taking champagne with you


Nov 10, 2000
I wanted to bring a bottle of bubbly with us to enjoy one evening at our hotel. Can you put it in your luggage, or your carryon? I am worried about it shaking alot in transit. Has anyone tried?
We always just buy it when we get there.

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We have on occasion brought some. We wrap it up in a bath towel, pull an old sock over the entire thing (really) and the pack it in the between layers of clothes.
Isn't that a bit risky?!?!
I would be afraid that the pressure changes would cause that top to pop off doing damage to luggage contents and who knows what else?
I'm glad you asked this. We splurged on a bottle of Dom a couple of years ago, and I've been trying to figure out how to get it to DW. I think I'll forget about it -- the though of it bursting on the plane is toooooo scarey (never mind the clothes getting ruined, that is one expensive bottle of bubbly!! LOL).

Counting the Hours Til We're Back in the World

Mother-of-Four (Five, If You Count My Husband)
It will travel fine if you wrap it up in a shirt or towel and put it in your CARRY-ON. You do not want it to move around too much in your bag. Store it under the seat in front of you and brace the bag with your feet during take-off and landing so it does not shift too much. Once you get there, let it lie down on its side for awhile before you open it.
Thanks for your replies. We leave Monday the 5th. I will let you know how it works!
Believe it or not, we had a bottle of champagne we wanted to bring home with us in December. I wrapped it up good (like others have described here) and put it in one of our carryons. Then, when Southwest personnel had us put our stuff through the scanners, I asked them whether taking it on the airplane would be safe. I was concerned, too, with the change in cabin pressure. They said it would be absolutely no problem at all (and acted like they get asked the same question all the time) -- as long as the bottle had not been opened.

Well, it hadn't been ... we carried it onboard ... and when we got home, everything was just fine. I'm sure it will be for you, too. Have fun!!!!

265 days and counting (again)

Taking champagne on an airplane is fine. Just wrap it well and put it into your carry-on luggage or go to your liquor store and see if they have any cardboard wine carriers. If your worried about it exploding an ruining your clothes, you can double or triple bag it in Ziploc bags. You'll want to let the bottle rest for a while after you get to your hotel and then chill it well before opening. Also, in Epcot at France, they sell champagne but I can't remember what brand.

We just got back, and had no problems with the champagne on the flight. However, it did make my carry on heavy! There were bottles of champagne on sale in the store at the hotel, much cheaper than at the parks, or from room service. Although it was still cheaper to bring from home, it may be worth the couple bucks not to lug it along.
Thanks again for all you replies!
Hey, welcome home, collins316! It's great to hear that everything worked out! Did you have a good time?

252 days and counting (again)
I have packed the single servings scew on top bottles of wine and champange in my checked luggage, and never had a problem.


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