we should randomly yell FIESTA HOY on every ride we are on. That wouldn't be annoying to anyone, right?

Interesting it makes me wonder what the nationality of the head chef is and I really think a Canadian company needs to step in and run Le Cellier. I think it would be a good fit for The Keg. The only problem that would create would be waht to get for dessert, the maple creme brulee or billy miner pie?

I agree! It would make it much more authentic. Although, as un-authentic as it is, you know I love that chocolate moose! ;)

:goodvibes Childhood :goodvibes

Le Cellier is sooooooooooooo YUMMY!!!! :lovestruc I could literally go for some of that soup and poutine right now!!

I know right! Paddington brings back so many wonderful memories! :goodvibes

ME TOO. That soup...I'm not even a big soup person, but I could eat that soup every day of my life! :bitelip:

Yay! A few updates!

First- so happy that Jon is HOME and that he is trying to quit!

i really wish Le Cellier still had a true lunch. Boo.

Hope you enjoyed your rest and can't wait to hear about dinner!

Thank you! It's great having him home! :goodvibes

ME TOO! The new menu is too expensive.

Yea!! You're back and posting! Your TR's are the best!

DW has the same problem so she started making her own soap! I've used the ladies at my office as guinea pigs for the different fragrances and oil combinations and they LOVE it. It's amazing how much of a difference it can make vs commercial least that is what I've been told....we males don't use any of that girly stuff!! :rolleyes1

Thank you! I'm glad to be back! :)

That is so cool that your DW makes her own soap! I wish I worked in your office so I could try it out! Haha sure you don't. I'm sure you've NEVER used it before. ;)
Hi everyone! Before the TR update, I thought I’d give you a little life update, just so you know what’s going on in my world. First, John made it home on Thursday! :yay: YAY! It is so wonderful having him home, and just getting back to our normal lives. Right now he’s catching up on episodes of Game of Thrones while I surf the DIS. Life is good! :goodvibes

Also, my second annual mother daughter / epic DIS meet trip is rapidly approaching! We are only 23 days away! I am going to get through as much of this TR as I can before I go, and hopefully I can start my Spring Break TR from March too! Yikes, I need to get busy!

Okay, on with the update!

July 10, 2012​

I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
message in a bottle

I ended up napping for like an hour and a half, so I woke up around 6:00. Luckily I felt super refreshed and ready for an evening at Epcot! Before we left I freshened up and changed into something that’s a little more my style- shorts and a t-shirt. I love dresses, but they’re not something I can wear on a regular basis. What can I say? I like being casual.

We left the room and headed back to Epcot at about 7:00. I was ready for some more fun!

HAHA. Jonis in the mist. That is what happens to my camera when it goes from the luxurious AC in the Beach Club to the crazy Florida humidity outside.

“Okay, honey. Stop taking my picture!”

We made it back to Epcot and headed toward Mission: Space to use our Fast Passes! I had to stop and admire the lovely Fountain of Nations first, of course!

So pretty!

I’m going to Mars…it’s no big deal.

Honestly, I really am not a big fan of Mission: Space. Usually the only reason I go on it is because John likes it, and then I always go on the Green Side. The Orange Side makes me feel dizzy and like my heart is going to explode out of my chest. However, I guess my nap had me feeling foot loose and fancy free, because I agreed to go on the Orange Side this time!

John was pumped. This is his pumped face.

I was feeling pretty anxious about riding on the Orange Side, but luckily Lieutenant Dan was there to provide comforting words of wisdom.

He has magic legs, did you know?

While we were waiting in line for our directions, we noticed this family in line near us. It was a mom, dad, and their three boys. They were speaking all Spanish, so we couldn’t understand what they were saying, but it was obvious they were all arguing. The three boys kept pushing and shoving and SPITTING on each other. At first the parents just ignored them, but then the dad grabbed the middle boy (who was about eight) and jacked him up against the wall straight COPS style. I don’t know what was more disturbing- the children’s terrible behavior, or the dad’s horrible parenting skills.

As if all of this wasn’t bad enough, when it was time to board our space ships John and I were put in a vehicle with two of the little boys, and they completely ignored boarding instructions. They just ran in before their numbers were called, so it ended up being total confusion and John and I somehow didn’t even get to sit next to each other. Ughh, the little nuisances.

Thankfully, I managed to ride the Orange Side without vomiting or having a heart attack, but when we finally got away from that obnoxious family John was feeling a little stressed out and ready for a beer. We high tailed it away from the psycho family as fast as possible and headed back to the World Showcase. I couldn’t resist a monorail shot on the way!

So, where do you go in Epcot when you want a beer?

Excuse me, I should have said when you want a BIER! We went to Germany, of course!

While John waited in line for beer, I decided to wander around. I really love Germany! It’s one of my favorite pavilions in the World Showcase!

I went into the Christmas shop to admire the lovely pickle tree.

I love all of the authentic German ornaments. I would love to own one, but they’re pretty expensive!

The beer line was taking forever, so I wandered around the pavilion a little more while I waited for John.

It’s so pretty!

John finished waiting in line and found me when I was right in the middle of creeping on the flower bushes. He was very happy to have his Oktoberfest in hand!

I too was very happy to have my…water.

(That totally fooled you, right? Sorry, since I’m a teacher I’m not entirely comfortable posting a picture of myself holding alcohol. Therefore, I used my clever editing skills to trick you all. Muah ha ha!)

Once we had our drinks in hand, we were almost ready to find a good spot for Illuminations. I heard some music starting up in the American Adventure, so we went to see what it was.

It was The Police Experience!

I really like Sting, so we decided to listen for a few minutes.

Unfortunately The Police Experience sounded absolutely nothing like The Police, but at least now I finally understood why I kept hearing a really crappy version of “Message in a Bottle” from our Beach Club balcony!

The good news was, since we were already in The American Adventure we were able to find a really good spot for Illuminations nearby!

Up Next: Illuminations, and an AWESOME dinner at Via Napoli! Stay tuned!
I will read this as soon as I get done with your other ones! I just have to read them in order! :D
YES. YES. YESSSSS. I love this idea. You can be Donald and I can be Jose Carioca! That leaves Panchito for my mom. I think she'd be okay with that.

I love your enthusiasm! I think we should randomly yell FIESTA HOY on every ride we are on. That wouldn't be annoying to anyone, right?

First of all, YES AGAIN. Perfect. And thank you for letting me be Donald. :hug: Secondly, no, it should not be annoying to anyone ever. I love this idea. In fact, I see it becoming the next sensation.

OKAY, onto the update. :p

Dang, John was READY for Mission: Space! Shirt and all! That's a really funny still shot of our friend Gary.

That family sounds supremely obnoxious. YIKES all around.

That's a lovely picture of you and your water. I'm sure it was extremely refreshing and very H2O-ish.
Yay for John being home!:cheer2:
Yay for your trip being so soon!:cool1:

Clever trick with the editing. Clearly you missed your calling!
Omigosh, I died with your "water" picture. So awesome! And yay for John being home!!! I'm so happy for you!

And Mouse Gears is our absolute favorite gift shop too! I could spend forever in there.
Graet song title for this chapter, it reminds me of one time when I was on a Disney Cruise and one of the cruise staff said to everyone to drink when someone sang Message in a bottle during karaoke.
I'm so happy for you! Not only is John back but you get another Disney trip too! :D

Lieutenant Dan!! <3 I'm glad you didn't die on Mission: Sinise despite riding on the Orange side and encountering crazy people.

hahaha @ the water pic! You have flawless photoshop skills. Seriously though, it's a smart thing to do. You can never be too careful when it comes to something like that!

So I guess "The Police Experience" was actually NOT the Police experience. What a deceiving name!
I chuckle when I see the dreamy (read: foggy) pictures. Whenever we leave the resort in the morning the first couple pictures I take have that "glow" about them too.

Mission Space and Star Tours are the only rides I have never ridden while at Disney. I have vertigo so Mission Space worries me a little. I'm always afraid of what will happen after the ride. :sick:

So glad that John is home.
I understand about not being comfortable in pictures holding alcohol...for me it's different; I work in insurance so holding alcohol in pictures is almost necessary.
He snuck off and bought me two new pins! :upsidedow The Ariel one is from the Valiant and Villainous limited edition collection, and the other is a Love the World pin with a card backing that is actually wild flower seeds! How cute! I loved them both, and I thought it was very sweet of him to surprise me!

That was so sweet of him to surprise you with those pins! ahhh!! I cant get over it! :love::yay:
Yay you're back! How wonderful that John has returned safe and sound.

Loved that Belle shirt!! I'm going to look for it in July!

I was horrified to read the account of that crazy father shoving his child up against the wall! I was watching Supernanny reruns earlier and man, some parents are just horrifying.
Wow, I'm SO behind! Catching up from the end of April!

Loved the exploration of the World Showcase shops! That's the thing that always gets pushed aside for everything else when it's hot out. I just can't deal with the heat! This past week was no surprise either as it was hot even in Future World with all the opportunities for AC! I need another February trip!

BTW I love the dress that you wore to Le Cellier! You look extra fantastic in it!

Mmm, poutine! I tried it during the trip with my cousins, and we all really enjoyed it. In NYC, there's a place called Pommes Frites that offers poutine, but they also have a million sauces like my favorite one, mango chutney, so it never crosses my mind to get poutine. Haha, I say that as if I'm in the city often, which I'm not, but it's funny that the poutine at Le Cellier is probably more accessible to me than the one in NYC!

Yay for John cutting back on smoking! You must be so super proud of him! Good for him!

How cute that he surprised you with the two pins! The Valiant and Villanous ones looks really cool! I had to look it up to see what it was all about.

HAHA, you went to visit Larry again! And the zoom worked out better for the picture! I finally went to walk around China a bit during this past trip, but we didn't visit the soldiers. I hope to find that happy fella one day!

Your picture with water is awesome! Such fabulous editing skills!
Caught up again! Amazing job with your song choices. I loved the "Girl Worth Fighting For" one. Honestly Mulan has the double whammy with that and "I'll Make A Man Out Of You". Can't wait to read about the rest of your trip! Update soon! :mickeyjum

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