The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

I am not a Dole Whip fan at all BUT I did get it with the Upside Down cake and loved that cake!!! I hope they bring it back!

I super preferred it as it gave it more texture and a good complementing change of taste. I do too, but who really knows. So many changes with zero certainty on WHAT will make a comeback.

YES. Having been so many times since the reopening I'm used to all the "things" but this one really gets me. So you need to either stay put whenever you want a beverage or make a point to continuously stop. Annoying!!

I, for one, am happy to see temp checks go buh-bye! Totally useless and a waste of resources. The drink thing IMHO actually discourages good hydration and that's going to be critical in the coming hot summer months. I predict a LOT more fainting and heat related med calls due to this.

So I used to really enjoy Harambe Market when they had chicken tikka masala and those huge corndog like sausages lol. It's probably been about 3 years since we've eaten there and of course now the meu is different an not as appealing to me. It's too bad because it was a nice option for awhile

That's the chicken I got and thought it super dry. Maybe I timed it during a part of the day it'd sat out too long. Who knows, but with menu changes may pull me back in to try again. Just ambivalent I guess. Satuli, Nomad, and 8 Spoons keep me pretty happy.
I dream of the Lamu Libation at Nomad Lounge. Can that count as a snack?
Drinks are often served with bread, so alcoholic bevvies 100% count as a snack, My Friend!!! CHEERS!!!! My go-to drink there is a Pisco Sour- one of the VERY few places on property you can find Pisco.
Definitely, thanks! I hope the same for you!

Little by little, day by day. Still a lot of healing and a long ways to go.

Aw, boo :sad1: Maybe next year??

Perhaps? Most of Europe, from what I hear, is still in a very bad way and who knows when they are going to open. So sad!!

After chatting with you just before my trip, I ended up calling and getting myself a scooter and thank GOODNESS I did because I was actually feeling REALLY horrible the first few days. I think I'm going to start a TR soon so you'll hear more about this, but thank you for giving me the idea to get one!

Oh I AM SOOOOOOOOOO glad you did this! I really am. It was a game changer for me this time around and there was simply no way I could have done without it. My first days were, even with the scooter, still on the hellish side, but I managed and it sounds like you did too. :hug: I'm just tickled for you that it worked out and you pulled the trigger on it.
I, for one, am happy to see temp checks go buh-bye! Totally useless and a waste of resources. The drink thing IMHO actually discourages good hydration and that's going to be critical in the coming hot summer months. I predict a LOT more fainting and heat related med calls due to this.
Oh believe me so am I! I don't even mind Uni going to 3 ft rather than 6 ft social distancing. I agree with you but I also predict quite af ew more changes that we'll like will happen in the coming months :thumbsup2
O is for: Open Wide Pt. 4; More DHS and EPCOT "Regular" Eats

So far, we’ve eaten our way through AK, MK, a bit at DHS, and since my organizing system for my photos is an utter disaster zone, I missed a couple of must-dos from The Studios, so let’s circle back to Batuu, using a liberal amount of Coaxium, in order to ration up with some refreshing Blue Milk and a Ronto Wrap.

Personally, I prefer the Green, but here are the recipes in case you have the time or inclination to concoct at home: (yes, I know some of you would rather clean the middle school bathrooms than drink either one)

Blue Milk

½ dragon fruit

½ cup watermelon

½ cup pineapple

1½ cups coconut milk

1 cup rice milk

⅛ cup orange juice

½ tsp vanilla extract

¼ cup sugar

blue food dye (a few drops)

Green Milk

⅛ honeydew

2 apple slices

½ banana

½ cup mango

1 cup coconut milk

¾ cup spinach

½ cup rice milk

¼ cup orange juice

¼ cup sugar


***I would probably start with about half the fruit frozen in chunks. That’ll make a colder smoothie texture!

Blue Milk
Combine all the ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses. Enjoy!

Green Milk

Ronto wraps are a definite, legit great meal for DHS. I’ve had them several times now and they are filling, different enough from a normal hotdog, and quickly served enough, that they are now a pretty standard go-to for me. However, I would really like to try the Docking Bay when I go again. I keep hearing great things about the food there so may have to break out of my Ronto Wrap Rut.

Nooooow we can finally hop on that Skyliner and breeze our way over to the IG and skip on into EPCOT! YAY!!! Feel that wind in your hair? Did you hold your breath as the gondola came into the station at 4 million miles an hour and hope for the best? Okay then. Let’s go!! Time to eat!!

I’ll start with the smattering of usual goodies I tend to get every trip. Because they are just that good. No, this is not up for debate. One I included here because it's not FArts Kiosk food.

In no particular order whatsoever, let’s begin with the Choza de Margarita Empanadas. Man, I love these things! The BBQ beef is perfectly spicy and the crema on top makes them really moist (oops! there’s that word again. :rolleyes: ) and I could eat that corn esquites all day long and more. It’s the perfect size too- not too big that you can’t keep eating, but enough that it satiates that craving. I’d have gotten a marg, but Mikki had other ideas to wash it all down.

Step inside, My Friends! The Mexico Pavilion knows how to party! And so do we! Tuh-kill-ya, 3 ways, done the right way by, yes, GASP, licking the salt from our filthy, theme park hands (look Ma, dirty hands!), throwing one back, and sucking the lemon. The chaser, in my generously-given opinion, is what makes it all worth it. LOL!! Okay, now the (hand) sanitized version: Yes, we washed our hands; yes, we did lick the salt from our hand divets; we took HALF a shot each cuz we split this beauty; we asked for extra limes, and got extra tomato chasers too. No, 1 ½ shots isn’t going to ruin or even really impact a day at EPCOT. Did I like them all? Nope. Only the anejo is really worth drinking neat and enjoying. The blanco is just gross; the resposado was decent.

Admittedly, I’m just not a tequila girl. But I wasn’t going to let Mik take 3 shots by herself and risk her having to go back to the room with her head spinning. We’d already taken care of that ridiculous irresponsibility the first night, remember?

Let’s sober things up and retreat to safer choices.

Sort of.

Okay, not so much.

Mikki found herself with an icy, Coconut Pineapple Sake Mist after completing most of the circuit in the late afternoon. Honestly, this may have even been another day? But really, does it matter? It’s vacation, the Skyliner is our DD, and money is invisibly whisked out of the bank account with the wave of a Magic Band. Very, very dangerous trifecta of circumstances. I’ve never had one of these, and it WAS very good!

Now, before we get to the actual Festival Foods that we grazed on, I present to you, this trip’s rendering of Rice Cream.

Doesn’t look very appetizing does it? Why?, you might be asking. We’ll this brings us to Story Time with Steppe:

Once upon a late night dark, Steppe stepped into the Kringla for a Rice Cream to go- because there is simply no better way to end a night of fun than to devour a lovely cup of strawberry topped Rice Cream all while tucked into a Disney bed. The nice CMs packaged it up perfectly into a plastic to-go container with a snappy snap lid and off Steppe trotted all alone back to the ‘Liner for her quick zippy zip home. All was going swimmingly as she was gliding home, when a sudden sway of the gondola shifted that cute little package of goody just enough that the entire box went sailing across the car, flipped upside down and landed with a heartbreaking thud. Panic ensued. Luckily it landed with upside down IN the lid part and all was safe-ish.

Steppe did what any respectable Rice Cream lover would do, and lovingly picked it up, kissed its owies and, carefully carried it back to the room where she consoled her $4 baby by eating it. All of it. There was no sharing.

As Steppe is exited the gondola at AoA she tells the CM, "I'm so sorry!! My Rice Cream took a little tumble and there might be a little strawberry spray here or there."

"Oh Lady, if you only knew what we had to clean up fairly regularly!! A little Rice Cream is actually a pleasure to clean up!"

Well, then....there's that.

Makes ya wanna go ride in a Skyliner Gondola, right?!

The End

Your turn! What's your Usually-Gotten EPCOT thing aside from Festival stuff? Or what have you wanted to try but haven't gotten to yet?

Next up: O is for Open Wide for 18 FArts Foods of Varying Tastiness
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Oh believe me so am I! I don't even mind Uni going to 3 ft rather than 6 ft social distancing. I agree with you but I also predict quite af ew more changes that we'll like will happen in the coming months :thumbsup2
We are definitely on the same page here. ;) Everyone's eligible now and should have the vax; if not, the onus is on you.
This video makes me belly laugh for the first 2 minutes. Then she just becomes more annoying than a fly on your face when you're trying to sleep.
Can you imagine living with her?
After a while, you're just gonna tie a feed bag around her neck.
And even better things (or at least additional things) at the Lodges not too far away #sanaabreadservice
That bread service is on a whole other level.
Nope. And finding a place to leisurely sip is HARD these days- esp at EPCOT. By the time you find one, the drink is warm and watery.
You'd think... since you can't walk around, that they'd have designated seating nearby. Maybe they just don't have the room?
I remember you writing about this, and actually wanted to try it a couple weeks ago (I had remembered) but they were closed when I scootered by.
Oh, that's too bad.
As would I. And, I kinda wanna so I can sit down by the train tracks and wave to the riders.
Train... I had to go look at a map of AK to see. I had no idea the train went by there!
Thanks, I added some "oil painting" effect as I thought I'd try to make it a bit "dreamy"/painting-ish.
Normally I'm not a fan of painting effects on photography. But once in a while, it works.
This was one of those whiles. :)
And too big for one person!
Speak for yourself! :laughing:
That fried rice there IS good!!
This. This is where my suspicions become uneasy.
I mean... how could you not notice? Unless the rest of the drink is that overpowering.
Not when you're talking to your bestie and checking in with mom. LOL!
:laughing: Okay. I'll give you that one.
I think things are on an awesome trajectory for getting WAY better!
I sure hope so!
So far, we’ve eaten our way through AK, MK, a bit at DHS,
I envision a tunnel connecting them all... dug by hungry DISers eating their way there.
Blue Milk
(yes, I know some of you would rather clean the middle school bathrooms than drink either one)
Ronto wraps are a definite, legit great meal for DHS.
I need to get one of these.

Some day.
However, I would really like to try the Docking Bay when I go again. I keep hearing great things about the food there so may have to break out of my Ronto Wrap Rut.
Oh? I hadn't heard that. Must check that out. (If and when.)
Did you hold your breath as the gondola came into the station at 4 million miles an hour and hope for the best?

And yet... you saw that some crashed recently?
I’ll start with the smattering of usual goodies I tend to get every trip. Because they are just that good. No, this is not up for debate.
Yes, ma'am.
let’s begin with the Choza de Margarita Empanadas. Man, I love these things!
They are good. :)
the crema on top makes them really moist (oops! there’s that word again. :rolleyes: )
You can certainly go another way with that comment.... but will refrain. Family board.
licking the salt from our filthy, theme park hands
You really know how to sell it!

The chaser, in my generously-given opinion, is what makes it all worth it.
I've never seen a tomato chaser for tequila. Actually, I've never done the whole salt, tequila, lime thing either. I suspect I wouldn't care for it anyway.
But I wasn’t going to let Mik take 3 shots by herself and risk her having to go back to the room with her head spinning. We’d already taken care of that ridiculous irresponsibility the first night, remember?
Mikki found herself with an icy, Coconut Pineapple Sake Mist
the Skyliner is our DD
the Skyliner is your daughter?
I present to you, this trip’s rendering of Rice Cream.
Ah yes... I do recall your love of this concoction.
Doesn’t look very appetizing does it? Why?, you might be asking. We’ll this brings us to Story Time with Steppe:
I was wondering why you'd scooped out all the strawberries.
Once upon a late night dark, Steppe stepped into the Kringla for a Rice Cream to go- because there is simply no better way to end a night of fun than to devour a lovely cup of strawberry topped Rice Cream all while tucked into a Disney bed. The nice CMs packaged it up perfectly into a plastic to-go container with a snappy snap lid and off Steppe trotted all alone back to the ‘Liner for her quick zippy zip home. All was going swimmingly as she was gliding home, when a sudden sway of the gondola shifted that cute little package of goody just enough that the entire box went sailing across the car, flipped upside down and landed with a heartbreaking thud. Panic ensued. Luckily it landed with upside down IN the lid part and all was safe-ish.
Close call! Can you imagine if it had sprayed all over the liner?
Can you imagine how popular you'd have been with the cleaning crew???
Steppe did what any respectable Rice Cream lover would do, and lovingly picked it up, kissed its owies and, carefully carried it back to the room where she consoled her $4 baby by eating it. All of it. There was no sharing.
Your turn! What's your Usually-Gotten EPCOT thing aside from Festival stuff? Or what have you wanted to try but haven't gotten to yet?
Hmmmm... Epcot's a tough one for me. I really don't have a "must have" there. I have had some tasty treats, but none that I need every time. The GGS comes to mind, however. But it's not a snack. Push comes to shove, I might say the Cronut.
One thing I would like to try is the caramel popcorn made fresh at Karamell-Kuche. And the American Dream has been on my list for a long time.
We all tasted each other’s, and I think all of us ended up happiest with the ones we’d ordered. One thing I am not so happy about with this Covid thing is that you can’t sip as you walk. It’s extremely inconvenient and drinks get warm and watered down if you plan to tote it to another location to finally get to it. Hope that changes SOOOOOONNNNNNN!!!!!!! The good news is as I write this there ARE some nice changes being made like temp scans being phased out and masks ok to be off now for photos! Which to me speaks of things returning to normal and this whole grossness being over. WOOT!
I am so happy with the changes being announced. We are still in lockdown here in Ontario and I can tell you, I am OVER it! I get schools, malls etc being closed but they have closed all outdoor recreation (golf, tennis, basketball, skate parks etc) and no camping which makes no sense at all! You can go hiking, cycling etc but only with members of your own household. I am the midst of applying to be allowed to go to my cottage in PEI this summer as they are still not open to the rest of Canada or the US.
I don’t recall the BBQ pork-topped Mac and Cheese being on the menu before (at Flame Tree; 8 Spoons has always had it (but the Shrimp with Sweet Chili sauce is so much better!!!!!)) but here is in all its glory!!
This looks delish!

One afternoon, flying solo, I grabbed a Frozen Chai Latte and should have let well enough alone. But nooooo…. I let myself be upsold with not one, but 2 shots of Baileys to be dumped in for a RIDICULOUS extra $10 or $12 or so. I don’t even know, but the thing ended up costing me dang near $20 and the sad part? It was, while tasty enough, NOT WORTH IT!!!
That is SO expensive! Remind me to add a small bottle of Baileys to my grocery order in August and I'll make my own.
Now, it’s YOUR TURN! Do you have a favorite memory of a food stop/meal in AK? A certain place that you always stop for a traditional snack or drink? Do tell!
Nomad Lounge for the win! I love the Tiffins bread service and the Spice Trader classic.
I'm sure all Canadians are glad they did- well, those that did. But good things are happening in both countries and I think we're on the downhill-side of this thing. I have a good feeling- better than I did say 3 months ago!
I am feeling cautiously optimistic and holding out hope for August! :goodvibes
It ended up being fine. The biopsy came back clean, but the scar on my brow will take a few months to fade, unfortunately.
That is great news! ♥
Ronto wraps are a definite, legit great meal for DHS. I’ve had them several times now and they are filling, different enough from a normal hotdog, and quickly served enough, that they are now a pretty standard go-to for me. However, I would really like to try the Docking Bay when I go again. I keep hearing great things about the food there so may have to break out of my Ronto Wrap Rut.
That Ronto wrap is on my must try list!
Admittedly, I’m just not a tequila girl. But I wasn’t going to let Mik take 3 shots by herself and risk her having to go back to the room with her head spinning. We’d already taken care of that ridiculous irresponsibility the first night, remember?
I like tequila in things but not straight so much.
Mikki found herself with an icy, Coconut Pineapple Sake Mist after completing most of the circuit in the late afternoon. Honestly, this may have even been another day? But really, does it matter? It’s vacation, the Skyliner is our DD, and money is invisibly whisked out of the bank account with the wave of a Magic Band. Very, very dangerous trifecta of circumstances. I’ve never had one of these, and it WAS very good!
Oooh, I would LOVE this!
Steppe did what any respectable Rice Cream lover would do, and lovingly picked it up, kissed its owies and, carefully carried it back to the room where she consoled her $4 baby by eating it. All of it. There was no sharing.
There is to be no sharing of favourite treats. That's a rule....I just made it up. :)
We are definitely on the same page here. ;) Everyone's eligible now and should have the vax; if not, the onus is on you.
Absolutely! Bill and I got the AstraZeneca shot in early April. In Canada, they are spacing shots out 4 months as they are prioritizing getting first shots into as many as possible. We have had a lot of struggles with vaccine supply although that seems to be on the upswing now. In happy news, my boys will be eligible as of May 24th and that day cannot come soon enough for me.
Can you imagine living with her?
After a while, you're just gonna tie a feed bag around her neck.

No, I cannot. That was something that just wasn't ok around the house.

That bread service is on a whole other level.

So true!!

You'd think... since you can't walk around, that they'd have designated seating nearby. Maybe they just don't have the room?

Each park has one, two if you're lucky designated "rest areas", but they are often very far from where you just got something to eat or drink.

Train... I had to go look at a map of AK to see. I had no idea the train went by there!


Normally I'm not a fan of painting effects on photography. But once in a while, it works.
This was one of those whiles. :)

Why thanks!
I mean... how could you not notice? Unless the rest of the drink is that overpowering.

That was my thought too!

I envision a tunnel connecting them all... dug by hungry DISers eating their way there.

LOL!!! Like the DISFood Zombies or something.

Yeah, that was aimed at you and @franandaj

I need to get one of these.

Some day.

I am sure hoping it's sooner than later.

Oh? I hadn't heard that. Must check that out. (If and when.)

I'm sure Alison ( @franandaj )wrote about it at least once. ??

And yet... you saw that some crashed recently?

I did, and that's why I wrote it. ;)

I had Marcia and my folks ride it the day after that and didn't DARE tell them or they'd not have.

You can certainly go another way with that comment.... but will refrain. Family board.

You really know how to sell it!


Just making the whole Mexico thing a little more authentic. ;)

I've never seen a tomato chaser for tequila. Actually, I've never done the whole salt, tequila, lime thing either. I suspect I wouldn't care for it anyway.

I am pretty sure you wouldn't not really liking the taste of strong alcohol.


I KNEW you'd respond with something like this.

the Skyliner is your daughter?
Designated Driver.

Ah yes... I do recall your love of this concoction.

Shall I write another poem?

Close call! Can you imagine if it had sprayed all over the liner?
Can you imagine how popular you'd have been with the cleaning crew???

DOH!!!! I forgot the entire rest of the story and am going to go back and edit it in.

As Steppe is exiting the gondola at AoA she tells the CM, "I'm so sorry!! My Rice Cream took a little tumble and there might be a little strawberry spray here or there."

"Oh Lady, if you only knew what we had to clean up fairly regularly!! A little Rice Cream is actually a pleasure to clean up!"

Well, then....there's that.

Makes ya wanna go ride in a Skyliner Gondola, right?!
Hmmmm... Epcot's a tough one for me. I really don't have a "must have" there. I have had some tasty treats, but none that I need every time. The GGS comes to mind, however. But it's not a snack. Push comes to shove, I might say the Cronut.
One thing I would like to try is the caramel popcorn made fresh at Karamell-Kuche. And the American Dream has been on my list for a long time.
I am so happy with the changes being announced. We are still in lockdown here in Ontario and I can tell you, I am OVER it! I get schools, malls etc being closed but they have closed all outdoor recreation (golf, tennis, basketball, skate parks etc) and no camping which makes no sense at all! You can go hiking, cycling etc but only with members of your own household. I am the midst of applying to be allowed to go to my cottage in PEI this summer as they are still not open to the rest of Canada or the US.

Yeah, sorry, that absolutely makes NO sense. At all. It is NOT spread outdoors with fresh air and sunshine. I really hope you can go to your cabin and enjoy all that it has to offer. UGH.

That is SO expensive! Remind me to add a small bottle of Baileys to my grocery order in August and I'll make my own.

Well, a few mixed drinks may have been made/mixed at the pool this last trip of mine. ;)

Nomad Lounge for the win! I love the Tiffins bread service and the Spice Trader classic.

I haven't been to Nomad in soooooooooooo long. Nor Tiffins. Time to put them back in the rotation!
I am feeling cautiously optimistic and holding out hope for August! :goodvibes

I sure hope it's a go-go-go!!!
That Ronto wrap is on my must try list!

I love that it has the slaw on it and is made with pita rather than a bun.
I like tequila in things but not straight so much.

I'd venture to guess most don't.
Oooh, I would LOVE this!
Sake is slowly growing on me. I had a drink at Takumei Tei that I really loved!

There is to be no sharing of favourite treats. That's a rule....I just made it up. :)

I agree with this post! :laughing:
Absolutely! Bill and I got the AstraZeneca shot in early April. In Canada, they are spacing shots out 4 months as they are prioritizing getting first shots into as many as possible. We have had a lot of struggles with vaccine supply although that seems to be on the upswing now. In happy news, my boys will be eligible as of May 24th and that day cannot come soon enough for me.
YAY!!! That's so awesome!! Disney is very quicky ridding itself of so many rules and such, and really hope outdoor masks are next. Once we reach that 70% threshhold of vaxxed there really isn't a need for them. Huzzah!!
YAY!!! That's so awesome!! Disney is very quicky ridding itself of so many rules and such, and really hope outdoor masks are next. Once we reach that 70% threshhold of vaxxed there really isn't a need for them. Huzzah!!
I am hoping outdoor restrictions ease. I live in a pretty rural area and never wear a mask outside. When we are at school I have to mask outside as we have to wear them at all times on school property.
I am hoping outdoor restrictions ease. I live in a pretty rural area and never wear a mask outside. When we are at school I have to mask outside as we have to wear them at all times on school property.
I am really optimistic now where I wasn't at all 3 months ago. Here's to hoping that the whole world will normalize and life can ease back into seeing smiles, giving warm hugs, and not breathing our own bad breath for 12 hours. :D
I have wanted to try a Ronto wrap each trip and still have not tried one yet.
I love the school bread, I did have one this trip and it was really good.
I think Kakigori will be on our list in June with the hot weather.
I need to try the rice cream, sounds yummy!
No, I cannot. That was something that just wasn't ok around the house.

Each park has one, two if you're lucky designated "rest areas", but they are often very far from where you just got something to eat or drink.
Seems... inadequate. Yet... I guess they're doing the best they can, under the circumstances.
LOL!!! Like the DISFood Zombies or something.
I am sure hoping it's sooner than later.
Me too! Me tooooooo!!
I'm sure Alison ( @franandaj )wrote about it at least once. ??
I did, and that's why I wrote it. ;)

I had Marcia and my folks ride it the day after that and didn't DARE tell them or they'd not have.
Eep! I bet!
I am pretty sure you wouldn't not really liking the taste of strong alcohol.
Probably not.
I KNEW you'd respond with something like this.
Designated Driver.
ohhhh... So maybe your DD could be the DD for the DDs? (Disney Dads)
Shall I write another poem?
DOH!!!! I forgot the entire rest of the story and am going to go back and edit it in.

As Steppe is exiting the gondola at AoA she tells the CM, "I'm so sorry!! My Rice Cream took a little tumble and there might be a little strawberry spray here or there."

"Oh Lady, if you only knew what we had to clean up fairly regularly!! A little Rice Cream is actually a pleasure to clean up!"

Well, then....there's that.

Makes ya wanna go ride in a Skyliner Gondola, right?!
Um.... ew.
Then again.
I would gladly bet that every single attraction in Disney has been puked in or on.
Isn't that a lovely visual???
We all got different ones which made for quite a colorful array of liquid refreshment!!!

Good idea.

Primordial Booze- flavored lemonade- Three Olives blueberry vodka, Bols blue curacao and lemonade with juices of lemon and pomegranate $13.00

As long as there weren't actual olives in the vodka, this would have been my choice.

One thing I am not so happy about with this Covid thing is that you can’t sip as you walk. It’s extremely inconvenient and drinks get warm and watered down if you plan to tote it to another location to finally get to it.

One thing I liked about it was that when we got a drink (mine was wine so no melting) was that we sat down and chatted rather than just drinking on our way to the next destination.

I don’t recall the BBQ pork-topped Mac and Cheese being on the menu before

I think I would rather have Mac n Cheese or pulled pork, but not together.

I had to make do with the Y&Y Eggrolls which aren’t bad,

That (Eggroll + Fried Rice) is one of my favorite meals at Y&Y.

Now, it’s YOUR TURN! Do you have a favorite memory of a food stop/meal in AK? A certain place that you always stop for a traditional snack or drink? Do tell!

I don't think I have a favorite AK snack. I have had the Eggrolls + Fried Rice multiple times, but that's not out of my love for the snack, mostly convenience.

There was a dish at Harambe once upon a time. It was a Chicken Tikka Masala and it was so good. Alas it does not seem to be there any longer.

1½ cups coconut milk

You lost me at coconut milk....

Ronto wraps are a definite, legit great meal for DHS.

I wasn't that thrilled with it. Then again I had it during the previews. Maybe I should give it another go.

In no particular order whatsoever, let’s begin with the Choza de Margarita Empanadas.

Now the Margaritas are a must, but I have never tried the Empanadas.

Did I like them all? Nope. Only the anejo is really worth drinking neat and enjoying. The blanco is just gross; the resposado was decent.

I usually prefer reposado in tastings.

Mikki found herself with an icy, Coconut Pineapple Sake Mist

Again you lost me at coconut.

Your turn! What's your Usually-Gotten EPCOT thing aside from Festival stuff?

Karamel Kuche. We usually get a bunch of stuff to have in the room. My favorites are the Caramel Marshmallow swirls and Milk Chocolate salted Caramels.

I'm sure Alison ( @franandaj )wrote about it at least once. ??

About what??? :confused3
O is for: Open Wide(R)!- FArts Foods, Keep ‘em Comin!

Once again, Ladies and Gents, it’s time for a Dine-Around-the-Festival Circuit. Sooooo many good things we had this time around. Sure, a few not so great things too, but for the most part, things were really top notch despite the Covid nonsense that messed with most things. Also, once again, in absolutely no order whatsoever, here are the things we ticked off of our collective lists over the 3 days we dipped into EPCOT.

To drive home the point that these are presented in a perfectly randomized order, let’s begin in China!!

I did not order this one, but at some point I’d caught up with Mik who was making my TR heart proud by staging her picture of this:

  • Sichuan Red Hot Mala Shrimp – $10.50

We may as well begin with a winner and state boldly that this was perhaps the best dish I tried. (Mik disagreed, but this is my TR.) Wow!! So perfectly spicy and those noodles were to die for!! If it isn’t so darned hard to do a bunch of backtracking and repeat walking, I’d have made a special trip to get another one. Always another year! My only beef was that is that it was shrimpy for $10.50, bringing the rating down to a 7/10 for crappy bang for buck.

Let’s stick around the Far East and enjoy some tasty treats from Japan’s Kiosk “Goshiki”.

Mik opted for the ever-popular:

  • Sushi Donut: Donut-shaped Sushi featuring Salmon, Tuna, Shrimp, Cucumber and Sesame Seed over a decorated plate of Wasabi Aïoli, Sriracha and Eel Sauce – $8.25

We all nibbled on this and while it was quite good, it was far from the best sushi any of us had ever had. The variety of fish was nice and made for quite a lovely presentation.

The Vegetable Gyoza: Vegetable-filled Spinach Gyoza with Tofu atop Mashed Potatoes with a Kamaboko Fish Cake, Pepper Strings and Tonkatsu Teriyaki Sauce – $6.00 was also quite tasty, but a bit spendy for 2 very small ones. I wasn’t impressed with the cost-value ratio on this one.

The fru-fru, sake-based slushie was NOT my cup of booze and while I did finish it, I didn't love it. I'm sure it was fine, I just should have known that I am still learning to like sake and have to choose carefully.

  • Pink Snow: Sake, Peach Schnapps, Cranberry Juice, and Calpico dusted with Snowflake Confetti – $8.50

At some point we ended up in the World Showplace to escape the Arctic Blast that plagued us almost the entire trip. We hunkered down with all the survival necessities including the most enormous bathroom on property, decent food, drinks, and TOP NOTCH entertainment. If you’ve not had the pleasure of catching a set from Carol Stein, the Disney pianist, you have sadly missed out! Not only is she gracious, but extremely talented, and it’s really a special treat to relax while listening to her beautiful renditions of Disney musical pieces.

Back to the bathrooms, because every good trip report needs to hit on at least a little potty talk. If you know me at ALL, you know I am kinda a Disney bathroom geek. I notice the tile work, the light fixtures, (did you know some even sport some cool props?!), how clean they are, and most importantly how busy they are, because if “business” needs to happen, most of us want a quiet, less people-y poopy place, no?

So, I stumble across the World Showplace bathroom for the first time ever, and I’m pretty sure my jaw literally dropped to the most boring brown tile floor on property. It must have 60 stalls in there and is positively cavernous!! Best part? There is rarely more than 1 or 2 others in the entire place. What can I say? It’s perfect for all bathroom needs except that it’s also the blandest, non-descript, most aesthetically un-noteworthy bathroom in all of Disney.

Now that that’s out of the way, metaphorically speaking, it’s time to start all over again. What did we get? The blandest, most non-descript, un-noteworthy, but aesthetically pleasing “Ratatouille” iteration. Between the 2 of us, we didn’t even finish it. The veggies were WAY undercooked and crunchy. While I understand they needed to be a bit on that side so they could "hold their shape" for the way it was staged, Ratatouille is NOT supposed to be that way. It was very under-seasoned and just boring and reminded me of jarred Prego. It’s supposed to be baked IN the sauce, not the sauce poured on after. Cute idea, if only it was worth actually eating.

  • Remy’s Ratatouille with Eggplant, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Tomatoes and Red Pepper Piperade (Plant-based Item) — $5.00

The Lemon Blood-Orange Tart was much better, and we did enjoy this one giving it a solid 7/10. Not good enough for a 2nd, but enjoyable. The crust was very fresh and the filling had a good ratio of sweet to tart. Plus, it was quite lovely as you can see. 😊 As with other waxy, white chocolate “fluff”, the do-dads on top were swiftly tossed.
  • Lemon Blood-Orange Tart — $6.50

We were comfortable and not freezing our booties off in the Showplace, so we decided to hang around some more, take a leisurely stroll around the perimeter to look at and comment on the art (that’s where I had a lovely conversation with the artist who posed with the Cadmium Yellow for me), and have some things from another kiosk.

This time we grabbed a couple of items from “The Painter’s Palette”:

  • Salt-roasted Beet Tartare with Pickled Vegetables, Parsley Salad and Béarnaise Aïoli (Plant-based Item) – $6.50

And the:

  • Pistachio Cake with Cherry Mousse and Morello Cherries – $5.50

Both were quite unique and very good and we really enjoyed them! But there was so much more territory to cover, so we couldn’t sit there forever.

Hop in my time machine and let’s go back in time to when we got our FIRST FArts Foods. Since we rode some FW stuff at park opening, we started grazing in Food Alley on our back to WS. Those always seem to be the first kiosks that we hit up and we’ve never been too terribly disappointed with the things we’ve gotten in that area.

“The Deconstructed Dish” lured us in with the Deconstructed Reuben which was perfect to start the day off. The corned beef was an ample serving, and the little biscuit thingy was a perfect little sidekick. If I recall, by the time we’d knocked off Soarin’, SE, The Land, and Nemo, it was getting on towards 12, and by then I needed protein and real food. Corned beef rarely disappoints.

  • Deconstructed Reuben: Rye Popover, Corned Beef, Gryuère Panna Cotta and Brined Brussels Sprouts with Broken Thousand Island Dressing – $6.75

The remainder of our choices were hunted and gathered from around World Showcase. I have a HORRIBLE habit of getting totally full by the time I ever make it back to any of the WS Pavilion Kiosks, so sadly they often go overlooked or skipped. Which is really such a shame. I really need to learn how to pace myself better in these pursuits! Nevertheless, we did a bit better this time around and found ourselves enjoying quite a few of the ethnic samplings.

Canada’s Kiosk, “The Masterpiece Kitchen”, often offers up heavy foods and this year was no different. We split both the:

  • Wild Mushroom Risotto, Aged Parmesan, Truffle Shavings and Zinfandel Reduction – $9.25

And the:

  • Salmon and Cream Gâteau with Egg Yolk Cream, Paddlefish Caviar and Micro-Herbs – $7.00

Both, true to form, were indeed “heavy” and super filling and rich, and we could not finish either one, even split. Having said that, though, both were also quite good. The salmon was not fishy at all and the caviar gave it a nice saltiness that was mellowed with the cream layers. The only improvement I personally would have given it would have been a crunchy component like a rosemary or dill Croccantini.

We both super loved the risotto, even Mik who really does NOT like mushrooms. She just picked around them leaving more for me. And there were plenty in there! Several kinds, in fact. Best part of it though was the shaved parmesan. YUM!! Even if a bit on the salty side, we did make a heavy dent in it before giving up and tossing the last little bit.

France is next, but this was for SURE another day as it was first thing in the morning. Which is a relative term when talking about EPCOT WS since it doesn’t even open until 11:00. I never understood that. I’m hungry at 10:00!!! Anyway, we each ordered an item from this Kiosk as well and Mik ended up with the better of the two. (You’d think I’d know better about France’s Croissants by now, wouldn’t you?) She got the:

  • Crème de Brie en Petit Pain: Warm Creamy Brie in a House-made Bread Bowl – $8.00

which she thought was absolutely divine (and of which l liberally helped myself to several large bites), and I got the:
  • Croissant à la Truffle Noir d’Hiver: Black Winter Truffle Croissant – $7.75

which was decidedly meh. I mean, it was okay and fine for a breakfast thing but it was nothing to write home about for sure. And CERTAINLY better than that atrocity of an escargot croissant I gagged on a few years back. (I like escargot so it wasn't that.)

The best item we shared was the:

  • Charles Lafite, Brut Méthode Traditionnelle Champenoise, French Sparkling Wine – $8.00

It’s fun to pretend I am rich and can sip champagne for breakfast. 😉

Somewhere between France and Morocco was a kiosk called “Vibrante and Vivido” meaning Bright and Vivid, caught my attention. I actually spent quite a bit of time here reading all of the little displays highlighting and educating about Mary Blair and her art with Disney.

At this point I was ahead of Mik and MEK and ended up getting one of these to enjoy all by myself:

  • Blue Corn Pupusa-stuffed with Cheese and topped with Shredded Pork, Guajillo and Árbol Chile Sauce, Cabbage Slaw, and Aji Amarillo Crema - $6.50

Unfortunately it was HUGE and far too much for me to eat alone. Luckily though they caught up with me before I tossed half of it and they both gave it a try. My thoughts? The papusa was moist enough but it was definitely NOT stuffed with any cheese. It was also NOT blue. Brown? Maybe? You be the judge. The shredded pork WAS very good as was the slaw and crema. It was also a bargain at $6.50 as it easily could be a meal for me. I’d give this one an 8/10 but I wish it had looked like the photo I’d seen. Plenty big and a great value!

Mik got the:

Passion Fruit Daiquiri – $14.00

which she told me last night was a total waste of money. She said it was bland and disappointing and would not recommend it. Tiny for the price for sure! Ya win some, ya lose some.

Continuing counter-clockwise, we arrived in Morocco eager to try the:

  • Mediterranean Flatbread with Za’atar Pesto, Artichokes, Roasted Peppers, Sundried Tomatoes and Fennel Cream – $5.75 from “The Mosaic Canteen”
We both REALLY loved this one. 9/10 for sure. Everything about this dish was fantastic and I wish it was offered year-round. Yummy!

And that my friends, is a FArts Food wrap-up. Lots of things, some good, some great, some not so much.

This is the way.
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So, I stumble across the World Showplace bathroom for the first time ever, and I’m pretty sure my jaw literally dropped to the most boring brown tile floor on property. It must have 60 stalls in there and is positively cavernous!! Best part? There is rarely more than 1 or 2 others in the entire place. What can I say? It’s perfect for all bathroom needs except that it’s also the blandest, non-descript, most aesthetically un-noteworthy bathroom in all of Disney.
I found this restroom for the first time during our March trip and your description is right on point. It is a huge and boring bathroom.
And that my friends, is a FArts Food wrap-up. Lots of things, some good, some great, some not so much.
My sister and I got to Epcot a lot later than planned due to the totally horrible and unacceptable bus situation at GF. So the only festival food I tried was the Beef Wellington. It was perfectly cooked, tender and delicious - a total surprise. :)


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