Team 6 - Team Ohana - Check in and introduce!

Hey Cousins!

Ok, now I'm going to try to catch up on what I missed...:thumbsup2 Thanks to everyone for the messages of encouragement. I'm glad to hear it wasn't so obvious I looked like I had beamed down from outer space! ;)

I did 3 mi this morning. Julie knows it has to have been on the TM. We have serious snow. I think we got almost 12 inches between two storms, and it really shows.

Jeanne -- are you psychic or what?! I too have decided to spend 6 mos getting smaller, and then work harder on the training. My plan is to make my shorter wogs around 3 mi, and do 5 for long. I think at that rate I can still lose weight. We shall see! I also think if you want to go Goofy, you should go for it! I know you can do it if you do the training! :cheer2: I hppe John is doing better. I know he didn't want to stop when he did, but I'm glad he took their advice!

Julie -- I wish I was more with it at the Pop Meet. There was so much going on...anyway, it was great to chat with you. Dennis is doing a Half in Boston in a few months. If you're interested, I'll find out more info -- since you're looking for an event! I do have another thought for a relatively close race that might interest you -- Princessrunner (Lisa) does the Beach to Beacon every year. It's on the Maine coast and is supposed to be a really fun race. It is hard to get moving after such a big accomplishment. Be gentle with yourself, you'll run again when it feels right (and when there isn't a blizzard outside! :goodvibes

Richard -- Your consolation race sounds totally awesome! I am so glad you had a great time! And I really hope we will see you next year at the Pop Meet -- we'd love to meet you in person! :grouphug:

Corinna -- You are the tough guy for starting the race! After all you had been through, to come and finish with a great time is fantastic! Next year, we are going to have to take in our hula skirts for the Pop Meet, we are going to be skinny minnies! pixiedust:

Jen -- Unlike a certain Ms. Spears, I am ever so eager for your comeback!It's great to see you posting again, and it was great to see you at the Pop Meet! :)

Christa -- Sorry we missed you this year, but psyched you'll be there for 2010! :hyper:

Debra -- I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL, but so glad he is better! I really hope next year you can make the race completely all about you. After all you've been through (still waiting for some of those stories...), you deserve it! ::yes:: Oh, and you have to answer a question which is perplexing my dh -- why were you wearing a bowling shirt? I assumed it was a fashion statement, but it has him in a tizzy as a former collegiate bowler. He actually follows pro bowling, inquiring minds and all that.

Mel -- Are you a Jamie fan, too? I love Diana Gabaldon, I just cringe at the long wait times between tomes. I just know I'm going to forget something I really need to know to get the full depth.

Nancy -- I'm sorry I missed you at the Pop Meet, maybe next year? :hourglass

JenB -- I think you said this on another thread, but it's still resonating with me -- having 2010 in my sights is actually making me get back into working and will keep me going for another year. Priceless! :wave2:

Anyone else watching the last episodes of Battlestar Galactica? My head hurts I'm so confused...:upsidedow

Maria :happytv:
Corrina: Welsh Dragon? Never had it--was dehydrated and headachy after the race, so no drinky drinky for me. It was a tragedy, I tell you, one that I need to correct in 2010. So good to hear you're in for next year, team-wise and Donald-wise!

Christa: DOOD would give you his time if he could. He's not able to reach his BQ time yet--has to shave off about 8 minutes or get 3 years older, whichever comes first. 12 miles on the dreadmill. Those are days I don't miss! So glad you might be on board for 2010! You'll make it even more fun!

Jen: Welcome back! I think many of us were in absentia in the fall, so hugs and PD to everyone who kept it together for us! Volunteering the day you flew out! Wow! I'm in awe. That's seriously, seriously cool.

Maria: I had NO IDEA you took a tumble on the course. :hug: I thought you looked great coming back at mile 11. I'm so glad it wasn't more serious than it was--although I would have been too freaked out to continue. You are one strong athlete, chica! And then to sign up for 2010, too! Wow. Just wow. You have earned your bling several times over.

I keep thinking I look like Angelina Jolie before I see pics--or at least a the younger sister of Ellen Degeneres (who really is my style icon). Oh well. :rolleyes: About the bowling shirt. Yep, that's the fashionista in me, Soprano-esque style. The shirt is one of my cult-film shirts, from one of the best movies about bowling ever. The Big Lebowski. If Dennis hasn't seen it yet, he really needs to. The Dude abides.

I understand what you mean by the large crowds.And DOOD and I are with you--we're not planning on hitting the parks next year. Need to focus on our WISH time (and the race). What we really need is an Ohana meet--maybe a dessert/drinks party. (Shhhh..we won't tell the Lean Meaners. :rotfl2:) Or maybe we could plan an Ohana mini-meet at mini-golf for next year's marathon weekend? Like all things athletic in my life, I'm not very good at it and so am not very competitive. I can anchor the scores for everyone!

Richard: It sound as if you had a really good consolation race, with a good time and negative splits despite the high humidity. :cheer2: Sorry to hear about the knee being a bit stiff, but glad it wasn't as much of an issue as the crowds. (Too bad about the people walking abreast.) Good luck with your Austin half. I'm crossing my fingers (and knees) for your sub 2:30.

Julie: I'm unhappy to hear 2010 might not be in the budget for you and DH. My first race was entirely a blur, but I actually have memories of my second (could be because I was going so much slower) and so I'd hope for your return in 2010. Not for my own selfishness, of course. But for those memories. And because I do think it's so, so difficult to find the motivation without an upcoming race or a training plan. Especially in the winter. I don't have an upcoming event, and I'm feeling rudderless. (Except for that dratted weight loss plan I'm supposed to follow. No fun. No fun at all). I like Maria's suggestion of the Beach to Beacon; PR Lisa has nothing but good things to say about it.

Jeanne: I was out there on the course with you--strike that, behind you--and know you could easily complete the Goofy. You had me panting like that big ole dopey dawg himself, so I think you should go chase down his bling. And you've already shown up the Greek, are you kidding?! This is about the challenge, the new horizons, Nancy's bucket list... (even if this isn't on her bucket list, I do think she's right and that we all need such goals).

As for me: Like Jeanne and Maria, I'm focusing more on weight loss, strength and core training during the first part of the year and going into running maintenance. I felt pretty good after the full, considering, but I realize I need to concentrate on overall health and physical fitness. Like I told Corrina at the POP meet, 2009 is the year of the biceps for me. :lmao: No, really, I want to work on upper-body strength, doing more biking, etc. I'm sure it'll help me drop the pounds I gained last year and make me a little faster next January. (And every second counts with me!)

Side note: do you Evanovich/Plum fans like the between the numbers books even if they're "out there"? I just finished #10, and am wondering about Evanovich's between the numbers novellas. And I'll be catching up on Battlestar after the epis come out on DVD. We no longer get Sci Fi with our cable package. :sad2:
ME TOO ME TOO!! Actually I said during the 1/2 to another WISHer that when I got back I needed to resurrect a weight loss thread and get at it. I gained some extra baggage over the year due to all my stress.. more weight that I care to admit. Makes me mad. So now I have 50 pounds to lose instead of 30. UGHHHH... wait, I just admitted it!

Maria - Yah... I knew you instantly at POP!!!! I have been dabbling in Sparkpeople again. I need to get more consistent with it tho! And I am so happy you finished. When I was on the overpass at the end, I looked down and saw you. I wanted to scream but didn't think you would hear me.

Jeanne - I plan to do goofy, but not for several more year. Next year will be the 1/2 again because I want to lose weight and get stronger. Then the full again, then possibly goofy just to get it out of my system!!!

Debra - Volunteering was pretty cool. But not getting up at 2:30 AM! It was insane with the mobs of runners coming at you. Now I know how I missed so many of the WISHers at WS #2 last year when I ran the full!

Richard - WTG!!!!!!!!

Ok... gotta get some things done!!
For all you Trekkies:


Original Star Trek Tricorder

Debra...I haven't decided yet about the between the numbers books. I don't really get the whole concept of Diesel. The numbers books have no paranormal Evanovich trying to capitalize on the latest hit genre?
Mel - You crack me up with the trekie stuff!!!

Are we as a team, Ohana, planning to stay together as a team? Should we start a new 2009 thread??? I really like our team, so I am all for it!
YES, I'm all for staying together also, even if it's only as a support group. I love my OHANA family! :grouphug:
Im in for staying together...breaking up is hard to do....LOL!
Just a pop in, sorry. No time for anything. Got 3 new clients this week and 2 new next week...large caseload!:faint: ....But I do love my job...for real, I do!
It sounds like the 2009 (continued) teams will be up and running, maybe as early as next Monday. I think many of us in Ohana will be sticking with our cousins! Woo hoo! I know I need all the help I can get--in so many ways!

So I agree with Jen (and Mel in an earlier post, I think). If it's okay, I'll post a new thread here in a couple of days and link to it (like the weekly threads.) I'll check in with Dave and see if there's any changes to the game, even though we're staying together regardless. I'll also PM those who haven't chimed in because they don't check in here as regularly. Mel, are you still up for being the spreadsheet queen?

P.S. to Mel: Oooh, a tricorder. That's old-school. I want one! Did you see the trailer for the new ST? (It's old, but worth watching if you haven't.)

I had no idea what the "between the numbers" books dealt with. I'm not sure how I feel about Evanovich breaking the rules of the universe. I'd rather hoped it would deal more with the peripheral characters that are amusing: Lula, Sally, the stoners...
Busy day here, so no time for real posting. Just a drive-by so you don't forget me. :car:

I'll be back to post soon! :wave2:
Jeanne was the spreadsheet queen... I was her backup when I was able to do it. Let's update our master list of Ohana cousins on the new thread also!!!
Yay team! I think we should join hands and burst into song! Maybe the Ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong one from the end of Grease :thumbsup2

Count me in for Ohana Season #2!!! So Richard...would you run in a grass skirt next year? :dance3:
Mel - Glad you said Grease, because I thought you were going to say cum-ba-ya!!

Team Ohana -Second Verse... Same as the First!!! I will try REALLY REALLY hard not to disappear this year. And that means... 2009 will ROCK for me!
Uh, guys: I think this one would be most appropriate!
I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai

Oh when you're down, you're feeling low
Got nobody by your side
It can be lonely and you want to only
Find a place, no need to hide
Just lay back you'll fit right in
You can make it all come true
'Cause there's always hope inside
And hope will see you through

Aloha... [Stitch:] Ji waba
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!

I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai

[Stitch:] Maka maka

I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai

Now you can see, tookie ba waba
Nothing but these clear blue skies
Love it has found you, and when it surrounds you
It's just like paradise
Now the door has swung wide open
Now your heart has taken wings
Feel that magic in the air
Oh hear your spirit sing

Aloha... [Stitch:] Aloha
You'll find the place that you belong
Ohana... A family to call your own
Where you feel at home
Everybody sing!

I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai

[Stitch:] iki baba

I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai

Aloha e komo mai

[Stitch] Iki tooki nee ha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Aka tiki baba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Gaba ika tasooba [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Oocha [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Chika [tikis repeat]
[Stitch] Miki miki coconut

I lai la
Ua i la
No mala hini ohana
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai

[Stitch:] Miki miki coconut

I lai la, Ua i la, No mala hini ohana
[Stich tries to sing along:] Ha a waki mai, no mala hini, tasoopa, tasoopa
Welcome cousins, e komo mai
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Icky icky bo bo
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] Tooki ba waba
Aloha e komo mai
[Stitch:] bye!!!

Hello Cousins!

Maria - Aren't you wishing you were still in FL instead of dealing with all of this snow? I'm impressed that you're already on the TM. I've only done one very short run since the marathon. :sad2: I'd love to hear more about the 1/2 that Dennis is doing. I'll also look into the Beach to Beacon race. Thanks for the ideas. :thumbsup2

Debra - Although 2010 is not on the horizon for Rob & me, I'm not giving up hope just yet. I've been thinking that it might be doable if we have enough DVC points, can get good airfare, use ME instead of renting a car, etc. Our celebratory dinner would have to be chicken nuggets and fries instead of dining at the Cal Grill., but I'd be ok with that. :lmao: If we do end up making it next year, please reserve some time for me so I can finally hear all of your stories (complete with funny voices and hand gestures).

Mel - You definitely don't want me bursting into song...unless you have earplugs in. :rotfl:

Corinna - Your song choice is perfect for 'Ohana! :cool1:

Hi to Jeanne, Richard, Christa, Jen B, Jen, Nancy, and all of the other cousins. :wave:

As for me, I have only run once since the marathon. It is cold and snowy here and I am just so unmotivated. :confused3 I am so glad that Team 'Ohana is staying together. :cheer2: If anyone is interested in reading my long, boring race report from the marathon, I posted it on the race reports thread. If I weren't so technically challenged :badpc: , I'd put a link here.

Have a great week, everyone! :goodvibes
Jeanne was the spreadsheet queen... I was her backup when I was able to do it. Let's update our master list of Ohana cousins on the new thread also!!!

Jen, sorry for my lack of clarity. I meant Mel as possible spreadsheet queen for 2009. (At least I seem to remember Mel volunteering.) Jeanne and you are the inaugural Ohana spreadsheet queens! :worship:
I have been MIA since Marathon weekend. Congratulations to all my Ohana cousins. It was so nice to meet some of you at the POP meet and I'm sorry that I didn't get to meet everyone who was there. This is twice that I was in the same place as Marie and didn't meet her. I was not able to make it to the finish line at the half to cheer everyone on, but sat at the Boardwalk and cheered from my beach chair with my clackers. I sat there until the last person went by as there were so few people left cheering at the end. It might have been the clackers that drove people away because my DH and DS went to HS to watch (they would text me who would be coming through that they knew) as they didn't want to be anywhere near those clackers.

As for me, I did not even start the half. The last long walk I did caused me alot of knee pain and hamstring tightness. So was taking Advil and it seemed to improve, however the first day we arrived 1/7 just walking around the park the same thing occurred. Knowing that I would not be able to take any more Advil after Sat 1/10 , made me decide not to do the race. I was actually fine with that decision, maybe I was waiting for a some sort of intervention to prevent me from doing the race anyway and that was it. So at the POP meet, I just felt like everyone was so excited about doing the races and I felt a little out of place. So I choose not to do pictures. My only regret with that is that I didn't get to meet all the Ohana people that were there.

Now for the reason for no Advil. Prior to going to WDW I had my yearly follow up mammogram and lesions showed up that were not there before. Having been a Breast Cancer survivor this is not a good thing. I had to have a breast biopsy done the day after we returned from WDW. The news is not what I wanted to hear, I have recurrent breast cancer. So I will need to have a mastectomy and breast reconstruction sometime in Feb. Not exactly the way I want to start 2009. I hesitated posting this as I tend to be a private person, but I felt that it being on this thread not many people will see this other than my Ohana cousins.

So where is all this rambling taking me. I'm not sure how much of a contribution I would be to the team as far as mileage and hours at this time. So it may be best if I don't sign on again and just be cheer squad :cheer2: and drop in every so often to let you know how I am.

I will let all of you decide what is best for the Ohana team.

Nancy: Thanks for being there cheering :cheer2: -- I loved seeing you in your beach chair, made me smile near the end of a tough race. I'm so sorry to hear about the breast cancer and wish you all of the best and a speedy recovery from surgery. :grouphug: I'm sure I speak for all of the team that we don't care about your mileage, but would love to have you around just to chat and allow us to lend you support if you need it. Best wishes and hope to see you around the thread.


BTW I'm in for Team Ohana '09-- I've even gotten back to training. I am heavily debating doing the Princess 1/2 in March, now to find childcare....
I posted on the "Update on Teams" thread last night, saying that many members of Ohana wanted to stick together, regardless of a challenge existing. (Maybe in spite of it! Hah!) So, here's the skinny on the teams.

  • Dave's going to continue to organize the teams, with Susie's help.
  • It sounds like he's leaning toward a less spreadsheet-heavy challenge, with monthly totals for the team only (with individuals tracking on their own, if so inclined).
  • The challenge will keep the same individuals on teams if those individuals want, but Dave's also encouraging people who want to meet more WISHers to switch teams. I think this is a great idea for people to consider, too, although I'm pretty attached to Ohana. Then again, I have the free time to get around on the boards. (Oooh, that invites commentary, doesn't it?)
  • There's a possibility being batted around for people to join a team, maybe as an online scream teamer, but without reporting miles/minutes. I'd like to entertain that possibility, because I know some of us are moving into other fitness challenges, might not have the time to track miles minutes, or might be on IR.

Soooo, information we need to compile the roster. I know many of us have said we're sticking with Ohana, but wanted to double-check because of the various options with the challenge. (If I were Dave/Susie, I'd be pulling my hair out!)

  1. Join this year's challenge?
  2. Track miles/minutes or scream team?
  3. Want to stay with Ohana?
  4. Want to join another team (and meet more WISHers)?
  5. Willing to join another team?*
*I'm not sure a a total reorganization of teams will happen, but thought I'd include the option.

Here are my responses:

  1. Join this year's challenge? Yes
  2. Track miles/minutes or scream team? Track
  3. Want to stay with Ohana? Yes
  4. Want to join another team (and meet more WISHers)? Tempting, but no
  5. Willing to join another team?* Yes

Feel free to post here or PM me. If I don't hear from you in a couple of days I'll PM you!

FYI, Dave's post from the "Update on Teams" thread follows:

Thanks for the support and great ideas guys. Susie, (Escape), a lady whose ideas I value very much, has offered to help me keep stuff organized and flowing.

I need to hash out all the suggestions and see what I could make work. I will need an updated roster from the teams that are staying together and a list of people who are not currently on a team but would like to be.

I would also encourage anyone who wants to meet more wishers to change from their last years team to a new one.

I think the spreadsheets put to much on the captains and we should look a simplier way to do miles, I like the idea someone made about just having the captains keep a running tab on total team miles. If individuals want to keep a running total on their own miles they could.

The teams that don't stay together should go away completely and be replaced by members who can name their team themselves and not use an old name.

Ohana, let me know who will be trhe new captain and co captain and give me a roster of your team.

Warriors, same from you if you are changing captains.

Hakuna Matata will stay with same captain but I'll need a roster.

Tripple Ds, need a current roster.

Super Goofs, need a current roster.

Rabbits are you staying together?

Buzzies are you staying together?

Bill I need for you to give access to the master roster to Susie.

I'll put some ideas together on Monday for your approval.

Happy Pandapirate:
Nancy: I missed your post because I was posting at the same time! Snap (or Jinx), you owe me a Coke!

First, I'm so sorry to hear the news about your diagnosis and upcoming surgery. Last year were were celebrating with the RftC events, and now....
I don't have the words.:hug: :grouphug:

Second, you know how I feel about you being on Ohana. I want you here if that's what YOU want. Good God, woman, you were supporting us on the BW and I *know* you were out there at the end because so was I. (And I loved the clackers.) That's Ohana, that's family. I want to support you in whatever way I can. Jen said it, and I'll repeat it: I don't care about mileage. I care about you.

On a lighter for picture taking, I missed not having you in the frame! For the record, we were excited about meeting each other, not about the pics. (Especially me. ;) )
Nancy: so proud of you for letting the cat out of the bag. I so wanted to tell our other cousins why you were a little distracted, but didn't want to break your confidence. You ARE part of Ohana......and we're not letting you go! As far as tracking goes, I'm actually going to vote against it, because I have very different goals this year and will probably be very low in miles for the first half. I will go along with what ever the group decides, however.

So here are my choices: yes, no, yes, no, yes (but hopefully not!) Got that?

Julie: your report is anything but boring! I found it most inspirational and think everyone should go over to the "Kudos, etc" thread for marathon weekend to read it. You and your hubby did an absolutely fabulous job! Way to go, Cousin!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


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