The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 17

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bengalbelle said:
Good morning everyone.

I hate to drop in like this, but I just got a call from Jennifer (tink2020) asking for prayers. One of the residents in Kyle's group was found dead this morning in the call room. She was young, newly married and appeared healthy, and no one really knows what happened yet. Jennifer and Kyle are obviously very upset.

Please be thinking good thoughts for them today.

I hope all of you are doing well, and had a nice holiday.
That is so sad! Thanks for letting us know, Dawn. Love the new picture in your siggy!
Tia - I hope the baby arrives quickly & safely!

Elin - Sorry you weren't able to find your tree. But at least you have a new one that works!

Ellen - Hope your grandbaby makes an appearance soon!

Kate - Yikes! Julia is wise beyond her years! Good luck!
So that HUGE difference in temps on the weather websites has resolved. They are now predicting highs near 80 for 2 of our days! :banana: See, that's what happens when I buy long underwear and order hats, gloves, and scarves! But we may need all that stuff for February so it's fine. I guess I can bring some capris after all!

Of course when we leave for Orlando it is only supposed to be in the 20's, so I will have to bundle up to go to the airport. :rolleyes:
Good Afternoon DDA!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

It appears that on Thanksgiving night a stomach virus caught me! Ugh! Not good considering all that I had eaten for dinner when I was feeling fine. I can honestly say that this was one Thanksgiving that I didn't gain any weight from dinner.

I felt a little better by Friday evening and took Leighanna to go see our local Santa. I had promised her that we would go, so I showered and got dressed and took her. I couldn't believe that we had to wait almost 2 hours in line to see him. I guess the warmer weather brought tons of kids out! Leighanna played with some of her friends from preschool that were waiting in line also, so she didn't get as antsy as I did!

I can't believe that she asked Santa for three things that we haven't even heard her say yet. She must have been saving her wishes until she met the "Big Guy". Unfortunately, two of the items are probably not going to be under the tree. She asked for Butterscotch Pony, and a BABW toy (This is a "home" version of the store where you have a little machine to stuff a miniature bear. You dress it and give it a name.) I thought the pony was perhaps a My Little Pony toy, but no! I found it on-line and it is an almost life-size miniature pony that you can ride and feed a pretend carrot to. As for the BABW toy, I really don't think that she is old enough yet for that toy, and I really don't want to be cleaning up fluff that escaped her teddy all day long!

I signed up as an audience member for the Whoopsidoodle game. Go Team!

:wizard: To all that need it!
Tammi67 said:
Does anyone know if the DL meet in September is still on?

As far as I know, Paula is still working on it. I haven't heard anything to the contrary!
Tammi67 said:
Glynis - It sounds like you had an awesome holiday week! Isn't it good to be home though? :goodvibes

It sure is! Unfortunately, we came home to a neighborhood down with the flu! I'm hoping it bypasses us, but knowing our luck we'll get it. Oh well. Here's hoping.

It's so cold here! Snowing and blowing. It's really starting to look like winter here!
julia & nicks mom said:
Last night Julia and I were putting up our Christmas lights when out of the blue she says to me:

"I know you just sneak downstairs while I am sleeping"

here is our conversation that followed:

K: What are you talking about
J: Mommy - I know you sneak downstairs and put presents out and that Santa isn't real
k: what?!?!?!!?
J: Look - there is the Mickey Mouse clubhouse we bought (She was with me when I bought it) - you are just going to put it under the tree and say it is from Santa - if it was from you - you would have given it to me when my cousins were here
K: No that is from Mommy & Daddy- but we are giving you your presents on Christmas day - you will also get presents from Santa then
J: I know you put them out
k: Where did you hear something like that?
j: I figured it out in my brain (My kid is too smart)

so Steve and I proceed to have a talk with her about Christmas and how it is Magic and that Christmas magic is what makes Santa real and if you don't believe in Santa he won't bring you presents b/c he needs Magic to come to our house - she had a few questions about why some random man would want to bring her presents - :lmao:

this is just WAY sooner than I ever thought I would have to deal with this - I am going to have to pull out the bag of tricks people play to keep their kids believing - we are definately watching the Santa Claus -

Deb was it you that dressed up like Santa one year and videotaped it? I might have to do that this year!!!!

Wow! She is one smart kid!!! My kids all still believe (well, I think Katie has figured it out, but doesn't want to admit it!). Heck, I still believe, too!
Sounds good to me, thanks!

ReAnSt said:
Since it appears no one else had been on the list for Size 12 is not Fat. I will be sending the book to Tia and then Tia can send it to Janet once she is finished with it.

Hope everyone is having a good day. :thumbsup2
jackskellingtonsgirl said:
***You Are Dancer***

Carefree and fun, you always find reasons to do a happy dance.

Why You're Naughty: That dark stint you had as Santa's private dancer.

Why You're Nice: You're friendly. Very friendly.

Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

Well, I better not say anything about Debbie, huh? :rotfl:

Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

Well I am trying to catch up from the weekend ....but I am so glad to see so many Dancer's out there with me. :teeth:
PrincessLeighsDaddy said:
Good Afternoon DDA!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

It appears that on Thanksgiving night a stomach virus caught me! Ugh! Not good considering all that I had eaten for dinner when I was feeling fine. I can honestly say that this was one Thanksgiving that I didn't gain any weight from dinner.

I felt a little better by Friday evening and took Leighanna to go see our local Santa. I had promised her that we would go, so I showered and got dressed and took her. I couldn't believe that we had to wait almost 2 hours in line to see him. I guess the warmer weather brought tons of kids out! Leighanna played with some of her friends from preschool that were waiting in line also, so she didn't get as antsy as I did!

I can't believe that she asked Santa for three things that we haven't even heard her say yet. She must have been saving her wishes until she met the "Big Guy". Unfortunately, two of the items are probably not going to be under the tree. She asked for Butterscotch Pony, and a BABW toy (This is a "home" version of the store where you have a little machine to stuff a miniature bear. You dress it and give it a name.) I thought the pony was perhaps a My Little Pony toy, but no! I found it on-line and it is an almost life-size miniature pony that you can ride and feed a pretend carrot to. As for the BABW toy, I really don't think that she is old enough yet for that toy, and I really don't want to be cleaning up fluff that escaped her teddy all day long!

I signed up as an audience member for the Whoopsidoodle game. Go Team!

:wizard: To all that need it!

Sorry that you were sick!

Believe it or not, my 13 year old dd also wants Butterscotch the pony, so I knew what it was as soon as I read it. My dd is also NOT getting the $249 pony.

Hi Mac, good to hear from you! Glad to hear Mya is doing well & congratulations on the soon to be baby boy!

macntosh said:
Well hello Strangers - been awhile since I posted over here, but I think of you often. With the new contest going on I see my two boards have been mated and speaking of mated. Our new one is growing quite well the Dr. says.
macntosh said:
Well hello Strangers - been awhile since I posted over here, but I think of you often. With the new contest going on I see my two boards have been mated and speaking of mated. Our new one is growing quite well the Dr. says.

We are expecting in April, but if things go like Griffin and Mya then the baby will come in February 8 weeks early.

Oh did I mention Griffin has sent us another Boy from the heavenly realms. Mya is getting used to the idea of having an earthly brother to go with her heavenly one, even though yesterday she said she was mad at God for giving our friends a new little girl and her a brother. They are due the same time and actually had lost a child as well.

Mya is doing Great, she is still one of the shortest in her age, but has dropped the walker and crutches and is learning the joy of scraped knees. Every day something new is discovered like bare feet in grass, or how to jump down stairs. She just had her forth birthday party and I didn't know she had so many friends. Full yard with lots of fun and games and a remarkable cake. I will have to post a picture.

Well good luck with the team, and I will support you all.

Oh, Mac! It's so good to hear from you!!! I've been wondering how your family is doing. I'm so glad to hear the new baby is progressing nicely! I'll keep your wife in my prayers for an easy pregnancy and delivery! Mya is just an amazing girl! How thrilling that she is walking so well these days! I would love to see a picture of the birthday girl!

Stop in more often, will ya? We miss you around here!
Sounds like you made the right decision & had a wonderful, relaxing evening!

PNO4TE said:
So, intsead of having a white-knuckle drive back in the dark last night, I had a delightful dinner of tapas and wine with both DDs. Then, after taking Kristin back to her dorm, Kathrin and I headed back to the Omni and sat in the bar talking and drinking martinis for a couple of hours. After that I headed upstairs to the most heavenly hotel room! They had magazines ready for me, turndown service and robes, a wonderful bed, and this morning they delivered coffee, juice and a toasted bagel to my room. All of this, simply because I belong to their Special Guest program which is free! Not a bad deal; I highly recommend it if you ever think you are planning to stay at an Omni hotel.
PrincessLeighsDaddy said:
Good Afternoon DDA!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

It appears that on Thanksgiving night a stomach virus caught me! Ugh! Not good considering all that I had eaten for dinner when I was feeling fine. I can honestly say that this was one Thanksgiving that I didn't gain any weight from dinner.

I felt a little better by Friday evening and took Leighanna to go see our local Santa. I had promised her that we would go, so I showered and got dressed and took her. I couldn't believe that we had to wait almost 2 hours in line to see him. I guess the warmer weather brought tons of kids out! Leighanna played with some of her friends from preschool that were waiting in line also, so she didn't get as antsy as I did!

I can't believe that she asked Santa for three things that we haven't even heard her say yet. She must have been saving her wishes until she met the "Big Guy". Unfortunately, two of the items are probably not going to be under the tree. She asked for Butterscotch Pony, and a BABW toy (This is a "home" version of the store where you have a little machine to stuff a miniature bear. You dress it and give it a name.) I thought the pony was perhaps a My Little Pony toy, but no! I found it on-line and it is an almost life-size miniature pony that you can ride and feed a pretend carrot to. As for the BABW toy, I really don't think that she is old enough yet for that toy, and I really don't want to be cleaning up fluff that escaped her teddy all day long!

I signed up as an audience member for the Whoopsidoodle game. Go Team!

:wizard: To all that need it!

Oh, Tom! I'm so sorry the tummy bug got you! That usually happens to our family on Thanksgiving. I'm glad that you are feeling better now! Sorry Leighanna sprang the new toys on you! My kids want that pony, too! I told them that there was just no room in our house for a toy that big, so not to get their hopes up.
Hi Tom :wave: Sorry to hear you were feeling ill on Thanksgiving. As for the pony, I am so glad I do not have to worry about that being on a Christmas list :teeth:
Well, I did something responsible today! :teeth: I went and had the state inspection done on my car. I HATE inspections! $40 down the drain. I think if the car passes it should be free. Anyway, my sticker expired in October. I usually let it go several months before I renew it but I was worried about parking it at the airport with the inspection out of date. At first DH had said not to have it inspected in case we were going to trade the car in, but I think we are going to finish out the lease so I decided I better have it done.

I also have major "buyer's remorse" about this stupid thing I bought last week. It is a special nail file, cuticle oil, and lotion. They sell it on those carts in the middle of the mall. I usually avoid them, but somehow the lady talked me into it. And it was at the mall WAY out of my way - I just went there to get jackets from the Disney Store. I thought I would return it today to a different mall, but lo and behold, it's a different brand at the mall close to me. Same approach, basically the same product, but different name & packaging. Also a big sign "No Refunds". :rolleyes: So I guess I better get moving on filing my nails, conditioning my cuticles, and using that lotion. I will never forgive myself if it just sits in the cabinet. Impulse buying is bad, very bad!
jackskellingtonsgirl said:
***Your Christmas is Most Like: The Muppet Christmas Carol***

You tend to reflect on Christmas past, present, and future...
And you also do a little singing.

What Movie Is Your Christmas Most Like?

Hmm. DH can't stand the Muppets! :rotfl:

I thought I would get this one!! It's one of my favorites...but I got your favorite...The Nightmare Before Christmas
Vicki - I just have to say HOORAY FOR YOUR MOLASSES COOKIES!!!!! We made them last night while we were putting up the trees, and they totally ROCK! The molasses flavor is not overpowering, but just right, and (wonder of wonders) they stay soft and chewy!!! I've never had cookies do that! I'm off to the store this afternoon for more molasses! Alan says I have to make many more batches. He wants to take them to all his clients and friends from work. Thank you so much for that recipe.

The rest of you should try them!!! Just out of the oven they were out of this world!!!!!!!
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