Teen Dance for our first trip HOME!!


<font color=red>Is a WONDERFUL Mommy! The TF says
Apr 23, 2002
Finally after a year of planning, we are able to start doing our teen dance!!!! I can't wait to get that first "Welcome Home".....I better get at least one! (j/k)

I'm so excited! My 5 year old is already having problems sleeping because he's so excited to go We've watched the free DVD so much, DD-6months actually calms down when she hears the music start. She gets cranky, I pop in the DVD and she settles right down.

Anyway.....anyone want to join me in a dance?

:jumping1: :cool1: :cool1: :cheer2: :cheer2: :thewave:
Welcome home! (There, you've heard it once... :D )

I'm almost at the teens, but not quite yet, but I'll definitely dance with ya!

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :jumping1: :thewave: :cheer2:

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