TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

Well I started this journey on January 2nd. I've worked out every day (except Monday) and I will work out later tonight. I for giggles got on the scale this morning to see what it said. I'm not going to "officially" weigh myself until Sunday morning but was just curious what it said, 2 pounds GONE.. :) Now, let's see if those 2 pounds STAY gone
Well I started this journey on January 2nd. I've worked out every day (except Monday) and I will work out later tonight. I for giggles got on the scale this morning to see what it said. I'm not going to "officially" weigh myself until Sunday morning but was just curious what it said, 2 pounds GONE.. :) Now, let's see if those 2 pounds STAY gone

Woohoo!! :banana: That's a great start! I hope I at least have a pound gone tomorrow morning! :) So happy for you!
Woohoo!! :banana: That's a great start! I hope I at least have a pound gone tomorrow morning! :) So happy for you!


I definately was surprised. I didn't expect it to go down. Yesterday was the first day that I got all eight of my 8 ounce glasses of water in me. I found the easiest way to do it is by having a larger cup. I have a 32 ounce glass that I use. I fill it in the morning and drink it throughout the day. Then when its empty I just refill it one nother time, finish it, and tada I hit my water intake.

I like doing it this way cause it doesn't discourage me because I'm not having to refill an 8 ounce glass eight times. I can just fill the big one TWICE. :)
Great job at doing Boot Camp on your first day back!! How was it? I am having a very hard time getting back into the groove, at this point I'm wishing for snow! Have a great day!
Thanks! It was tough, and cold, but I survived and went again this morning. Soreness is really setting in now! But it feels good to be out there, and I absolutely love getting my workout over with by 7 a.m. It is so much easier than at the end of the day! I was glad I had this challenge to get my rear out the door on the other days this week, I needed that to get back into it. The first few days I have to convince myself, then I get into it again. Hope you find your groove soon!!

Last night I went on a snacking binge, but finally stopped myself and brushed my teeth (works every time) and didn't eat the rest of the night, so the damage wasn't too bad!!
I need to remember to brush my teeth when a snack attack hits! I've heard that tip many times but can't seem to remember when I'm eating!

I was down 1.2 today at weight in. I know I've said it before but I LOVE the new WW plan.
Congratulations!! I love the new plan too, and I am looking forward to weighing tomorrow to see how I did. I haven't used all my weekly points yet, or any activity points. Hopefully I will have good results too!

OK guys, I am scared and would love all of your good wishes, prayers and hugs!
Sending prayers that the test goes well and the results are what you hope for. :hug:

Hi! I'm just now joining Team Mickey! Thanks for having me!
Welcome! This is my first challenge too.

2 pounds GONE.. :) Now, let's see if those 2 pounds STAY gone
Awesome!! Congratulations. They'll stay gone!

QOTD: Ultimate Disney Day: A massage at AKL before my private behind-the-scenes tour of AK (including feeding many of the animals!). Then on to Epcot for the rest of the day, no lines on any of the rides, and lots of good food with no calories from all the great places in the World Showcase!

Have a great day everyone!

No Cam, ScubaD beat you!!!!

Another really busy day so not getting much accomplished at home. Heading back to work in an hour for my 3rd client of the day. I hope this keeps up! Luckily it's a 5pm massage so I should be home by 6:30ish.

I just had my supper as I was getting a headache. I had two chicken sandwiches. I counted my calories for the day so I think I'm close to 1100 at the moment give or take a few. My workouts will have to be the three massages I gave today. But that's a great upper body workout and lots of lunges. Knees are actually a bit sore.

Tomorrow I will get up and do the BL Last Chance Workout and hopefully 1-2 miles of the Power Walk before my weigh in. As of this morning I had a small loss so that's good for the first week!

Both kids are home and I need to start thinking about their supper. I think DH and DD1 will have pierogies and DD2 will have Mickey nuggets. Tomorrow we will have shaved steak subs for supper with fries and a Friday night drink! I will probably have some sort of takeout for lunch tomorrow. We are completely out of canned soda in the house. Though I try not to drink it much anymore. I had a small bottle of Diet Pepsi as I knew I was busy today and needed the extra boost.

Tomorrow afternoon will be cleaning DD1s room and doing a few more errands. They never seem to end. We are also supposed to get some snow tomorrow night into Saturday. We'll have to wait and see if DD1 has basketball or not!

Time to start dinner for the rest of the family. We're getting used to these early suppers with our crazy schedules!

I think I'll have a small piece of fudge to hold me over!

TTFN :tigger:
Breakfast: 1 and 1/4 cup of Kix with 1/2 cup of 2% milk

Lunch; Lean Cuisine Pepperoni Pizza and 2 ounces sharp cheddar cheese

Dinner: Going to Red Lobster and I plan on having half order of salmon, brocolli, and a salad with ranch on the side

At the beginning of this journey I said I would make small goals for myself to complete each week. The first week's goal was to walk 3 miles on my treadmill over the course of the week. Well, this afternoon I finished that goal.

January 1st - N/A

January 2nd - half a mile

January 3rd - n/a

January 4th - 45 minute training session with trainer and half a mile on treadmill

January 5th - 1 mile

January 6th - 1 mile
Long week! Tom is back at school. That's a relief. This has been a rough week for him too, and I know he will be glad to be back with his friends. I got a run in today! It was so wonderful to be able to run. I only ran a 5k, and then walked another .5 mile, but I'll take it. We are getting takeout tonight and then this weekend I am determined to menu plan. I am at the low end of maintain for the week, and acutually think I will be bumping my maintain down a pound, but that's mostly from no appetite, not because I made outstanding choices. I'm ok with that, because I am ready to get back on track. I did the best I could this week. And really at the end of the day that's all we can expect of ourselves.:goodvibes

Remember to pm your weights to tigger813 in the morning.

For details about what you need to send CC concerning HH check the first page of the thread.

I have a bunch of udating to do, so if you don't see you name on the main list, I haven't forgot you, I just am a little behind.:goodvibes
Good evening MICKEYS!

Just a friendly reminder about weigh ins tomorrow! I will clear out my inbox before I go to bed tonight. If during the day my inbox becomes full try again after 3pm. I have to work and don't really have access all the time at work to take care of putting in your weigh ins. I have a few errands to do at some point tomorrow but will be home by 3pm for the remainder of the day!

Please include TEAM MICKEY in the title of your weigh in to make it easier/faster for me to input your weights!

Have a g good night! And good luck in the morning!!!!
One thing I have changed is that I use to weigh myself everyday well that yoyo was making me nuts so my hubby said no more, only weigh in on weigh in I can't wait to get on the scale tomorrow!!!!!!

I have this problem too and most times it doesnt upset me too much but it can drive you crazy. I havent had anyone stop me yet though.;)

Good morning, everyone! I am so excited that I am going to Disneyworld today. But crazy busy at work.

Have a great time cam!!!! and great job on the weight loss that is a great way to start the trip.

OK guys, I am scared and would love all of your good wishes, prayers and hugs!

you are in my prayers vija. I hope it goes well. Let us know how you do.

At the beginning of this journey I said I would make small goals for myself to complete each week. The first week's goal was to walk 3 miles on my treadmill over the course of the week. Well, this afternoon I finished that goal.

good job for meeting your goals. I hope you had a nice dinner tonight. I cant control myself around those red lobster biscuits.;)

Long week! Tom is back at school.

Glad to hear he got back ok and that mike is home safe too. You did have quite a start to the new year. I hope the rest is smooth sailing for you.

Great Job to everyone who is reporting weight losses so far this week. GO TEAM:woohoo: I took a peek at the scale today and it showed 3.2lb loss since my weigh in on monday. I will take that. hopefully tomorrow it says the same or less. We will see. I have been OP!!!!!

I had to rush out of work early because nicholas's eyes were both swollen this time after nap at school. I brought him home and gave him benadryl and they are a bit better. The dr thinks it must just be an allergy. to what I dont know.:confused3

I have a ton of stuff to do at work tomorrow, my house is a wreck, and I still have my xmas tree up. I need to clone myself.:laughing:

I will brb to post the QOTD for tomorrow. I may not get on here until later in the afternoon but I will do my best to not leave anyone hanging.
Hi Team Mickey! I am going to be your coach this week. My name is Lindsay! I already gave my introduction on day one so I wont bore anyone with a bio. This is my 3rd challenge and I find being able to coach for the week helps to keep me on plan and motivated to do well. Its really fun and easy and you only have to give it as much time as you can there is no requirements. I see there is still a number of coaching slots open so if you are at all interested in it feel free to PM rose (rose&mike). I promise you will be glad you did.:goodvibes

thanks tracey for coaching this week. Great job as always.

QOTD- 1/7/11 Friday-

What are your plans for the weekend? and what changes or plans are you making to be sure you stay on plan?

Tomorrow night hopefully I can get my house in order. Saturday I will run 7 miles in the morning, then go to dh's nanas apt to continue cleaning it out, then back home for some family time. Sunday we have sunday school for the kids and then go to my nana's to hang with the family. Sunday will be a big day in our house. We are huge EAGLES fans. The 1st playoff game is at 430 on sunday.

My plan is to plan. Figure out now what we will eat and when. I find that as long as I make a menu we can stick to it. If I give choices or dont have things here thats when we eat out and choose the not so great foods.
I'm a little nervous about weighing in tomorrow--my normal weigh in day is Monday. But I've stayed on plan all week, and have exercised a little bit every day. So hopefully, I'll show a loss.

::fingers crossed::

Good luck everyone!
tomorrow-we are going to bar to celebrate my friend's birthday. I have saved my WW points all week for some champagne! :cool1:

Saturday-I desperately need to get my nails done, and run errands. Saturday night I think DH will just stay in and watch a movie

Sunday- church, cleaning, laundry and a long dog play date on the beach

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I just realized I didn't answer my own QOTD! Then I remembered that I haven't been home all day!

Dream day at Disney: Walk from our concierge level room at BCV to International Gateway! Stroll through World Showcase on the way to Soarin'. After riding everything else in Future World we would head into World Showcase. Did I mention that it's Food and Wine???!!!! I would spend time in each country trying the food and a drink in each country. I would also try and take photos of all the food that I ate. And best of all, I WOULDN'T GAIN A POUND after eating everything!

Happy to say that all the spreadsheets are working now. We had to convert the file to 2003 since my computer doesn't have 2007. I think that messed things up but now we're all set!

I've received about 3 weigh ins so far out of 143 so I definitely don't have enough room in my in box so be patient if my box is full.

I also want to apologize ahead of time for not responding to all the PMs. If you have a specific question I will try and get back to you ASAP! But with 143 people reporting in I won't have time to get back to you all! I will post on Sunday night or Monday morning those who I am missing weigh ins from. And remember all weigh ins must be received by 7:30 pm on Monday night, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Question - has anyone tried Nutrisystem? I was on it for about 2 months awhile back, and after some research, I now believe that it may have caused my gall bladder problems - well, not nutrisystem itself, but being overweight and then restricting my calories so much. After having it taken out in November, I though I would give it another shot, since I didn't have a gallbladder, what problems could it cause? Now that I am on it, after 3 days, I woke up last night with pretty bad stomach cramps, and they have continued all day. Now I think I should go off of it again, and try to sell the food. What do you all think? Thanks for the input! :)
I'm a little nervous about weighing in tomorrow--my normal weigh in day is Monday. But I've stayed on plan all week, and have exercised a little bit every day. So hopefully, I'll show a loss.

::fingers crossed::

Good luck everyone!

You can send in your weigh in on Monday as long as I have it by 7:30. You can always call me or text me with your weight.
OK guys, I am scared and would love all of your good wishes, prayers and hugs!

Some may remember my health scare in August, I mentioned it earlier on in this thread. (blood clots in lungs, emergency surgery for clot in arm, ICU because they couldn't get me off the ventilator, almost died, very lucky to be alive)

tomorrow I need a TEE (transesophageal echo). they shove a tube down your throat to look at your heart, they need to determine what kind of hole I have in my heart and how to fix it. I am TERRIFIED!:scared1::scared1::scared1:

I am VERY claustrophobic, strong gag reflux and as a nurse who has been in procedures for patients getting endoscopies (tube down throat to stomach) I have seen way tooo much! the gagging and wretching and panic I see in patients has me over the edge. I AM SOOOO SCARED!!! I did ask for stronger anesthetics, so they will have anesthesia providers do the sedation vs nurse sedation. They can put you deeper. BUt still I am FREAKING OUT!

any good thoughts would be very much appreciated!

(I am also going to post this on the CB, I need lots of support!):sad1:

Rose - I know you'll breathe easier when Tom is back on campus. I will be thinking of you. Is Mike feeling okay after the emotional experiences this week? Poor guy.

I may have been the first one to PM my weigh in to Tracy. Since I go to WW on Thursday mornings, that is the number I'll be using. I'm just so glad I was able to contribute a little bit to our team's overall effort this week. Oh, and I sent my HH points count to CC. I tend to forget to do the PMs or do them late so I am kind of patting myself on the back for doing it the first week. LOL! ;)

I could have sent mine in last night since I weigh in on Wednesday night :rotfl: I was only down .2, but I'll take it. With the last holiday and getting set up with the new plan I was just praying for a maintain :thumbsup2
I am a little more behind than I'd like, but a few replies before I catch up.

OK guys, I am scared and would love all of your good wishes, prayers and hugs!

Some may remember my health scare in August, I mentioned it earlier on in this thread. (blood clots in lungs, emergency surgery for clot in arm, ICU because they couldn't get me off the ventilator, almost died, very lucky to be alive)
Sending you happy thoughts! Good luck!

FOOD ALERT: I just read on the WW bulletin boards that the new flavor of FiberPlus bars that is something like chocolate caramel coconut is a good substitution for the Samoa variety of Girl Scout cookies. I MUST find these. I will report back with a food review when I try them. :)

Sounds yummy! Must find these! Special K had a ne flavor 90 cal snack bar at the store today: raspberry cheesecake. Pretty good. Also, quaker oats has these banana coconut macadamia bars that are amazing. 140 calories.

Thursday QOTD:
Since I can't go to Disney at Christmas due to work, I would start my day in early December at the GF and eat BF at 1900, checking out the decor beforehand. Then we would go park and hotel hopping to see all the Xmas decorations. We would end the day at MVMCP.

I started out at the gym on the treadmill and did my weekly grocery shopping (a day late). I just got back from dinner and only ate half! I have leftovers for tomorrow. Back on track with water too.
PLEASE SEND IN YOUR WEIGHT, NOT YOUR LOSS! You can send in both but make sure you send in your actual weight! The spreadsheet calculates by your weight!
Nick had his MRI tonight. Now we have to wait for the results. I hope to hear tomorrow. I will definitely call by afternoon if I haven't heard as I will be a nut case over the weekend.


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